/*Translated by FOR_C, v3.4.2 (-), on 07/09/115 at 08:31:56 */ /*FOR_C Options SET: ftn=u io=c no=p op=aimnv s=dbov str=l x=f - prototypes */ #include #include "fcrt.h" #include "dprpl1.h" #include void /*FUNCTION*/ dprpl1( double x[], double y[], long np, char *title, char *xname, char *yname, long nlines, long nchars, byte image[], long *ierr) { #define IMAGE(I_,J_) (image+(I_)*(nchars)+(J_)) long int bottom, i, iline, j, l1, left, right, top; double facx, facy, x1, x2, xmax, xmin, y1, y2, ymax, ymin; /* OFFSET Vectors w/subscript range: 1 to dimension */ double *const X = &x[0] - 1; double *const Y = &y[0] - 1; /* end of OFFSET VECTORS */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. *>> 1994-10-20 DPRPL1 Krogh Changes to use M77CON *>> 1994-08-05 DPRPL1 CLL Replaced 0.5 with 0.5001 for more consistent * rounding on different computers. *>> 1992-02-14 DPRPL1 CLL Added choice of no. of rows & cols in output. *>> 1990-10-29 PRPL1 CLL More changes to formatting of x-grid labels. *>> 1990-10-22 PRPL1 CLL Added FAC, XSMALL, YSMALL. *>> 1989-07-20 PRPL1 WV Snyder JPL Change ROW1 and ROW2 dimensions to * *>> 1988-05-24 PRPL1 Lawson Initial code. * DPRPL1 Enhanced version of PRPL1. 1992-01-29, CLL * PRPL1 This replaces EZPLTA of JPL$. * Only first 51 characters of YNAME() are used. * C.L.Lawson & Stella Chan,JPL,April 4,1983 * Coded for Fortran 77. * 1990 Oct. Reworked formatting of labels for the x-grid lines. * No. of major subdivisions, KMAJX, returned by SCALK8 will be * 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Generally we print KMAJX+1 labels, but print * only 5 for KMAJX = 8. * Will print numbers in the form -1.2345D-201 except when KMAJX = 7 * in which case we reduce to -1.234D-201. Provides one or more * spaces between numbers. * Also reduced spacing between the ROW1() & ROW2() items. * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * SUBROUTINE ARGUMENTS * * X(),Y() Arrays of (x,y) coordinate pairs defining the * curve to be plotted. * * NP Number of (x,y) points to be plotted. * * TITLE Character string to be * printed above the plot grid as a title for the * graph. * * XNAME Character string to be * printed below the plot grid to identify the * abscissa variable. * * YNAME Character string to be * printed in a vertical column at the left of the * plot grid to identify the ordinate variable. * * NLINES [in] Number of lines available for the output image. * * NCHARS [in] Number of characters per line available for the * output image. * IMAGE() [out,array of chars] Array of at least NLINES elements, * each being a character variable of length at least NCHARS. * This subr will build the output plot image in this array. * IERR [out,integer] Termination status indicator. 0 means ok. * 1 means need larger NCHARS. 2 means need larger NLINES. * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *--D replaces "?": ?PRPL1, ?PRPL3 * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Find min's and max's of data values. * */ x1 = X[1]; y1 = Y[1]; x2 = x1; y2 = y1; for (i = 2; i <= np; i++) { x2 = fmax( x2, X[i] ); x1 = fmin( x1, X[i] ); y2 = fmax( y2, Y[i] ); y1 = fmin( y1, Y[i] ); } /* Subroutine DPRPL3 determine data values for the first and last * grid lines: XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, YMAX, * and corresponding index values for use in the character array * IMAGE()(): LEFT, RIGHT, BOTTOM, TOP, * and constructs grid lines, labels, and titles in IMAGE()(). * */ dprpl3( x1, x2, y1, y2, &xmin, &xmax, &ymin, &ymax, &left, &right, &bottom, &top, title, xname, yname, nlines, nchars, image, ierr ); /* Plot the xy data points. * Note: (BOTTOM - TOP) will be positive. * */ facx = (double)( right - left )/(xmax - xmin); facy = (double)( bottom - top )/(ymax - ymin); for (j = 1; j <= np; j++) { iline = bottom - (long)( (Y[j] - ymin)*facy + 0.5001e0 ); l1 = left + (long)( (X[j] - xmin)*facx + 0.5001e0 ); IMAGE(iline - 1,0)[l1 - 1] = '*'; } return; #undef IMAGE } /* end of function */