subroutine dverk (n, fcn, x, y, xend, tol, ind, c, nw, w) integer n, ind, nw, k double precision x, y(n), xend, tol, c(1), w(nw,9), temp c c*********************************************************************** c * c note added 11/14/85. * c * c if you discover any errors in this subroutine, please contact * c * c kenneth r. jackson * c department of computer science * c university of toronto * c toronto, ontario, * c canada m5s 1a4 * c * c phone: 416-978-7075 * c * c electronic mail: * c uucp: {cornell,decvax,ihnp4,linus,uw-beaver}!utcsri!krj * c csnet: krj@toronto * c arpa: krj.toronto@csnet-relay * c bitnet: * c * c dverk is written in fortran 66. * c * c the constants dwarf and rreb -- c(10) and c(11), respectively -- are * c set for a vax in double precision. they should be reset, as * c described below, if this program is run on another machine. * c * c the c array is declared in this subroutine to have one element only, * c although more elements are referenced in this subroutine. this * c causes some compilers to issue warning messages. there is, though, * c no error provided c is declared sufficiently large in the calling * c program, as described below. * c * c the following external statement for fcn was added to avoid a * c warning message from the unix f77 compiler. the original dverk * c comments and code follow it. * c * c*********************************************************************** c external fcn c c*********************************************************************** c * c purpose - this is a runge-kutta subroutine based on verner's * c fifth and sixth order pair of formulas for finding approximations to * c the solution of a system of first order ordinary differential * c equations with initial conditions. it attempts to keep the global * c error proportional to a tolerance specified by the user. (the * c proportionality depends on the kind of error control that is used, * c as well as the differential equation and the range of integration.) * c * c various options are available to the user, including different * c kinds of error control, restrictions on step sizes, and interrupts * c which permit the user to examine the state of the calculation (and * c perhaps make modifications) during intermediate stages. * c * c the program is efficient for non-stiff systems. however, a good * c variable-order-adams method will probably be more efficient if the * c function evaluations are very costly. such a method would also be * c more suitable if one wanted to obtain a large number of intermediate * c solution values by interpolation, as might be the case for example * c with graphical output. * c * c hull-enright-jackson 1/10/76 * c * c*********************************************************************** c * c use - the user must specify each of the following * c * c n number of equations * c * c fcn name of subroutine for evaluating functions - the subroutine * c itself must also be provided by the user - it should be of * c the following form * c subroutine fcn(n, x, y, yprime) * c integer n * c double precision x, y(n), yprime(n) * c *** etc *** * c and it should evaluate yprime, given n, x and y * c * c x independent variable - initial value supplied by user * c * c y dependent variable - initial values of components y(1), y(2), * c ..., y(n) supplied by user * c * c xend value of x to which integration is to be carried out - it may * c be less than the initial value of x * c * c tol tolerance - the subroutine attempts to control a norm of the * c local error in such a way that the global error is * c proportional to tol. in some problems there will be enough * c damping of errors, as well as some cancellation, so that * c the global error will be less than tol. alternatively, the * c control can be viewed as attempting to provide a * c calculated value of y at xend which is the exact solution * c to the problem