program test1 c c changes to be made for use on different computers -- c 1. remove or change program line above or open line below c 2. change the value of srelpr below and in itpack routine dfault c 3. changes in the itpack timing routine timer c c ... test1 is a program designed to test itpack 2c methods on c ... matrices arising from the symmetric five point discretization c ... of two dimensional elliptic partial differential equations on c ... a rectangle with a rectangular mesh. all seven methods from c ... itpack 2c are tested and a summary is printed at the end. c c the exact size of the test problems can be increased or c decreased by changing the array size in dimension statements c and the variables listed below under size of test problem. c also, the number of times through the test loops can be reduced c by changing icase and jcase as follows. c c icase = 1 for symmetric case c = 2 for symmetric and nonsymmetric cases c jcase = 1 for natural ordering test c = 2 for natural and red-black ordering tests c c array dimensioning c parameter (nside=19) parameter (nlen=nside**2) parameter (itm=110) parameter (nww=6*nlen+4*itm) parameter (nside2=nside+2) parameter (nlen3=nlen*3) dimension coef(nlen,5),rhs(nlen),u(nlen),wksp(nww),rparm(12), * gridx(nside2),gridy(nside2) integer jcoef(nlen,5),iwksp(nlen3),iparm(12),bctype(4) integer iter(7), iwrk(7) dimension digit1(7),digit2(7),tim1(7),tim2(7) c c ... sym5pt common blocks c common /tstbk1/ ax,ay,bx,by,srelpr,hx,hy common /tstbk2/ bctype,ilevel,isym,nout,ngridx,ngridy,n c open (unit=6,file='output') c c ... initialize integer constants which control output and define c ... array dimensions. they are c c srelpr - machine precision c nout - fortran output unit c level - level of output from itpack 2c c ieran - error analysis switch c itmax - maximum number of iterations allowed c zeta - stopping criterion c nw - size of the array wksp c ilevel - 0/1 level of output from sym7pt c ndim - row dimension of coef and jcoef arrays in array c declarations c maxnz - maximum number of non-zero elements in any row c ngridx - number of horizontal mesh planes c ngridy - number of vertical mesh planes c ngrdxd - maximum number of vertical mesh planes including the c vertical boundary planes c ngrdyd - maximum number of horizontal mesh planes including c the horizontal boundary planes c c srelpr = 7.1e-15 for cdc cyber 170/750 (approx.) 2**-47 c = 1.49e-8 for dec 10 (approx.) 2**-26 c = 1.192e-7 for vax 11/780 (approx.) 2**-23 c srelpr = 2.0**(-47) c c set itpack switches c nout = 6 level = 0 ieran = 0 itmax = itm zeta = 5.0e-6 nw = nww ndim = nlen c c set number of times through test loops c icase = 2 jcase = 2 c c set size of test problem c ilevel = 0 maxnz = 5 ngridx = nside2 ngridy = nside2 c ngrdxd = ngridx ngrdyd = ngridy write (nout,10) 10 format ('1'//15x,'itpack 2c test program -- test1'/15x, * 'tests iterative modules'/15x, * 'uses five point symmetric discretization') c c ... set up default values for bctype and initialize information arrays c c ... bctype defines the boundary conditions on the edges of the c ... rectangle. where c c bctype(i) = 1 implies the ith side is dirichlet c = 0 implies the ith side is neumann or mixed c c and i = 1 implies the east side defined by (bx, y) c = 2 implies the south side defined by ( x,ay) c = 3 implies the west side defined by (ax, y) c = 4 implies the north side defined by ( x,by) c do 20 i = 1,4 bctype(i) = 1 20 continue c c ... define the discretization mesh c c ax - minimum x value on the rectangle (west side) c bx - maximum x value on the rectangle (east side) c gridx - array containing the x-coordinate of the c horizontal mesh lines from west to east. c these are uniform but that is not required. c ay - minimum y value on the rectangle (south side) c by - maximum y