c program DRDBI0K0 c>> 1996-05-28 DRDBI0K0 Krogh Moved formats up. c>> 1994-10-19 DRDBI0K0 Krogh Changes to use M77CON c>> 1992-03-18 DRDBI0K0 CLL Added "c" to "program" line above. c>> 1990-11-21 WVS (edited by CLL) c Demonstration driver for single precision hyperbolic Bessel c function subprograms. c c Compute the Wronskian relation c c z = x * (I1(x)*K0(x) + I0(x)*K1(x)) - 1.0 c c z should be approximately zero. c c ------------------------------------------------------------------ c--D replaces "?": DR?BI0K0, ?BI0K0, ?BI1K1 c ------------------------------------------------------------------ double precision X, BI0, BK0, BI1, BK1, Z integer IX, INFO c 100 format (3x,a1,7x,4(a5,8x),a1/3x,'-',7x,4('-----',8x),'-') 150 format (1x,f4.1,1x,2(f12.8,1x),4x,'INFINITY',5x,'INFINITY') 200 format (1x,f4.1,1x,4(f12.8,1x),1x,g9.2) c print 100, 'X', 'I0(X)','I1(X)','K0(X)','K1(X)','Z' c x = 0.0d0 call dbi0k0 (x, bi0, bk0, 1, info) call dbi1k1 (x, bi1, bk1, 1, info) print 150, x, bi0, bi1 do 300 ix = 5, 50, 5 x = ix / 10.0d0 call dbi0k0 (x, bi0, bk0, -3, info) call dbi1k1 (x, bi1, bk1, -3, info) z = x * (bi1*bk0 + bi0*bk1) - 1.0d0 print 200, x, bi0, bi1, bk0, bk1, z 300 continue stop end