LAPACK  3.6.1
LAPACK: Linear Algebra PACKage
subroutine cgesc2 ( integer  N,
complex, dimension( lda, * )  A,
integer  LDA,
complex, dimension( * )  RHS,
integer, dimension( * )  IPIV,
integer, dimension( * )  JPIV,
real  SCALE 

CGESC2 solves a system of linear equations using the LU factorization with complete pivoting computed by sgetc2.

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 CGESC2 solves a system of linear equations

           A * X = scale* RHS

 with a general N-by-N matrix A using the LU factorization with
 complete pivoting computed by CGETC2.
          N is INTEGER
          The number of columns of the matrix A.
          A is COMPLEX array, dimension (LDA, N)
          On entry, the  LU part of the factorization of the n-by-n
          matrix A computed by CGETC2:  A = P * L * U * Q
          LDA is INTEGER
          The leading dimension of the array A.  LDA >= max(1, N).
          RHS is COMPLEX array, dimension N.
          On entry, the right hand side vector b.
          On exit, the solution vector X.
          IPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N).
          The pivot indices; for 1 <= i <= N, row i of the
          matrix has been interchanged with row IPIV(i).
          JPIV is INTEGER array, dimension (N).
          The pivot indices; for 1 <= j <= N, column j of the
          matrix has been interchanged with column JPIV(j).
          SCALE is REAL
           On exit, SCALE contains the scale factor. SCALE is chosen
           0 <= SCALE <= 1 to prevent owerflow in the solution.
Univ. of Tennessee
Univ. of California Berkeley
Univ. of Colorado Denver
NAG Ltd.
September 2012
Bo Kagstrom and Peter Poromaa, Department of Computing Science, Umea University, S-901 87 Umea, Sweden.

Definition at line 117 of file cgesc2.f.

117 *
118 * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.4.2) --
119 * -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee, --
120 * -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
121 * September 2012
122 *
123 * .. Scalar Arguments ..
124  INTEGER lda, n
125  REAL scale
126 * ..
127 * .. Array Arguments ..
128  INTEGER ipiv( * ), jpiv( * )
129  COMPLEX a( lda, * ), rhs( * )
130 * ..
131 *
132 * =====================================================================
133 *
134 * .. Parameters ..
135  REAL zero, one, two
136  parameter ( zero = 0.0e+0, one = 1.0e+0, two = 2.0e+0 )
137 * ..
138 * .. Local Scalars ..
139  INTEGER i, j
140  REAL bignum, eps, smlnum
141  COMPLEX temp
142 * ..
143 * .. External Subroutines ..
144  EXTERNAL claswp, cscal, slabad
145 * ..
146 * .. External Functions ..
147  INTEGER icamax
148  REAL slamch
149  EXTERNAL icamax, slamch
150 * ..
151 * .. Intrinsic Functions ..
152  INTRINSIC abs, cmplx, real
153 * ..
154 * .. Executable Statements ..
155 *
156 * Set constant to control overflow
157 *
158  eps = slamch( 'P' )
159  smlnum = slamch( 'S' ) / eps
160  bignum = one / smlnum
161  CALL slabad( smlnum, bignum )
162 *
163 * Apply permutations IPIV to RHS
164 *
165  CALL claswp( 1, rhs, lda, 1, n-1, ipiv, 1 )
166 *
167 * Solve for L part
168 *
169  DO 20 i = 1, n - 1
170  DO 10 j = i + 1, n
171  rhs( j ) = rhs( j ) - a( j, i )*rhs( i )
172  10 CONTINUE
173  20 CONTINUE
174 *
175 * Solve for U part
176 *
177  scale = one
178 *
179 * Check for scaling
180 *
181  i = icamax( n, rhs, 1 )
182  IF( two*smlnum*abs( rhs( i ) ).GT.abs( a( n, n ) ) ) THEN
183  temp = cmplx( one / two, zero ) / abs( rhs( i ) )
184  CALL cscal( n, temp, rhs( 1 ), 1 )
185  scale = scale*REAL( temp )
186  END IF
187  DO 40 i = n, 1, -1
188  temp = cmplx( one, zero ) / a( i, i )
189  rhs( i ) = rhs( i )*temp
190  DO 30 j = i + 1, n
191  rhs( i ) = rhs( i ) - rhs( j )*( a( i, j )*temp )
192  30 CONTINUE
193  40 CONTINUE
194 *
195 * Apply permutations JPIV to the solution (RHS)
196 *
197  CALL claswp( 1, rhs, lda, 1, n-1, jpiv, -1 )
199 *
200 * End of CGESC2
201 *
subroutine slabad(SMALL, LARGE)
Definition: slabad.f:76
subroutine cscal(N, CA, CX, INCX)
Definition: cscal.f:54
integer function icamax(N, CX, INCX)
Definition: icamax.f:53
real function slamch(CMACH)
Definition: slamch.f:69
subroutine claswp(N, A, LDA, K1, K2, IPIV, INCX)
CLASWP performs a series of row interchanges on a general rectangular matrix.
Definition: claswp.f:116

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function: