Release date: 06/16.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy under Grant No. NSF-OCI-1032861, NSF-CCF-00444486, NSF-CNS 0325873, NSF-EIA 0122599, NSF-ACI-0090127, DOE-DE-FC02-01ER25478, DOE-DE-FC02-06ER25768.
LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California, Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..
1. Support and questions:
2. Thanks
Thanks for bug-report/patches/suggestions to:
Forum users:
3. LAPACK 3.6.1: What’s new
[Mark Gates, UTK] blocked back-transformation for the non-symmetric eigenvalue problem
It blocks NB gemv calls into one gemm call inside trevc. To do that, it needs a new routine, trevc3, because unfortunately the lwork was not passed into trevc. Attached is the performance speedup for dgeev. It gives a nice 1.5x speedup for N=20000, and that appears to still be increasing with N. This is not the improvements that Greg Henry recently provided for doing the triangular solves as BLAS-3 instead of BLAS-1. That will take a while to process, but we expect another, even larger increase in performance when those changes are applied. This also does not include doing multiple (BLAS-1) triangular solves in parallel, which is available in MAGMA, since that requires OpenMP or pthreads.
3. External Contributors
4. Thanks
Edward Smyth (NAG): r1683, r1684
Tim Hopkins (University of Kent): r1734, r1735, r1764, r1765, r1766, r1764, r1765, r1766
Eugene Chereshnev (Intel): r1670, r1737, r1759, r1760, r1761, r1762, r1763
Dmitry Baksheev (Intel): r1686, r1687, r1689-r1730
Alex Zotkevich (Intel): r1755, r1756, r1757, r1758
Nathan Whitehead: r1740, r1742, r1744
Lawrence Mulholland (NAG): r1649, r1654, r1655, r1656, r1688, r1746
Orion Poplawski (NWRA): r1653, r1751, r1754
Vladimir Chalupecky: r1752
Pavel Holoborodko: r1648
Julien Schueller: r1650, r1651, r1748, r1749
Mathieu Faverge: r1658, r1662, r1663
Martin Köhler Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems): r1660
Tracey Brendan: r1667, r1668
Andreas Noack (MIT): 1669
Berend Hasselman: r1671
Sébastien Villemot: r1672, r1733
Christoph Conrads: r1673
Elena Ivanova (Oracle): r1674, r1675, r1676
David Vowles: r1677, r1679
Viswanathan Elumalai (University of Pittsburgh): r1681
Mark Gates: r1739, r1750
nathanw: r1740
Nathan Whitehead: r1742, r1744
5. Developer list
Jim Demmel (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Jack Dongarra (University of Tennessee and ORNL, USA)
Julien Langou (University of Colorado Denver, USA)
Julie Langou (University of Tennessee, USA)
Osni Marques (University of California, Berkeley, USA)
Lawrence Mulholland (NAG Ltd.)
Mark Gates (University of Tennessee, USA)
Igor Kozachenko (University of California, Berkeley, USA)