Subject: NA Digest, V. 94, # 23 NA Digest Sunday, June 5, 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 23 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler The MathWorks, Inc. Today's Topics: Ed Block Seeking Postdoctoral Position Degenerate Complex Linear Systems Help on Block Jacobi Method for SVD FTP Reports from Chalmers, Goteborg RKTEC v2.1 Available High Level Numerical Computations Package Thesis on High Index DAE Adaptive Simulated Annealing Research Opportunities Parallelizing ASA and PATHINT Special Issue of Journal of Symbolic Computation Supercomputer in Bangalore 1996 Meeting of International Linear Algebra Society Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium Gigabyte Image Processing and Visualization Summer Workshops in Leuven Workshop on Large Systems of Equations ICIAM 95, Congress Announcement Postdoc Position at INRIA Contents, Math of Control, Signals and Systems Submissions for NA Digest: Mail to Information about NA-NET: Mail to ------------------------------------------------------- From: Gene Golub Date: Sun, 5 Jun 94 17:25:57 PDT Subject: Ed Block Ed Block, who is the executive director of SIAM and has been responsible for much of the success of SIAM, has recently been ill. Ed had quadruple bypass surgery and underwent surgery again this past Monday for removal of his gallbladder. He is resting comfortably at Temple University Hospital. Dr. I. Edward Block Temple University Hospital Room 745B 3401 Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 707-2185 I'm sure he would be pleased to hear from his many friends. Gene ------------------------------ From: Yuan Jinyun Date: Tue, 31 May 94 9:27:52 GMT-3:00 Subject: Seeking Postdoctoral Position I am looking for a position as a Postdoctoral Researcher or Visiting Professor in one of the following areas: 1. Numerical Linear Algebra (specially Least Squares Methods); 2. Iterative Methods, inluding nonlinear optimization; 3. Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Integ-Differential Equations, specially in applications of Electromagnetic Theory, Microwace and Antenna; 4. Scientific Computations. Please let me know if you are interested in me, and I will send you my CV and reference information. My email address is Best regards! Yours sincerely Yuan Jinyun ------------------------------ From: Sorin Pop Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 14:48:09 +0200 Subject: Degenerate Complex Linear Systems Dear na-neters, I am interested to find all the values for which a system of the form: Ax = cBx + (c*c)Dx, where A,B and D are complex matrices, while c the (complex) parameter, becomes degenerate. Any suggestions referring to the numerical handling of these problems would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your consideration and time. Sincerely, Sorin Pop e-mail: ------------------------------ From: Manuel Matencio Date: Thu, 2 Jun 94 16:52:09 +0200 Subject: Help on Block Jacobi Method for SVD Hello, I'm a DEA student of Grenoble and I'm doing a stage in the LMC laboratory. I'm working on the SVD problem, and I would like to have some informations on the block Jacobi method. More precisely, I can't find the computation of the 2*2 subproblem: compute Xij (a 2m/l*2m/l matrix) and Yij (a 2n/l*2n/l matrix), where l is the number of blocks such that: t [ Aii Aij ] [ Dii 0 ] Xij [ ] Yij = [ ] [ Aji Ajj ] [ 0 Djj ] I know this is done in: Bishof & Van Loan "Computing the singular value decomposition on a ring of array processors" (Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems, Cullum & Willoughby eds, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, p.51-66); but I can't find this article. Maybe someone can help me? Manuel Matencio. MATENCIO Manuel Magistere Mathematiques et Applications UJF Grenoble ------------------------------ From: Axel Ruhe Date: Tue, 31 May 94 14:17:27 +0200 Subject: FTP Reports from Chalmers, Goteborg Dear NA-netters, We have created a public ftp library at the site You can get some recent reports in the directory pub/num_analysis/reports A list is provided in the file num_reports_index.tex Currently you can find reports by Thomas Ericsson, Ivar Gustafsson, Gunhild Lindskog and myself. We expect to add reports from Vidar Thomee, Claes Johnson and collaborators later. Best regards, Axel Ruhe Department of Computing Science Chalmers University of Technology S-41296 Goteborg Sweden Telephone int-46-317721096 (office) int-46-31483168 (home) Fax int-46-31165655 ------------------------------ From: Michael Hosea Date: Sat, 4 Jun 1994 20:10:26 -0500 (CDT) Subject: RKTEC v2.1 Available RKTEC version 2.1 is now available. This is an ANSI C program for computing truncation