y' = f(x,y) + e(x) where the norm of e(x) * c is proportional to tol. (the norm is a max norm with * c weights that depend on the error control strategy chosen * c by the user. the default weight for the k-th component is * c 1/max(1,abs(y(k))), which therefore provides a mixture of * c absolute and relative error control.) * c * c ind indicator - on initial entry ind must be set equal to either * c 1 or 2. if the user does not wish to use any options, he * c should set ind to 1 - all that remains for the user to do * c then is to declare c and w, and to specify nw. the user * c may also select various options on initial entry by * c setting ind = 2 and initializing the first 9 components of * c c as described in the next section. he may also re-enter * c the subroutine with ind = 3 as mentioned again below. in * c any event, the subroutine returns with ind equal to * c 3 after a normal return * c 4, 5, or 6 after an interrupt (see options c(8), c(9)) * c -1, -2, or -3 after an error condition (see below) * c * c c communications vector - the dimension must be greater than or * c equal to 24, unless option c(1) = 4 or 5 is used, in which * c case the dimension must be greater than or equal to n+30 * c * c nw first dimension of workspace w - must be greater than or * c equal to n * c * c w workspace matrix - first dimension must be nw and second must * c be greater than or equal to 9 * c * c the subroutine will normally return with ind = 3, having * c replaced the initial values of x and y with, respectively, the value * c of xend and an approximation to y at xend. the subroutine can be * c called repeatedly with new values of xend without having to change * c any other argument. however, changes in tol, or any of the options * c described below, may also be made on such a re-entry if desired. * c * c three error returns are also possible, in which case x and y * c will be the most recently accepted values - * c with ind = -3 the subroutine was unable to satisfy the error * c requirement with a particular step-size that is less than or * c equal to hmin, which may mean that tol is too small * c with ind = -2 the value of hmin is greater than hmax, which * c probably means that the requested tol (which is used in the * c calculation of hmin) is too small * c with ind = -1 the allowed maximum number of fcn evaluations has * c been exceeded, but this can only occur if option c(7), as * c described in the next section, has been used * c * c there are several circumstances that will cause the calculations * c to be terminated, along with output of information that will help * c the user determine the cause of the trouble. these circumstances * c involve entry with illegal or inconsistent values of the arguments, * c such as attempting a normal re-entry without first changing the * c value of xend, or attempting to re-enter with ind less than zero. * c * c*********************************************************************** c * c options - if the subroutine is entered with ind = 1, the first 9 * c components of the communications vector are initialized to zero, and * c the subroutine uses only default values for each option. if the * c subroutine is entered with ind = 2, the user must specify each of * c these 9 components - normally he would first set them all to zero, * c and then make non-zero those that correspond to the particular * c options he wishes to select. in any event, options may be changed on * c re-entry to the subroutine - but if the user changes any of the * c options, or tol, in the course of a calculation he should be careful * c about how such changes affect the subroutine - it may be better to * c restart with ind = 1 or 2. (components 10 to 24 of c are used by the * c program - the information is available to the user, but should not * c normally be changed by him.) * c * c c(1) error control indicator - the norm of the local error is the * c max norm of the weighted error estimate vector, the * c weights being determined according to the value of c(1) - * c if c(1)=1 the weights are 1 (absolute error control) * c if c(1)=2 the weights are 1/abs(y(k)) (relative error * c control) * c if c(1)=3 the weights are 1/max(abs(c(2)),abs(y(k))) * c (relative error control, unless abs(y(k)) is less * c than the floor value, abs(c(2)) ) * c if c(1)=4 the weights are 1/max(abs(c(k+30)),abs(y(k))) * c (here individual floor values are used) * c if c(1)=5 the weights are 1/abs(c(k+30)) * c for all other values of c(1), including c(1) = 0, the * c default values of the weights are taken to be * c 1/max(1,abs(y(k))), as mentioned earlier * c (in the two cases c(1) = 4 or 5 the user must declare the * c dimension of c to be at least n+30 and must initialize the * c components c(31), c(32), ..., c(n+30).) * c * c c(2) floor value - used when the indicator c(1) has the value 3 * c * c c(3) hmin specification - if not zero, the subroutine chooses hmin * c to be abs(c(3)) - otherwise it uses the default value * c 10*max(dwarf,rreb*max(weighted norm y/tol,abs(x))), * c where dwarf is a very small positive machine number and * c rreb is the relative roundoff error bound * c * c c(4) hstart specification - if not zero, the subroutine will use * c an initial hmag equal to abs(c(4)), except of course for * c the restrictions imposed by hmin and hmax - otherwise it * c uses the default value of hmax*(tol)**(1/6) * c * c c(5) scale specification - this is intended to be a measure of the * c scale of the problem - larger values of scale tend to make * c the method more reliable, first by possibly restricting * c hmax (as described below) and second, by tightening the * c acceptance requirement - if c(5) is zero, a default value * c of 1 is used. for linear homogeneous problems with * c constant coefficients, an appropriate value for scale is a * c norm of the associated matrix. for other problems, an * c approximation to an average value of a norm of the * c jacobian along the trajectory may be appropriate * c * c c(6) hmax specification - four cases are possible * c if c(6).ne.0 and c(5).ne.0, hmax is taken to be * c min(abs(c(6)),2/abs(c(5))) * c if c(6).ne.0 and c(5).eq.0, hmax is taken to be abs(c(6)) * c if c(6).eq.0 and c(5).ne.0, hmax is taken to be * c 2/abs(c(5)) * c if c(6).eq.0 and c(5).eq.0, hmax is given a default value * c of 2 * c * c c(7) maximum number of function evaluations - if not zero, an * c error return with ind = -1 will be caused when the number * c of function evaluations exceeds abs(c(7)) * c * c c(8) interrupt number 1 - if not zero, the subroutine will * c interrupt the calculations after it has chosen its * c preliminary value of hmag, and just before choosing htrial * c and xtrial in preparation for taking a step (htrial may * c differ from hmag in sign, and may require adjustment if * c xend is near) - the subroutine returns with ind = 4, and * c will resume calculation at the point of interruption if * c re-entered with ind = 4 * c * c c(9) interrupt number 2 - if not zero, the subroutine will * c interrupt the calculations immediately after it has * c decided whether or not to accept the result of the most * c recent trial step, with ind = 5 if it plans to accept, or * c ind = 6 if it plans to reject - y(*) is the previously * c accepted result, while w(*,9) is the newly computed trial * c value, and w(*,2) is the unweighted error estimate vector. * c the subroutine will resume calculations at the point of * c interruption on re-entry with ind = 5 or 6. (the user may * c change ind in this case if he wishes, for example to force * c acceptance of a step that would otherwise be rejected, or * c vice versa. he can also restart with ind = 1 or 2.) * c * c*********************************************************************** c * c summary of the components of the communications