#!SP2 ##PROBLEM SIZE T42L16 (SMALL), ##OPTIMISATION LEVEL 0, ##NASA Ames NAS SP2, 144 nodes available, ##Dr Patrick H. Worley, ##Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ##mpxlf, IBM MPI #Performance calculated using time (/s) / 14339 (MFlop) for 216 timesteps # # #System Description #------------------ #11/15-16/95 # NASA Ames NAS SP2 # mpxlf # IBM MPI # xlf flags: -O3 -qstrict -NQ30000 # #CURRENT STATUS: 144 nodes available # #11/13/95 Welcome Back. We are now running AIX 4.1.3, PSSP 2.1.0. # Home filesystems have merged: /u/username works # /home/ba /home/bb /home/bc are each 8 GB. # /scratch is a PIOFS (parallel file system) # and mounted on all the nodes. # # Babbage2 is up and ready for use. Babbage1 will be up # in the near future. # # VERSION DIFFERENTIATION: # AIX 3.2.5 --> 4.1.3 # PSSP 1.2.0 --> 2.1.0 # poe 1.2.1 --> # ESSL 2.2.1 --> # xlC 2.1.2 --> 3.1.3 # xlf 3.1.2 --> 3.2.3 # PBS 1.1.4 --> 1.1.4+ # PVMe 1.3.1 --> 2.1.0 # #MP_EUILIB=us #MP_EUIDEVICE=css #MP_HOSTFILE=NULL #MP_RESD=yes #MP_RMPOOL=0 #3MP_CONTROL_WORKSTATION=engine.nas.nasa.gov #MP_INFOLEVEL=1 #MP_EUILIBPATH=/usr/lpp/ppe.poe/lib #MP_PROCS=1 #MP_LABELIO=yes #MP_EUIDEVELOP=no #MP_PGMMODEL=spmd #3MP_PULSE=600 #SP_NAME=engine.nas.nasa.gov # #Timing Tables #------------- #make MACH=sp COMM=mpif WORKSPACE=13000000 / 8500000 # # optimization level 0 #T42L16 1 53.0544 #270.27 2 56.6043 #253.32 4 130.5088 #109.87 8 272.7083 #52.58 16 506.3206 #28.32 32 880.7740 #16.28 64 1372.1531 #10.45 128 1796.8672 #7.98 #Note: #1) all timings in seconds #2) using -qarch=pwr2 does not change timings. Is this hardwired into NASA # Ames compilers? #3) Two different executable sizes used, depending on problem size and number # of processors.