PROGRAM drsdasl7 c>> 2008-10-26 DRSDASL7 Krogh Moved Format statements up for C conv. c>> 2008-10-24 DRSDASL7 Krogh Removed in INCLUDE statement & cDEC$... c>> 2008-08-27 DRSDASL7 compute initial y' value, change user codes c>> 2006-04-26 DRSDASL7, Krogh Dimensioned ATOL and RTOL. c>> 2006-04-24 DRSDASL7, Krogh Moved count initialization up. c>> 2002-01-18 DRSDASL7, R. J. Hanson Example Code c SDASLX is used to solve an ODE problem, with a banded Jacobian. c Two runs with analytic partials are used. Both forward and c reverse communication usage examples are illustrated. c--S replaces "?": DR?DASL7, ?DASLX, ?DASSF7, ?EDIT2, ?GBFA, ?GBSL EXTERNAL sdassf7 INTEGER ndig REAL tol c++S Default NDIG = 4 c++ Default NDIG = 8 c++ Substitute for NDIG below PARAMETER (NDIG=4) PARAMETER (tol=10.e0**(-ndig)) INTEGER neq,liw,lrw,ml,mu,maxord,maxcon PARAMETER (neq=25) PARAMETER (liw=neq+30+2) c The work space LRW has the banded matrix size c because with INFO(5)=4, the Jacobian matrix is stored in c banded form. (Only MAXCON = 0 is allowed with the band solver.) PARAMETER (ml=5,mu=0,maxord=5,maxcon=0,lrw=45+(maxord+maxcon+4)* & neq+(2*ml+mu+1)*neq+2*(neq/(ml+mu+1)+1)) INTEGER i,idid,info(16),ires,iwork(liw),nerr,nqu,iout,lda, & ipvt(neq) REAL atol(1),delta(neq),er,ero,erm,hu,rtol(1), & rwork(lrw),t,tout,y(neq),yprime(neq) 120 FORMAT (' Demo Program for SDASLX',///1x,' Problem 7: y'' = A * y &, where',' A is a banded lower triangular matrix',/1x,' NEQ =',i3, &' ML =',i2,' MU =',i2,'( size, bandwidths)'/1x,' RTOL =',1p, & d10.1,' ATOL =',d10.1,'( rel, abs tolerance)') 130 FORMAT (1x,1p,d15.5,d14.3,i6,d14.3) 140 FORMAT (/6x,'Example Results for an Index-0 Banded ODE Problem,',' & Soln in Forward Comm',//9x,'T',11x,'Max Err',3x, & 'BDF Order Last Step=H') 150 FORMAT (/6x,'Example Results for an Index-0 Banded ODE Problem,',' & Soln in Reverse Comm',//9x,'T',11x,'Max Err',3x, & 'BDF Order Last Step=H') c c A constant coefficient, banded matrix: c DO 10 i=1,16 info(i)=0 10 CONTINUE c Banded matrix with user providing derivatives. info(5)=4 iwork(1)=ml iwork(2)=mu lda=2*ml+mu+1 c Tolerance: atol(1)=tol rtol(1)=0.e0 WRITE (*,120) neq,ml,mu,rtol(1),atol(1) t=0.0e0 DO 20 i=1,neq y(i)=0.0e0 delta(i)=0.0e0 20 CONTINUE y(1)=1.0e0 c These are function and Jacobian evaluation counters. iwork(liw-1)=0 iwork(liw)=0 c The first call initializes internal data values, and the second c call gives a consistent value of YPRIME. Note the reversed c positions of DELTA, YPRIME. This usage computes a consistent value c of YPRIME in the case of Index 0 systems. DO 30 i=0,1 ires=i CALL sdassf7 (t, y, delta, yprime, rwork, lda, rwork(1), ires, & rwork, iwork) 30 CONTINUE tout=0.01e0 ero=0.0e0 nerr=0 WRITE (*,140) c This shows passing data from evaluation routine ?DASF = ?DASF7 c to the calling program. DO 40 iout=1,6 CALL sdaslx (sdassf7, neq, t, y, yprime, tout, info, rtol, atol, & idid, rwork, lrw, iwork, liw) CALL sedit2 (y, t, erm) hu=rwork(7) nqu=iwork(8) WRITE (*,130) t,erm,nqu,hu c IF ( GO TO 50 er=erm/atol(1) ero=max(ero,er) IF ( THEN nerr=nerr+1 END IF c Advance to the next output point. tout=tout*10.0e0 40 CONTINUE 50 CONTINUE c Start over but solve banded linear system in reverse communication mod t=0.0e0 DO 60 i=1,neq y(i)=0.0e0 delta(i)=0.0e0 60 CONTINUE y(1)=1.0e0 c The first call initializes internal data values, and the second c call gives a consistent value of YPRIME. Note the reversed c positions of DELTA, YPRIME. This computes a consistent value c of YPRIME in the case of Index 0 systems. DO 70 