vector * c * c prescribed at the option determined by the program * c of the user * c * c c(10) rreb(rel roundoff err bnd) * c c(1) error control indicator c(11) dwarf (very small mach no) * c c(2) floor value c(12) weighted norm y * c c(3) hmin specification c(13) hmin * c c(4) hstart specification c(14) hmag * c c(5) scale specification c(15) scale * c c(6) hmax specification c(16) hmax * c c(7) max no of fcn evals c(17) xtrial * c c(8) interrupt no 1 c(18) htrial * c c(9) interrupt no 2 c(19) est * c c(20) previous xend * c c(21) flag for xend * c c(22) no of successful steps * c c(23) no of successive failures * c c(24) no of fcn evals * c * c if c(1) = 4 or 5, c(31), c(32), ... c(n+30) are floor values * c * c*********************************************************************** c * c an overview of the program * c * c begin initialization, parameter checking, interrupt re-entries * c ......abort if ind out of range 1 to 6 * c . cases - initial entry, normal re-entry, interrupt re-entries * c . case 1 - initial entry (ind .eq. 1 or 2) * c v........abort if or tol.le.0 * c . if initial entry without options (ind .eq. 1) * c . set c(1) to c(9) equal to zero * c . else initial entry with options (ind .eq. 2) * c . make c(1) to c(9) non-negative * c . make floor values non-negative if they are to be used * c . end if * c . initialize rreb, dwarf, prev xend, flag, counts * c . case 2 - normal re-entry (ind .eq. 3) * c .........abort if xend reached, and either x changed or xend not * c . re-initialize flag * c . case 3 - re-entry following an interrupt (ind .eq. 4 to 6) * c v transfer control to the appropriate re-entry point....... * c . end cases . * c . end initialization, etc. . * c . v * c . loop through the following 4 stages, once for each trial step . * c . stage 1 - prepare . * c***********error return (with ind=-1) if no of fcn evals too great . * c . calc slope (adding 1 to no of fcn evals) if ind .ne. 6 . * c . calc hmin, scale, hmax . * c***********error return (with ind=-2) if hmin .gt. hmax . * c . calc preliminary hmag . * c***********interrupt no 1 (with ind=4) if * c . calc hmag, xtrial and htrial . * c . end stage 1 . * c v stage 2 - calc ytrial (adding 7 to no of fcn evals) . * c . stage 3 - calc the error estimate . * c . stage 4 - make decisions . * c . set ind=5 if step acceptable, else set ind=6 . * c***********interrupt no 2 if * c . if step accepted (ind .eq. 5) * c . update x, y from xtrial, ytrial * c . add 1 to no of successful steps * c . set no of successive failures to zero * c**************return(with ind=3, xend saved, flag set) if x .eq. xend * c . else step not accepted (ind .eq. 6) * c . add 1 to no of successive failures * c**************error return (with ind=-3) if hmag .le. hmin * c . end if * c . end stage 4 * c . end loop * c . * c begin abort action * c output appropriate message about stopping the calculations, * c along with values of ind, n, nw, tol, hmin, hmax, x, xend, * c previous xend, no of successful steps, no of successive * c failures, no of fcn evals, and the components of y * c stop * c end abort action * c * c*********************************************************************** c c ****************************************************************** c * begin initialization, parameter checking, interrupt re-entries * c ****************************************************************** c c ......abort if ind out of range 1 to 6 if ( .or. go to 500 c c cases - initial entry, normal re-entry, interrupt re-entries go to (5, 5, 45, 1111, 2222, 2222), ind c case 1 - initial entry (ind .eq. 1 or 2) c .........abort if or tol.le.0 5 if ( .or. tol.le.0.d0) go to 500 if (ind.eq. 2) go to 15 c initial entry without options (ind .eq. 1) c set c(1) to c(9) equal to 0 do 10 k = 1, 9 c(k) = 0.d0 10 continue go to 35 15 continue c initial entry with options (ind .eq. 2) c make c(1) to c(9) non-negative do 