/*Translated by FOR_C, v3.4.2 (-), on 07/09/115 at 08:30:55 */ /*FOR_C Options SET: ftn=u io=c no=p op=aimnv s=dbov str=l x=f - prototypes */ #include #include "fcrt.h" #include "smess.h" #include #include #include #include /* PARAMETER translations */ #define LENBUF 250 #define MEVBAS 10 #define MEVLAS 33 /* end of PARAMETER translations */ /* COMMON translations */ struct t_messcc { long int kciwid, kccwid, kcrwid, lbeg, lend, lfprec, lgprec; } messcc; struct t_cmessi { long int sunit, lhead, kdfdef, linmsg, linerr, munit, eunit, kscrn, kdiag, maxerr, lstop, lprint, kdf, ntext, nidat, nfdat, nmdat, mdat[5], tabspa, errcnt, ichar0, imag, inc, irc, itext, iwf, iwg, kdi, kdj, kline, kshift, kspec, kt, lasti, lbuf, lenlin, lenout, lentry, lentxt, locbeg, lstrt, ltext, maxwid[2], mpt, nrow, ncol, ndim, ounit; LOGICAL32 gotfmt, xarg, xargok; } cmessi; struct t_cmessc { char buf[251], dols[73], fmtf[21], fmtg[16], fmti[8], fmtj[8], fmtt[16], fmtim[2][8]; } cmessc; /* end of COMMON translations */ void /*FUNCTION*/ smess( long mact[], char *text, int text_s, long idat[], float fdat[]) { #define TEXT(I_,J_) (text+(I_)*(text_s)+(J_)) long int _d_l, _d_m, _do0, _do1, _l0, icol, id, j, kbig, kexe, ksma, neg; float fbig, fout, fsma; static long ldfdef = 0; /* OFFSET Vectors w/subscript range: 1 to dimension */ float *const Fdat = &fdat[0] - 1; long *const Idat = &idat[0] - 1; long *const Mact = &mact[0] - 1; /* end of OFFSET VECTORS */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. *>> 2009-09-27 SMESS Krogh Same as below, in another place. *>> 2009-07-23 SMESS Krogh Changed ,1x to :1x in write to FMTF. *>> 2008-06-13 SMESS Krogh Changed -0's to 0. *>> 2007-09-08 SMESS Krogh Fixed definitions of MEVLAS. *>> 2006-10-08 SMESS Krogh Another try, see 2005-05-26 *>> 2006-10-08 SMESS Krogh Fixed minor problem in matrix/vector output. *>> 2006-10-01 SMESS Krogh Print NaN's and infity (at least for g77). *>> 2006-07-01 SMESS Krogh messxc => smessxc (and not static) (for C) *>> 2006-04-07 SMESS Krogh Major rewrite of code for F.Pt. format. *>> 2006-04-04 SMESS Krogh Fixes in C code for vectors & matrices. *>> 2006-04-02 SMESS Krogh Added code for output of sparse vector. *>> 2005-07-10 SMESS Krogh Small adjustment for last correction. *>> 2005-05-26 SMESS Krogh Fixed "*****" output in boundary case. *>> 2002-05-16 SMESS Krogh Added way for user to get error count. *>> 2002-03-27 SMESS Krogh Fixed crash when number is -INF. *>> 2001-06-08 SMESS Krogh Eliminated Hollerith in formats. *>> 2001-05-25 SMESS Krogh Added a couple of commas in formats. *>> 1997-06-17 SMESS Krogh In C code made messxc, static. *>> 1996-07-12 SMESS Krogh Changes to use .C. and C%%. *>> 1996-03-30 SMESS Krogh Added external statement. *>> 1994-10-20 SMESS Krogh Changes to use M77CON *>> 1994-09-21 SMESS Krogh Added CHGTYP code. *>> 1994-09-08 SMESS Krogh Added new matrix/vector capabilities. *>> 1994-08-17 SMESS Krogh Removed duplicate save statement. *>> 1994-04-19 SMESS Krogh Removed blank line from SMESS. *>> 1993-05-14 SMESS Krogh Changed TEXT to array of character strings. *>> 1993-04-14 SMESS Krogh Fixes for conversion to C. (C%% comments.) *>> 1992-07-12 SMESS