Subroutines for Maximum Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters in Nonlinear Regression Models by David S. Bunch (UC Davis), David M. Gay (AT&T Bell Laboratories), and Roy E. Welsch (MIT); submission to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. _____________ Preliminaries ============= To use the Fortran subroutines and main programs in this large file, you need to split it into its 54 constituent files. The first of these logical files is called README, which includes the text you are reading now, as well as additional information for linking and running the test programs. The instructions for decomposing the files is given next, followed by the remainder of README, and then the other files. ____________________ Splitting into Files ==================== If you are using a UNIX system, just feed this file to /bin/sh (in an empty directory), as in sh thisfilename Alternatively, you can feed this file to the Fortran program shown below. You could also split this large file up by hand: each constituent file is preceded by a line of the form cat >filename <<'//GO.SYSIN DD filename' and followed by a corresponding line of the form //GO.SYSIN DD filename We've indented the above lines here for display purposes, but the real lines start in column 1. Here is the promised Fortran program for decomposing this file. On some systems you will need to make a change in format statement 90, as described in the comment below. PROGRAM UNPACK CHARACTER*100 LINE, TERMIN CHARACTER*16 FNAME INTEGER FNLEN, I, LINENO, OUTFIL PARAMETER (OUTFIL=1) LINENO = 0 10 READ(*,'(A)',END=999) LINE LINENO = LINENO + 1 IF (LINE(1:5) .NE. 'cat >') CALL BADCAT(LINE, LINENO) DO 20 I = 6, 100 IF (LINE(I:I) .EQ. ' ') GO TO 30 20 CONTINUE CALL BADCAT(LINE, LINENO) 30 FNAME = LINE(6:I) FNLEN = I - 5 IF (LINE(I+1:I+17) .NE. '<<''//GO.SYSIN DD ') 1 CALL BADCAT(LINE, LINENO) IF (LINE(I+18:I+16+FNLEN) .NE. FNAME) 1 CALL BADCAT(LINE, LINENO) TERMIN = LINE(I+4:I+FNLEN+16) OPEN(OUTFIL,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='NEW',ERR=40) GO TO 60 40 OPEN(OUTFIL,FILE=FNAME,STATUS='OLD',ERR=50) WRITE(*,*) 'overwriting ',FNAME(1:FNLEN) GO TO 70 50 WRITE(*,*) 'cannot open ',FNAME(1:FNLEN) GO TO 999 60 WRITE(*,*) FNAME(1:FNLEN) 70 LINENO = LINENO + 1 READ(*,'(A)',END=100) LINE IF (LINE .EQ. TERMIN) THEN CLOSE(OUTFIL) GO TO 10 END IF DO 80 I = 100, 1, -1 IF (LINE(I:I) .NE. ' ') GO TO 90 80 CONTINUE ******** On systems where carriage controls end up in written files ******** (to be honored by a printer or subsequent program), such as ******** VAX VMS and most UNIX systems, you need to omit "1X," ******** in the following WRITE statement, changing it to *90 WRITE(OUTFIL,'(A)') LINE(I:I) 90 WRITE(OUTFIL,'(1X,A)') LINE(1:I) GO TO 70 100 WRITE(*,*) 'Premature end of file' 999 END SUBROUTINE BADCAT(LINE, LINENO) CHARACTER*100 LINE INTEGER LINENO WRITE(*,*) 'Line ', LINENO, ': Bad "cat" line:' WRITE(*, '(A)') LINE STOP END ________ Overview ======== Information is given below regarding subroutines and test programs, including how to link and run the test programs. There are five basic test programs: MADSEN (simple test problems, no bounds on parameters) MADSENB (simple test problems, with bounds on parameters) PMAIN (problems from Gay and Welsch 1988, mix of bounds and no bounds) MLMNP (multinomial probit estimation problems from Bunch 1991, no bounds) MLMNPB (" ", with bounds) These exist in both single- and double-precision versions. The following two documents are available from the authors: "Driver PMAIN for DGL[FG][B ]", by David M. Gay. "MLMNP and MLMNPB: Fortran Programs for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Linear-in-Parameter Multinomial Probit Models", by David S. Bunch. Postscript for these documents is available from netlib. For details, send the one-line electronic mail message send index from opt/nlr MADSEN and MADSENB do not require input. PMAIN has a single sample input file for producing test results, but can also be run interactively or with other input files; see the "Driver PMAIN" document. MLMNP and MLMNPB require input files for Fortran units 1 and 2; four examples are included. __________ References ========== Bunch, D.S., "MLMNP and MLMNPB: Fortran Programs for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Linear-in-Parameter Multinomial Probit Models", Report UCD-ITS-RR-91-14, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis, CA 95616, 1991; Postscript for this paper is available as described above. Bunch, D.S., Gay, D.M. and Welsch, R.E., "Subroutines for Maximum Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood Estimation of Parameters in Nonlinear Regression Models", submitted to ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. This paper corresponds to the present subroutines. Postscript for this paper is available from netlib: ask to send 91-13 from research/nam Daganzo, C., "Multinomial Probit: The Theory and Its Application to Demand Forecasting", Academic Press, New York, 1979. Gay, D.M. and Welsch, R.E., "Maximum Likelihood and Quasi-Likelihood for Nonlinear Exponential Family Regression Models", J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 83 (1988), pp. 990-998. ____________________ Machine dependencies ==================== There are two machine-dependent