,-. ,- ,- ,- / / ,- |-. |-' `-` | `-` / / `-` `-' Parallel Processing Laboratory, Dept. of Informatics, University of Bergen, High Technology Centre, N-5020 Bergen,Norway BLAS (1-2-3) for the MasPar MP-1, MP-2 and DEC's MPP 12000 series. The general-matrix BLAS routines have been implemented for the MasPar 1200 and DECmpp 12000/Sx systems. These routines are designed to be called from the MasPar FORTRAN language (mpfortran). The MPL BLAS routines have been compiled and tested using MasPar software v3.0 and the ansi-based mpl compiler. THE BLAS EXIST IN TWO VERSIONS, a PURE FORTRAN 90 based version and a MIXED FORTRAN90/MPL version. The pure F90 is in maspar/f90 , while the mixed version is in maspar/mpl. There are double and single precision, a total of 4 libraries: maspar/f90/dblas double real, F90 maspar/f90/sblas single real, F90 maspar/mpl/dblas double real, F90/MPL maspar/mpl/sblas double real, F90/MPL to get a full library, type: send all from maspar/f90/sblas if f90/sblas etc. The F90 version can be expected to improve as the compiler gets better, the Mixed version is sometimes faster, in particular for large problems. Since the relative performance will change over time the user is advised to check which version works best in his/her application. Due to call-overhead, the F90 version will almost always be faster for small problem sizes, while the mixed version sometimes is faster for large problem sizes. Building MPL BLAS In order to build the mpl_blas routines, carry out the following procedure: Edit the Makefile, change the LIBS macro to point to the directory where you will install the libraries. If you want to use K&R mpl then change the MPL macro to use 'ompl'. MPL BLAS will compile and run with K&R mpl, but its use is not supported. If you are running and older version of MasPar or DECmpp software that does not have ANSI-MPL as the default, you will need to specify the MPL macro as 'ampl'. It is also necessary to build libraries specific to the machine size(es) you will be using. In this case you should substitute '-pesize=<something>' instead of the -pevariable flag for FFLAGS. mplwrap is a C-Shell script which generates interface routines for conveniently calling mpl from mpfortran. Type 'make'