Krogh Fixed so negative KDFDEF works. *>> 1992-05-27 SMESS Krogh Initialized LDFDEF in a data statement. *>> 1992-05-14 SMESS Krogh Put common blocks in save statement. *>> 1992-04-28 SMESS Krogh Corrected minor error in floating pt. format *>> 1992-02-28 SMESS Krogh Initial Code. * *--S replaces "?": ?MESS,?MESSXC * * Processes Messages -- Actions are controlled by MACT(). See * comment is subroutine MESS. This program is for the extra * argument of type real. * * BUF In common CMESSC, see MESS. * DOLS In common for intitialization, not used here. See MESS. * EUNIT In common for intitialization, not used here. See MESS. * FDAT Formal argument -- gives floating point data to print. * FBIG Largest magnitude of floating point number to output. * FSMA Smalles magnitude floating point number to be printed. * FMTF In common CMESSC, format for printing floating point number. * FMTG In common CMESSC, user format to use in place of FMTF. * FMTSP Format for printing sparse vectors. * FOUT Floating point number to be output. * FSMA Smallest postitive floating point number. * ICOL In common CMESSI, see MESS. * ID Number of decimal digits for floating point format statement. * IDAT Integer data -- passed to MESS. * IVAR In common CMESSI, see MESS. * IWF In common CMESSI, see MESS. * IWG In common CMESSI, see MESS. * J Temporary index. * K Temporary index. * KSMA Number of leading 0's in "F" format. If < 0, -KSMA gives the * number of extra digits to the left of the decimal point. * KSMA depends on abs(smallest number printed). * KBIG Number of extra digits before the decimal point required by the * largest number to be printed if "F" format is used. * KDF In common CMESSI, see MESS. * KDFDEF In common CMESSI, see MESS. * KDIAG In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * KEXE Extra space required for E format. * KF In common CMESSI, see MESS. * KLINE In common CMESSI, see MESS. * KSCRN In common CMESSI, see MESS. * KRES1 In common CMESSI, see MESS. * KSPEC In common CMESSI, see MESS. * LASTER In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LASTI In common CMESSI, see MESS. * LBUF In common CMESSI, see MESS. * LDFDEF Value of KDFDEF for this routine. (Saved) * LENBUF In common CMESSI, see MESS. * LENLIN In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LENTRY In common CMESSI, see MESS. * LHEAD In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LINERR In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LINMSG In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LOCBEG In common CMESSI, see MESS. * LPRINT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LSTOP In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * LSTRT In common CMESSI, see MESS. * MACT Formal argument, see MESS. * MDAT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * MEMDA5 In common CMESSI, see MESS. * MESS Program called for most of the message processing. * MPT In common CMESSI, see MESS. * MUNIT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * NCOL In common CMESSI, see MESS. * NDIM In common CMESSI, see MESS. * NEG 1 if any number is < 0, else it is 0. * NFDAT In common CMESSI, see MESS. * NIDAT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. */ /* NMDAT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * NTEXT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * OUNIT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * R1MACH External func. giving floating pt. info. about the environment. * SUNIT In common CMESSI, not used here, see MESS. * TEXT Formal argument, passed to MESS, see there. * XARGOK In common CMESSI, see MESS. * */ void smessxc(long int); /*c */ /*++ CODE for .C. is active */ /*++ END * * ************************** Data from common block ******************** * * For comments on these variables, see the listing for MESS. * */ /* ************************* Start of Executable Code ******************* * */ cmessi.xargok = TRUE; if (ldfdef == 0) { ldfdef = 1 - (long)( log10f( FLT_EPSILON/FLT_RADIX ) ); } cmessi.kdfdef = ldfdef; cmessi.kdf = cmessi.kdfdef; L_10: mess( mact, text,text_s, idat ); /* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 */ switch (cmessi.lentry - 3) { case 1: goto L_20; case 2: goto L_100; case 3: goto L_100; case 4: goto L_200; case 5: goto L_300; case 6: goto L_400; case 7: goto L_100; case 8: goto L_500; } cmessi.xargok = FALSE; ldfdef = cmessi.kdfdef; return; /* Print from FDAT */ L_20: j = cmessi.lbuf + 1; fout = Fdat[cmessi.nfdat]; cmessi.nfdat += 1; if (cmessi.kspec >= 8) { cmessi.lbuf += cmessi.iwg; messcc.lend = cmessi.lbuf; cmessc.buf[messcc.lend] = ' '; if ((j > 1) && (cmessc.buf[j-2] >= '0') && (cmessc.buf[j-2] <= '9')) cmessc.buf[j++ - 1] = ' '; sprintf(&cmessc.buf[j-1], cmessc.fmtg, cmessi.iwg, messcc.lgprec, fout); if (cmessc.buf[messcc.lend] != 0) {messcc.lbeg=j; smessxc(kexe);} goto L_10; /* write (BUF(J:LBUF), FMTG) FOUT */ } if (fout <= 0.e0) { if (fout == 0.e0) { Fdat[cmessi.nfdat - 1] = 0.e0; fout = 0.e0; } else { neg = 1; } } else if (fout > 0.e0) { neg = 0; } else { /* Must be a Nan */ neg = 0; fbig = 1.0; fsma = 1.0; cmessi.iwf = 2; goto L_40; } fbig = fabsf( fout ); fsma = fbig; cmessi.iwf = 2; /* Get the format. */ L_40: ; if (cmessi.kdf == 0) cmessi.kdf = cmessi.kdfdef; kexe = 0; if (fbig != 0.e0) { if (fsma == 0.e0) fsma = 1.e0; fbig *= 1.e0 + .5e0*powif(.1e0,labs( cmessi.kdf )); cmessi.iwf += neg; if (cmessi.kdf < 0) { ksma = 0; } else { ksma = -log10f( fsma ); if (fsma < 1.e0) ksma += 1; } kbig = log10f( fbig ); if (fbig < 1.e0) { kbig -= 1; if (fbig > 1.e0 - powif(.1e0,labs( cmessi.kdf - 1 ))) kbig = 0; } /* This is to get ininities out (at least with g77) */ if ((kbig < -1000) || (kbig > 1000)) kbig = 8; if ((ksma < -1000) || (ksma > 1000)) ksma = 8; if (max( kbig, 0 ) + max( ksma, 0 ) >= 4) { /* Want to use an "E" format */ kexe = 3 + max( 0, (long)( log10f( (float)( max( kbig, labs( ksma ) ) + 1.e-5 ) ) ) ); if (cmessi.kdf < 0) { id = -cmessi.kdf; } else { id = cmessi.kdf - 1; } cmessi.iwf += id + kexe; /*++ CODE for ~.C. is inactive * if (LENTRY .eq. 10) IWF = IWF - 1 * write (FMTF, '(''(1P,99(E'',I2,''.'',I2,''E'',I1,'':1X))'')') * 1 IWF, ID, KEXE - 2 *++ CODE for .C. is active * WATCOM C and others (?) man need an extra 1 here?? */ strcpy(cmessc.fmtf, "%*.