#!/bin/sh ----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----- # This is a shell archive. # Run the following text with /bin/sh to extract. YASASTART=`pwd` echo yasa: extracting dsnsm.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dsnsm.f subroutine dsnsm (x,ldx,y,sigma,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,adiag, * tau,lamlim,ntbl,dout,iout,coef,svals,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl, * iwork,liwa,work,lwa,job,info) integer ldx,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,ntbl,iout(3),ldtbl,liwa, * iwork(liwa),lwa,job,info double precision x(ldx,npar),y(nobs),sigma(ldsigm,npar), * adiag(nobs),tau,lamlim(2),dout(5),coef(npar),svals(*), * tbl(ldtbl,3),auxtbl(3,3),work(lwa) c c Purpose: determine the generalized cross validation estimate of the c smoothing parameter and fit model parameters for a penalized c least squares problem with a semi-norm smoothing matrix. c c On Entry: c x(ldx,npar) design matrix c ldx leading dimension of x as declared in the c calling program, must be at least max(nobs,npar) c y(nobs) response vector c sigma(ldsigm,npar) symmetric matrix that defines the semi-norm c ldsigm leading dimension of sigma as declared c in the calling program c nobs number of observations c npar number of parameters c nnull dimension of the null space of sigma c adiag(nobs) "true" y values on entry if computation of c predictive mse is requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search (in log10(nobs* c lambda) scale) if user input limits are c requested if lamlim(1) = lamlim(2) then lamhat c is set to (10**lamlim(1))/nobs c tau multiplier controlling the amount of truncation c if truncation is requested (try tau = 1 c to start then try 10 and 100) c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c log10(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial c grid search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c job integer with decimal expansion abcd c if a is nonzero then truncation is used c if b is nonzero then predictive mse is computed c using adiag as true y c if c is nonzero then user input limits on search c for lambda hat are used c if d is nonzero then the diagonal of the hat c matrix is calculated c c On Exit: c x(ldx,npar) overwritten with many intermediate results c y(nobs) predicted values c sigma(ldsigm,npar) overwritten with the QR decomposition of the c Cholesky factor of sigma c adiag(nobs) diagonal elements of the hat matrix if requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search c (in log10(nobs*lambda) scale) c dout(5) contains: c 1 lamhat generalized cross validation c estimate of the smoothing parameter c 2 penlty smoothing penalty c 3 rss residual sum of squares c 4 tr(I-A) trace of I - A c 5 truncation ratio = 1/(1+(normk/(nobs*lamhat))) c where normk = norm(R - R sub k)**2 c iout(3) contains: c 1 npsing number of positive singular c values c if info indicates nonzero info in c dsvdc then iout(1) contains info as c it was returned from dsvdc c 2 npar number of parameters c 3 nnull size of the null space of sigma c coef(npar) coefficient estimates c svals(npar-nnull) first npsing entries contain singular values c of the matrix j2 c if info indicates nonzero info in dsvdc then c svals is as it was returned from dsvdc c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c 3 R(lambda) if requested c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 1st row contains: c log10(nobs*lamhat), V(lamhat) and c R(lamhat) if requested c where lamhat is the gcv estimate of lambda c 2nd row contains: c 0, V(0) and R(0) if requested c 3rd row contains: c 0, V(infinity) and R(infinity) if requested c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -3 : nnull is too small (not fatal) c -2 : log10(nobs*lamhat) >= lamlim(2) c (not fatal) c -1 : log10(nobs*lamhat) <= lamlim(1) c (not fatal) c 1 : dimension error c 2 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 3 : liwa (length of iwork) is too small c 4 : error in ntbl or tau c 100< info <200 : 100 + nonzero info returned c from ddcom c 200< info <300 : 200 + nonzero info returned c from dgcv c c Work Arrays: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program c must be at least c (npar-nnull)*(npar-2*nnull+2+nobs)+npar+nobs c iwork(liwa) integer work vector c liwa length of iwork as declared in the calling c program c must be at least 2*npar - nnull c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - ddcom dgcv c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvpack - dcrtz dsgdc dcfcr drsap dvlop dtsvdc c dpmse dvmin dvl dzdc dpdcr ddiag c Linpack - dchdc dqrdc dqrsl dtrsl dsvdc dtrco c Blas - dcopy ddot dgemv dswap c Other - dcpmut dprmut dset c c $Header: dsnsm.f,v 86/11/19 09:24:39 lindstrom Exp $ c integer bigp,pmh,pp1,lwa2,wsize,ldcaux,job1,job2,npsing,sinfo sinfo = 0 info = 0 iout(2) = npar c check dimensions pmh = npar - nnull if ((nobs .le. 0) .or. (npar .le. 0) .or. (nnull .lt. 0) * .or.(pmh .le. 0)) then info = 1 return endif wsize = pmh**2 +2*npar - nnull + pmh*(nobs - nnull) + pmh + nobs if (lwa .lt. wsize) then info = 2 return endif wsize = npar + pmh if (liwa .lt. wsize) then info = 3 return endif if ((ntbl .lt. 0) .or. (ntbl .gt. ldtbl) .or. (tau .lt. 0)) then info = 4 return endif c first p positions of iwork contain sgpvt c first bigp-1 positions of work contain dcaux c iwork vector starts at pp1 pp1 = npar + 1 c work vector starts at bigp bigp = pmh**2 + 2*npar - nnull + 1 ldcaux = pmh**2 + 2*npar - nnull lwa2 = lwa - ldcaux job1=job/1000 job2=mod(job,1000) c decompose sigma and design matrix call ddcom (x,ldx,sigma,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,tau,npsing, * svals,iwork,work,ldcaux,dout(5),work(bigp),lwa2,iwork(pp1),pmh, * job1,info) iout(1) = npsing iout(3) = nnull if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 100 return endif if (info .lt. 0) sinfo = info c compute lambda hat and other parameters call dgcv(x,ldx,y,sigma,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,iwork,work,ldcaux, * adiag, lamlim,ntbl,dout,coef,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,work(bigp),lwa2, * job2,info) if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 200 return endif dout(5) = 1.0d0/(1.0d0+dout(5)/nobs/dout(1)) if (sinfo .lt. 0) info = sinfo return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dsuy.