LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine sgesvdq | ( | character | joba, |
character | jobp, | ||
character | jobr, | ||
character | jobu, | ||
character | jobv, | ||
integer | m, | ||
integer | n, | ||
real, dimension( lda, * ) | a, | ||
integer | lda, | ||
real, dimension( * ) | s, | ||
real, dimension( ldu, * ) | u, | ||
integer | ldu, | ||
real, dimension( ldv, * ) | v, | ||
integer | ldv, | ||
integer | numrank, | ||
integer, dimension( * ) | iwork, | ||
integer | liwork, | ||
real, dimension( * ) | work, | ||
integer | lwork, | ||
real, dimension( * ) | rwork, | ||
integer | lrwork, | ||
integer | info ) |
SGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) with a QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for GE matrices
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!> !> SGESVDQ computes the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a real !> M-by-N matrix A, where M >= N. The SVD of A is written as !> [++] [xx] [x0] [xx] !> A = U * SIGMA * V^*, [++] = [xx] * [ox] * [xx] !> [++] [xx] !> where SIGMA is an N-by-N diagonal matrix, U is an M-by-N orthonormal !> matrix, and V is an N-by-N orthogonal matrix. The diagonal elements !> of SIGMA are the singular values of A. The columns of U and V are the !> left and the right singular vectors of A, respectively. !>
[in] | JOBA | !> JOBA is CHARACTER*1 !> Specifies the level of accuracy in the computed SVD !> = 'A' The requested accuracy corresponds to having the backward !> error bounded by || delta A ||_F <= f(m,n) * EPS * || A ||_F, !> where EPS = SLAMCH('Epsilon'). This authorises CGESVDQ to !> truncate the computed triangular factor in a rank revealing !> QR factorization whenever the truncated part is below the !> threshold of the order of EPS * ||A||_F. This is aggressive !> truncation level. !> = 'M' Similarly as with 'A', but the truncation is more gentle: it !> is allowed only when there is a drop on the diagonal of the !> triangular factor in the QR factorization. This is medium !> truncation level. !> = 'H' High accuracy requested. No numerical rank determination based !> on the rank revealing QR factorization is attempted. !> = 'E' Same as 'H', and in addition the condition number of column !> scaled A is estimated and returned in RWORK(1). !> N^(-1/4)*RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(A_scaled)||_2 <= N^(1/4)*RWORK(1) !> |
[in] | JOBP | !> JOBP is CHARACTER*1 !> = 'P' The rows of A are ordered in decreasing order with respect to !> ||A(i,:)||_\infty. This enhances numerical accuracy at the cost !> of extra data movement. Recommended for numerical robustness. !> = 'N' No row pivoting. !> |
[in] | JOBR | !> JOBR is CHARACTER*1 !> = 'T' After the initial pivoted QR factorization, SGESVD is applied to !> the transposed R**T of the computed triangular factor R. This involves !> some extra data movement (matrix transpositions). Useful for !> experiments, research and development. !> = 'N' The triangular factor R is given as input to SGESVD. This may be !> preferred as it involves less data movement. !> |
[in] | JOBU | !> JOBU is CHARACTER*1 !> = 'A' All M left singular vectors are computed and returned in the !> matrix U. See the description of U. !> = 'S' or 'U' N = min(M,N) left singular vectors are computed and returned !> in the matrix U. See the description of U. !> = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK left singular !> vectors are computed and returned in the matrix U. !> = 'F' The N left singular vectors are returned in factored form as the !> product of the Q factor from the initial QR factorization and the !> N left singular vectors of (R**T , 0)**T. If row pivoting is used, !> then the necessary information on the row pivoting is stored in !> IWORK(N+1:N+M-1). !> = 'N' The left singular vectors are not computed. !> |
[in] | JOBV | !> JOBV is CHARACTER*1 !> = 'A', 'V' All N right singular vectors are computed and returned in !> the matrix V. !> = 'R' Numerical rank NUMRANK is determined and only NUMRANK right singular !> vectors are computed and returned in the matrix V. This option is !> allowed only if JOBU = 'R' or JOBU = 'N'; otherwise it is illegal. !> = 'N' The right singular vectors are not computed. !> |
[in] | M | !> M is INTEGER !> The number of rows of the input matrix A. M >= 0. !> |
[in] | N | !> N is INTEGER !> The number of columns of the input matrix A. M >= N >= 0. !> |
[in,out] | A | !> A is REAL array of dimensions LDA x N !> On entry, the input matrix A. !> On exit, if JOBU .NE. 'N' or JOBV .NE. 'N', the lower triangle of A contains !> the Householder vectors as stored by SGEQP3. If JOBU = 'F', these Householder !> vectors together with WORK(1:N) can be used to restore the Q factors from !> the initial pivoted QR factorization of A. See the description of U. !> |
