c program drsran c>> 2001-07-16 DRSRAN Krogh Added comma in two fomrats. c>> 1996-06-19 DRSRAN Krogh Minor format change for C conversion. c>> 1994-10-19 DRSRAN Krogh Changes to use M77CON c>> 1992-02-24 DRSRAN CLL c>> 1987-12-10 Original time stamp c--S replaces "?": DR?RAN, ?RANUA c++S Default NDIG = 6 c++ Default NDIG = 12 c++ Replace "f9.6 " = "f"//NDIG+3//"."//NDIG c Reports MODE for host system, and prints a few integers in the c integer sequence underlying the pseudorandom number package for c the MATH77 library. These integers should be exactly the c same on all host systems. The listed integers include the c smallest and largest in the entire sequence. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer I, KASE, KSEED(2,2), MODE real X(1) data KSEED(1,1), KSEED(2,1) / 249979, 65550 / data KSEED(1,2), KSEED(2,2) / 437215, 10953 / c ------------------------------------------------------------------ do 20 KASE = 1,2 print'(1x//4x,''Integer sequence'',10x,''Number returned''/1x)' print'(7x,i7,'','',i5)',KSEED(1,KASE),KSEED(2,KASE) call RANPUT(KSEED(1,KASE)) do 10 I = 1,10 call SRANUA(X,1) call RANGET(KSEED(1,KASE)) print'(7x,i7,'','',i5,10x,f9.6 )',KSEED(1,KASE),KSEED(2,KASE), * X(1) 10 continue 20 continue call RN2(MODE) print'(/1x,a,i2)', * 'MODE may be 2, 3, or 4. On the current host it is ',MODE stop end