error coefficients of Albrecht's error expansion for Runge-Kutta formulas. Albrecht's expansion is equivalent to Butcher's but uses a different basis of elementary differentials and enjoys some advantages over the classical approach. With version 2.1 a radial stability region "plotter" has been added, making the tool more convenient for formula comparison. For formula derivation a Maple version is in the works. Let me know if you're interested in the Maple version. (If there is sufficient interest I will devote more time to it.) Version 2.1 should be available from Netlib shortly. At present it can be obtained by anonymous ftp to in pub/papers/Hosea or by gopher to in the "Hosea" directory under "Faculty Publications". The ANSI C source code (rktec21.c) and an MS-DOS executable (rktecexe.uue) are there as well as a couple of related preprints. Regards, Mike Hosea Department of Mathematical Sciences ( Northern Illinois University (815) 753-6732 DeKalb, IL 60115 ------------------------------ From: Richard Hanby Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 13:12:38 +0100 Subject: High Level Numerical Computations Package I thought na-net readers might like to know of a public-domain numerical computations package that I recently stumbled across. It's called "Octave" and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The program is similar in style to Matlab, using Gnuplot for graphical output. The underlying numerical solvers used by the program are the BLAS, LAPACK, LINPACK, ODEPACK etc The latest released version of Octave is available via anonymous ftp from in the directory /pub/octave. Complete source and binaries for several popular systems are available. Richard Hanby ------------------------------ From: Pawel Bujakiewicz Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1994 17:55:37 +0200 Subject: Thesis on High Index DAE Hi all I have just written thesis (uff): "Maximum weighted matching for high index differential algebraic equations" and I would like to reach people who are interested in the subject of numerical solution of high index DAE and who would be interested in the algorithm proposed in my thesis, or just who would say if it is worth anything. A short summary of ideas presented my thesis is available via e-mail. If any of you are interested please e-mail your address to me and I will post it to you. If you have any comments/questions about this text I would be happy to communicate on this subject. Pawel Bujakiewicz TU Delft, Control Laboratory 5031, 2600 GA Delft, NL tel: 31+15-785591 fax: 31+15-626738 email: ------------------------------ From: Lester Ingber Date: Wed, 01 Jun 1994 09:22:29 -0700 Subject: Adaptive Simulated Annealing Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) version 3.13 The latest Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) code and some related (p)reprints can be retrieved via anonymous ftp from [] in the /pub/ingber directory. A new OPTION now collects data during the global optimization process to importance-sample the user's variables. The latest version of ASA, ASA-x.y (x and y are version numbers), can be obtained in several formats. ASA-shar.Z is a compress'd shar'd file of the current code. For the convenience of users who do not have any uncompress/gunzip utility, there is a file ASA-shar which is an uncompress'd copy of ASA-shar.Z; if you do not have sh or shar, you still can delete the first-column X's and separate the files at the END_OF_FILE locations. There are tar'd versions in compress and gzip format, ASA.tar.Z and ASA.tar.gz, respectively. There also is a current zip'd version,, in which all files have been processed through unix2dos. Directory /pub/ingber/0lower.dir contains links to these files for some PC users who may have difficulty with upper case. Sorry, I cannot assume the task of mailing out hardcopies of code or papers. My volunteer time assisting people with their queries on my codes and papers must be limited to electronic mail correspondence. To get on or off the ASA_list e-mailings, just send an e-mail to with your request. Update notices are sent to the ASA_list about every month or two, more frequently if warranted, e.g., in cases of important bug fixes; these notices are the only e-mail sent to the ASA_list. Lester Prof. Lester Ingber Lester Ingber Research P.O. Box 857 E-Mail: McLean, VA 22101 Archive: ------------------------------ From: Lester Ingber Date: Sun, 05 Jun 1994 10:15:26 -0700 Subject: Research Opportunities Parallelizing ASA and PATHINT Research Opportunities Parallelizing ASA and PATHINT I am looking for one to several people with experience parallelizing C code, e.g., on Crays, to work on parallelizing two