LAPACK 3.3.0


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00002      $                   RWORK, LRWORK, IWORK, LIWORK, INFO )
00003 *
00004 *  -- LAPACK driver routine (version 3.2) --
00005 *  -- LAPACK is a software package provided by Univ. of Tennessee,    --
00006 *  -- Univ. of California Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado Denver and NAG Ltd..--
00007 *     November 2006
00008 *
00009 *     .. Scalar Arguments ..
00010       CHARACTER          JOBZ, UPLO
00011       INTEGER            INFO, LDZ, LIWORK, LRWORK, LWORK, N
00012 *     ..
00013 *     .. Array Arguments ..
00014       INTEGER            IWORK( * )
00015       REAL               RWORK( * ), W( * )
00016       COMPLEX            AP( * ), WORK( * ), Z( LDZ, * )
00017 *     ..
00018 *
00019 *  Purpose
00020 *  =======
00021 *
00022 *  CHPEVD computes all the eigenvalues and, optionally, eigenvectors of
00023 *  a complex Hermitian matrix A in packed storage.  If eigenvectors are
00024 *  desired, it uses a divide and conquer algorithm.
00025 *
00026 *  The divide and conquer algorithm makes very mild assumptions about
00027 *  floating point arithmetic. It will work on machines with a guard
00028 *  digit in add/subtract, or on those binary machines without guard
00029 *  digits which subtract like the Cray X-MP, Cray Y-MP, Cray C-90, or
00030 *  Cray-2. It could conceivably fail on hexadecimal or decimal machines
00031 *  without guard digits, but we know of none.
00032 *
00033 *  Arguments
00034 *  =========
00035 *
00036 *  JOBZ    (input) CHARACTER*1
00037 *          = 'N':  Compute eigenvalues only;
00038 *          = 'V':  Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
00039 *
00040 *  UPLO    (input) CHARACTER*1
00041 *          = 'U':  Upper triangle of A is stored;
00042 *          = 'L':  Lower triangle of A is stored.
00043 *
00044 *  N       (input) INTEGER
00045 *          The order of the matrix A.  N >= 0.
00046 *
00047 *  AP      (input/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (N*(N+1)/2)
00048 *          On entry, the upper or lower triangle of the Hermitian matrix
00049 *          A, packed columnwise in a linear array.  The j-th column of A
00050 *          is stored in the array AP as follows:
00051 *          if UPLO = 'U', AP(i + (j-1)*j/2) = A(i,j) for 1<=i<=j;
00052 *          if UPLO = 'L', AP(i + (j-1)*(2*n-j)/2) = A(i,j) for j<=i<=n.
00053 *
00054 *          On exit, AP is overwritten by values generated during the
00055 *          reduction to tridiagonal form.  If UPLO = 'U', the diagonal
00056 *          and first superdiagonal of the tridiagonal matrix T overwrite
00057 *          the corresponding elements of A, and if UPLO = 'L', the
00058 *          diagonal and first subdiagonal of T overwrite the
00059 *          corresponding elements of A.
00060 *
00061 *  W       (output) REAL array, dimension (N)
00062 *          If INFO = 0, the eigenvalues in ascending order.
00063 *
00064 *  Z       (output) COMPLEX array, dimension (LDZ, N)
00065 *          If JOBZ = 'V', then if INFO = 0, Z contains the orthonormal
00066 *          eigenvectors of the matrix A, with the i-th column of Z
00067 *          holding the eigenvector associated with W(i).
00068 *          If JOBZ = 'N', then Z is not referenced.
00069 *
00070 *  LDZ     (input) INTEGER
00071 *          The leading dimension of the array Z.  LDZ >= 1, and if
00072 *          JOBZ = 'V', LDZ >= max(1,N).
00073 *
00074 *  WORK    (workspace/output) COMPLEX array, dimension (MAX(1,LWORK))
00075 *          On exit, if INFO = 0, WORK(1) returns the required LWORK.
00076 *
00077 *  LWORK   (input) INTEGER
00078 *          The dimension of array WORK.
00079 *          If N <= 1,               LWORK must be at least 1.
00080 *          If JOBZ = 'N' and N > 1, LWORK must be at least N.
00081 *          If JOBZ = 'V' and N > 1, LWORK must be at least 2*N.
00082 *
00083 *          If LWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the routine
00084 *          only calculates the required sizes of the WORK, RWORK and
00085 *          IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries of
00086 *          the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message
00087 *          related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA.
00088 *
00089 *  RWORK   (workspace/output) REAL array, dimension (MAX(1,LRWORK))
00090 *          On exit, if INFO = 0, RWORK(1) returns the required LRWORK.
00091 *
00092 *  LRWORK  (input) INTEGER
00093 *          The dimension of array RWORK.
00094 *          If N <= 1,               LRWORK must be at least 1.
00095 *          If JOBZ = 'N' and N > 1, LRWORK must be at least N.
00096 *          If JOBZ = 'V' and N > 1, LRWORK must be at least
00097 *                    1 + 5*N + 2*N**2.
00098 *
00099 *          If LRWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the
00100 *          routine only calculates the required sizes of the WORK, RWORK
00101 *          and IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries
00102 *          of the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message
00103 *          related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA.
00104 *
00105 *  IWORK   (workspace/output) INTEGER array, dimension (MAX(1,LIWORK))
00106 *          On exit, if INFO = 0, IWORK(1) returns the required LIWORK.
00107 *
00108 *  LIWORK  (input) INTEGER
00109 *          The dimension of array IWORK.
00110 *          If JOBZ  = 'N' or N <= 1, LIWORK must be at least 1.
00111 *          If JOBZ  = 'V' and N > 1, LIWORK must be at least 3 + 5*N.
00112 *
00113 *          If LIWORK = -1, then a workspace query is assumed; the
00114 *          routine only calculates the required sizes of the WORK, RWORK
00115 *          and IWORK arrays, returns these values as the first entries
00116 *          of the WORK, RWORK and IWORK arrays, and no error message
00117 *          related to LWORK or LRWORK or LIWORK is issued by XERBLA.
00118 *
00119 *  INFO    (output) INTEGER
00120 *          = 0:  successful exit
00121 *          < 0:  if INFO = -i, the i-th argument had an illegal value.
00122 *          > 0:  if INFO = i, the algorithm failed to converge; i
00123 *                off-diagonal elements of an intermediate tridiagonal
00124 *                form did not converge to zero.
00125 *
00126 *  =====================================================================
00127 *
00128 *     .. Parameters ..
00129       REAL               ZERO, ONE
00130       PARAMETER          ( ZERO = 0.0E+0, ONE = 1.0E+0 )
00131       COMPLEX            CONE
00132       PARAMETER          ( CONE = ( 1.0E+0, 0.0E+0 ) )
00133 *     ..
00134 *     .. Local Scalars ..
00135       LOGICAL            LQUERY, WANTZ
00137      $                   ISCALE, LIWMIN, LLRWK, LLWRK, LRWMIN, LWMIN
00138       REAL               ANRM, BIGNUM, EPS, RMAX, RMIN, SAFMIN, SIGMA,
00139      $                   SMLNUM
00140 *     ..
00141 *     .. External Functions ..
00142       LOGICAL            LSAME
00143       REAL               CLANHP, SLAMCH
00144       EXTERNAL           LSAME, CLANHP, SLAMCH
00145 *     ..
00146 *     .. External Subroutines ..
00148      $                   XERBLA
00149 *     ..
00150 *     .. Intrinsic Functions ..
00151       INTRINSIC          SQRT
00152 *     ..
00153 *     .. Executable Statements ..
00154 *
00155 *     Test the input parameters.
00156 *
00157       WANTZ = LSAME( JOBZ, 'V' )
00158       LQUERY = ( LWORK.EQ.-1 .OR. LRWORK.EQ.-1 .OR. LIWORK.EQ.-1 )
00159 *
00160       INFO = 0
00161       IF( .NOT.( WANTZ .OR. LSAME( JOBZ, 'N' ) ) ) THEN
00162          INFO = -1
00163       ELSE IF( .NOT.( LSAME( UPLO, 'L' ) .OR. LSAME( UPLO, 'U' ) ) )
00164      $          THEN
00165          INFO = -2
00166       ELSE IF( N.LT.0 ) THEN
00167          INFO = -3
00168       ELSE IF( LDZ.LT.1 .OR. ( WANTZ .AND. LDZ.LT.N ) ) THEN
00169          INFO = -7
00170       END IF
00171 *
00172       IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN
00173          IF( N.LE.1 ) THEN
00174             LWMIN = 1
00175             LIWMIN = 1
00176             LRWMIN = 1
00177          ELSE
00178             IF( WANTZ ) THEN
00179                LWMIN = 2*N
00180                LRWMIN = 1 + 5*N + 2*N**2
00181                LIWMIN = 3 + 5*N
00182             ELSE
00183                LWMIN = N
00184                LRWMIN = N
00185                LIWMIN = 1
00186             END IF
00187          END IF
00188          WORK( 1 ) = LWMIN
00189          RWORK( 1 ) = LRWMIN
00190          IWORK( 1 ) = LIWMIN
00191 *
00193             INFO = -9
00195             INFO = -11
00197             INFO = -13
00198          END IF
00199       END IF
00200 *
00201       IF( INFO.NE.0 ) THEN
00202          CALL XERBLA( 'CHPEVD', -INFO )
00203          RETURN 
00204       ELSE IF( LQUERY ) THEN
00205          RETURN
00206       END IF
00207 *
00208 *     Quick return if possible
00209 *
00210       IF( N.EQ.0 )
00211      $   RETURN
00212 *
00213       IF( N.EQ.1 ) THEN
00214          W( 1 ) = AP( 1 )
00215          IF( WANTZ )
00216      $      Z( 1, 1 ) = CONE
00217          RETURN 
00218       END IF
00219 *
00220 *     Get machine constants.
00221 *
00222       SAFMIN = SLAMCH( 'Safe minimum' )
00223       EPS = SLAMCH( 'Precision' )
00224       SMLNUM = SAFMIN / EPS
00225       BIGNUM = ONE / SMLNUM
00226       RMIN = SQRT( SMLNUM )
00227       RMAX = SQRT( BIGNUM )
00228 *
00229 *     Scale matrix to allowable range, if necessary.
00230 *
00231       ANRM = CLANHP( 'M', UPLO, N, AP, RWORK )
00232       ISCALE = 0
00234          ISCALE = 1
00235          SIGMA = RMIN / ANRM
00236       ELSE IF( ANRM.GT.RMAX ) THEN
00237          ISCALE = 1
00238          SIGMA = RMAX / ANRM
00239       END IF
00240       IF( ISCALE.EQ.1 ) THEN
00241          CALL CSSCAL( ( N*( N+1 ) ) / 2, SIGMA, AP, 1 )
00242       END IF
00243 *
00244 *     Call CHPTRD to reduce Hermitian packed matrix to tridiagonal form.
00245 *
00246       INDE = 1
00247       INDTAU = 1
00248       INDRWK = INDE + N
00249       INDWRK = INDTAU + N
00250       LLWRK = LWORK - INDWRK + 1
00251       LLRWK = LRWORK - INDRWK + 1
00253      $             IINFO )
00254 *
00255 *     For eigenvalues only, call SSTERF.  For eigenvectors, first call
00256 *     CUPGTR to generate the orthogonal matrix, then call CSTEDC.
00257 *
00258       IF( .NOT.WANTZ ) THEN
00259          CALL SSTERF( N, W, RWORK( INDE ), INFO )
00260       ELSE
00261          CALL CSTEDC( 'I', N, W, RWORK( INDE ), Z, LDZ, WORK( INDWRK ),
00262      $                LLWRK, RWORK( INDRWK ), LLRWK, IWORK, LIWORK,
00263      $                INFO )
00264          CALL CUPMTR( 'L', UPLO, 'N', N, N, AP, WORK( INDTAU ), Z, LDZ,
00265      $                WORK( INDWRK ), IINFO )
00266       END IF
00267 *
00268 *     If matrix was scaled, then rescale eigenvalues appropriately.
00269 *
00270       IF( ISCALE.EQ.1 ) THEN
00271          IF( INFO.EQ.0 ) THEN
00272             IMAX = N
00273          ELSE
00274             IMAX = INFO - 1
00275          END IF
00276          CALL SSCAL( IMAX, ONE / SIGMA, W, 1 )
00277       END IF
00278 *
00279       WORK( 1 ) = LWMIN
00280       RWORK( 1 ) = LRWMIN
00281       IWORK( 1 ) = LIWMIN
00282       RETURN
00283 *
00284 *     End of CHPEVD
00285 *
00286       END
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