value on the rectangle (north side) c gridy - array containing the y-coordinate of the c vertical mesh lines from south to north. c these are uniform but that is not required. c ax = 0.0 bx = 1.0 hx = (bx-ax)/float(ngridx-1) do 30 j = 1,ngridx gridx(j) = ax+float(j-1)*hx 30 continue gridx(ngridx) = bx c ay = 0.0 by = 1.0 hy = (by-ay)/float(ngridy-1) do 40 j = 1,ngridy gridy(j) = ay+float(j-1)*hy 40 continue gridy(ngridy) = by c c ... discretize the elliptic pde c do 60 loop1 = 1,icase isym = loop1-1 if (loop1.eq.2) write (nout,50) 50 format ('1'///) call sym5pt (gridx,ngrdxd,gridy,ngrdyd,rhs,ndim,maxnz,jcoef, * coef) c c ... solve the matrix problem c do 60 loop2 = 1,jcase nb = loop2-3 if (isym.eq.0) write (nout,70) if (isym.eq.1) write (nout,80) if (nb.eq.(-2)) write (nout,90) if (nb.eq.(-1)) write (nout,100) c c test jcg c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = nb iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call jcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp,iparm * ,rparm,ier) tim1(1) = rparm(9) tim2(1) = rparm(10) digit1(1) = rparm(11) digit2(1) = rparm(12) iter(1) = iparm(1) iwrk(1) = iparm(8) c c test jsi c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = nb iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call jsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp,iparm * ,rparm,ier) tim1(2) = rparm(9) tim2(2) = rparm(10) digit1(2) = rparm(11) digit2(2) = rparm(12) iter(2) = iparm(1) iwrk(2) = iparm(8) c c test sor c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = nb iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call sor (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp,iparm * ,rparm,ier) tim1(3) = rparm(9) tim2(3) = rparm(10) digit1(3) = rparm(11) digit2(3) = rparm(12) iter(3) = iparm(1) iwrk(3) = iparm(8) c c test ssorcg c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = nb iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call ssorcg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) iter(4) = iparm(1) iwrk(4) = iparm(8) tim1(4) = rparm(9) tim2(4) = rparm(10) digit1(4) = rparm(11) digit2(4) = rparm(12) c c test ssorsi c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = nb iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call ssorsi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) tim1(5) = rparm(9) tim2(5) = rparm(10) digit1(5) = rparm(11) digit2(5) = rparm(12) iter(5) = iparm(1) iwrk(5) = iparm(8) c c test rscg c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = -1 iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call rscg (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) tim1(6) = rparm(9) tim2(6) = rparm(10) digit1(6) = rparm(11) digit2(6) = rparm(12) iter(6) = iparm(1) iwrk(6) = iparm(8) c c test rssi c call dfault (iparm,rparm) iparm(1) = itmax iparm(2) = level iparm(5) = isym iparm(9) = -1 iparm(12) = ieran rparm(1) = zeta call vfill (n,u,0.0) call rssi (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,u,iwksp,nw,wksp, * iparm,rparm,ier) tim1(7) = rparm(9) tim2(7) = rparm(10) digit1(7) = rparm(11) digit2(7) = rparm(12) iter(7) = iparm(1) iwrk(7) = iparm(8) c c timing analysis c call timanl (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,wksp,wksp(n+1),iter, * tim1,tim2,digit1,digit2,iwrk,nout) 60 continue c 70 format (//15x,'symmetric case') 80 format (//15x,'nonsymmetric case') 90 format (15x,'natural ordering used') 100 format (15x,'red-black ordering used') stop end subroutine timanl (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,v,w,iter,tim1,tim2, * digit1,digit2,iwork,nout) integer iter(7),jcoef(ndim,maxnz),iwork(7) dimension v(1),w(1),rel(7),coef(ndim,maxnz),digit1(7),digit2(7), * tim1(7),tim2(7) data maxlp / 20 / c call vfill (n,v,1.0) c do 20 j = 2,maxnz do 10 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j).eq.0) jcoef(i,j) = i 10 continue 20 continue c timi1 = timer (timdmy) do 30 i = 1,maxlp call pmult (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,v,w) 30 continue timi2 = timer (timdmy) timmat = (timi2-timi1)/float(maxlp) c do 50 j = 2,maxnz do 40 i = 1,n if (jcoef(i,j).eq.i) jcoef(i,j) = 0 40 continue 50 continue c write (nout,70) do 60 i = 1,7 rel(i) = 0.0 temp = float(iter(i)) if ((timi2.eq.timi1).or.