specific algorithms: (a) Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA), and (b) an algorithm to calculate the time-development of multi-variable nonlinear Fokker-Planck-type systems, using a powerful non-Monte Carlo path integral algorithm (PATHINT). Some code and papers dealing with these algorithms can be obtained from [] in the /pub/ingber directory. I am PI of an award of Cray time on an NSF Supercomputer, and have ported these codes successfully onto a C90. However, I am short of time to further optimize these codes, which is an essential requirement before doing production runs on C90 and T3D Crays. If necessary, I will do this work myself, but I would rather share the work, experience, and research with other interested people who also can expedite these projects. All code will remain under my copyright under the GNU General Public License (GPL), i.e., the least restrictive Library GPL. There are several immediate projects that are just waiting for detailed calculations, using codes which already run on SPARCstations, but need the power of supercomputers for production runs. All results of these studies will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and only active participants on these projects will be co-authors on these papers. Examples of these projects include: neuroscience EEG correlates of behavioral states short-term memory modeling realistic chaos + noise modeling financial applications 2- and 3-state term-structure security calculations testing of trading rules nonlinear modeling persistence of chaos in the presence of moderate noise If you are interested, please send me a short description of projects you have worked on, and how many hours/week you are prepared to commit to these projects for at least a period of 6-12 months. Lester Prof. Lester Ingber Lester Ingber Research P.O. Box 857 E-Mail: McLean, VA 22101 Archive: ------------------------------ From: Ralph B Kearfott Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 00:10:38 -0500 Subject: Special Issue of Journal of Symbolic Computation Special Issue on Validated numerical methods and computer algebra Papers are solicited for a special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation on validated numerical methods and computer algebra. The special issue is scheduled for early 1995. Of interest are recent advances in correct methods which combine symbolic computations with validated numerical methods. Also methods which bear the potential for such a combination will be considered. This includes - but is not limited to - the use of interval algorithms in computer algebra systems, analytical evaluations in interval algorithms, the organization of symbolic-numerical interfaces, and the application of hybrid symbolic-numerical methods with guaranteed results for advanced problem solving. The complete paper should be received no later than September 1, 1994 by Werner Krandick at the address given below. The submission must be in English and may not exceed 30 pages. Submission of a hard copy is allowed, electronic submission of a Latex file is preferred. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the LATEX macro jsc.sty which is available from Academic Press (24-28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX) or by anonymous ftp from in directory pub/jsc files jsc.sty jscguide.tex Papers should be of high quality and in a form that will not require major revisions, since this special issue is being developed under a tight schedule. Guest Editors: Dr. Werner Krandick Professor Dr. Siegfried Rump Research Institute Technische Informatik III for Symbolic Computation TU Hamburg-Harburg University Linz Eissendorfer Str. 38 A-4040 Linz D-21071 Hamburg Austria Germany Phone: A-7236-3231-44 Phone: D-40-7718-3027 FAX: A-7236-3231-30 FAX: D-40-7718-2573 Email: Email: ------------------------------ From: P.S.Swathi Date: Tue, 31 May 94 15:19:10 EDT Subject: Supercomputer in Bangalore SCIENTIFIC SUPERCOMPUTING IN BANGALORE A state-of-the-art supercomputer recently became operational in Bangalore at the CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation (C-MMACS). The system is an aircooled supercomputer of the CONVEX C3800 series which is unique in its use of advanced technology gallium arsenide gate arrays. The system comprises of two CPUs, a main memory of 512 Mbytes and a disk capacity of 34 GBytes. It is rated at 240 peak Mflops in 64- bit and 480 peak Mflops in 32-bit computations. The C-MMACS system has compilers which offer automatic interprocedural optimisation, vectorisation and parallelisation. It also has a powerful application visualisation system. The shared memory vector processor architecture of the CONVEX