*E "); messcc.lfprec = id; /*++ END */ goto L_60; } } else { ksma = 1; kbig = -1; } /* Want to use an "F" format */ if (cmessi.kdf < 0) { id = -cmessi.kdf; } else { id = cmessi.kdf + ksma - 1; } /*++ CODE for ~.C. is inactive * IWF = IWF + ID + max(KBIG, -1) * write (FMTF, '(''(0P,99(F'',I2,''.'',I2,'':1X))'')') IWF,ID *++ CODE for .C. is active */ cmessi.iwf += id + max( kbig, 0 ); strcpy(cmessc.fmtf, "%*.*f "); messcc.lfprec = id; /*++ END */ L_60: if (cmessi.lentry != 4) { cmessi.iwf += 1; if (cmessi.lentry != 10) goto L_10; /* Take care of setup for sparse vector */ cmessi.imag = 0; for (j = cmessi.locbeg; j <= cmessi.lasti; j++) { cmessi.imag = max( labs( cmessi.imag ), Idat[j] ); } messfi(); /* Format forms: 12345678901234567890 123456789012345678 1234567 * (1P,99(Edd.ddEd:1X)) (0P,99(Fxx.xx:1X)) (99Idd) *++ CODE for ~.C. is inactive * if (FMTF(8:8) .eq. 'F') then * FMTSP= * 1 '(99(' // FMTI(4:6) // ''') '',0P,' // FMTF(8:18) * else * FMTSP= * 1 '(99(' // FMTI(4:6) // ''')'' ,1P,' // FMTF(8:20) * end if *++ CODE for .C. is active * Using cmessc.fmtf in place of fmtsp */ if (cmessc.fmtf[4] == 'f') { strcpy(cmessc.fmtf, "%*ld) %*.*f "); kexe = 0; } else strcpy(cmessc.fmtf, "%*ld) %*.*E "); cmessi.iwf++; cmessi.iwf += cmessi.kdi + 1; /*++ END */ goto L_10; } cmessi.lbuf += cmessi.iwf; messcc.lend = cmessi.lbuf; cmessc.buf[messcc.lend] = ' '; if ((j > 1) && (cmessc.buf[j-2] >= '0') && (cmessc.buf[j-2] <= '9')) cmessc.buf[j++ - 1] = ' '; sprintf(&cmessc.buf[j-1], cmessc.fmtf, cmessi.iwf, messcc.lfprec, fout); if (cmessc.buf[messcc.lend] != 0) {messcc.lbeg=j; smessxc(kexe);} goto L_10; /* write (BUF(J:LBUF),FMTF) FOUT * Get format for a vector or matrix */ L_100: icol = 1; if (Fdat[cmessi.locbeg] < 0.e0) { neg = 1; } else if (Fdat[cmessi.locbeg] >= 0.e0) { neg = 0; } else { /* Must be a Nan */ neg = 0; fbig = 1.0; fsma = 1.0; goto L_110; } fbig = fabsf( Fdat[cmessi.locbeg] ); fsma = fbig; L_110: for (j = cmessi.locbeg, _do0=DOCNT(j,cmessi.lasti,_do1 = cmessi.inc); _do0 > 0; j += _do1, _do0--) { if (Fdat[j] <= 0.e0) { if (Fdat[j] == 0.e0) { Fdat[j] = 0.e0; } else { neg = 1; } } fbig = fmaxf( fbig, fabsf( Fdat[j] ) ); if (fsma == 0.e0) { fsma = fabsf( Fdat[j] ); } else if (Fdat[j] != 0.e0) { fsma = fminf( fsma, fabsf( Fdat[j] ) ); } } if (cmessi.ncol != 0) { icol += 1; cmessi.locbeg += cmessi.ndim; cmessi.lasti += cmessi.ndim; if (icol <= cmessi.ncol) goto L_110; } cmessi.iwf = 2; goto L_40; /* Floating point vector output */ L_200: ; messcc.lend = cmessi.lstrt-1; neg = 0; for (j=cmessi.mpt; j 1) && (cmessc.buf[messcc.lbeg-1] >= '0') && *C%% (cmessc.buf[messcc.lbeg-1] <= '9')) *C%% cmessc.buf[messcc.lbeg++] = ' '; * write (BUF(LSTRT:LBUF), FMTF) (FDAT(K), K = MPT, LASTI, NDIM) * Table output */ L_400: ; messcc.lend = cmessi.lstrt-1; neg=0; for (j=cmessi.mpt; j 1) && (cmessc.buf[messcc.lbeg-1] >= '0') && *C%% (cmessc.buf[messcc.lbeg-1] <= '9')) *C%% cmessc.buf[messcc.lbeg++] = ' '; * write (BUF(LSTRT:LBUF), FMTF) (FDAT(K), K = MPT, MPT+KLINE-1) */ /* Sparse vector output */ L_500: ; messcc.lend = -1; neg = 0; for (j=cmessi.mpt; j '9')) { cmessc.buf[messcc.lend-1] = cmessc.buf[messcc.lend-2]; cmessc.buf[messcc.lend-2] = cmessc.buf[messcc.lend-3]; cmessc.buf[messcc.lend-3] = '0'; cmessc.buf[messcc.lend] = ' '; } } return; } /* end of function */