LAPACK 3.12.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
No Matches

◆ dnrm2()

real(wp) function dnrm2 ( integer n,
real(wp), dimension(*) x,
integer incx )


!> DNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function
!> name, so that
!>    DNRM2 := sqrt( x'*x )
!>          N is INTEGER
!>         number of elements in input vector(s)
!>          X is DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension ( 1 + ( N - 1 )*abs( INCX ) )
!>          INCX is INTEGER, storage spacing between elements of X
!>          If INCX > 0, X(1+(i-1)*INCX) = x(i) for 1 <= i <= n
!>          If INCX < 0, X(1-(n-i)*INCX) = x(i) for 1 <= i <= n
!>          If INCX = 0, x isn't a vector so there is no need to call
!>          this subroutine.  If you call it anyway, it will count x(1)
!>          in the vector norm N times.
Edward Anderson, Lockheed Martin
August 2016
Weslley Pereira, University of Colorado Denver, USA
Further Details:
!>  Anderson E. (2017)
!>  Algorithm 978: Safe Scaling in the Level 1 BLAS
!>  ACM Trans Math Softw 44:1--28
!>  Blue, James L. (1978)
!>  A Portable Fortran Program to Find the Euclidean Norm of a Vector
!>  ACM Trans Math Softw 4:15--23

Definition at line 88 of file dnrm2.f90.

89 integer, parameter :: wp = kind(1.d0)
90 real(wp) :: DNRM2
92! -- Reference BLAS level1 routine (version 3.9.1) --
93! -- Reference BLAS is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
94! -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
95! March 2021
97! .. Constants ..
98 real(wp), parameter :: zero = 0.0_wp
99 real(wp), parameter :: one = 1.0_wp
100 real(wp), parameter :: maxN = huge(0.0_wp)
101! ..
102! .. Blue's scaling constants ..
103 real(wp), parameter :: tsml = real(radix(0._wp), wp)**ceiling( &
104 (minexponent(0._wp) - 1) * 0.5_wp)
105 real(wp), parameter :: tbig = real(radix(0._wp), wp)**floor( &
106 (maxexponent(0._wp) - digits(0._wp) + 1) * 0.5_wp)
107 real(wp), parameter :: ssml = real(radix(0._wp), wp)**( - floor( &
108 (minexponent(0._wp) - digits(0._wp)) * 0.5_wp))
109 real(wp), parameter :: sbig = real(radix(0._wp), wp)**( - ceiling( &
110 (maxexponent(0._wp) + digits(0._wp) - 1) * 0.5_wp))
111! ..
112! .. Scalar Arguments ..
113 integer :: incx, n
114! ..
115! .. Array Arguments ..
116 real(wp) :: x(*)
117! ..
118! .. Local Scalars ..
119 integer :: i, ix
120 logical :: notbig
121 real(wp) :: abig, amed, asml, ax, scl, sumsq, ymax, ymin
123! Quick return if possible
125 dnrm2 = zero
126 if( n <= 0 ) return
128 scl = one
129 sumsq = zero
131! Compute the sum of squares in 3 accumulators:
132! abig -- sums of squares scaled down to avoid overflow
133! asml -- sums of squares scaled up to avoid underflow
134! amed -- sums of squares that do not require scaling
135! The thresholds and multipliers are
136! tbig -- values bigger than this are scaled down by sbig
137! tsml -- values smaller than this are scaled up by ssml
139 notbig = .true.
140 asml = zero
141 amed = zero
142 abig = zero
143 ix = 1
144 if( incx < 0 ) ix = 1 - (n-1)*incx
145 do i = 1, n
146 ax = abs(x(ix))
147 if (ax > tbig) then
148 abig = abig + (ax*sbig)**2
149 notbig = .false.
150 else if (ax < tsml) then
151 if (notbig) asml = asml + (ax*ssml)**2
152 else
153 amed = amed + ax**2
154 end if
155 ix = ix + incx
156 end do
158! Combine abig and amed or amed and asml if more than one
159! accumulator was used.
161 if (abig > zero) then
163! Combine abig and amed if abig > 0.
165 if ( (amed > zero) .or. (amed > maxn) .or. (amed /= amed) ) then
166 abig = abig + (amed*sbig)*sbig
167 end if
168 scl = one / sbig
169 sumsq = abig
170 else if (asml > zero) then
172! Combine amed and asml if asml > 0.
174 if ( (amed > zero) .or. (amed > maxn) .or. (amed /= amed) ) then
175 amed = sqrt(amed)
176 asml = sqrt(asml) / ssml
177 if (asml > amed) then
178 ymin = amed
179 ymax = asml
180 else
181 ymin = asml
182 ymax = amed
183 end if
184 scl = one
185 sumsq = ymax**2*( one + (ymin/ymax)**2 )
186 else
187 scl = one / ssml
188 sumsq = asml
189 end if
190 else
192! Otherwise all values are mid-range
194 scl = one
195 sumsq = amed
196 end if
197 dnrm2 = scl*sqrt( sumsq )
198 return
real(wp) function dnrm2(n, x, incx)
Definition dnrm2.f90:89
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: