103 INTEGER nmax, nparams, nerrbnd, ntests, kl, ku
104 parameter(nmax = 10, nparams = 2, nerrbnd = 3,
108 INTEGER n, nrhs, info, i ,j, k, nfail, lda,
109 $ n_aux_tests, ldab, ldafb
110 CHARACTER fact, trans, uplo, equed
112 CHARACTER(3) nguar, cguar
113 LOGICAL printed_guide
114 DOUBLE PRECISION ncond, ccond, m, normdif, normt, rcond,
115 $ rnorm, rinorm, sumr, sumri, eps,
116 $ berr(nmax), rpvgrw, orcond,
117 $ cwise_err, nwise_err, cwise_bnd, nwise_bnd,
118 $ cwise_rcond, nwise_rcond,
119 $ condthresh, errthresh
122 DOUBLE PRECISION tstrat(ntests), rinv(nmax), params(nparams),
123 $ s(nmax),r(nmax),c(nmax), diff(nmax, nmax),
124 $ errbnd_n(nmax*3), errbnd_c(nmax*3),
125 $ a(nmax,nmax),invhilb(nmax,nmax),x(nmax,nmax),
126 $ ab( (nmax-1)+(nmax-1)+1, nmax ),
127 $ abcopy( (nmax-1)+(nmax-1)+1, nmax ),
128 $ afb( 2*(nmax-1)+(nmax-1)+1, nmax ),
129 $ work(nmax*3*5), af(nmax, nmax),b(nmax, nmax),
131 INTEGER ipiv(nmax), iwork(3*nmax)
142 INTRINSIC sqrt, max, abs, dble
145 INTEGER nwise_i, cwise_i
146 parameter(nwise_i = 1, cwise_i = 1)
147 INTEGER bnd_i, cond_i
148 parameter(bnd_i = 2, cond_i = 3)
160 ldab = (nmax-1)+(nmax-1)+1
161 ldafb = 2*(nmax-1)+(nmax-1)+1
166 printed_guide = .false.
175 m = max(sqrt(dble(n)), 10.0d+0)
179 CALL
dlahilb(n, n, a, lda, invhilb, lda, b, lda, work, info)
182 CALL
'ALL', n, n, a, nmax, acopy, nmax)
191 DO i = max( 1, j-ku ), min( n, j+kl )
192 ab( ku+1+i-j, j ) = a( i, j )
199 abcopy( i, j ) = 0.0d+0
202 CALL
'ALL', kl+ku+1, n, ab, ldab, abcopy, ldab)
205 IF (
lsamen( 2, c2,
'SY' ) )
206 CALL
dsysvxx(fact, uplo, n, nrhs, acopy, lda, af, lda,
207 $ ipiv, equed, s, b, lda, x, lda, orcond,
208 $ rpvgrw, berr, nerrbnd, errbnd_n, errbnd_c, nparams,
209 $ params, work, iwork, info)
210 ELSE IF (
lsamen( 2, c2,
'PO' ) )
211 CALL
dposvxx(fact, uplo, n, nrhs, acopy, lda, af, lda,
212 $ equed, s, b, lda, x, lda, orcond,
213 $ rpvgrw, berr, nerrbnd, errbnd_n, errbnd_c, nparams,
214 $ params, work, iwork, info)
215 ELSE IF (
lsamen( 2, c2,
'GB' ) )
216 CALL
dgbsvxx(fact, trans, n, kl, ku, nrhs, abcopy,
217 $ ldab, afb, ldafb, ipiv, equed, r, c, b,
218 $ lda, x, lda, orcond, rpvgrw, berr, nerrbnd,
219 $ errbnd_n, errbnd_c, nparams, params, work, iwork,
222 CALL
dgesvxx(fact, trans, n, nrhs, acopy, lda, af, lda,
223 $ ipiv, equed, r, c, b, lda, x, lda, orcond,
224 $ rpvgrw, berr, nerrbnd, errbnd_n, errbnd_c, nparams,
225 $ params, work, iwork, info)
228 n_aux_tests = n_aux_tests + 1
229 IF (orcond .LT. eps)
239 IF (info .GT. 0 .AND. info .LE. n+1)
241 WRITE (*, fmt=8000) c2, n, info, orcond, rcond
248 diff(i,j) = x(i,j) - invhilb(i,j)
255 IF (
lsamen( 2, c2,
'PO' ) .OR.
lsamen( 2, c2,
'SY' ) )
260 sumr = sumr + s(i) * abs(a(i,j)) * s(j)
261 sumri = sumri + abs(invhilb(i, j)) / (s(j) * s(i))
264 rnorm = max(rnorm,sumr)
265 rinorm = max(rinorm,sumri)
267 ELSE IF (
lsamen( 2, c2,
'GE' ) .OR.
