/*Translated by FOR_C, v3.4.2 (-), on 07/09/115 at 08:31:40 */ /*FOR_C Options SET: ftn=u io=c no=p op=aimnv s=dbov str=l x=f - prototypes */ #include #include "fcrt.h" #include "dckder.h" #include #include void /*FUNCTION*/ dckder( long *mode, long m, long n, double x[], double fvec[], double *fjac, long ldfjac, double *test, long *imax, long *jmax, double *tstmax) { #define FJAC(I_,J_) (*(fjac+(I_)*(ldfjac)+(J_))) #define TEST(I_,J_) (*(test+(I_)*(ldfjac)+(J_))) static LOGICAL32 plus; long int _l0, i; static long int j; double eps, fac, tstij; static double alpha, delx, small, xj; /* OFFSET Vectors w/subscript range: 1 to dimension */ double *const Fvec = &fvec[0] - 1; double *const X = &x[0] - 1; /* end of OFFSET VECTORS */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * Based on Government Sponsored Research NAS7-03001. *>> 1996-03-30 DCKDER Krogh Added external statement. *>> 1994-10-20 DCKDER Krogh Changes to use M77CON *>> 1992-01-16 DCKDER CLL@JPL *>> 1991-12-16 CLL@JPL * DCKDER checks a Jacobian matrix of first partial derivatives for * consistency with central finite differences of function values. * * Usage: * * Set X() to a trial N-vector. * Compute FJAC(,) as the MxN Jacobian matrix of partials of * FVEC with respect to X, evaluated at X(). * MODE = 1 * 10 call DCKDER(MODE,...) * if(MODE .eq. 2) then * Compute FVEC() as an M-vector of function values * evaluated at X(). * go to 10 * endif * Here the process is completed. * Results are in IMAX, JMAX, TSTMAX, and TEST(,). * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Subroutine Arguments * * MODE [inout] On initial entry set MODE = 1. * DCKDER will return a number of times with MODE = 2. The calling * code should compute FVEC() as a function of X() and call DCKDER * again, not altering MODE. When DCKDER is finished it returns * with MODE = 3. * M [in] Number of terms in FVEC() and number of rows of data * in FJAC(,). * N [in] Number of terms in X() and number of cloumns of data * in FJAC(,). * X() [inout] Initially must contain the x-vector around which the * testing will be done. Contains perturbed x-vectors on * returns with MODE = 2. On final return with MODE = 3, * contains the original x-vector exactly restored. * FVEC() [in] The user stores function values in FVEC(). * FJAC(,) [in] The user stores the Jacobian matrix in FVEC(,). * LDFJAC [in] Declared first dimension of the arrays FJAC(,) and * TEST(,). Require LDFJAC .ge. M. * TEST(,) [out] Array with same dimensions as FJAC(). * For each i = 1, ..., M, and j = 1, ..., N, DCKDER sets TEST(i,j) * to the signed difference: FJAC(i,j) minus a central finite- * difference approximation to the first partial derivative of * f sub i with respect to x sub j. * IMAX, JMAX [out] I and J indices of the value in TEST(,) of * largest magnitude. * TSTMAX [out] Magnitude of the value in TEST(,) of largest magnitude, * i.e., TSTMAX = abs(TEST(IMAX, JMAX)) * ------------------------------------------------------------------ * D1MACH(1) is the underflow limit. * D1MACH(4) is the machine precision. * ------------------------------------------------------------------ *--D replaces "?": ?CKDER * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ switch (*mode) { case 1: goto L_10; case 2: goto L_20; } /* ANSI Standard Fortran 77 comes here * if MODE is not 1 or 2. * */ ierm1( "DCKDER", 1, 0, "Require MODE = 1 or 2.", "MODE", *mode, '.' ); return; L_10: ; eps = DBL_EPSILON; alpha = pow(3.0e0*eps,0.333333e0); small = fmax( 1.0e5*DBL_MIN/alpha, eps*eps ); *tstmax = 0.0e0; *imax = 0; *jmax = 0; *mode = 2; j = 0; L_15: ; j += 1; xj = X[j]; if (fabs( xj ) > small) { delx = alpha*xj; } else if (fabs( xj ) > 0.0e0) { delx = alpha*small; } else { delx = alpha; } X[j] = xj + delx; plus = TRUE; return; /* Here we return to the user's code for computation of * FVEC() using X(). Execution will resume here. * */ L_20: ; if (plus) { /* Using col N of TEST() to save FVEC() * evaluated using XJ + DELX. */ for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) { TEST(n - 1,i - 1) = Fvec[i]; } X[j] = xj - delx; plus = FALSE; return; /* Returning again to the user's code for another * evaluation of FVEC() using the perturbed X(). */ } fac = 0.5e0/delx; for (i = 1; i <= m; i++) { tstij = FJAC(j - 1,i - 1) - fac*(TEST(n - 1,i - 1) - Fvec[i]); TEST(j - 1,i - 1) = tstij; if (fabs( tstij ) > *tstmax) { *tstmax = fabs( tstij ); *imax = i; *jmax = j; } } /* Restore X(J) */ X[j] = xj; if (j < n) goto L_15; *mode = 3; return; #undef TEST #undef FJAC } /* end of function */