c DRDLESUM c>> 1995-05-28 DRDLESUM Krogh Changes to use M77CON c>> 1994-08-09 DRDLESUM WVS Set up for CHGTYP c>> 1994-07-14 DRDLESUM CLL c>> 1992-04-29 DRDLESUM CAO Replaced '1' in format. c>> 1991-11-19 DRDLESUM CLL c>> 1987-12-09 DRDLESUM Lawson Initial Code. c--D replaces "?": ?LESUM, DR?LESUM c c Demonstration driver for evaluation of a Legendre series. c ------------------------------------------------------------------ integer j double precision x,a(0:5),y,w,z data a/0.07d0, 0.27d0, 0.20d0, 0.28d0, 0.08d0, 0.08d0/ c ------------------------------------------------------------------ print '(1x,3x,a1,14x,a1,17x,a1/)','x','y','z' do 20 j = -10,10,2 x = dble(j) /10.d0 call dlesum (x,5,a,y) w = 0.35d0 * (x**4) + 0.63d0 * (x**5) z = y - w print '(1x,f5.2,5x,g15.7,g15.2)',x,y,z 20 continue end