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dsuy.f subroutine dsuy(y,nobs,nuobs,ytrue,c1,order,xrep,ssqrep, * job) integer nobs,nuobs,order(nobs),xrep(nobs),job double precision y(nobs),ytrue(nobs),c1(nuobs),ssqrep c c Purpose: compute B1'y, B1'ytrue and ssq for replication. c c On Entry: c y(nobs) response vector c nobs number of observations c nuobs number of unique design points c ytrue(nobs) "true" response, if job is nonzero 1 c not referenced if job = 0 c c1(nuobs) c1(i) contains the square root of the number of c replicates of the ith sorted design point c order(nobs) order of sorted des c xrep(nobs) xrep(i) = 1 if the ith sorted design point is a c replicate, 0 if not c job job is nonzero if B1'ytrue should be calculated c job = 0 otherwise c c On Exit: c y(nuobs) B1'y c ytrue(nuobs) B1'ytrue if job is nonzero c ssqrep sum of squares for replication c c $Header: dsuy.f,v 86/10/07 12:57:32 lindstrom Exp $ c integer first,i,j double precision accum c accum = 0.0d0 ssqrep = 0.0d0 call dprmut (y,nobs,order,0) if (job .ne. 0) call dprmut (ytrue,nobs,order,0) c compute ssq for replication first = 0 do 20 i = 1,nobs if (xrep(i) .eq. 1) then accum = accum + y(i) else if (first .eq. i - 1) then first = i accum = y(i) else accum = accum/(i-first) do 10 j = first,i-1 ssqrep = (y(j)-accum)**2 + ssqrep 10 continue first = i accum = y(i) endif 20 continue if (xrep(nobs) .eq. 1) then accum = accum/(nobs + 1 - first) do 30 j = first,nobs ssqrep = (y(j)-accum)**2 + ssqrep 30 continue endif c compute B1'y and B1'ytrue j = 0 do 40 i = 1,nobs if (xrep(i) .eq. 0) then if (j .ne. 0) then y(j) = y(j) / c1(j) if (job .ne. 0) ytrue(j) = ytrue(j) / c1(j) endif j = j + 1 y(j) = y(i) if (job .ne. 0) ytrue(j) = ytrue(i) else y(j) = y(j) + y(i) if (job .ne. 0) ytrue(j) = ytrue(j) + ytrue(i) endif 40 continue y(j) = y(j) / c1(j) if (job .ne. 0) ytrue(j) = ytrue(j) / c1(j) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dtpss.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dtpss.f subroutine dtpss(des,lddes,nobs,dim,m,s,lds,ncov,y,ntbl,adiag, * lamlim,dout,iout,coef,svals,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,work,lwa, * iwork,liwa,job,info) integer lddes,nobs,dim,m,lds,ncov,ntbl,iout(4),ldtbl,lwa, * liwa,iwork(liwa),job,info double precision des(lddes,dim),s(lds,*),y(nobs), * adiag(nobs),lamlim(2),dout(5),coef(*),svals(*), * tbl(ldtbl,3),auxtbl(3,3),work(lwa) c c Purpose: determine the generalized cross validation estimate of the c smoothing parameter and fit model parameters for a thin plate c smoothing spline. c c On Entry: c des(lddes,dim) design for the variables to be splined c lddes leading dimension of des as declared in calling c program c nobs number of observations c dim number of columns in des c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c s(lds,ncov) design for the covariates. The covariates c must duplicate the replication structure of des. c See dptpss to handle covariates which do not. c lds leading dimension of s as declared in calling c program c ncov number of covariates c y(nobs) response vector c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c log10(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial c grid search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c adiag(nobs) "true" y values on entry if predictive mse is c requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search (in log10(nobs* c lambda) scale) if user input limits are c requested if lamlim(1) = lamlim(2) then lamhat c is set to (10**lamlim(1))/nobs c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c job integer with decimal expansion abdc c if a is nonzero then predictive mse is computed c using adiag as true y c if b is nonzero then user input limits on search c for lambda hat are used c if c is nonzero then adiag will be calculated c if d is nonzero then there are replicates in the c design c c On Exit: c des(lddes,dim) sorted unique rows of des if job indicates that c there are replicates otherwise not changed c s(lds,ncov) unique rows of s sorted to correspond to des c y(nobs) predicted values c adiag(nobs) diagonal elements of the hat matrix if requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search c (in log10(nobs*lambda) scale) c dout(5) contains: c 1 lamhat generalized cross validation c estimate of the smoothing parameter c 2 penlty smoothing penalty c 3 rss residual sum of squares c 4 tr(I-A) trace of I - A c 5 ssqrep sum of squares for replication c iout(4) contains: c 1 npsing number of positive singular c values (npsing = nuobs - ncts). c if info indicates nonzero info in c dsvdc then npsing contains info as c it was returned from dsvdc. c 2 npar number of parameters c (npar = nuobs + ncts) c 3 ncts dimension of the polynomial space c plus ncov c ((m+dim-1 choose dim) + ncov) c 4 nuobs number of unique rows in des c coef(npar) coefficient estimates [beta':alpha':delta']' c coef must have a dimension of at least nuobs+ c ncts c svals(npar-nnull) singular values of the matrix j2 if info = 0 c if info indicates nonzero info from dsvdc then c svals is as it was returned from dsvdc. c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c 3 R(lambda) if requested c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 1st row contains: c log10(nobs*lamhat), V(lamhat) and c R(lamhat) if requested c where lamhat is the gcv estimate of lambda c 2nd row contains: c 0, V(0) and R(0) if requested c 3rd row contains: c 0, V(infinity) and R(infinity) if requested c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -1 : log10(nobs*lamhat) <= lamlim(1) c (not fatal) c -2 : log10(nobs*lamhat) >= lamlim(2) c (not fatal) c 1 : dimension error c 2 : error in dreps, covariates do not c duplicate the replication structure of des c 3 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 4 : liwa (length of iwork) is too small c 10 < info < 20 : 10 + nonzero info returned c from dsetup c 100< info <200 : 100 + nonzero info returned c from dsgdc1 c 200< info <300 : 200 + nonzero info returned c from dgcv1 c c Work Arrays: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program c Must be at least nuobs(2+ncts+nuobs)+nobs c iwork(liwa) integer work vector c liwa length of iwork as declared in the calling c program c Must be at least 2*nobs + nuobs - ncts c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dreps duni dsuy dsetup dsgdc1 dgcv1 c Other - dprmut mkpoly c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvpack - dcfcr1 drsap dvlop dsvtc dpdcr dpmse c dvmin dvl dmaket dmakek ddiag c Linpack - dchdc dqrdc dqrsl dtrsl dsvdc c Blas - ddot dcopy dgemv c Other - dprmut dset dftkf fact mkpoly c c $Header: dtpss.f,v 86/10/07 12:57:52 lindstrom Exp $ c integer ncts,jrep,jadiag,p1,p1p1,p2,p2p1,p3,p3p1,ip1,ip1p1,ip2, * ip2p1,nuobs,p4,p4p1,j,i,lwa2,wsize,q1,q1p1,npsing, * jobgcv double precision ssqrep integer mkpoly c c info = 0 ncts = mkpoly(m,dim) + ncov iout(3) = ncts jrep = mod(job,10) jadiag = mod(job,100)/10 jobgcv = job/10 c check dimensions if((nobs .le. 0) .or. (m .le. 0) .or. (dim .le. 0) .or. * (ntbl .lt. 0) .or. (ntbl .gt. ldtbl) .or. * (2*m-dim .le. 0)) then info = 1 return endif c set up pointers for iwork vector c first nobs positions of iwork contain order ip1 = nobs c next nobs positions of iwork contain xrep ip1p1 = ip1 + 1 ip2 = ip1 + nobs c rest of iwork is a integer work vector ip2p1 = ip2 + 1 if (jrep .ne. 0) then call dreps(des,lddes,nobs,dim,s,lds,ncov,0,work,iwork,nuobs, * iwork(ip1p1),1,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = 2 return endif c put unique row of des into des call duni(des,lddes,nobs,dim,iwork(ip1p1),des,lddes) c put unique row of s into s call duni(s,lds,nobs,ncov,iwork(ip1p1),s,lds) endif if (jrep .eq. 0) then work(1)= 0 nuobs = nobs ssqrep = 0.0d0 endif