supercomputer at C- MMACS results in several advantages, namely, excellent performance in large scientific problems which require vectorisation, parallelisation and optimisation, availability of proven mature compilers, and what is probably the most important from the view point of users, extremely easy parallel programming. The CONVEX Computer Corporation, USA supplied the supercomputer through WIPRO Infotech Ltd. The recent liberalisation of US export control regulations made it possible to import this high performance computer without any strings. C-MMACS (pronounced see-max) was established by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in 1988, with a view to catalyzing, supporting, and strengthening the wide gamut of scientific programmes in its laboratories. These programmes are aimed at providing creative new approaches to the design and analysis of complex systems through mathematical modelling and computer simulation of their behavioural responses and evolving structures. C-MMACS is located in the campus of the National Aerospace Laboratories and it is headed by Dr.K.S.Yajnik. Its primary objective is to develop and provide expertise and facilities for modelling and simulation of a wide class of natural and engineering systems that constitute the core of many contemporary problems in science and technology. C-MMACS is governed by a Management Committee under the chairmanship of Prof. S.K. Joshi, Director General of CSIR. Scientists at C-MMACS, National Aerospace Laboratories and several other institutions, who have used the CONVEX supercomputer at this centre, have found its performance and capabilities highly satisfying - indeed exciting. They have discovered that highly complex simulations in areas as widely different as aerodynamics and molecular modelling, which require massive computing, have now become possible in an acceptable timeframe, thereby opening a new era of high-end scientific computing in India. ------------------------------ From: Volker Mehrmann Date: Tue, 31 May 94 18:56:08 MESZ Subject: 1996 Meeting of International Linear Algebra Society Preliminary anouncement: The 1996 meeting of the International Linear Algebra Society will take place in Chemnitz, Germany from August 14-17, 1996. Info from: Volker Mehrmann Tel.: (049) (0)371-531-8367 (office) Fakultaet fuer Mathematik Tel.: (049) (0)371-531-2659 (secretary) TU Chemnitz-Zwickau Tel.: (049) (0)172-3482395 (private) PSF 964 Fax.: (049) (0)371-531-2657 D-09009 Chemnitz email: FRG priv. addr.: Fichtestr. 18, D-09126 Chemnitz ------------------------------ From: D. Sloan Date: Wed, 1 Jun 94 13:12:29 BST Subject: Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium One day conference on COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Monday 12 September 1994 at UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE Speakers C J Budd (University of Bristol) Self-similarity and adaptive remeshing C M Elliott (University of Sussex) Phase field computations of solidification of undercooled liquids N J Higham (University of Manchester) Painless rounding error analysis E F Toro (Manchester Metropolitan University) Multidimensional waf-type schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws For further information contact Dr J A Mackenzie Department of Mathematics University of Strathclyde Glasgow G1 1XH email: ------------------------------ From: M. K. Kwong Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 15:16:29 -0500 Subject: Gigabyte Image Processing and Visualization W O R K S H O P "GIGABYTE IMAGE PROCESSING AND VISUALIZATION --- CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES July 8 -- 9 Mathematics and Computer Science Division ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY Purpose The purpose of the Workshop is to bring together leaders ^^^^^^^ in different aspects -- methods and applications, academia and industry -- of very large scale image processing and visualization. 1) to present the current state of the art, 2) to explore major challenges in the next decade foreseen by experts especially along the line of increasing sizes of the problems, and 3) to explore major benefits foreseen by experts if some of the challenges are met. The expectation is that new research ideas, motivation, applications, and collaboration will be generated by this meeting. Format ^^^^^^ Talks on Friday (morning and afternoon) and Saturday (morning). Panel discussion at the end of each day. Partial List of Speakers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Professor Pat Hanrahan, Princeton University Professor Ken Hoffman, University of Chicago Professor C.C. Jay Kuo, University of Southern California Professor