20 k = 1, 9 c(k) = dabs(c(k)) 20 continue c make floor values non-negative if they are to be used if (c(1).ne.4.d0 .and. c(1).ne.5.d0) go to 30 do 25 k = 1, n c(k+30) = dabs(c(k+30)) 25 continue 30 continue 35 continue c initialize rreb, dwarf, prev xend, flag, counts c(10) = 2.d0**(-56) c(11) = 1.d-35 c set previous xend initially to initial value of x c(20) = x do 40 k = 21, 24 c(k) = 0.d0 40 continue go to 50 c case 2 - normal re-entry (ind .eq. 3) c .........abort if xend reached, and either x changed or xend not 45 if (c(21).ne.0.d0 .and. + ( .or. xend.eq.c(20))) go to 500 c re-initialize flag c(21) = 0.d0 go to 50 c case 3 - re-entry following an interrupt (ind .eq. 4 to 6) c transfer control to the appropriate re-entry point.......... c this has already been handled by the computed go to . c end cases v 50 continue c c end initialization, etc. c c ****************************************************************** c * loop through the following 4 stages, once for each trial step * c * until the occurrence of one of the following * c * (a) the normal return (with ind .eq. 3) on reaching xend in * c * stage 4 * c * (b) an error return (with ind .lt. 0) in stage 1 or stage 4 * c * (c) an interrupt return (with ind .eq. 4, 5 or 6), if * c * requested, in stage 1 or stage 4 * c ****************************************************************** c 99999 continue c c *************************************************************** c * stage 1 - prepare - do calculations of hmin, hmax, etc., * c * and some parameter checking, and end up with suitable * c * values of hmag, xtrial and htrial in preparation for taking * c * an integration step. * c *************************************************************** c c***********error return (with ind=-1) if no of fcn evals too great if (c(7).eq.0.d0 .or. c(24).lt.c(7)) go to 100 ind = -1 return 100 continue c c calculate slope (adding 1 to no of fcn evals) if ind .ne. 6 if (ind .eq. 6) go to 105 call fcn(n, x, y, w(1,1)) c(24) = c(24) + 1.d0 105 continue c c calculate hmin - use default unless value prescribed c(13) = c(3) if (c(3) .ne. 0.d0) go to 165 c calculate default value of hmin c first calculate weighted norm y - c(12) - as specified c by the error control indicator c(1) temp = 0.d0 if (c(1) .ne. 1.d0) go to 115 c absolute error control - weights are 1 do 110 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(y(k))) 110 continue c(12) = temp go to 160 115 if (c(1) .ne. 2.d0) go to 120 c relative error control - weights are 1/dabs(y(k)) so c weighted norm y is 1 c(12) = 1.d0 go to 160 120 if (c(1) .ne. 3.d0) go to 130 c weights are 1/max(c(2),abs(y(k))) do 125 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(y(k))/c(2)) 125 continue c(12) = dmin1(temp, 1.d0) go to 160 130 if (c(1) .ne. 4.d0) go to 140 c weights are 1/max(c(k+30),abs(y(k))) do 135 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(y(k))/c(k+30)) 135 continue c(12) = dmin1(temp, 1.d0) go to 160 140 if (c(1) .ne. 5.d0) go to 150 c weights are 1/c(k+30) do 145 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(y(k))/c(k+30)) 145 continue c(12) = temp go to 160 150 continue c default case - weights are 1/max(1,abs(y(k))) do 155 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(y(k))) 155 continue c(12) = dmin1(temp, 1.d0) 160 continue c(13) = 10.d0*dmax1(c(11),c(10)*dmax1(c(12)/tol,dabs(x))) 165 continue c c calculate scale - use default unless value prescribed c(15) = c(5) if (c(5) .eq. 0.d0) c(15) = 1.d0 c c calculate hmax - consider 4 cases c case 1 both hmax and scale prescribed if (c(6).ne.0.d0 .and. c(5).ne.0.d0) + c(16) = dmin1(c(6), 2.d0/c(5)) c case 2 - hmax prescribed, but scale not if (c(6).ne.0.d0 .and. c(5).eq.0.d0) c(16) = c(6) c case 3 - hmax not prescribed, but scale is if (c(6).eq.0.d0 .and. c(5).ne.0.d0) c(16) = 2.d0/c(5) c case 4 - neither hmax nor scale is provided if (c(6).eq.0.d0 .and. c(5).eq.0.d0) c(16) = 