iout(2) = nuobs + ncts iout(4) = nuobs c check size of work vectors wsize = nuobs*(2+ncts+nuobs)+nobs if (lwa .lt. wsize) then info = 3 return endif wsize = 2*nobs + nuobs - ncts if (liwa .lt. wsize) then info = 4 return endif c set up pointers for c1,[tu:su1],ku,fgaux in work c c c1 runs from 1 to p1, p1 = nuobs c [tu:su1] runs from p1p1 to p2, p2 = p1 + nuobs*ncts c ku runs from p2p1 to p3, p3 = p2 + nuobs**2 c fgaux runs from p3p1 to p4, p4 = p3 + ncts c the rest of work is a work vector c after the call to dsetup c f2'k f2 runs from q1p1 to p3, q1 = p2 + nuobs*ncts+ncts c p1 = nuobs p1p1 = p1 + 1 p2 = p1 + nuobs*ncts p2p1 = p2 + 1 q1 = p2 + nuobs*ncts+ncts q1p1 = q1 + 1 p3 = p2 + nuobs**2 p3p1 = p3 + 1 p4 = p3 + ncts p4p1 = p4 + 1 lwa2 = lwa - (nuobs*(1+ncts+nuobs) + ncts) c set up structures needed for dsgdc1 and dgcv1 call dsetup(des,lddes,s,lds,dim,m,ncov,nuobs,work,work(p1p1), * nuobs,ncts,work(p3p1),work(p2p1),nuobs,work(p4p1),iwork(ip2p1), * info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = info + 10 return endif c decompose f2' k f2 npsing = nuobs - ncts call dsgdc1(work(q1p1),nuobs,npsing,svals,iwork(ip2p1), * work(p4p1),lwa2,info) iout(1) = npsing if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 100 return endif c setup y if (jrep .ne. 0) then call dsuy(y,nobs,nuobs,adiag,work,iwork,iwork(ip1p1), * ssqrep,jadiag) endif dout(5) = ssqrep c compute lambda hat and other parameters call dgcv1(work(p2p1),nuobs,y,nuobs,nobs,work(p1p1),nuobs,ncts, * work(p3p1),svals,adiag,lamlim,ssqrep,ntbl,dout,coef,tbl,ldtbl, * auxtbl,work(p4p1),lwa2,jobgcv,info) if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 200 return endif c if there are replicates then rescale the coef. c vector, the predicted values, and diagonal of A if (nuobs .ne. nobs) then do 10 i = 1,nuobs coef(ncts+i) = coef(ncts+i) * work(i) 10 continue j = nuobs do 20 i = nobs,1,-1 y(i)=y(j)/work(j) if (jadiag .ne. 0) then adiag(i) = adiag(j)/work(j)**2 endif if (iwork(ip1 + i) .eq. 0) then j = j - 1 endif 20 continue endif c undo the permutation of the predicted values and c adiag if necessary if (jrep .ne. 0) then call dprmut (y,nobs,iwork,1) if (jadiag .ne. 0) call dprmut (adiag,nobs,iwork,1) endif return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dtsvdc.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dtsvdc.f subroutine dtsvdc(x,ldx,n,p,minrat,k,s,u,ldu,v,ldv,normk, * work,lwa,iwork,liwa,job,info) integer ldx,n,p,k,ldu,ldv,lwa,iwork(liwa),liwa,job,info double precision x(ldx,p),minrat,s(p),u(ldu,*),v(ldv,p), * normk,work(lwa) c c Purpose: form the singular value decomposition of a truncated matrix c obtained by first taking a qr decomposition with pivoting. c c On Entry: c x(ldx,p) matrix to be decomposed, x is destroyed c ldx leading dimension of x in the calling program c n number of rows in x c p number of columns in x (p <= n) c minrat minimum ratio to determine truncation c ldu leading dimension of u as declared in the c calling program c ldv leading dimension of v as declared in the c calling program c job controls the computation of the singular vectors c it has the decimal expansion ab with the meaning c a = 0 no left singular vectors c a = 1 all n left singular vectors c a > 1 first p left singular vectors c b = 0 no right singular vectors c b > 0 all p right singular vectors c c On Exit: c k number of positive singular values c s(p) an approximation to the first k singular values c in decreasing order c u(ldu,m) first k singular vectors if job > 1 or all n c left singular vectors if joba = 1 otherwise it c is not accessed it may be identified with x in c the subroutine call if joba > 1 c v(ldv,p) the first k right singular vectors if job b > 0 c otherwise it is not accessed c normk norm of the k by k lower right sub matrix of r c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c info > 0 : info was returned from dsvdc c c Work Arrays: c iwork(liwa) integer work vector, holds the pivot vector from c dqrdc c liwa must be at least p c work(lwa) work vector c lwa must be at least p**2 + p + n if joba > 0, c otherwise it must be at least 2*p c c Subprograms Called Directly c Linpack - dsvdc dqrdc dqrsl c Blas - ddot dcopy c Other - dset dprmut c c $Header: dtsvdc.f,v 86/10/07 12:58:56 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,jj,pp1,ppnp1,nmk,sjob,locinf double precision trxpx,accum,dummy(1),mintr double precision ddot c info = 0 call dset(p,0.0d0,s,1) pp1 = p+1 ppnp1 = p+n+1 c calculate trace of x' x trxpx = 0.0d0 do 10 j = 1,p trxpx = trxpx+ddot(n,x(1,j),1,x(1,j),1) 10 continue mintr = trxpx * minrat c qr decomposition of x do 20 j = 1,p iwork(j) = 0 20 continue call dqrdc(x,ldx,n,p,work,iwork,work(pp1),1) c calculate ratios for the truncated matrix accum = 0.0d0 k = p do 30 i = p,1,-1 accum = accum+ddot(pp1-i,x(i,i),ldx,x(i,i),ldx) if (accum .lt. mintr) then k = i normk = accum endif 30 continue if (job/10.le.0) then c no left singular vectors c copy rk' (transpose of the first k rows of r c from qr decomposition) into x do 40 j = 1,k call dcopy(p,x(j,1),ldx,x(1,j),1) call dset(j-1,0.0d0,x(1,j),1) 40 continue c svd of rk' sjob = 0 if (mod(job,10).ne.0) sjob = 20 call dsvdc(x,ldx,p,k,s,work,v,ldv,dummy,0,work(pp1),sjob,info) if (info.ne.0) return if (mod(job,10).ne.0) then do 50 j = 1,k call dprmut(v(1,j),p,iwork,1) 50 continue endif else c u or u1 is to be created i = n+1 c copy rk' to work do 60 j = 1,k i = i+p call dcopy(p,x(j,1),ldx,work(i),1) call dset(j-1,0.0d0,work(i),1) 60 continue c create u2 if requested if (job/10.eq.1) then nmk = n-k do 70 i = 1,nmk j = n+1-i call dset(n,0.0d0,work(pp1),1) work(p+j) = 1.0d0 call dqrsl(x,ldx,n,min(j,p),work,work(pp1),work(pp1), * dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,10000,locinf) call dcopy(n,work(pp1),1,u(1,j),1) 70 continue endif do 80 j = 1,k jj = k+1-j call dset(n,0.0d0,work(pp1),1) i = p+jj work(i) = 1.0d0 call dqrsl(x,ldx,n,jj,work,work(pp1),work(pp1),dummy,dummy, * dummy,dummy,10000,locinf) call dcopy(n,work(pp1),1,u(1,jj),1) 80 continue c svd of rk' sjob = 1 if (mod(job,10).ne.0) then sjob = 21 endif call dsvdc(work(ppnp1),p,p,k,s,work,v,ldv,work(ppnp1),p, * work(pp1),sjob,info) if (info.ne.0) return do 100 i = 1,n call dcopy(k,u(i,1),ldu,work,1) jj = n+1 do 90 j = 1,k jj = jj+p u(i,j) = ddot(k,work,1,work(jj),1) 90 continue 100 continue if (mod(job,10).ne.0) then c undo pivots on right singular vectors do 110 j = 1,k call dprmut(v(1,j),p,iwork,1) 110 continue endif endif end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting duni.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > duni.f subroutine duni(x,ldx,nobs,ncx,xrep,xu,ldxu) integer ldx,nobs,ncx,ldxu,xrep(nobs) double precision x(ldx,*),xu(ldxu,*) c c Purpose: compute xu. c c On Entry: c x(ldx,ncx) a matrix to be reduced to unique rows c ldx leading dimension of x as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of observations c ncx number of columns in x c xrep(nobs) xrep(i) contains 1 if ith row of x is a c replicate row, 0 if not c ldxu leading dimension of xu as declared in the c calling program c On Exit: c xu(ldxu,ncx) unique rows of x c may be identified with x in the calling sequence c c $Header: duni.f,v 86/10/07 12:59:15 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k c j = 0 do 20 i = 1,nobs if (xrep(i) .eq. 0) then j = j + 1 do 10 k = 1,ncx xu(j,k) = x(i,k) 10 continue endif 20 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dvl.