Yongmin Kim, University of Washington Herbert Taylor, David Sarnoff Research Center Andrew G. Tescher, Lockheed Palo Alto Reserach Laobratory Organizers: Dr. Man K. Kwong Dr. P.T. Peter Tang Mathematics and Computer Science Division Argonne National Laboratory Tel: (708) 252-7486 (Kwong) (708) 252-7831 (Tang) Fax: (708) 252-5986 ------------------------------ From: Filiep Vanpoucke Date: Fri, 03 Jun 94 09:10:35 +0200 Subject: Summer Workshops in Leuven 3rd International Workshop on SVD and Signal Processing August 22-25, 1994 Leuven - Belgium This third workshop on Singular Value Decomposition and Signal Processing is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name which were held in Les Houches, France, September 1987, and Kingston, Rhode Island, U.S.A., June 1990. The Workshop will be held in the Arenberg Castle of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Leuven is located in the centre of Belgium, only 30 km from Brussels and 20 km from Brussels International Airport. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chairmen: Bart De Moor Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Marc Moonen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Members: Annie Cuyt Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium Pieter De Groen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium Ed Deprettere Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Gene Golub Stanford University, U.S.A. Sven Hammarling Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, U.K. Franklin Luk Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Paul Van Dooren University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. Luc Wuytack Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium SPONSORS The workshop is partly sponsored by the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO), and is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter and the IEEE Benelux Circuits and Systems Chapter. TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program includes 1 hour invited papers, as well as contributed papers, presented in oral sessions (20 mins per paper), and poster sessions (with 10 mins oral introduction per paper). Topics: SVD Algorithms : real-time and adaptive algorithms, continuous algorithms, complexity, accuracy, convergence, related decompositions, tensor SVD SVD Architectures : application specific hardware, parallel implementation SVD Applications : array signal processing, model identification, model reduction, spectrum analysis, harmonic retrieval, speech and image processing, control Invited Speakers: D. Sorensen Rice University, U.S.A. B. De Moor Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium U. Helmke University of Regensburg, Germany N.T. Thao Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong GENERAL INFORMATION The full advance program, registration form and hotel booking form are available via anonymous ftp. ftp address: ( directory: /pub/SISTA/publications files: svdsp_registration.Z (compressed ascii) (compressed PostScript) For further information, contact the workshop secretariat: Lieven De Lathauwer Department of Electrical Engineering - ESAT Katholieke Universiteit Leuven K. Mercierlaan 94, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium tel: +32 16 220931, fax: +32 16 221855 email: 3rd International Workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures August 29-31, 1994 Leuven - Belgium This third workshop on Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures addresses novel research in the area of highly parallel systems, focused on algorithms, architectures as well as design methodologies and compilation. Both custom realisation and programmable processor realisation are included. It is a continuation of two previous workshops of the same name which were held in Pont-a-Mousson, France, June 1990, and Bonas, France, June 1991. The Workshop will be held in the Arenberg Castle of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Leuven is located in the centre of Belgium, only 30 km from Brussels and 20 km from Brussels International Airport. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Chairmen: Marc Moonen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium Francky Catthoor IMEC, Belgium Members: Ed Deprettere Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Patrick Dewilde Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Patrice Quinton INRIA/IRISA, France Yves Robert ENS Lyon, France Lothar Thiele Universitat des Saarlandes Joos Vandewalle Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium SPONSORS The workshop is partly sponsored by the EC (BRA project 6632), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO), and is organized in cooperation with the IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Chapter, the IEEE Benelux Circuits and Systems Chapter, and INRIA, France. TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program includes 1 hour invited papers, as well as contributed papers, presented in regular presentation sessions (20 mins per paper) and short presentation sessions (10 mins per paper). For all contributed papers, additional poster sessions will be organized. Parallel Algorithms : linear and multilinear algebra, filtering and transforms, for sonar and radar, digital audio, image and video, communications, computer graphics, automatic control Keynote Speaker: P.A. Regalia ENST, France Parallel Architectures : arrays, programmable SIMD and MIMD architectures Keynote Speaker: K. Vissers Philips, The Netherlands Parallel Compilation : design methodologies, automated architecture synthesis, parallelisation techniques Keynote Speaker: P. Feautrier PriSM-CNRS, France GENERAL INFORMATION The full advance program, registration form and hotel booking form are available via anonymous ftp. ftp address: ( directory: /pub/SISTA/publications files: palgar_registration.Z (compressed ascii) (compressed PostScript) For further information, contact the workshop secretariat: Filiep Vanpoucke Department of Electrical Engineering - ESAT Katholieke Universiteit Leuven K. Mercierlaan 94, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium tel: +32 16 220931, fax: +32 16 221855 e-mail: ------------------------------ From: Andreas Frommer Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 09:18:08 +0200 Subject: Workshop on Large Systems of Equations WORKSHOP LARGE SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS ON PARALLEL COMPUTERS NUMERICAL ASPECTS AND APPLICATIONS October 6/7, 1994 at the University of Wuppertal (Germany) Topics: Theoretical and practical aspects of iterative methods for the efficient parallel solution of large systems of equations. Special emphasis will be put on new results from numerical analysis and on problems and methodologies arising in scientific applications. Talks: Languages, Tools and Software: - G. Bhanot (Princeton): Multigrid, HPF and MPPs - Advantages and Pitfalls - J. Dongarra (Knoxville): Constructing Numerical Software and Algorithms for Scalable High-Performance Computers Numerical Linear Algebra: - D. Braess (Bochum): Parallele Vorkonditionierer fuer CG-Verfahren (Parallel Preconditioners for CG Methods) - M. Eiermann (Freiberg): Adaptive Vorkonditionierer fuer nicht-symmetrische Krylov-Unterraumverfahren (Adaptive Preconditioners for Nonsymmetric Krylov Subspace Methods) - R. Freund (Murray Hill): Krylov-Unterraumverfahren zur Loesung grosser komplexer nicht-Hermitescher linearer Gleichungssysteme (Krylov Subspace Methods for Large Complex Nonhermitian Linear Systems) - W. Niethammer (Karlsruhe): Iterationsverfahren auf der MASPAR (Iterative Methods on the MASPAR) - H. van der Vorst (Utrecht): Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetric Systems Partial Differential Equations: - H. Blum (Dortmund): Ansaetze zur Parallelisierung bei der numerischen Behandlung partieller Differentialgleichungen - ein Ueberblick (Techniques for the Parallel Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations - An Overview) - R. Rannacher (Heidelberg): Gebietszerlegungstechniken fuer zeitabhaengige Probleme (Domain Decomposition Techniques for Time-dependent Problems) - E. Rank (Dortmund): Gittergasautomaten zur Loesung instationaerer Stroemungsprobleme (Lattice Gas Methods for Transient Flow Problems) Problems from Chemistry and Physics: - A. Frommer (Wuppertal): Symmetrische vs. unsymmetrische Iterationen fuer Probleme der QCD (Symmetric vs. Nonsymmetric Iterations for Problems in QCD) - G. Mack (Hamburg): Mehrgitterverfahren fuer ungeordnete Systeme (Multigrid Methods for Non-ordered Systems) - K. Schilling (Wuppertal): Die "Grand Challenges" der Quantenchromodynamik (The Grand Challenges in QCD) - W. Thiel (Zuerich): Quantenchemische semiempirische Untersuchungen auf Parallelrechnern (Quantum Chemical Semi-empirical Methods on Parallel Computers) Workshop starts : Thursday, Oct 6, 1994, at 9 am and ends : Friday, Oct 7, 1994, at 6 pm Registration deadline : June 30, 1994 More information (registration form etc.) via email: Please give your full postal address. Organisation : Prof. Dr. Andreas Frommer Fachbereich Mathematik und Institut fuer Angewandte Informatik Bergische Universitaet - Gesamthochschule Wuppertal Gauss-Strasse 20 42097 Wuppertal Tel.: +49 202 439 2979, Fax: +49 202 439 2853 e-mail: ------------------------------ From: Ramon Harps Date: Thu, 2 Jun 1994 