DATE: November 2011

To install the LAPACK documentation, do the following:

1) Download the LAPACK package, install doxygen on your machine and do a 

   % make man

Note: If you do not have Doxygen on your mahcine, you can download directly a tgz of the manpages at

2) Copy the LAPACK manual pages to the desired location.  This
   will probably be /usr/local/man/manl or other.dir/man/manl.

   % cp man/man3/* /usr/local/man/man3

   Be aware that if the manpages are installed in some directory
   other than /usr/local/man/manl you will need to add that directory
   to your MANPATH environment variable.  First type:

   % echo $MANPATH
   If it says that MANPATH is undefined, type:

   % setenv MANPATH /usr/man:/usr/local/man:/user_path/man_dir

   Otherwise, if MANPATH is defined, type:

   % setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:/user_path/man_dir

   where man_dir is the directory of manual pages containing /man/manl.

   ('%' is assumed to be your shell prompt.)

3) Add the LAPACK manual pages to the whatis database for keyword
   searching via 'man -k':

   % catman -w -M /usr/local/man 


   % catman -w -M other.dir/man

4) Test out the installation.  First make sure your current shell
   knows about the installation:

   % rehash

   Now test out the manual pages:

   % man dgetrf.f
   % man DGETRF

   You should get the man page for dgetrf.

If you have any comments/suggestions, please direct them to

Julie Langou