files, dmdc.f and smdc.f (double- and single-precision versions, respectively), which provide machine constants. You must activate (i.e., remove the 'C' from column 1) the lines that pertain to your machine, or that pertain to the PORT routines D1MACH (for dmdc.f) and R1MACH (for smdc.f), if you choose to use those routines (which have constants for a much wider selection of machines than do dmdc.f and smdc.f). __________ Precisions ========== As previously noted, we've provided both single- and double-precision versions of our optimization subroutines and test problems. If you are a referee, you may want to try both; otherwise, unless you are using a Cray or CDC machine (or something similar whose single precision has substantially more accuracy than does binary IEEE aritihmetic), you are probably better off using the double-precision routines. _____________ Test programs ============= If you are using a UNIX system, you can probably just type make to cause everything to be compiled and all test programs to be run. If you do not have a "make" program that works with the makefile, you can compile and run the test programs by hand. First edit dmdc.f0 into dmdc.f (or smdc.f0 into smdc.f) by un-commenting the appropriate lines. Then compile the relevant source modules. Comments in the Summary of Files below tell which source modules and data files (if any) are needed for which programs. If you run the single-precision tests on a 32-bit computer, you may get a few instances of FALSE or SINGULAR CONVERGENCE. For comparison purposes, we include *.sgi files, which are *.out files we obtained on an SGI computer (IEEE arithmetic; compilation was with f2c and cc). We note, however, that many of the test problems are very nonlinear, and differences in compilers and machines will often produce slightly different output. ____________ makefile.gla ============ This is a variant of makefile that puts the non-test object files into a library, gl.a . This variant is less portable than makefile because of the syntax it uses and because it runs ranlib. You may wish to alter makefile or makefile.gla, e.g., to create a library having only the double-precision routines or to create a library with one subroutine per object module (by splitting the source files so each subroutine is in a separate file -- your system may have an fsplit command to do this). ____________________________________ Opening files from the test programs ==================================== To run the MLMNP and MLMNPB programs, you may need to adjust the OPEN and REWIND statements near the beginning of mlmnp.f and mlmnpb.f (for double-precision, or smlmnp.f and smlmnpb.f for single). ________________ Summary of Files ================ 1. README This file. 2. makefile For UNIX systems; encodes the information below about what files are needed for what programs. 3. makefile.gla Variant of makefile that creates and uses a library, gl.a, of the non-test object files. DOUBLE PRECISION SOURCE FILES 4. dmdc.f0 Edit this into dmdc.f . 5. dglfg.f Top-level routines DGLG, DGLF, DRGLG (no bounds), followed by routines they call that are not in dgletc.f . 6. dglfgb.f Top-level routines DGLGB, DGLFB, DRGLGB (simple bounds), followed by routines they call that are not in dgletc.f . 7. dgletc.f Routines needed whether or not there are simple bounds. 8. madsen.f Simple example program, no bounds. Needs dmdc.f, dglfg.f, dgletc.f . 9. madsenb.f Simple example, variant of madsen.f with bounds. Needs dmdc.f, dglfgb.f, dgletc.f . 10. dpmain.f General test program PMAIN. Needs dmdc.f, dglfg.f, dglfgb.f, dgletc.f, and mecdf.f . 11. mecdf.f Computes approximation to multivariate normal cumulative distribution function (uses Mendell- Elston approximation.) 12. mlmnp.f Program MLMNP for linear-in-parameter multinomial probit models, no bounds. Needs dmdc.f, dglfg.f, dgletc.f, mecdf.f, mnpsubs.f . 13. mlmnpb.f Program MLMNPB for linear-in-parameter multinomial probit models with simple bounds. Needs dmdc.f, dglfgb.f, dgletc.f, mecdf.f, mnpsubs.f . 14. mnpsubs.f Needed by mlmnp.f and mlmnpb.f . TEST DATA FILES 15. Input for PMAIN (from Gay & Welsch, 1988). The following *.fu? files are input for MLMNP and MLMNPB. The files named *.fu1 are to be read by Fortran unit 1, and those named *.fu2 are to be read by Fortran unit 2. 16. daganzo.fu2 Choice data set from Daganzo (1979). 17. mnpex1.fu1 Example 1: a model to use with daganzo.fu2 18. mnpex2.fu1 Example 2: another model to use with daganzo.fu2 19. rent.fu2 Choice data set from MBA survey on rental housing 20. rent1.fu1 Example 3: a model to use with rent.fu2 21. rent2.fu1 Example 4: another model to use with rent.fu2 SINGLE PRECISION SOURCE FILES corresponding to files 3-13. 22. smdc.f0 Edit this into smdc.f . 23. sglfg.f 24. sglfgb.f 25. sgletc.f 26. smadsen.f 27. smadsenb.f 28. spmain.f 29. smecdf.f 30. smlmnp.f 31. smlmnpb.f 32. smnpsubs.f SAMPLE OUTPUTS, DOUBLE PRECISION 33. madsen.sgi 34. madsenb.sgi 35. mnpex1.sgi 36. mnpex1b.sgi 37. mnpex2.sgi 38. mnpex2b.sgi 39. pmain.sgi 40. rent1.sgi 41. rent1b.sgi 42. rent2.sgi 43. rent2b.sgi SAMPLE OUTPUTS, SINGLE PRECISION 44. smadsen.sgi 45. smadsenb.sgi 46. smnpex1.sgi 47. smnpex1b.sgi 48. smnpex2.sgi 49. smnpex2b.sgi 50. spmain.sgi 51. srent1.sgi 52. srent1b.sgi 53. srent2.sgi 54. srent2b.sgi