13:40:06 +0200 Subject: ICIAM 95, Congress Announcement THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS July 3 - 7, 1995 HAMBURG, GERMANY The congress organizers are developing a programme that will focus worldwide attention on the importance of mathematical and computational methods in the solution of real world problems. A major exposition of computer hardware and software exhibits and demonstations will enable you to explore state-of-the-art technology. In addition to a programme highlighting important advances in research and applications, there will be many opportunities for you to meet your colleagues from other countries. The first International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics was held 1987 in Paris. ICIAM 87 attracted eighteen hundred scientists from applied and computational mathematics and applied sciences. This number climbed to over two thousand at ICIAM 91 in Washington, DC. ICIAM 95 will be hosted by GAMM. ICIAM 95 President is Oskar Mahrenholtz, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Klaus W. Kirchgaessner, Chair, Universitaet Stuttgart Petter Bjorstad, University of Bergen Cai Dayong, Tsinghua University, Beijing John Chadam, McMaster University, Hamilton Julio Claeyssen, Fed. Univ. of Rio Grande, Porto Alegre Heinz W. Engl, Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet Linz Gene H. Golup, Stanford University, Stanford Julian C. R. Hunt, Metereological Office, Bracknell Iri Masao, University of Tokyo Nancy J. Kopell, Boston University Pierre-Louis Lions, Universite de Pauris Dauphine, Paris Jean Claude Nedelec, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau John R. Ockendon, University of Oxford Etienne Pardoux, Universite de Provence, Marseille Mario Primicerio, Universita di Firenze Alberto Tesei, Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" COMMITTEE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON INDUSTRIAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS C. William Gear, Chair, NEC Research Institute Princeton, New Jersey and the delegates form the Member Societies: ANZIAM, CAMS/SCMA, CSIAM, ECMI, GAMM, IMA, JSIAM, NORTIM, SBMAC, SIMAI, SMAI, SIAM CONGRESS TOPICS The programme consists of invited and contributed lectures, minisym- posia, poster presentations, and an exhibition. The presentations are solicited in all areas of applied mathematics, computer science, applied probability and statistics, scientific computing, and applications in science, medicine, engineering, economics and other related fields. INVITED SPEAKERS Akaike, H. (Tokyo) | Meyer, G. (NASA, California) Arnold, V. I. (Moskau, Paris) | Mumford, D. (Cambridge) Baccelli, F. (INRIA, Valbonne) | Murota, K. (Kyoto) Berry, M. V. (Bristol) | Neunzert, H. (Kaiserslautern) Brezis, H. (Paris) | Nilsson, L. G. (Linkoeping) Cercignani, C. (Mailand) | Pfeiffer, F. (Muenchen) Daubechies, I. (New Jersey) | Perelson, A. (Los Alamos) Degond, P. (Toulouse) | Peskin, C. (Ney York) Foellmer, H. (Bonn) | Quarteroni, A. (Mailand) Hasselmann, K. (Hamburg) | Rannacher, R. (Heidelberg) Hinch, E. J. (Cambridge) | Sivashinski, G. (Tel Aviv) James, R. (Minneapolis) | Taylor, A. (Oxford) Kahan, W. (Berkeley) | Trefethen, L. (Ithaka, NY) Keller, J. B. (Stanford) | Van Dooren, P. (Urbana) Lions, J. L. (Paris) | Ward, M. (Vancouver, BC) Marsden, J. (Berkley) | SUBJECTS OF THE INVITED PRESENTATIONS Aircraft Flight Control | Mathematics and High Technology Applications of AIC in Industrial | Mathematics in Industry Technologies | Mechanics and Asymptotics Combustion and Nonlinear Diffusion | Mechanics, Control Computational Contact-Impact | Modelisation of Semiconductors Analysis | Phase Transitions Computer Science | Queues and Networks Fluid Dynamics of Elastic Liquids | Rarefield Gasdynamics, Boltzmann Fluid Mechanics and Applications | Equation Global Climate Modelling | Robotics Image Processing | Signals, Systems, Control Kinetic Theory | Stochastic Discrete Event Systems Liquid Crystals | Structure and Dynamic of Wrinkled Flames Mathematical Basis of Mechanics | Sytems Analysis by Graphs and Matroids Mathematical Biology | Vortex Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics Mathematical Finance | Wavelets Mathematical Physiology | MINISYMPOSIA A minisymposia is a session of speakers focusing on a single topic. The organizer of a minisympoisium invites the speakers and decides on the topic they are to deliver. If you would like to organize a minisym- posium, you must submit a proposal on an ICIAM 95 minisymposium form. To obtain a form and guidelines for submitting a minisymposium proposal, please send a message to: E-mail: Fax: +49-941-943-4005 Deadline date for submission of