[in] | LDA | !> LDA is INTEGER. !> The leading dimension of the array A. LDA >= max(1,M). !> |
[out] | S | !> S is REAL array of dimension N. !> The singular values of A, ordered so that S(i) >= S(i+1). !> |
[out] | U | !> U is REAL array, dimension !> LDU x M if JOBU = 'A'; see the description of LDU. In this case, !> on exit, U contains the M left singular vectors. !> LDU x N if JOBU = 'S', 'U', 'R' ; see the description of LDU. In this !> case, U contains the leading N or the leading NUMRANK left singular vectors. !> LDU x N if JOBU = 'F' ; see the description of LDU. In this case U !> contains N x N orthogonal matrix that can be used to form the left !> singular vectors. !> If JOBU = 'N', U is not referenced. !> |
[in] | LDU | !> LDU is INTEGER. !> The leading dimension of the array U. !> If JOBU = 'A', 'S', 'U', 'R', LDU >= max(1,M). !> If JOBU = 'F', LDU >= max(1,N). !> Otherwise, LDU >= 1. !> |
[out] | V | !> V is REAL array, dimension !> LDV x N if JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R' or if JOBA = 'E' . !> If JOBV = 'A', or 'V', V contains the N-by-N orthogonal matrix V**T; !> If JOBV = 'R', V contains the first NUMRANK rows of V**T (the right !> singular vectors, stored rowwise, of the NUMRANK largest singular values). !> If JOBV = 'N' and JOBA = 'E', V is used as a workspace. !> If JOBV = 'N', and JOBA.NE.'E', V is not referenced. !> |
[in] | LDV | !> LDV is INTEGER !> The leading dimension of the array V. !> If JOBV = 'A', 'V', 'R', or JOBA = 'E', LDV >= max(1,N). !> Otherwise, LDV >= 1. !> |
[out] | NUMRANK | !> NUMRANK is INTEGER !> NUMRANK is the numerical rank first determined after the rank !> revealing QR factorization, following the strategy specified by the !> value of JOBA. If JOBV = 'R' and JOBU = 'R', only NUMRANK !> leading singular values and vectors are then requested in the call !> of SGESVD. The final value of NUMRANK might be further reduced if !> some singular values are computed as zeros. !> |
[out] | IWORK | !> IWORK is INTEGER array, dimension (max(1, LIWORK)). !> On exit, IWORK(1:N) contains column pivoting permutation of the !> rank revealing QR factorization. !> If JOBP = 'P', IWORK(N+1:N+M-1) contains the indices of the sequence !> of row swaps used in row pivoting. These can be used to restore the !> left singular vectors in the case JOBU = 'F'. !> !> If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0, !> IWORK(1) returns the minimal LIWORK. !> |
[in] | LIWORK | !> LIWORK is INTEGER !> The dimension of the array IWORK. !> LIWORK >= N + M - 1, if JOBP = 'P' and JOBA .NE. 'E'; !> LIWORK >= N if JOBP = 'N' and JOBA .NE. 'E'; !> LIWORK >= N + M - 1 + N, if JOBP = 'P' and JOBA = 'E'; !> LIWORK >= N + N if JOBP = 'N' and JOBA = 'E'. !> !> If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine !> only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes !> for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error !> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. !> |
[out] | WORK | !> WORK is REAL array, dimension (max(2, LWORK)), used as a workspace. !> On exit, if, on entry, LWORK.NE.-1, WORK(1:N) contains parameters !> needed to recover the Q factor from the QR factorization computed by !> SGEQP3. !> !> If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0, !> WORK(1) returns the optimal LWORK, and !> WORK(2) returns the minimal LWORK. !> |
[in,out] | LWORK | !> LWORK is INTEGER !> The dimension of the array WORK. It is determined as follows: !> Let LWQP3 = 3*N+1, LWCON = 3*N, and let !> LWORQ = { MAX( N, 1 ), if JOBU = 'R', 'S', or 'U' !> { MAX( M, 1 ), if JOBU = 'A' !> LWSVD = MAX( 5*N, 1 ) !> LWLQF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWSVD2 = MAX( 5*(N/2), 1 ), LWORLQ = MAX( N, 1 ), !> LWQRF = MAX( N/2, 1 ), LWORQ2 = MAX( N, 1 ) !> Then the minimal value of LWORK is: !> = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWSVD ) if only the singular values are needed; !> = MAX( N + LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if only the singular values are needed, !> and a scaled condition estimate requested; !> !> = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the singular values and the left !> singular vectors are requested; !> = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the singular values and the left !> singular vectors are requested, and also !> a scaled condition estimate requested; !> !> = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD ) if the singular values and the right !> singular vectors are requested; !> = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD ) if the singular values and the right !