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dvl.f double precision function dvl(lgnlam,svals,z,npsing) integer npsing double precision lgnlam,svals(npsing),z(npsing) c c Purpose: evaluate the cross-validation function with a semi-norm. c c On Entry: c lgnlam log10(nobs*lambda) where lambda is the value of c lambda for which V is evaluated c svals(npsing) singular values c z(npsing) data vector in canonical coordinates c npsing number of positive svals c c On Exit: c dvl V(lambda) c c $Header: dvl.f,v 86/10/07 12:59:22 lindstrom Exp $ c integer j double precision nlam,numrtr,denom,factor c common / gcvcom / addend,rss,tria,n,h integer n,h double precision rss,tria,addend c see dvlop for definition of common block c variables c nlam = 10**lgnlam numrtr = addend denom = dble(n - h - npsing) do 10 j = 1,npsing factor = 1.0d0/(1.0d0 + (svals(j)**2)/nlam) numrtr = numrtr + (factor*z(j))**2 denom = denom + factor 10 continue rss=numrtr tria=denom dvl=dble(n)*numrtr/denom**2 return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dvlop.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dvlop.f subroutine dvlop(z,svals,nobs,nnull,npsing,inadd,ssqw2, * lamlim,ntbl,nlamht,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,dout,job,info) integer nobs,nnull,npsing,ntbl,ldtbl,job,info double precision z(npsing),svals(npsing),inadd,ssqw2,lamlim(2), * nlamht,tbl(ldtbl,3),auxtbl(3,3),dout(2) c c Purpose: determine the optimal lambda for the generalized cross c validation function given singular values and the data vector c in canonical coordinates. c c On Entry: c z(npsing) data vector in canonical coordinates c svals(npsing) singular values c nobs number of observations c nnull dimension of the null space of sigma c npsing number of positive elements of svals c inadd constant term in expression for V c ssqw2 squared length of w2 c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search (in log10(nobs* c lambda) scale) if user input limits are c requested. if lamlim(1) = lamlim(2) then nlamht c is set to 10**lamlim(1) c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c log10(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial c grid search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c job if job is nonzero then user input limits on c lambda hat search are used c c On Exit: c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search c (in log10(nobs*lambda) scale) c nlamht nobs*(lambda hat) where lambda hat is the gcv c estimate of lambda c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 1st row contains: c log10(nobs*lambda hat), V(lambda hat) c 2nd row contains: c 0, V(0) c 3rd row contains: c 0, V(infinity) c dout(2) contains: c 1 rss c 2 tr(I-A) c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -1 : log10(nlamht) <= lamlim(1) (not fatal) c -2 : log10(nlamht) >= lamlim(2) (not fatal) c 1 : svals(1) = 0.0d0 c 2 : npsing is incorrect c 3 : lamlim(1) > lamlim(2) c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dvmin c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvpack - dvl c c $Header: dvlop.f,v 86/10/07 12:59:38 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,k double precision vlamht,w double precision dvmin c common / gcvcom / addend,rss,tria,n,h integer n,h double precision addend,rss,tria,machpr,one c info = 0 one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 c n=nobs h=nnull addend = inadd if (svals(1) .eq. 0.0d0) then info = 1 return endif k = 0 do 20 i = 1,npsing if (svals(i) .gt. 0) then k = i endif 20 continue if (k .ne. npsing) then info = 2 return endif if (job .ne. 0 .and. (lamlim(1) .gt. lamlim(2))) then info = 3 return endif if (job .eq. 0) then lamlim(2) = 2.0d0*dlog10(svals(1))+2.0d0 lamlim(1) = 2.0d0*dlog10(svals(npsing))-2.0d0 endif nlamht = dvmin (lamlim(1),lamlim(2),svals,z,npsing,ntbl,tbl, * ldtbl,vlamht,info) dout(1) = rss dout(2) = tria c compute auxtbl auxtbl(1,1)=nlamht auxtbl(1,2)=vlamht c lambda = 0 auxtbl(2,1)=0.0d0 auxtbl(2,2)=0.0d0 if ((nobs-nnull) .ne. npsing) then auxtbl(2,2)=inadd*(nobs)/(nobs-nnull-npsing)**2 endif if ((nobs-nnull) .eq. npsing) then w=0.0d0 do 30 i=npsing,1,-1 c w=w+(z(i)*svals(npsing)**2/(svals(i)**2))**2 w=w+(z(i)*(svals(npsing)/svals(i))**2)**2 30 continue auxtbl(2,2)=nobs*w w=0.0d0 do 40 i=npsing,1,-1 w=w+(svals(npsing)/svals(i))**2 40 continue auxtbl(2,2)=auxtbl(2,2)/(w**2) endif c lambda = infinity auxtbl(3,1)=0.0d0 auxtbl(3,2)=ssqw2/(nobs - nnull) nlamht = 10**nlamht return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dvmin.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dvmin.f double precision function dvmin(lower,upper,svals,z,npsing, * ntbl,tbl,ldtbl,vlamht,info) integer npsing,ntbl,ldtbl,info double precision lower,upper,svals(npsing),z(npsing), * tbl(ldtbl,3),vlamht c c Purpose: evaluate V(lambda) for a grid of ln(nobs*lambda) values c between lower and upper, store these in the array tbl, and find c minimizer of v. c c On Entry: c lower lower bound of interval (in nobs*ln(lambda) c scale) over which V(lambda) is to be minimized c upper upper bound of interval (in nobs*ln(lambda) c scale) over which V(lambda) is to be minimized c svals(npsing) singular values c z(npsing) data vector in canonical coordinates c npsing number of positive elements of svals c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c ln(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial grid c search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c c On Exit: c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of ln(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c vlamht V(lambda hat) c dvmin ln(nobs*lambda hat) c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -1 : dvmin <= lower (not fatal) c -2 : dvmin >= upper (not fatal) c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dvl c c $Header: dvmin.f,v 86/10/07 12:59:51 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision a,b,c,d,vc,vd,del,k1,k2,x,v integer j,jmin,k double precision dvl c null interval if (lower .eq. upper) then dvmin = lower info = -1 vlamht = dvl(lower,svals,z,npsing) do 10 j = 1, ntbl tbl(j,1) = lower tbl(j,2) = vlamht 10 continue return end if c non-null interval info = 0 a = lower b = upper if (ntbl .eq. 1) then x = (a + b)/2 tbl(1,1) = x tbl(1,2) = dvl(x,svals,z,npsing) else if (ntbl .ge. 2) then c do grid search v=dvl(lower,svals,z,npsing)*2.0d0 del=(upper-lower)/(ntbl-1) do 20 j = 1, ntbl tbl(j,1) = lower + (j - 1) * del tbl(j,2) = dvl(tbl(j,1),svals,z,npsing) if (tbl(j,2) .le. v) then jmin = j v = tbl(j,2) endif 20 continue a=tbl(jmin,1)-del b=tbl(jmin,1)+del end if c do golden ratio search k1=(3.0d0-dsqrt(5.0d0))/2.0d0 k2=(dsqrt(5.0d0)-1)/2.0d0 c = a + k1*(b - a) d = a + k2*(b - a) vc = dvl(c,svals,z,npsing) vd = dvl(d,svals,z,npsing) do 30 k=1,50 if (vd .lt. vc) then a = c c = d d = a + k2*(b - a) vc = vd vd = dvl(d,svals,z,npsing) else b = d d = c c = a + k1*(b - a) vd = vc vc = dvl(c,svals,z,npsing) end if 30 continue x=(a+b)/2 if (x .le. lower) info = -1 if (x .ge. upper) info = -2 vlamht=dvl(x,svals,z,npsing) dvmin = x return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dzdc.