minisymposium proposals: August 31, 1994 CONTRIBUTED PRESENTATIONS-LECTURES OR POSTERS You are invited to submit a paper, which you may present in lecture or poster format. Authors will have approximately 15 minutes for the lecture, with additional 5 minutes for discussion. Alternatively they may elect poster presentations, which allow interactive discussions with individuals interested in their work. If you like to present a paper (lecture or poster format), please submit a summary on an ICIAM 95 contributed paper form. To obtain a form and guidelines for submitting a paper, please send a message to: E-mail: Fax: +49-941-943-4005 Deadline date for submission of abstracts: September 30, 1994 REGISTRATION INFORMATION For further information, please contact GAMM-office University of Regensburg, NWF I - Mathematik D-93053 Regensburg, Germany Phone: +49-941-943-4918 Fax: +49-941-943-4005 E-mail: DEADLINES TO REMEMBER Minisymposium proposal August 31, 1994 Contributed presentation proposal September 30, 1994 ------------------------------ From: Jocelyne Erhel Date: Wed, 1 Jun 1994 10:34:17 +0200 Subject: Postdoc Position at INRIA 10-MONTH POST-DOCTORAL POSITION AT INRIA/IRISA Scientific computing group Rennes, France Applications are called for a post-doctoral position at INRIA/IRISA in parallel scientific computing. The position will be open in September 1994 for 10 months. This award is funded by a european grant (Human Capital and Mobility) and is available ONLY for CITIZENS from the EUROPEAN COMMUNITY (CEE) who are NOT FRENCH. Applicants must have a Ph-D in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or a related field. IRISA is a joint institute of INRIA-Rennes (the head is at Rocquencourt), CNRS (associated laboratory), the University (Computer Science department) and INSA (Computer Science department). The group called "Advanced Algorithms for Scientific Computing" studies numerical algorithms which should be both parallel and numerically reliable. The domains of interest cover linear algebra on sparse matrices and differential equations. Of special concern are the projection methods using Krylov subspaces. The algorithms are applied to large numerical simulations as for example Computational Fluid Dynamics. The project is also interested in programming environments for scientific computing. The team is leaded by B. Philippe and is composed of about 10 persons. The HCM contract is coordinated by the CERFACS (Toulouse, France) and involves 9 institutes from France, Italy, GB, Switzerland, Belgium, Sweden. It is entitled "A modular approach to research in computational fluid dynamics, iterative methods and high performance computing." The IRISA (INRIA-Rennes) part is devoted to the application of the Newton-GMRES algorithm to discretisations of the steady Navier-Stokes equations as well as to implicit time-stepping schemes. The procedure can be seen as an approximate Newton algorithm which is matrix-free. The candidate selected will work on this subject and related issues. Salary : 14,764 French Francs per month (out of charges). Applicants should send their CV, the names of 2 referees and a brief description of research interests. Applications will be considered until 15 JUIN 1994, along with already received applications. ONLY EUROPEAN CITIZENS FROM THE CEE WHO ARE NOT FRENCH ARE ALLOWED TO APPLY. Electronic submission is preferred. Letters should be addressed to Jocelyne Erhel IRISA Campus de Beaulieu 35042 Rennes Cedex FRANCE e-mail : tel : (33) 99 84 73 39 fax : (33) 99 84 71 71 ------------------------------ From: Eduardo Sontag Date: Fri, 3 Jun 94 17:15:48 EDT Subject: Contents, Math of Control, Signals and Systems MATH OF CONTROL, SIGNALS, AND SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS, Vol. 6, No. 3 T. Georgiou and M.C. Smith, Graphs, causality and stabilizability: linear, shift-invariant systems on L2[0,infty), pp. 195-223. R. Chabour, G. Sallet, and J.C. Vivalda, Stabilization of nonlinear two dimensional systems: a bilinear approach, pp. 224-246. A. Feintuch, Robustness for time varying systems, pp. 247-263. U. Oberst, On the minimal number of trajectories determining a multidimensional system, pp. 264-288. ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** ------- Subject: Addendum to V. 94, # 23 Hi all-- The NA Digest we sent out yesterday started off with a note about SIAM's Ed Block, who is in the hospital. The SIAM office has asked that we NOT call Ed at the number given in the note. They say Ed would be very pleased to hear from all of his friends, but only in writing for now. Sorry, Ed. Get well soon. Hope to see you in San Diego next month. -- Cleve Moler and the rest of the NA Net guys.