> singular vectors are requested, and also !> a scaled condition etimate requested; !> !> = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'R'; !> independent of JOBR; !> = N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ) if the full SVD is requested, !> JOBV = 'R' and, also a scaled condition !> estimate requested; independent of JOBR; !> = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ), !> N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORLQ, LWORQ) ) if the !> full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and !> JOBR ='N' !> = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ), !> N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWLQF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORLQ, LWORQ ) ) !> if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and !> JOBR ='N', and also a scaled condition number estimate !> requested. !> = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWSVD, LWORQ ), !> N + MAX( LWQP3, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORQ2, LWORQ ) ) if the !> full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A', 'V', and JOBR ='T' !> = MAX( N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, LWSVD, LWORQ ), !> N + MAX( LWQP3, LWCON, N/2+LWQRF, N/2+LWSVD2, N/2+LWORQ2, LWORQ ) ) !> if the full SVD is requested with JOBV = 'A' or 'V', and !> JOBR ='T', and also a scaled condition number estimate !> requested. !> Finally, LWORK must be at least two: LWORK = MAX( 2, LWORK ). !> !> If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine !> only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes !> for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error !> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. !> |
[out] | RWORK | !> RWORK is REAL array, dimension (max(1, LRWORK)). !> On exit, !> 1. If JOBA = 'E', RWORK(1) contains an estimate of the condition !> number of column scaled A. If A = C * D where D is diagonal and C !> has unit columns in the Euclidean norm, then, assuming full column rank, !> N^(-1/4) * RWORK(1) <= ||pinv(C)||_2 <= N^(1/4) * RWORK(1). !> Otherwise, RWORK(1) = -1. !> 2. RWORK(2) contains the number of singular values computed as !> exact zeros in SGESVD applied to the upper triangular or trapezoidal !> R (from the initial QR factorization). In case of early exit (no call to !> SGESVD, such as in the case of zero matrix) RWORK(2) = -1. !> !> If LIWORK, LWORK, or LRWORK = -1, then on exit, if INFO = 0, !> RWORK(1) returns the minimal LRWORK. !> |
[in] | LRWORK | !> LRWORK is INTEGER. !> The dimension of the array RWORK. !> If JOBP ='P', then LRWORK >= MAX(2, M). !> Otherwise, LRWORK >= 2 !> !> If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine !> only calculates and returns the optimal and minimal sizes !> for the WORK, IWORK, and RWORK arrays, and no error !> message related to LWORK is issued by XERBLA. !> |
[out] | INFO | !> INFO is INTEGER !> = 0: successful exit. !> < 0: if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value. !> > 0: if SBDSQR did not converge, INFO specifies how many superdiagonals !> of an intermediate bidiagonal form B (computed in SGESVD) did not !> converge to zero. !> |
!> !> 1. The data movement (matrix transpose) is coded using simple nested !> DO-loops because BLAS and LAPACK do not provide corresponding subroutines. !> Those DO-loops are easily identified in this source code - by the CONTINUE !> statements labeled with 11**. In an optimized version of this code, the !> nested DO loops should be replaced with calls to an optimized subroutine. !> 2. This code scales A by 1/SQRT(M) if the largest ABS(A(i,j)) could cause !> column norm overflow. This is the minial precaution and it is left to the !> SVD routine (CGESVD) to do its own preemptive scaling if potential over- !> or underflows are detected. To avoid repeated scanning of the array A, !> an optimal implementation would do all necessary scaling before calling !> CGESVD and the scaling in CGESVD can be switched off. !> 3. Other comments related to code optimization are given in comments in the !> code, enclosed in [[double brackets]]. !>
!> Please report all bugs and send interesting examples and/or comments to !> Thank you. !>
!> [1] Zlatko Drmac, Algorithm 977: A QR-Preconditioned QR SVD Method for !> Computing the SVD with High Accuracy. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. !> 44(1): 11:1-11:30 (2017) !> !> SIGMA library, xGESVDQ section updated February 2016. !> Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics !> University of Zagreb, Croatia, !>
!> Developed and coded by Zlatko Drmac, Department of Mathematics !> University of Zagreb, Croatia, !>
Definition at line 410 of file sgesvdq.f.