(iter(i).eq.0)) go to 60 rel(i) = tim1(i)/(temp*timmat) 60 continue c write (nout,80) (tim1(i),tim2(i),iter(i),rel(i),digit1(i), * digit2(i),iwork(i),i=1,7) c return c 70 format (////15x,'timing analysis'/15x,15('-')//35x,'iteration',3x, * 'total',9x,'no. of',4x,'avg iter/',2x,'digits',4x,'digits',5x, * 'wksp'/15x,'method',14x,'time (sec)',2x,'time (sec)',1x, * 'iterations',1x,'mtx-vctr mlt',1x,'stp tst',3x,'res/rhs',4x, * 'used'/15x,103('-')) 80 format (15x,'jacobi cg ',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/15x * ,'jacobi si ',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/15x, * 'sor ',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/15x, * 'symmetric sor cg ',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/15x, * 'symmetric sor si ',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/15x, * 'reduced system cg',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/15x, * 'reduced system si',2f10.3,i14,f10.1,1x,2f10.1,i10/) c end subroutine pde (x,y,cvalus) c c ... pde is a user supplied routine to specify the c ... self-adjoint elliptic pde for sym5pt in the following form c c (cvalus(1)*ux)x + (cvalus(3)*uy)y + cvalus(6)*u = cvalus(7) c c note -- cvalus(i), for i = 2, 4, and 5 are not used. c dimension cvalus(7) c cvalus(1) = 1.0 cvalus(2) = 0.0 cvalus(3) = 2.0 cvalus(4) = 0.0 cvalus(5) = 0.0 cvalus(6) = 0.0 cvalus(7) = 0.0 c return end function bcond (iside,x,y,bvalus) c c ... this function is a user supplied function to specify the c ... boundary conditions of the elliptic pde depending on iside, x, c ... and y. c c if iside = 1, then x = bx (east side) c = 2, then y = ay (south side) c = 3, then x = ax (west side) c = 4, then y = by (north side) c c ... the bvalus array is defined as follows c c bvalus(1)*u + bvalus(2)*ux + bvalus(3)*uy = bvalus(4) c c note -- bcond is set to bvalus(4) before returning. c dimension bvalus(4) c go to (10,20,30,40), iside c 10 bvalus(1) = 1.0 bvalus(4) = 1.0+x*y bvalus(2) = 0.0 bvalus(3) = 0.0 go to 50 c 20 bvalus(1) = 1.0 bvalus(4) = 1.0+x*y bvalus(2) = 0.0 bvalus(3) = 0.0 go to 50 c 30 bvalus(1) = 1.0 bvalus(4) = 1.0+x*y bvalus(2) = 0.0 bvalus(3) = 0.0 go to 50 c 40 bvalus(1) = 1.0 bvalus(4) = 1.0+x*y bvalus(2) = 0.0 bvalus(3) = 0.0 c 50 bcond = bvalus(4) return end subroutine sym5pt (gridx,ngrdxd,gridy,ngrdyd,rhs,ndim,maxnz, * jcoef,coef) c integer jcoef(ndim,maxnz),bctype(4) dimension gridx(ngrdxd),gridy(ngrdyd),rhs(1),coef(ndim,maxnz) c c ... sym5pt / sym7pt common blocks c common /tstbk1/ ax,ay,bx,by,srelpr,hx,hy common /tstbk2/ bctype,ilevel,isym,nout,ngridx,ngridy,n c if ( go to 100 c c determine range of unknown grid points c ix1 = 1 ix2 = ngridx jy1 = 1 jy2 = ngridy if (bctype(1).eq.1) ix2 = ngridx-1 if (bctype(2).eq.1) jy1 = 2 if (bctype(3).eq.1) ix1 = 2 if (bctype(4).eq.1) jy2 = ngridy-1 lngthx = ix2-ix1+1 n = (jy2-jy1+1)*lngthx if ( go to 130 c c output initial grid information c if (ilevel.eq.0) go to 60 write (nout,10) ax,bx,ay,by 10 format (/10x,'finite difference module',' ---- ', * 'symmetric five point'/10x,'domain = rectangle (',e11.4,',', * e11.4,') x (',e11.4,',',e11.4,')') c write (nout,20) 20 format (/10x,'coefficients of vertical mesh lines') write (nout,30) (gridx(i),i=1,ngridx) 30 format (/8x,8(2x,e11.4)) write (nout,40) 40 format (/10x,'coefficients of horizontal mesh lines') write (nout,30) (gridy(i),i=1,ngridy) write (nout,50) (bctype(i),i=1,4) 