2.d0 c c***********error return (with ind=-2) if hmin .gt. hmax if (c(13) .le. c(16)) go to 170 ind = -2 return 170 continue c c calculate preliminary hmag - consider 3 cases if (ind .gt. 2) go to 175 c case 1 - initial entry - use prescribed value of hstart, if c any, else default c(14) = c(4) if (c(4) .eq. 0.d0) c(14) = c(16)*tol**(1./6.) go to 185 175 if (c(23) .gt. 1.d0) go to 180 c case 2 - after a successful step, or at most one failure, c use min(2, .9*(tol/est)**(1/6))*hmag, but avoid possible c overflow. then avoid reduction by more than half. temp = 2.d0*c(14) if (tol .lt. (2.d0/.9d0)**6*c(19)) + temp = .9d0*(tol/c(19))**(1./6.)*c(14) c(14) = dmax1(temp, .5d0*c(14)) go to 185 180 continue c case 3 - after two or more successive failures c(14) = .5d0*c(14) 185 continue c c check against hmax c(14) = dmin1(c(14), c(16)) c c check against hmin c(14) = dmax1(c(14), c(13)) c c***********interrupt no 1 (with ind=4) if requested if (c(8) .eq. 0.d0) go to 1111 ind = 4 return c resume here on re-entry with ind .eq. 4 1111 continue c c calculate hmag, xtrial - depending on preliminary hmag, xend if (c(14) .ge. dabs(xend - x)) go to 190 c do not step more than half way to xend c(14) = dmin1(c(14), .5d0*dabs(xend - x)) c(17) = x + dsign(c(14), xend - x) go to 195 190 continue c hit xend exactly c(14) = dabs(xend - x) c(17) = xend 195 continue c c calculate htrial c(18) = c(17) - x c c end stage 1 c c *************************************************************** c * stage 2 - calculate ytrial (adding 7 to no of fcn evals). * c * w(*,2), ... w(*,8) hold intermediate results needed in * c * stage 3. w(*,9) is temporary storage until finally it holds * c * ytrial. * c *************************************************************** c temp = c(18)/1398169080000.d0 c do 200 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*w(k,1)*233028180000.d0 200 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18)/6.d0, w(1,9), w(1,2)) c do 205 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( w(k,1)*74569017600.d0 + + w(k,2)*298276070400.d0 ) 205 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18)*(4.d0/15.d0), w(1,9), w(1,3)) c do 210 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( w(k,1)*1165140900000.d0 + - w(k,2)*3728450880000.d0 + + w(k,3)*3495422700000.d0 ) 210 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18)*(2.d0/3.d0), w(1,9), w(1,4)) c do 215 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( - w(k,1)*3604654659375.d0 + + w(k,2)*12816549900000.d0 + - w(k,3)*9284716546875.d0 + + w(k,4)*1237962206250.d0 ) 215 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18)*(5.d0/6.d0), w(1,9), w(1,5)) c do 220 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( w(k,1)*3355605792000.d0 + - w(k,2)*11185352640000.d0 + + w(k,3)*9172628850000.d0 + - w(k,4)*427218330000.d0 + + w(k,5)*482505408000.d0 ) 220 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18), w(1,9), w(1,6)) c do 225 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( - w(k,1)*770204740536.d0 + + w(k,2)*2311639545600.d0 + - w(k,3)*1322092233000.d0 + - w(k,4)*453006781920.d0 + + w(k,5)*326875481856.d0 ) 225 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18)/15.d0, w(1,9), w(1,7)) c do 230 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( w(k,1)*2845924389000.d0 + - w(k,2)*9754668000000.d0 + + w(k,3)*7897110375000.d0 + - w(k,4)*192082660000.d0 + + w(k,5)*400298976000.d0 + + w(k,7)*201586000000.d0 ) 230 continue call fcn(n, x + c(18), w(1,9), w(1,8)) c c calculate ytrial, the extrapolated approximation and store c in w(*,9) do 235 k = 1, n w(k,9) = y(k) + temp*( w(k,1)*104862681000.d0 + + w(k,3)*545186250000.d0 + + w(k,4)*446637345000.d0 + + w(k,5)*188806464000.d0 + + w(k,7)*15076875000.d0 + + w(k,8)*97599465000.d0 ) 235 continue c c add 7 to the no of fcn evals c(24) = c(24) + 7.d0 c c end stage 2 c c *************************************************************** c * stage 3 - calculate the error estimate est. first calculate * c * the unweighted absolute error estimate vector (per unit * c * step) for the unextrapolated approximation and store it in * c * w(*,2). then calculate the weighted max norm of w(*,2) as * c * specified by the error control indicator c(1). finally, * c * modify this result to produce est, the error estimate (per * c * unit step) for the extrapolated approximation ytrial. * c *************************************************************** c c calculate the unweighted absolute error estimate vector do 300 k = 1, n w(k,2) = ( w(k,1)*8738556750.d0 + + w(k,3)*9735468750.d0 + - w(k,4)*9709507500.d0 + + w(k,5)*8582112000.d0 + + w(k,6)*95329710000.d0 + - w(k,7)*15076875000.d0 + - w(k,8)*97599465000.d0)/1398169080000.d0 300 continue c c calculate the weighted max norm of w(*,2) as specified by c the error control indicator c(1) temp = 0.d0 if (c(1) .ne. 1.d0) go to 310 c absolute error control do 305 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp,dabs(w(k,2))) 305 continue go to 360 310 if (c(1) .ne. 2.d0) go to 320 c relative error control do 315 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(w(k,2)/y(k))) 315 continue go to 360 320 if (c(1) .ne. 3.d0) go to 330 c weights are 1/max(c(2),abs(y(k))) do 325 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(w(k,2)) + / dmax1(c(2), dabs(y(k))) ) 325 continue go to 360 330 if (c(1) .ne. 4.d0) go to 340 c weights are 1/max(c(k+30),abs(y(k))) do 335 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(w(k,2)) + / dmax1(c(k+30), dabs(y(k))) ) 335 continue go to 360 340 if (c(1) .ne. 5.d0) go to 350 c weights are 1/c(k+30) do 345 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(w(k,2)/c(k+30))) 345 continue go to 360 350 continue c default case - weights are 1/max(1,abs(y(k))) do 355 k = 1, n temp = dmax1(temp, dabs(w(k,2)) + / dmax1(1.d0, dabs(y(k))) ) 355 continue 360 continue c c calculate est - (the weighted max norm of w(*,2))*hmag*scale c - est is intended to be a measure of the error per unit c step in ytrial c(19) = temp*c(14)*c(15) c c end stage 3 c c *************************************************************** c * stage 4 - make decisions. * c *************************************************************** c c set ind=5 if step acceptable, else set ind=6 ind = 5 if (c(19) .gt. tol) ind = 6 c c***********interrupt no 2 if requested if (c(9) .eq. 0.d0) go to 2222 return c resume here on re-entry with ind .eq. 5 or 6 2222 continue c if (ind .eq. 6) go to 410 c step accepted (ind .eq. 5), so update x, y from xtrial, c ytrial, add 1 to the no of successful steps, and set c the no of successive failures to zero x = c(17) do 400 k = 1, n y(k) = w(k,9) 400 continue c(22) = c(22) + 1.d0 c(23) = 0.d0 c**************return(with ind=3, xend saved, flag set) if x .eq. xend if (x .ne. xend) go to 405 ind = 3 c(20) = xend c(21) = 1.d0 return 405 continue go to 420 410 continue c step not accepted (ind .eq. 6), so add 1 to the no of c successive failures c(23) = c(23) + 1.d0 c**************error return (with ind=-3) if hmag .le. hmin if (c(14) .gt. c(13)) go to 415 ind = -3 return 415 continue 420 continue c c end stage 4 c go to 99999 c end loop c c begin abort action 500 continue c write(6,505) ind, tol, x, n, c(13), xend, nw, c(16), c(20), + c(22), c(23), c(24), (y(k), k = 1, n) 505 format( /// 1h0, 58hcomputation stopped in dverk with the followin +g values - + / 1h0, 5hind =, i4, 5x, 6htol =, 1pd13.6, 5x, 11hx =, + 1pd22.15 + / 1h , 5hn =, i4, 5x, 6hhmin =, 1pd13.6, 5x, 11hxend =, + 1pd22.15 + / 1h , 5hnw =, i4, 5x, 6hhmax =, 1pd13.6, 5x, 11hprev xend =, + 1pd22.15 + / 1h0, 14x, 27hno of successful steps =, 0pf8.0 + / 1h , 14x, 27hno of successive failures =, 0pf8.0 + / 1h , 14x, 27hno of function evals =, 0pf8.0 + / 1h0, 23hthe components of y are + // (1h , 1p5d24.15) ) c stop c c end abort action c end