lsamen( 2, c2,
'GB' ) )
273 sumr = sumr + r(i) * abs(a(i,j)) * c(j)
274 sumri = sumri + abs(invhilb(i, j)) / (r(j) * c(i))
276 rnorm = max(rnorm,sumr)
277 rinorm = max(rinorm,sumri)
281 rnorm = rnorm / abs(a(1, 1))
282 rcond = 1.0d+0/(rnorm * rinorm)
290 rinv(i) = rinv(i) + abs(a(i,j))
299 sumri = sumri + abs(invhilb(i,j) * rinv(j))
301 rinorm = max(rinorm, sumri)
306 ncond = abs(a(1,1)) / rinorm
316 normt = max(abs(invhilb(i, k)), normt)
317 normdif = max(abs(x(i,k) - invhilb(i,k)), normdif)
318 IF (invhilb(i,k) .NE. 0.0d+0)
319 cwise_err = max(abs(x(i,k) - invhilb(i,k))
320 $ /abs(invhilb(i,k)), cwise_err)
321 ELSE IF (x(i, k) .NE. 0.0d+0)
322 cwise_err =
325 IF (normt .NE. 0.0d+0)
326 nwise_err = normdif / normt
327 ELSE IF (normdif .NE. 0.0d+0)
328 nwise_err =
338 rinv(i) = rinv(i) + abs(a(i, j) * invhilb(j, k))
346 $ + abs(invhilb(i, j) * rinv(j) / invhilb(i, k))
348 rinorm = max(rinorm, sumri)
352 ccond = abs(a(1,1))/rinorm
355 nwise_bnd = errbnd_n(k + (bnd_i-1)*nrhs)
356 cwise_bnd = errbnd_c(k + (bnd_i-1)*nrhs)
357 nwise_rcond = errbnd_n(k + (cond_i-1)*nrhs)
358 cwise_rcond = errbnd_c(k + (cond_i-1)*nrhs)
362 IF (ncond .GE. condthresh)
364 IF (nwise_bnd .GT. errthresh)
365 tstrat(1) = 1/(2.0d+0*eps)
367 IF (nwise_bnd .NE. 0.0d+0)
368 tstrat(1) = nwise_err / nwise_bnd
369 ELSE IF (nwise_err .NE. 0.0d+0)
370 tstrat(1) = 1/(16.0*eps)
374 IF (tstrat(1) .GT. 1.0d+0)
375 tstrat(1) = 1/(4.0d+0*eps)
380 IF (nwise_bnd .LT. 1.0d+0)
381 tstrat(1) = 1/(8.0d+0*eps)
389 IF (ccond .GE. condthresh)
391 IF (cwise_bnd .GT. errthresh)
392 tstrat(2) = 1/(2.0d+0*eps)
394 IF (cwise_bnd .NE. 0.0d+0)
395 tstrat(2) = cwise_err / cwise_bnd
396 ELSE IF (cwise_err .NE. 0.0d+0)
397 tstrat(2) = 1/(16.0d+0*eps)
401 IF (tstrat(2) .GT. 1.0d+0) tstrat(2) = 1/(4.0d+0*eps)
405 IF (cwise_bnd .LT. 1.0d+0)
406 tstrat(2) = 1/(8.0d+0*eps)
413 tstrat(3) = berr(k)/eps
416 tstrat(4) = rcond / orcond
417 IF (rcond .GE. condthresh .AND. tstrat(4) .LT. 1.0d+0)
418 $ tstrat(4) = 1.0d+0 / tstrat(4)
420 tstrat(5) = ncond / nwise_rcond
421 IF (ncond .GE. condthresh .AND. tstrat(5) .LT. 1.0d+0)
422 $ tstrat(5) = 1.0d+0 / tstrat(5)
424 tstrat(6) = ccond / nwise_rcond
425 IF (ccond .GE. condthresh .AND. tstrat(6) .LT. 1.0d+0)
426 $ tstrat(6) = 1.0d+0 / tstrat(6)
429 IF (tstrat(i) .GT. thresh)
430 IF (.NOT.printed_guide)
441 printed_guide = .true.
443 WRITE( *, 9999) c2, n, k, nguar, cguar, i, tstrat(i)
466 IF( nfail .GT. 0 )
467 WRITE(*,9998) c2, nfail, ntests*n+n_aux_tests
471 9999 format(
' D', a2,
'SVXX: N =', i2,
', RHS = ', i2,
472 $
', NWISE GUAR. = ', a,
', CWISE GUAR. = ', a,
473 $
' test(',i1,
') =', g12.5 )
474 9998 format(
' D', a2,
'SVXX: ', i6,
' out of ', i6,
475 $
' tests failed to pass the threshold' )
476 9997 format(
' D', a2,
'SVXX passed the tests of error bounds' )
478 9996 format( 3x, i2,
': Normwise guaranteed forward error', / 5x,
479 $
'Guaranteed case: if norm ( abs( Xc - Xt )',
480 $ .LE.
' / norm ( Xt ) ERRBND( *, nwise_i, bnd_i ), then',
482 $ .LE.
'ERRBND( *, nwise_i, bnd_i ) MAX(SQRT(N), 10) * EPS')
483 9995 format( 3x, i2,
': Componentwise guaranteed forward error' )
484 9994 format( 3x, i2,
': Backwards error' )
485 9993 format( 3x, i2,
': Reciprocal condition number' )
486 9992 format( 3x, i2,
': Reciprocal normwise condition number' )
487 9991 format( 3x, i2,
': Raw normwise error estimate' )
488 9990 format( 3x, i2,
': Reciprocal componentwise condition number' )
489 9989 format( 3x, i2,
': Raw componentwise error estimate' )
491 8000 format(
' D', a2,
'SVXX: N =', i2,
', INFO = ', i3,
492 $
', ORCOND = ', g12.5,
', real RCOND = ', g12.5 )