Subject: NA Digest, V. 92, # 15 NA Digest Sunday, April 12, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 15 Today's Editor: Cleve Moler The MathWorks, Inc. Today's Topics: Phone Prefix Change for Argonne National Labs Proceedings of Bristol Conference on Dynamics Old Volumes of NA-Journals for Sale Workshop in Matrix Theory, Universiyt of Bielefeld Panamerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials and their Applications Submissions for NA Digest: Mail to Information about NA-NET: Mail to ------------------------------------------------------- From: Chris Bischof Date: Fri, 10 Apr 92 11:56:52 CDT Subject: Phone Prefix Change for Argonne National Labs The phone prefix for Argonne National Labs has changed from 972 to 252. So for example, my number is now (708) 252-8875 instead of the old (708) 972-8875. Some 972 numbers may still work for a while, but may go away any day. -- Chris Bischof ------------------------------ From: Arieh Iserles Date: Wed, 8 Apr 92 10:38:51 BST Subject: Proceedings of Bristol Conference on Dynamics I wish to bring to the attention of the NA-net community the publication of the proceedings of the Bristol Conference on "The Dynamics of Numerics and the Numerics of Dynamics". The publicity material says: "The original conference was unique in bringing together specialists in nonlinear dynamical systems and numerical mathematics. The papers present a broad range of topics of interest to both research communities -- applications of dynamical systems in numerical analysis and of numerical problems and techniques in dynamical systems. Although numerical analysis and nonlinear dynamical systems appear to be incompatible, in fact both approaches to increasing our mathematical understanding are mutually dependent. Numerical analysts benefit from seeing the numerical algorithm itself as a dynamical system, while numerical expertise is useful in elucidating the behaviour of nonlinear systems." The volume includes eleven invited talks and surveys by a range of leading specialists from both communities: R. Temam: General methods for approximating inertial manifolds. Applications to computing. J. Carr: Slowly varying solutions of a nonlinear partial differential equation. I.N. Stewart: Bifurcation theory old and new. D.S. Broomhead: The geometry of dynamics. J.M. Sanz-Serna: Numerical ordinary differential equations vs. dynamical systems. D.R. Moore & N.O. Weiss: Sensitivity of bifurcations to discretization. H.B. Keller: A numerical approach to Hilbert's sixteenth problem. R.S. Mackay: Some aspects of the dynamics and numerics of Hamiltonian systems. J.P. Keener: Uses and abuses of numerical methods in cardiology. D.F. Griffiths & A.R. Mitchell: Spurious behaviour and nonlinear instability in discretised partial differential equations. J.K. Hale: Dynamics and numerics. The book has been edited by Dave Broomhead and myself, and published by Oxford University Press (ISBN 0-19-853642-9). A. Iserles Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge email ------------------------------ From: Thoger Busk Date: Wed, 08 Apr 92 16:02:41 DNT Subject: Old Volumes of NA-Journals for Sale The following list of past volumes of Numerical Analysis journals is for sale. price in US dollars 1: Journ of the Inst.of Math and its Appl. vol 1-26 435 2: IMA journ. of Numerical Analysis vol 1-7 125 3: Numerische Mathematik vol 1-49 3500 4: BIT vol 1-27 875 5: USSR Comp.Math.&Math.Phys. vol 1-13 2250 6: Computer Journal vol 19-24 85 7: Linear Algebra & its Applications vol 1-8, 10-18 435 8: ICC Bulletin vol 1-6 50 9: Math. Tables and other aids to Computation, Math Comp. no's 19-28, 30-32, 35,38,40-64, 67-176 2600 10: Annals of Math. Statistics vol I-XXV (less 5 issues) 1250 11: Proc of Amer. Math: Soc. vol 1-4 25 12: Bull. Amer. Math.Soc vol 54-59 (less vol 56 no.3) 25 13: Skandinavisk Aktuartidsskrift 1943-1973 and Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1974-1990 775 Postage to be paid by the byer. In case you have an interest in these past volumes please respond to Thoger Busk, E-mail : ------------------------------ From: Volker Mehrmann Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 17:01:52 MET DST Subject: Workshop in Matrix Theory, Universiyt of Bielefeld Workshop on Matrix Theory, University Bielefeld, July 24.-25. 1992 A two day workshop on Matrix Theory will be held at the University of Bielefeld from July 24. - July 25. 1992. The following speakers have agreed to talk so far: Richard Brualdi Shmuel Friedland Chunjang He Gerd Krause Volker Mehrmann Reinhard Nabben Alex Pothen Hans Schneider (tentatively) The workshop will be organized in the context of the ''SFB Diskrete Strukturen in der Mathematik'' at the University of Bielefeld. For information please contact: Volker Mehrmann Fakultaet fuer Mathematik Universitaet Bielefeld Postfach 8640 D-4800 Bielefeld 1 FRG email: tel. 0521-106-4798 ------------------------------ From: Stanly Steinberg Date: Mon, 6 Apr 92 11:18:43 MDT Subject: Panamerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics First Panamerican Workshop in Applied and Computational Mathematics Universidad Simon Bolivar (Simon Bolivar University) Caracas, Venezuela January 10-15 1993 Organizing Committee (USA and CANADA) Paul Boggs, Vice Chairman, National Institute of Standards and Technology Jose Castillo, Chairman, San Diego State University John Dennis, Rice University Robert O'Malley, University of Washington Robert Russel, Simon Fraser University Stanly Steinberg, University of New Mexico Richard Tapia, Rice University Organizing Committee (Venezuela) Saul Buitrago, INTEVEP, S.A. Ubaldo Garcia-Palomares, Universidad Simon Bolivar Marianela Lentini, Universidad Simon Bolivar Raul Manzanilla, INTEVEP, S.A. Consuelo Maulino, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Vianey Villamizar, Universidad Central de Venezuela This workshop is organized in cooperation with Asociacion Matematica Venezolana (AMV) Sociedad Brasileira de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional (SAMAC) Society of Indusstrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) SUBMISSIONS To submit a talk, send a one page extended abstract to the appropriate workshop organizer listed below. Contributions must be original. Deadline June 30, 1992. Acceptance/rejection notification July 15, 1992. REGISTRATION Registration fee = $100 (U.S), that includes registration material and 5 lunches which will be served outdoors in the Workshop area. WORKSHOPS 1. Matrix Analysis and Computation: David Carlson Consuelo Maulino emsca!intevep! 2. Optimization: John Dennis Ubaldo Garcia-Palomares emsca!usb! 3. Mathematical Oil Recovery: Mary Wheeler S. Buitriago emsca!intevep! 4. Network Modelling: Julian Araoz sun!emsca!usb! Robert Meyer 5. Mathematics in Industry: Ellis Cumberbatch CUMBERBE@CLARMATH.BITNET Alfonzo Reinoza. 6. Applied Probability & Statistics: Luc Devroye Jose L. Palacios 7. Scientific Computing: Julio C. Diaz Carlos de Moura. (until February 92 ) 8. Numerical Methods: Robert Russell Susana Gomez susanag@unamvm1.bitnet 9. Numerical Differential Equations: Uri Ascher Jose Comminato JACUMINA@BRUSP.BITNET 10. Solving Partial Differential Equations in Irregular Regions: Numerical Grid Generation and Finite Differences Stan Steinberg Raul Manzanilla emsca!intevep! 11. Applied Sciences and Engineering: Roland Glowinski fax 1-713-749-4626 Vianey Villamizar 12. Mathematical Ecology: J.A. Leon fax: 58-2-628763 INVITED TALKS 1. Gustavo Ponce 2. Jorge Nocedal 3. Bob O'Malley Differential-Algebraic Equations) 4. Victor Pereyra Industrial Applications of Wave Propagation) 5. Celso Grebogi 6. Bernardo Cockburn Metodos de Approximacion para Leyes de Conservacion 7. Jair Koiller 8. Herb Keller 9. Dick Tapia 10. H. Simon Experience with Massive Parallelism for CFD Applications at NASA Ames Research Center SHORT COURSES (on Sunday) 1. Paul Boggs 2. Horst Simon ------------------------------ From: Tina Flores Date: Tue, 07 Apr 92 16:43:39 EST Subject: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms Fourth ACM-SIAM Annual Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA) Sponsored by ACM Special Interest Group on Automata and Computability Theory, and SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics January 25-27, 1993, Radisson Plaza Hotel, Austin, Texas This symposium is for those interested in the use, design, and analysis of algorithms, with special emphasis on questions of efficiency. Papers about algorithms (sequential, parallel, distributed, randomized, etc.) in all areas of application are invited. Papers on the application of advanced algorithmic techniques to real world problems are especially solicited. Such papers will be judged on the interest and novelty of application, and on the significance of the practical lessons learned. The call for papers and information on how to submit extended abstracts will be available May 15, 1992. To receive your copy, contact SIAM ... n o w !! Telephone: 215-382-9800 FAX: 215-386-7999 E-mail: ------------------------------ From: Samir Sayegh Date: Tue, 7 Apr 1992 21:25:58 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing Fifth NN & PDP CONFERENCE PROGRAM - April 9, 10 and 11,1992 The Fifth Conference on Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing at Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne will be held April 9, 10, and 11, 1992. Conference registration is $20 (on site). Students and members or employees of supporting organizations attend free. Inquiries should be addressed to: US mail: Prof. Samir Sayegh Physics Department Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499 email: sayegh@ipfwcvax.bitnet FAX: (219)481-6880 Voice: (219) 481-6306 OR 481-6157 All talks will be held in Kettler Hall, Room G46: Thursday, April 9, 6pm-9pm; Friday Morning & Afternoon (Tutorial Sessions), 8:30am-12pm & 1pm-4:30pm and Friday Evening 6pm-9pm; Saturday, 9am-12noon. Special hotel rates (IPFW corporate rates) are available at Canterbury Green, which is a 5 minute drive from the campus. The number is (219) 485-9619. The Marriott Hotel also has corporate rates for IPFW and is about a 10 minute drive. Their number is (219) 484-0411. Another hotel with corporate rates for IPFW is Don Hall's Guesthouse (about 10 minutes away). Their number is (219) 489-2524. ------------------------------ From: Claude Brezinski Date: Me, 8 Avr 92 09:48:13 +0200 Subject: Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials and their Applications 4th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS EVIAN - FRANCE October 19-23, 1992 Organized by Association Francaise d'Approximation After the congresses of Bar-Le-Duc (1984), Segovia (1986) and Erice (1990), the 4th International Congress on Orthogonal Polynomials and their Applications will be held in Evian (France) from October 19 to 23, 1992. Accomodation and conferences will take place at the Village- Vacances-Familles (VVF) of Evian, beautifully located on the bank of the Lake Leman in the French Alpes. Evian can be reached by train or by plane (international airport of Geneva in Switzerland and then train to Evian. A Swiss visa will be needed for some foreigners). The aim of this congress is to gather mathematicians, scientists and engineers working on or using orthogonal polynomials. All the aspects of the subject are intended to be covered. The proceedings will be published. Participants are invited to arrive on Sunday 18 October and to leave on Saturday 24 October. Accomodation is only by apartments with two bedrooms (each with a bathroom) and a common living room. The price for full board is 305 FF per day and per person. The registration fees (including the social events and a copy of the proceedings) are 1100 FF (500 FF for accompagnying persons). They must be sent (in French Francs and free of charge for us) together with an advance of 900 FF per person for accomodation, to account #: 3606 / 00071 / 30708125000 / 41 beneficiary : Assoc. d'Approx. - Mr Le Mehaute bank : Credit Agricole 61 rue Nationale 35135 - Chantepie, FRANCE Deadline for registration, sending the abstract (1 page) and a proof of payment is May 3, 1992 An additional fee of 100 FF will be charged for late registration. The complete papers should be brought at the congress. If you intend to participate and give a talk, please contact as soon as possible Claude BREZINSKI, ISOPA4 UFR IEEA - M3O USTL 59655 - Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex FRANCE e-mail: LABANO @ FRCITL81.BITNET fax : (33) 20 43 68 69 The Organizing Committee: S. Belmehdi, C. Brezinski, M. -Neuve), P. Maroni (Paris VI), M. Redivo Zaglia (Padua), A. Ronveaux (Namur) ------------------------------ End of NA Digest ************************** -------