50 format (/10x,'boundary conditions on pieces 1,2,3,4 are ',3(1x,i1, * ','),1x,i1,'.') c c generate equations one mesh point at a time c 60 call sbini (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef) ixadd = 0 jyadd = 0 if (bctype(3).eq.1) ixadd = 1 if (bctype(2).eq.1) jyadd = 1 c do 70 ij = 1,n ixx = mod(ij-1,lngthx)+1 jyy = (ij-ixx)/lngthx+1 ixx = ixx+ixadd jyy = jyy+jyadd hn = 0.0 hs = 0.0 he = 0.0 hw = 0.0 px = gridx(ixx) py = gridy(jyy) if ( hw = px-gridx(ixx-1) if ( he = gridx(ixx+1)-px if ( hs = py-gridy(jyy-1) if ( hn = gridy(jyy+1)-py c inij = ij call pnt2d (px,py,inij,ixx,jyy,lngthx,hn,hs,hw,he,b,ndim,maxnz * ,jcoef,coef) c rhs(ij) = b 70 continue c c normal exit c if (ilevel.eq.0) return c write (nout,80) 80 format (/10x,'sym5pt completed successfully.') nuu = 2*n*maxnz write (nout,90) n,nuu 90 format (10x,'sparse matrix representation finished.'/15x, * 'no. of equations =',i8/15x,'total matrix storage =', * i8/) c return c c error exits c 100 continue if ( write (nout,110) 110 format (/10x,'sym5pt error -- ngridx .lt. 3 ') if ( write (nout,120) 120 format (/10x,'sym5pt error -- ngridy .lt. 3 ') c stop c 130 write (nout,140) n,ndim 140 format (/10x,'n .gt. ndim, n =',i10,' ndim =',i10) stop c end subroutine pnt2d (pcx,pcy,ij,ix,jy,lngthx,hn,hs,hw,he,b, * ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef) c dimension cvalus(7),bvalus(4),coef(ndim,maxnz) integer jcoef(ndim,maxnz),bctype(4) c c ... sym5pt / sym7pt common blocks c common /tstbk1/ ax,ay,bx,by,srelpr,hx,hy common /tstbk2/ bctype,ilevel,isym,nout,ngridx,ngridy,n c c ... initialize coefficients c ceast = 0.0 cwest = 0.0 cnorth = 0.0 csouth = 0.0 call pde (pcx,pcy,cvalus) center = -cvalus(6)*(hn+hs)*(he+hw)/4.0 crhs = -cvalus(7)*(hn+hs)*(he+hw)/4.0 c c set east coefficient c call pde (pcx+0.5*he,pcy,cvalus) if ( temp = bcond(1,bx,pcy,bvalus) if (ix.eq.ngridx) go to 20 if ((ix+1.eq.ngridx).and.(bctype(1).eq.1)) go to 10 c c normal east point c ceast = -cvalus(1)*(hn+hs)/(2.0*he) center = center-ceast go to 30 c c east point is a dirichlet point c 10 temp = cvalus(1)*(hn+hs)/(2.0*he) crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp/bvalus(1) center = center+temp go to 30 c c center point lies on the east boundary which is mixed c 20 temp = cvalus(1)*(hn+hs)/(2.0*bvalus(2)) center = center+bvalus(1)*temp crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp c c set west coefficient c 30 call pde (pcx-0.5*hw,pcy,cvalus) if (ix.le.2) temp = bcond(3,ax,pcy,bvalus) if (ix.eq.1) go to 50 if (ix.eq.2.and.bctype(3).eq.1) go to 40 c c normal west point c cwest = -cvalus(1)*(hn+hs)/(2.0*hw) center = center-cwest go to 60 c c west point is dirichlet c 40 temp = cvalus(1)*(hn+hs)/(2.0*hw) crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp/bvalus(1) center = center+temp go to 60 c c center point lies on west boundary which is mixed. c 50 temp = cvalus(1)*(hn+hs)/(2.0*bvalus(2)) center = center+bvalus(1)*temp crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp c c set north coefficients c 60 call pde (pcx,pcy+0.5*hn,cvalus) if ( temp = bcond(4,pcx,by,bvalus) if (jy.eq.ngridy) go to 80 if ((jy.eq.ngridy-1).and.bctype(4).eq.1) go to 70 c c normal north point c cnorth = -cvalus(3)*(he+hw)/(2.0*hn) center = center-cnorth go to 90 c c north point is dirichlet c 70 temp = cvalus(3)*(he+hw)/(2.0*hn) crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp/bvalus(1) center = center+temp go to 90 c c center point lies on northern mixed boundary c 80 temp = cvalus(3)*(he+hw)/(2.0*bvalus(3)) center = center+bvalus(1)*temp crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp c c set south coefficients c 90 call pde (pcx,pcy-0.5*hs,cvalus) if (jy.le.2) temp = bcond(2,pcx,ay,bvalus) if (jy.eq.1) go to 110 if (jy.eq.2.and.bctype(2).eq.1) go to 100 c c normal south point c