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dzdc.f subroutine dzdc(x,ldx,nobs,npar,pmh,tau,fgaux,svals,npsing, * v,ldv,normk,work,lwa,iwork,liwa,job,info) integer ldx,nobs,npar,pmh,npsing,ldv,lwa,iwork(liwa),liwa,info,job double precision x(ldx,npar),tau,fgaux(*),svals(*),v(ldv,pmh), * normk,work(lwa) c c Purpose: create and decompose j and decompose j2 c c On Entry: c x(ldx,npar) z = design matrix after sigma rotations c ldx leading dimension of x as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of observations c npar number of parameters c pmh npar minus the dimension of the null space of c the semi-norm c tau multiplier controlling the amount of truncation c if truncation is requested c ldv leading dimension of v as declared in the c calling program c job controls use of truncated singular value c decomposition c if job is nonzero then dtsvdc is used c if job = 0 then dsvdc is called directly c c On Exit: c x(ldx,npar) overwritten with many intermediate results c fgaux(npar-pmh) auxiliary information on the qr decomposition c of the matrix z2 c svals(npsing) singular values of the matrix j2 if info = 0. c if info = 4,5,6 or 7 then svals is as c it was returned from dsvdc. c npsing if info = 0 then npsing contains the number c of singular values calculated c if info = 4,5,6 or 7 then npsing contains info c as it was returned from dsvdc. c v(ldv,pmh) right singular vectors of the matrix j2 c normk frobenius norm of the k by k lower right sub c matrix of j2 c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 2 : tau < 0 c 3 : transpose of j2 is necessary c (npar .gt. nobs) and npar .gt. ldx c 4 : error in dtsvdc (using j2') c 5 : error in dsvdc (using j2') c 6 : error in dtsvdc c 7 : error in dsvdc c c Work Arrays: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program Must be at least c pmh*(nobs - (npar-pmh) ) + pmh + nobs c iwork(liwa) integer work vector c liwa length of integer work vector, must be at least c pmh c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dtsvdc c Linpack - dqrdc dqrsl dsvdc c Blas - dcopy dswap c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Linpack - dqrdc dsvdc dqrsl c Blas - ddot dcopy c Other - dset dprmut dswap c c $Header: dzdc.f,v 86/10/07 13:00:03 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision dummy,machpr,one,minrat integer i,j,idummy,nnull,hp1,nmh,pmhp1,wsize,locinf c info = 0 c one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 minrat = machpr*tau c check dimensions wsize = pmh**2 + pmh + nobs if (lwa .lt. wsize) then info = 1 return endif if (tau .lt. 0) then info = 2 return endif c z1 is the first pmh columns of x c z2 is next h columns pmhp1 = pmh + 1 nnull = npar - pmh hp1 = nnull + 1 nmh = nobs - nnull c decompose z2 into f and g call dqrdc (x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nobs,nnull,fgaux,idummy,dummy,0) c create j as f' z1 do 30 j = 1,pmh call dqrsl (x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nobs,nnull,fgaux,x(1,j),dummy, * x(1,j),dummy,dummy,dummy,01000,locinf) 30 continue c decompose j2 (last npar - nnull rows of j) c as udv' if (pmh .gt. nmh) then c transpose the j2 matrix if (npar .gt. ldx) then info = 3 return endif do 40 i = 0, nmh-1 call dcopy(pmh,x(hp1+i,1),ldx,work(i*pmh),1) 40 continue do 50 i = 0, nmh-1 call dcopy (pmh, work(i*pmh),1,x(hp1,i+1),1) 50 continue if (job .ne. 0) then call dtsvdc (x(hp1,1),ldx,pmh,nmh,minrat,npsing,svals, * x(hp1,1),ldx,v,ldv,normk,work,lwa,iwork,liwa,21,info) if (info .ne. 0) then npsing = info info = 4 return endif else call dsvdc (x(hp1,1),ldx,pmh,nmh,svals,work(pmhp1),x(hp1,1), * ldx,v,ldv,work,21,info) if (info .ne. 0) then npsing = info info = 5 return endif npsing=nmh normk=0.0d0 endif do 60 i = 1, npsing call dswap(pmh,x(hp1,i),1,v(1,i),1) 60 continue else if (job .ne. 0) then call dtsvdc (x(hp1,1),ldx,nmh,pmh,minrat,npsing,svals, * x(hp1,1),ldx,v,ldv,normk,work,lwa,iwork,liwa,21,info) if (info .ne. 0) then npsing = info info = 6 return endif else call dsvdc (x(hp1,1),ldx,nmh,pmh,svals,work(nmh+1),x(hp1,1), * ldx,v,ldv,work,21,info) if (info .ne. 0) then npsing = info info = 7 return endif npsing=pmh normk = 0.0d0 endif endif return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting fact.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > fact.f integer function fact(i) integer i c c Purpose: quick factorial function for the bspline routine c returns zero for negative i. c c On Entry: c i a non-negative integer c On Exit: c fact i factorial c c $Header: fact.f,v 86/10/07 13:00:27 lindstrom Exp $ c integer j fact = 0 if (i .ge. 0) fact = 1 if (i .le. 1) return do 10 j = 2,i fact = fact*j 10 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting mkpoly.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > mkpoly.f integer function mkpoly(m,dim) integer m,dim c c Purpose: compute the binomial coefficient of m + dim - 1 choose dim. c This is the dimension of the space of polynomials which are in c the null space of the smoothing penalty. Uses Andy Jaworski's c binomial coefficient algorithm that only requires integer c arithmetic. c c On Entry: c m order of derivatives in the penalty c dim dimension of the variables to be splined c c On Exit: c mkploy (m + dim - 1) choose dim c c $Header: mkpoly.f,v 86/10/07 13:00:35 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k,k1,kcoef,n c compute binomial coefficient c m + dim - 1 choose dim n = m + dim - 1 k1 = dim if (k1 .gt. n .or. k1 .lt. 0) then mkpoly = 0 return endif k = k1 if ((n - k1) .lt. k) then k = n - k1 endif kcoef = 1 j = n - k do 10 i = 1, k j = j + 1 kcoef = (kcoef * j) / i 10 continue mkpoly = kcoef return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting prmut.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > prmut.f subroutine prmut (x,npar,jpvt,job) integer npar,x(npar),jpvt(npar),job c c Purpose: permute the elements of the array x according to the index c vector jpvt (either forward or backward permutation). c c On Entry: c x(npar) array to be permuted c npar size of x (and jpvt) c jpvt indices of the permutation c job indicator of forward or backward permutation c if job = 0 forward permutation c x(jpvt(i)) moved to x(i) c if job is nonzero backward permutation c x(i) moved to x(jpvt(i)) c On Exit: c x(npar) array with permuted entries c c Written: Yin Ling U. of Maryland, August,1978 c c $Header: prmut.f,v 86/10/07 13:00:47 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k,t c if (npar .le. 1) then return endif do 10 j = 1,npar jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) 10 continue if (job .eq. 0) then c forward permutation do 30 i = 1,npar if (jpvt(i) .gt. 0) then goto 30 endif j = i jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) k = jpvt(j) c while 20 if (jpvt(k) .lt. 0) then t = x(j) x(j) = x(k) x(k) = t jpvt(k) = -jpvt(k) j = k k = jpvt(k) goto 20 c endwhile endif 30 continue endif if (job .ne. 0 ) then c backward permutation do 50 i = 1,npar if (jpvt(i) .gt. 0) then goto 50 endif jpvt(i) = -jpvt(i) j = jpvt(i) c while 40 if (j .ne. i) then t = x(i) x(i) = x(j) x(j) = t jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) j = jpvt(j) goto 40 c endwhile endif 50 continue endif return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting mktpar.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > mktpar.f subroutine mktpar(bign,nobs,testno,bandwd,tpar,t,f0, * k0,info) double precision bandwd,tpar(4,*),t(nobs),f0(nobs),k0(nobs) integer bign,nobs,testno,info c c Purpose: To construct the "true" parameter vectors for an c integral equation test case. c c On Entry: c bign dimension of Hilbert space c nobs number of observations c testno test number (determines the spread of the peaks) c bandwd band width for the filter function c t(nobs) the location of the observations c c On Exit: c tpar(4,bign/2+1) values of the "true" parameters c f0(nobs) the "true" values of f at locations t c k0(nobs) the "true" values of k at locations t c info error indicator. 0 indicates successful c completion. Other values are: c 1 - invalid testno c 2 - bign <= 1 or nobs <= 1 c 3 - bign not even c $Header: mktpar.f,v 86/10/13 14:09:36 lindstrom Exp $ double precision rt2pi,twopi,sn,cs,fo,f00,ko,k00,fdiff, * iovern integer j,i c twopi = 8.0d0 * atan(1.0d0) rt2pi = sqrt(twopi) info = 1 if ((testno .le. 0) .or. (testno .gt. 4)) return info = 2 if ((bign .le. 1) .or. (nobs .le. 1)) return info = 3 if (int(bign/2) .ne. dble(bign)/2.0d0) return info = 0 fdiff = f00(0,testno,rt2pi) - f00(1,testno,rt2pi) call dset(4*(bign/2+1),0.0d0,tpar,1) do 20 j = 0, bign/2 do 10 i = 1,bign iovern = dble(i)/dble(bign) sn = sin(twopi*j*iovern) cs = cos(twopi*j*iovern) fo = f00(iovern,testno,rt2pi)+( iovern-0.5)*fdiff tpar(1,j+1)= tpar(1,j+1)+cs*fo tpar(2,j+1)= tpar(2,j+1)+sn*fo ko = k00(iovern,bandwd,rt2pi) tpar(3,j+1)= tpar(3,j+1)+cs*ko tpar(4,j+1)= tpar(4,j+1)+sn*ko 10 continue 20 continue call dscal(4*(bign/2+1),1.0d0/dble(bign),tpar,1) do 30 j = 1,nobs f0(j) = f00(t(j),testno,rt2pi)+(t(j)-0.5)*fdiff k0(j) = k00(t(j),bandwd,rt2pi) 30 continue return end c double precision function f00(x,testno,rt2pi) double precision x,rt2pi integer testno c double precision s1, s2, mu(4) data mu(1), mu(2), mu(3), mu(4) / 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05 /, * s1, s2 / 0.015, 0.045 / c f00 = (exp(-((x-0.3)/s1)**2/2.0d0)/s1+ * 2.0d0*exp(-((x-0.3-mu(testno))/s2)**2/2.0d0)/s2)/(3.0d0*rt2pi) return end c double precision function k00(x,bandwd,rt2pi) double precision x,bandwd,rt2pi c k00 = (exp(-(x/bandwd)**2/2.0d0)+ * exp(-((1-x)/bandwd)**2/2.0d0))/(rt2pi*bandwd) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting mkxys.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > mkxys.f subroutine mkxys(bign,nobs,p,m,t,tpar,x,ldx,truey, * sigma,ldsig,ftrig,ktrig,info) double precision t(nobs),tpar(4,*),x(ldx,*),truey(nobs), * sigma(ldsig,*),ftrig(nobs),ktrig(nobs) integer bign,nobs,p,m,ldx,ldsig,info c Purpose: to create the design matrix, the observation vector and the c sigma matrix for the integral equation example. c c On Entry: c bign dimension of Hilbert space c nobs number of observations c p the number of parameters c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c t(nobs) locations for observations c tpar values of the "true" parameters c ldx leading dimension of x c ldsig leading dimension of sigma c c On Exit: c x(nobs,p) design matrix for dsnsm c truey(nobs) "true" values for y (no noise added) c sigma(ldsig,p) sigma matrix c ftrig(nobs) trigonometric interpolant to f0 c ktrig(nobs) trigonometric interpolant to k0 c info error indicator. 0 indicates successful c completion. Other values are: c 1 - invalid testno c 2 - bign <= 1 or nobs <= 1 c 3 - bign not even c $Header: mkxys.f,v 86/10/07 13:30:50 lindstrom Exp $ double precision twopi,sn,cs,tmp integer i,j,kb,r,flag twopi = 8.0d0 * atan(1.0d0) info = 1 if (bign .le. 1 .or. nobs .le. 1) return info = 2 if (int(bign/2) .ne. dble(bign)/2.0d0) return info = 3 flag = 0 if (p .eq. bign) then flag = 1 else if (int(p/2) .eq. dble(p)/2.0d0) return endif info = 0 call dset(nobs,tpar(3,1),x(1,1),1) if (flag .eq. 1) then kb = bign/2 + 1 r = bign/2 - 1 else kb = (p - 1)/2 + 1 r = (p - 1)/2 endif do 20 i = 1, nobs cs = cos( twopi*bign*t(i)/2.0d0) truey(i) = tpar(1,1)*tpar(3,1)+ tpar(1,bign/2+1)* * tpar(3,bign/2+1)*cs*2.0d0 ftrig(i)= tpar(1,1) + tpar(1,bign/2+1)*cs/2.0d0 ktrig(i)= tpar(3,1) + tpar(3,bign/2+1)*cs/2.0d0 do 10 j = 1,bign/2-1 sn = sin(twopi*j*t(i)) cs = cos(twopi*j*t(i)) truey(i) = truey(i) + 2*((tpar(1,j+1)*tpar(3,j+1)- * tpar(2,j+1)*tpar(4,j+1))*cs+ * (tpar(1,j+1)*tpar(4,j+1)+tpar(2,j+1)*tpar(3,j+1))*sn) ftrig(i) = ftrig(i) + 2.0d0*tpar(1,j+1)*cs+ * 2.0d0*tpar(2,j+1)*sn ktrig(i) = ktrig(i) + 2.0d0*tpar(3,j+1)*cs+ * 2.0d0*tpar(4,j+1)*sn if (j .le. r) then x(i,1+j) = 2.0d0*(tpar(3,j+1)*cs+tpar(4,j+1)*sn) x(i,kb+j) = 2.0d0*(tpar(3,j+1)*sn-tpar(4,j+1)*cs) endif 10 continue if (flag .eq. 1) then x(i,kb) = tpar(3,bign/2+1)*cos(twopi*bign*t(i)/2.0d0)/2.0d0 endif 20 continue c calculate sigma do 30 i = 1,p call dset(p,0.0d0,sigma(1,i),1) 30 continue do 40 i = 1,r tmp = (twopi*i)**(2*m) sigma(1+i,1+i) = tmp sigma(kb+i,kb+i) = tmp 40 continue if (flag .eq. 1) then sigma(kb,kb) = ((twopi*dble(bign/2.0d0))**(2*m))/2.0d0 endif return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting inteqn.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > inteqn.f c program inteqn c c Purpose: To exercise the truncated singular value capabilities of the c dsnsm driver with the deconvolution problem as described in c Wahba, G. (1982) ``Constrained Regularization for Ill Posed c Linear Operator Equations, with Applications in Meteorology and c Medicine,'' in Statistical decision Theory and Related Topics c III, Vol. 2, eds. S.S. Gupta, and J.O. Berger, Academic Press, c 383-418. c Sample input and output for one simulated example are provided in c the files inteqn.in and inteqn.out. Small variations in the output c can be caused by different machines. c c This driver can also be modified as indicated in the code to produce c different simulated data to test various aspects of the truncation. c In particular, changing the bandwidth of the kernel (i.e. the c parameter "bandwd") changes the conditioning of the regularization c problem. c c Variables which determine the example c nobs number of observations c bign dimension of the hilbert space (must be even) c npar dimension of the subspace in which f is estimated c (npar <= bign, npar odd unless npar = bign) c bandwd the standard deviation of the kernel c testno indicates which test function to use c ntbl passed to dsnsm c job job for dsnsm c tau passed to dsnsm c sigst sigst is the standard deviation of the noise c c The next 3 variables are not used