i=0,1 ires=i CALL sdassf7 (t, y, delta, yprime, rwork, lda, rwork(1), ires, & rwork, iwork) 70 CONTINUE tout=0.01e0 ero=0.0e0 nerr=0 info(1)=0 WRITE (*,150) iwork(liw-1)=0 iwork(liw)=0 c All work done using reverse communication: info(5)=-14 DO 100 iout=1,6 80 CALL sdaslx (sdassf7, neq, t, y, yprime, tout, info, rtol, atol, & idid, rwork, lrw, iwork, liw) c When IDID == 4 the code returned for reverse communication. c Otherwise the integration has finished up to this output point. IF ( GO TO 90 ires=iwork(3) c Evaluate residuals or partials: IF (ires.le.2) THEN CALL sdassf7 (t, y, yprime, rwork(iwork(4)), rwork(iwork(5)), & lda, rwork(1), ires, rwork, iwork) END IF c Factor the banded matrix: IF (ires.eq.3) THEN c The matrix is contained in the RWORK array. c With this request, IWORK(5) points to the matrix, and IWORK(3) == IRES c Note that IWORK(3) gets the error code (==0 means non-singular matrix) CALL sgbfa (rwork(iwork(5)), lda, neq, ml, mu, ipvt, iwork(3)) END IF c Solve with the banded matrix: IF (ires.eq.4) THEN c The right-hand side is contained in the RWORK array. c With this request, IWORK(4) points to the right-hand side. CALL sgbsl (rwork(iwork(5)), lda, neq, ml, mu, ipvt, & rwork(iwork(4)), 0) END IF GO TO 80 90 CONTINUE CALL sedit2 (y, t, erm) hu=rwork(7) nqu=iwork(8) WRITE (*,130) t,erm,nqu,hu c IF ( GO TO 110 er=erm/atol(1) ero=max(ero,er) IF ( THEN nerr=nerr+1 END IF c Advance to the next output point. tout=tout*10.0e0 100 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE sdassf7 (t, y, yprime, delta, pd, ldp, cj, ires, rwork, & iwork) c c Example from SLATEC distribution. c This exercises the banded matrix solver. REAL t,y(*),yprime(*),delta(*),pd(ldp,*),cj,rwork(*) INTEGER ires,iwork(*),i,j,k,mband,ng,ldp,ml,mu REAL alph1,alph2,d INTEGER neq,liw PARAMETER (neq=25) c The last two value of IWORK() pass evaluation counters c back to the main program. PARAMETER (liw=neq+30+2) SAVE alph1,alph2,ng,ml,mu c This is the setup call. IF (ires.eq.0) THEN alph1=1.0e0 alph2=1.0e0 ng=5 ml=5 mu=0 END IF c The system residual value. IF (ires.eq.1) THEN DO 20 j=1,ng DO 10 i=1,ng k=i+(j-1)*ng d=-2.0e0*y(k) IF ( d=d+y(k-1)*alph1 IF ( d=d+y(k-ng)*alph2 delta(k)=d-yprime(k) 10 CONTINUE 20 CONTINUE c Count residual evaluations using end of integer work array. iwork(liw-1)=iwork(liw-1)+1 END IF c The partial derivative matrix. IF (ires.eq.2) THEN mband=ml+mu+1 DO 30 j=1,neq pd(mband,j)=-2.0e0-cj pd(mband+1,j)=alph1 pd(mband+2,j)=0.0e0 pd(mband+3,j)=0.0e0 pd(mband+4,j)=0.0e0 pd(mband+5,j)=alph2 30 CONTINUE DO 40 j=1,neq,ng pd(mband+1,j)=0.0e0 40 CONTINUE c Count partial evaluations using end of integer work array. iwork(liw)=iwork(liw)+1 END IF END SUBROUTINE sedit2 (y, t, erm) c***BEGIN PROLOGUE SEDIT2 c***SUBSIDIARY c***LIBRARY SLATEC (DASSL) c***TYPE DOUBLE PRECISION (EDIT2-S, SEDIT2-D) c***AUTHOR PETZOLD, LINDA R., (LLNL) c***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) c***END PROLOGUE SEDIT2 REAL y(*),t,erm INTEGER i,j,k,ng REAL alph1,alph2,a1,a2,big,er,ex,ri,rj,yt REAL r1mach DATA alph1/1.0e0/,alph2/1.0e0/,ng/5/ EXTERNAL r1mach c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT SEDIT2 erm=0.0e0 IF (t.eq.0.0e0) RETURN ex=0.0e0 big=.5e0*log(r1mach(2)) c Compute matrix exponential * initial data vector, c for this particular lower triangular matrix. IF ( ex=exp(-2.0e0*t) a2=1.0e0 DO 20 j=1,ng a1=1.0e0 DO 10 i=1,ng k=i+(j-1)*ng yt=t**(i+j-2)*ex*a1*a2 er=abs(y(k)-yt) erm=max(erm,er) ri=i a1=a1*alph1/ri 10 CONTINUE rj=j a2=a2*alph2/rj 20 CONTINUE RETURN END