csouth = -cvalus(3)*(he+hw)/(2.0*hs) center = center-csouth go to 120 c c south point is dirichlet c 100 temp = cvalus(3)*(he+hw)/(2.0*hs) crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp/bvalus(1) center = center+temp go to 120 c c center point lies on southern mixed boundary c 110 temp = cvalus(3)*(he+hw)/(2.0*bvalus(3)) center = center+bvalus(1)*temp crhs = crhs+bvalus(4)*temp c c coefficient generation is completed. c now set b (rhs) and ia,ja, and a (matrix representation) c 120 b = crhs c if (ilevel.eq.1) write (nout,130) ij,crhs 130 format (/10x,'sym5pt -- equation',i8/20x, * 'right hand side = ',e15.7) c call setval (ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ij,ij,center) call setval (ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ij,ij+1,ceast) call setval (ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ij,ij+lngthx,cnorth) call setval (ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ij,ij-lngthx,csouth) call setval (ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,ij,ij-1,cwest) c return end subroutine setval (ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,i,j,val) integer jcoef(ndim,maxnz),bctype(4) dimension coef(ndim,maxnz) c common /tstbk1/ ax,ay,bx,by,srelpr,hx,hy common /tstbk2/ bctype,ilevel,isym,nout,ngridx,ngridy,n c if ( return if (ilevel.eq.1) write (nout,10) j,val 10 format (20x,'column',i8,' value =',e15.7) c ier = 0 call sbsij (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,i,j,val,0,ilevel,nout,ier) if ( stop c return end subroutine sbsij (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,i,j,val,mode, * level,nout,ier) c c sbsij places the (i,j) entry val of the matrix in the sparse c representation given by jcoef,coef. diagonal elements c are placed in the first column of coef. all other c entries are packed from left to right. the corresponding c entry of jcoef contains the column number of the entry. c integer jcoef(ndim,maxnz) dimension coef(ndim,maxnz) c ier = 0 c c check subscript bounds c if ((i.le.0).or.( go to 70 if ((j.le.0).or.( go to 70 c do 10 k = 1,maxnz if (jcoef(i,k).eq.j) go to 40 10 continue do 20 k = 1,maxnz if (jcoef(i,k).eq.0) go to 30 20 continue go to 80 c 30 coef(i,k) = val jcoef(i,k) = j go to 90 c c entry already set. value now depends on mode. c 40 ier = 700 if ( go to 50 if ( go to 60 c c mode = 0. use new value. c if ( write (nout,120) ier,i,j,coef(i,k),val coef(i,k) = val go to 90 c c add values c 50 temp = coef(i,k)+val if ( write (nout,120) ier,i,j,coef(i,k),temp coef(i,k) = temp go to 90 c c use old value c 60 if ( write (nout,130) ier,i,j,coef(i,k) go to 90 c c subscript out of bounds c 70 ier = 701 if ( write (nout,100) ier,i,j go to 90 c c array too small c 80 ier = 702 if ( write (nout,110) ier 90 continue return c 100 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' in itpack routine sbsij '/' ',' ier = ',i10/' ', * ' ( ',i10,' , ',i10,' )'/' ', * ' improper value for i or j ') 110 format (/1x,'*** f a t a l e r r o r ************'//1x, * ' in itpack routine sbsij '/' ',' ier = ',i10/' ', * ' maxnz too small - no room for new entry') 120 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpack routine sbsij '/' ',' ier = ',i10/' ', * ' ( ',i10,' , ',i10,' )'/' ', * ' entry already set - current value of',e15.8/' ', * ' reset to',e15.8) 130 format (/1x,'*** w a r n i n g ************'//1x, * ' in itpack routine sbsij '/' ',' ier = ',i10/' ', * ' ( ',i10,' , ',i10,' )'/' ', * ' entry already set and is left as ',e15.8) end subroutine sbini (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef) c c sbini initializes the arrays jcoef and coef c for the sparse matrix representation. c integer jcoef(ndim,maxnz) dimension coef(ndim,maxnz) c do 20 j = 1,maxnz do 10 i = 1,n jcoef(i,j) = 0 coef(i,j) = 0.0 10 continue 20 continue return end