unless the c user modifies this routine and supplies c random number generators. c c jobt if job is nonzero then random t vector is used c else t is evenly spaced. c seedy seed for generation of random error for y c seedt seed for generation of random t vector c c $Header: inteqn.f,v 86/10/12 16:36:51 lindstrom Exp $ c integer maxobs, maxtbl, maxpar, nnull, lwa, liwa parameter ( maxobs = 200 , maxtbl = 200, maxpar = 200, nnull=1, * lwa = (maxpar-nnull)*(maxpar-2*nnull+2+maxobs)+maxpar+maxobs, * liwa = 2*maxpar-nnull ) c variables passed to dsnsm double precision x(maxobs,maxpar),y(maxobs),sigma(maxpar,maxpar), * adiag(maxobs), lamlim(2), dout(5), coef(maxpar), svals(maxobs), * tbl(maxtbl,3), auxtbl(3,3), work(lwa), tau integer nobs, ntbl, iout(3), iwork(liwa), info c variables which determine the example double precision bandwd, sigst, tpar(4,maxpar+1),t(maxobs), * ftrig(maxobs), f0(maxobs), ktrig(maxobs), k0(maxobs),temp, * ytrue(maxobs), eps(maxobs), fpred(maxobs), twopi integer testno, i, j, job, npar, bign, m, kb, r c c The next 2 lines are commented out because the random numbers c are read from the input file c integer jobt, seedy, seedt c real rnor,uni c external routines double precision dasum c write(*,*) 'Enter nobs, bign, npar, bandwd,' write(*,*) ' testno, ntbl, job, tau and sigst' read(*,*) nobs read(*,*) bign read(*,*) npar read(*,*) bandwd read(*,*) testno read(*,*) ntbl read(*,*) job read(*,*) tau read(*,*) sigst c c The next 4 lines are commented out because the random numbers c are read from the input file c write(*,*) 'job for t, seed for y, and seed for t' c read(*,*) jobt c read(*,*) seedy c read(*,*) seedt if (mod(job/10,10) .ne. 0) read(*,*) lamlim(1), lamlim(2) write(*,*) 'Nobs =', nobs, ' bign =', bign, ' npar =', npar, * ' bandwd =', bandwd, ' testno =', testno,'ntbl =',ntbl, * 'job =',job, ' tau =', tau,' sigst =', sigst c c The next line is commented out because the random numbers are c read from the input file c write(*,*) ' jobt= ',jobt,' seedy =', seedy, ' seedt =', seedt c c if a random number generator is used remove the next 3 lines do 10 i = 1,nobs read(*,*) eps(i),t(i) 10 continue if (nobs .gt. maxobs) then write(*,*) 'nobs cannot exceed the maxobs of', maxobs goto 999 endif if (npar .gt. maxpar) then write(*,*) 'npar cannot exceed the maxpar of', maxpar goto 999 endif if (ntbl .gt. maxtbl) then write(*,*) 'ntbl cannot exceed the maxtbl of', maxtbl goto 999 endif c c The next 11 lines are commented out because the random numbers c are read from the input file c y(1) = rnor(seedy) c t(1) = uni(seedt) c if (jobt .eq. 0) then c do 20 i = 1, nobs c t(i) = dble(i) / dble(nobs) c 20 continue c else c do 30 i = 1,nobs c t(i) = uni(0) c 30 continue c endif call mktpar(bign,nobs,testno,bandwd,tpar,t,f0,k0,info) if (info .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'info from mktpar is', info goto 999 endif c write(*,*) 'true parameters' c write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (tpar(1,i), i = 1, bign/2+1) c write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (tpar(2,i), i = 1, bign/2+1) c write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (tpar(3,i), i = 1, bign/2+1) c write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (tpar(4,i), i = 1, bign/2+1) m = 2 call mkxys(bign,nobs,npar,m,t,tpar,x,maxobs,adiag, * sigma,maxpar,ftrig,ktrig,info) if (info .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'info from mkxys is', info goto 999 endif call dcopy(nobs,adiag,1,ytrue,1) temp = 0.0d0 do 40 i = 1,nobs temp = temp + abs( f0(i)-ftrig(i) ) c c The next line is replaced by the one after it because c the random numbers are read from the input file c y(i) = ytrue(i)+sigst*rnor(0) y(i) = ytrue(i)+sigst*eps(i) 40 continue write(*,*) 'sum abs(f0 - ftrig) = ',temp temp = 0.0d0 do 50 i = 1,nobs temp = temp+ abs( k0(i)-ktrig(i) ) 50 continue write(*,*) 'sum abs(k0 - ktrig) = ',temp c write(*,*) 'Location of responses' c write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (t(i), i = 1, nobs) write(*,*) 'Observed responses' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (y(i), i = 1, nobs) call dsnsm(x, maxobs, y, sigma, maxpar, nobs, npar, nnull, * adiag, tau, lamlim, ntbl, dout, iout, coef, svals, tbl, * maxtbl, auxtbl, iwork, liwa, work, lwa, job, info) if (info .gt. 0) then write(*,*) 'Non-zero info from dsnsm of ', info endif write(*,*) ' info = ', info twopi = 8.0d0 * atan(1.0d0) if (npar .eq. bign) then kb = bign/2 + 1 r = bign/2 - 1 else kb = (npar - 1)/2 + 1 r = (npar-1)/2 endif call dset(nobs,coef(1),fpred,1) do 70 i = 1, nobs if (npar .eq. bign) then fpred(i)= fpred(i) + * coef(bign/2+1)*cos(twopi*bign*t(i)/2.0d0)/2 endif do 60 j = 1,r fpred(i) = fpred(i) + * 2.0d0*coef(1+j)*cos(twopi*j*t(i))+ * 2.0d0*coef(kb+j)*sin(twopi*j*t(i)) 60 continue 70 continue write(*,*) 'ftrig' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (ftrig(i), i = 1, nobs) write(*,*) 'fpred' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (fpred(i), i = 1, nobs) temp = 0.0d0 do 80 i = 1,nobs temp = temp+(ytrue(i)-y(i))**2 80 continue if (abs(temp/nobs-auxtbl(1,3)) .gt. 1.0d-8) then write(*,*) 'error in R',temp/nobs, auxtbl(1,3) write(*,*) 'Predicted responses' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (y(i), i = 1, nobs) endif write(*,*) 'Diagonal of hat matrix' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (adiag(i), i = 1, nobs) write(*,*) 'lamlim =',lamlim(1),lamlim(2) write(*,*) 'Trace of I - A', nobs - dasum(nobs,adiag,1) write(*,*) 'dout:' write(*,*) ' lamhat ',dout(1) write(*,*) ' penlty ',dout(2) write(*,*) ' rss ',dout(3) write(*,*) ' sqrt(rss/nobs) ',sqrt(dout(3)/nobs) write(*,*) ' tr(I-A) ',dout(4) write(*,*) ' truncation ratio ',dout(5) write(*,*) 'iout:' write(*,*) ' npsing ',iout(1) write(*,*) ' npar ',iout(2) write(*,*) ' nnull ',iout(3) write(*,*) 'Coefficient estimates' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (coef(i), i = 1, npar) write(*,*) 'Singular values' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (svals(i), i = 1, iout(1)) c write(*,*) 'Table' c do 90 i = 1, ntbl c write(*,'(1p,3g15.4)') (tbl(i,j), j = 1, 3) c 90 continue write(*,*) 'Auxtbl' do 100 i = 1, 3 write(*,'(1p,3g15.4)') (auxtbl(i,j), j = 1, 3) 100 continue 999 continue stop end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting inteqn.in cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > inteqn.in 100 #nobs 100 #bign 100 #p .043 #bandwidth 4 #testno 150 #ntbl 1101 #job 50.00 #factor 0.05 #sigst 0.369426 0.664586 #errors for y tvec -0.161741 4.74875e-02 0.110734 0.888196 #These were created using the CMLIB -0.892269 0.758726 #random number generators rnor and 0.563741 4.12114e-02 #uni with seeds 2345 and 234567 1.45182 0.539204 #respectively. -1.31448 0.333283 1.88693 0.316610 -0.376364 0.110962 -1.19051 0.802525 0.119080 0.710972 0.355376 0.456799 6.85814e-02 0.394802 -0.260287 0.200948 -1.11644 8.98874e-02 -0.134926 0.720376 -0.820781 0.323931 1.64792 0.730215 0.355515 0.153460 -0.627039 0.201692 -0.288621 0.961650 0.809240 0.282720 -0.337654 0.191011 -0.380919 0.820178 