73 parameter( zero = 0.0e0 )
76 INTEGER i, ihi, ilo, info, j, knt, n, ninfo
77 REAL eps, rmax, safmin, vmax, x
93 INTRINSIC abs, aimag, max, real
99 cabs1( cdum ) = abs(
REAL( CDUM ) ) + abs( aimag( cdum ) )
113 READ( nin, fmt = * )n, ilo, ihi
117 READ( nin, fmt = * )( scale( i ), i = 1, n )
119 READ( nin, fmt = * )( e( i, j ), j = 1, n )
123 READ( nin, fmt = * )( ein( i, j ), j = 1, n )
127 CALL
'R', n, ilo, ihi, scale, n, e,
lde, info )
137 x = cabs1( e( i, j )-ein( i, j ) ) / eps
138 IF( cabs1( e( i, j ) ).GT.safmin )
139 $ x = x / cabs1( e( i, j ) )
140 vmax = max( vmax, x )
144 IF( vmax.GT.rmax )
153 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9999 )
154 9999 format( 1x,
'.. test output of CGEBAK .. ' )
156 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9998 )rmax
157 9998 format( 1x,
'value of largest test error = ', e12.3 )
158 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9997 )lmax( 1 )
159 9997 format( 1x,
'example number where info is not zero = ', i4 )
160 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9996 )lmax( 2 )
161 9996 format( 1x,
'example number having largest error = ', i4 )
162 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9995 )ninfo
163 9995 format( 1x,
'number of examples where info is not 0 = ', i4 )
164 WRITE( nout, fmt = 9994 )knt
165 9994 format( 1x,
'total number of examples tested = ', i4 )