1.52130e-02 0.885082 0.619401 0.850688 -7.60663e-02 0.480195 3.71923e-02 0.480040 7.20295e-03 0.363379 0.871532 0.490280 1.47435 0.649740 -0.226480 0.390308 -1.04995 0.759664 -0.194730 3.94473e-02 -0.123651 0.760065 0.258064 0.496280 -0.399952 0.188616 -0.458049 0.798014 0.663119 0.756727 1.40577 0.569053 -0.214525 0.676102 -1.17632 0.303534 -2.29485 0.947326 0.946033 0.276532 -1.91029 8.90136e-02 0.187062 0.312723 1.11663 0.813254 0.179122 0.297587 -0.279380 0.886225 -2.96400e-02 0.329350 -5.08641e-02 0.273276 -0.580411 5.31892e-02 -2.51686 0.801307 -1.16734 0.697609 0.530081 0.531336 -0.586954 0.516549 -1.19345 0.484136 -1.00249 0.125205 0.454596 0.394075 -0.788416 0.584009 0.295470 0.240016 -0.467823 0.395122 -1.33313 0.812482 -1.78970 0.580821 0.352242 0.286423 -0.237447 0.353792 -0.960140 6.57725e-02 -1.83060 0.539205 0.391730 0.527632 -0.490526 0.485116 -1.12822 0.656183 -0.170927 0.534437 -3.92629e-02 2.26565e-02 -1.43795 4.34956e-02 -0.400290 0.359911 0.238791 0.262108 1.29887 0.950427 -1.28274 0.782640 -0.297425 0.648373 1.13850 0.547429 0.637391 0.681287 -0.485349 0.664004 0.546681 0.428849 1.75646 0.582601 -0.300003 8.22389e-03 0.592774 0.153656 -8.13912e-03 0.178889 0.102742 0.772666 0.974032 4.81642e-02 -0.340513 0.985567 1.62357 0.110160 1.14206 0.818978 -0.684942 0.510558 2.40373 9.77370e-02 1.34218 0.202927 0.539613 0.461787 -0.929959 0.271549 -0.707846 0.829271 -0.859077 0.433733 1.90618 0.774079 Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting inteqn.out cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > inteqn.out Enter nobs, bign, npar, bandwd, testno, ntbl, job, tau and sigst Nobs = 100 bign = 100 npar = 100 bandwd = 4.3000000000000d-02 testno = 4 ntbl = 150 job = 1101 tau = 50.000000000000 sigst = 5.0000000000000d-02 sum abs(f0 - ftrig) = 7.1095891316750d-04 sum abs(k0 - ktrig) = 1.4738158355217d-13 Observed responses 1.848e-02 -8.055e-03 5.537e-03 -4.461e-02 2.821e-02 0.115 6.29 6.53 -1.561e-02 -5.953e-02 5.954e-03 1.01 3.64 0.504 -5.506e-02 -6.746e-03 6.42 8.240e-02 6.347e-02 0.503 -1.443e-02 5.14 0.313 -1.905e-02 7.607e-04 3.097e-02 0.477 0.485 5.28 0.381 7.376e-02 3.86 -5.250e-02 -9.719e-03 -6.183e-03 0.283 0.275 -2.290e-02 3.316e-02 7.902e-02 -1.072e-02 6.09 -0.115 4.73 -9.480e-02 6.39 5.583e-02 5.92 -1.397e-02 6.42 4.45 -2.897e-02 -0.126 -5.837e-02 8.783e-02 8.979e-02 0.360 -4.199e-02 3.69 -3.578e-02 2.14 3.59 -6.666e-02 -8.508e-02 5.35 5.71 -4.788e-02 -4.944e-02 9.239e-02 0.381 -5.639e-02 4.443e-02 -1.959e-03 -7.187e-02 5.43 3.65 6.494e-02 -6.414e-02 -1.483e-02 8.485e-02 3.187e-02 -2.425e-02 2.00 9.179e-02 -1.500e-02 7.586e-02 0.182 5.137e-03 4.874e-02 -1.703e-02 8.422e-02 5.710e-02 0.119 0.121 0.630 0.884 4.29 -3.539e-02 1.73 9.531e-02 info = 0 ftrig 3.612e-06 -2.868e-06 2.778e-06 -5.110e-06 -7.894e-06 8.495e-04 6.27 9.29 1.303e-05 -3.576e-06 3.964e-06 0.354 3.60 2.449e-02 4.941e-06 -4.698e-06 7.48 4.866e-06 4.427e-04 2.587e-02 -6.965e-06 6.50 1.152e-02 -5.047e-06 -2.484e-06 5.234e-06 8.993e-02 9.083e-02 5.66 4.586e-02 5.400e-06 3.96 -5.121e-06 -3.457e-06 -4.995e-06 2.998e-02 9.519e-03 -4.110e-06 -3.714e-06 4.948e-05 -5.371e-06 12.1 -1.684e-07 4.17 1.600e-06 10.4 2.959e-06 11.8 -5.723e-07 6.63 3.19 1.056e-05 -4.619e-06 -5.837e-06 1.760e-03 6.256e-03 6.955e-02 8.983e-06 3.66 1.353e-05 0.301 3.58 3.835e-06 8.534e-06 8.06 5.90 -8.497e-06 8.494e-04 2.455e-03 6.516e-02 -6.108e-06 1.321e-03 -9.154e-06 -1.014e-05 5.77 1.24 5.623e-06 -3.005e-06 6.769e-06 4.009e-04 -3.152e-06 2.565e-06 1.27 1.141e-05 4.733e-07 4.510e-04 4.286e-03 2.748e-06 -7.292e-07 -5.205e-06 9.668e-06 -4.584e-06 1.017e-02 4.885e-06 2.830e-02 0.270 2.76 4.689e-06 1.05 6.834e-07 fpred 8.800e-03 -1.526e-02 -2.870e-02 0.187 -1.734e-02 0.214 8.28 9.31 -9.239e-02 -0.330 -7.312e-02 0.416 3.18 -0.286 -6.266e-02 6.610e-02 9.01 0.202 0.236 -0.309 6.149e-02 6.68 1.938e-03 -0.136 1.502e-02 0.288 -0.183 -0.181 5.15 -0.231 0.149 3.37 0.174 -1.797e-02 0.169 -0.209 6.311e-02 -0.336 0.212 1.029e-02 -0.127 9.08 -2.159e-02 5.63 -6.058e-02 9.35 -0.239 8.63 -1.204e-03 8.62 5.05 -1.434e-02 -0.334 -0.204 0.179 1.998e-02 -0.216 -4.740e-02 3.21 -0.130 0.142 3.17 -0.249 -0.108 7.26 6.11 -1.921e-02 0.214 0.148 -0.221 0.101 0.198 -1.831e-02 -1.652e-02 5.48 3.06 1.216e-03 -0.208 0.156 0.205 -0.175 1.579e-02 1.73 -0.121 6.124e-04 0.238 0.249 -4.148e-02 -1.508e-02 6.248e-02 -9.279e-02 -0.156 -5.927e-02 -8.035e-02 -0.345 0.233 4.74 2.248e-02 1.49 -6.666e-02 Diagonal of hat matrix 0.151 0.134 0.312 0.146 0.135 0.143 0.161 0.143 0.192 0.124 0.235 0.206 0.190 0.184 0.188 0.231 0.148 0.220 0.291 0.187 0.284 0.131 0.162 0.147 0.296 0.351 0.133 0.133 0.198 0.131 0.239 0.185 0.144 0.138 0.143 0.134 0.164 0.129 0.150 0.190 0.172 0.138 0.357 0.140 0.189 0.142 0.126 0.134 0.301 0.155 0.149 0.143 0.125 0.230 0.134 0.133 0.131 0.237 0.189 0.271 0.347 0.190 0.125 0.245 0.129 0.195 0.176 0.143 0.131 0.130 0.181 0.137 0.222 0.133 0.198 0.206 0.329 0.136 0.255 0.156 0.190 0.151 0.272 0.259 0.332 0.291 0.191 0.133 0.135 0.379 0.190 0.142 0.135 0.182 0.193 0.184 0.155 0.204 0.273 0.133 lamlim = -18.566397372003 1.0942422965694 Trace of I - A 81.211241602127 dout: lamhat 1.8215098946450d-10 penlty 1282664.0942576 rss 0.21618022670516 sqrt(rss/nobs) 4.6495185417972d-02 tr(I-A) 81.211241602127 truncation ratio 0.99999999739516 iout: npsing 35 npar 100 nnull 1 Coefficient estimates 0.999 -0.482 -0.444 0.699 -0.188 -0.299 0.214 0.164 -0.141 -2.782e-02 2.391e-02 -4.295e-03 -4.208e-03 3.679e-04 -4.277e-04 -1.176e-04 -1.102e-05 -2.175e-06 1.464e-07 -2.450e-07 5.380e-08 2.575e-09 -2.347e-10 2.022e-10 1.068e-11 1.590e-12 2.051e-13 -8.216e-15 6.862e-15 6.606e-16 -8.605e-19 -8.152e-18 -1.268e-18 -7.801e-19 -1.722e-18 1.481e-18 -1.371e-18 -1.154e-18 2.337e-18 -1.343e-18 7.317e-20 -1.569e-18 1.350e-18 2.090e-18 -1.529e-18 7.475e-19 -7.889e-19 -2.184e-20 -1.412e-19 -2.785e-19 4.409e-21 0.836 -0.730 -4.605e-02 0.501 -0.242 -0.172 0.186 8.072e-02 -0.183 1.354e-02 3.479e-02 -4.278e-03 4.978e-04 -2.551e-06 -3.051e-05 -1.559e-05 -1.276e-06 -7.273e-07 -3.107e-07 -1.421e-08 2.259e-09 -2.560e-10 -1.122e-10 -8.050e-12 7.009e-13 -6.547e-14 2.524e-14 -4.014e-16 4.221e-16 2.853e-17 -6.096e-19 1.556e-18 -1.927e-18 -2.888e-18 -2.847e-18 -1.352e-18 -6.088e-19 -1.859e-18 -9.337e-19 -4.946e-19 4.291e-19 1.519e-18 1.088e-18 1.535e-18 -2.280e-19 7.213e-19 1.591e-19 7.549e-20 -2.629e-19 Singular values 0.352 0.337 8.378e-02 6.893e-02 2.929e-02 2.635e-02 1.278e-02 1.129e-02 5.832e-03 5.199e-03 2.539e-03 2.520e-03 1.216e-03 1.024e-03 5.428e-04 4.402e-04 2.203e-04 1.784e-04 8.951e-05 6.713e-05 3.139e-05 2.697e-05 1.124e-05 9.047e-06 3.773e-06 2.963e-06 1.125e-06 9.363e-07 3.479e-07 2.590e-07 9.231e-08 7.202e-08 2.367e-08 1.729e-08 5.210e-09 Auxtbl -7.740 3.2778e-03 2.0745e-04 0. 4.6951e-03 3.4099e-04 0. 4.370 4.320 Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting testptpss.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > testptpss.f c program testptpss c c Purpose: Test the gcvpack driver dptpss.f c c $Header: testptpss.f,v 86/10/30 16:00:27 lindstrom Exp $ c integer maxobs, maxuni, maxpar, maxtbl, maxnul, lwa, liwa parameter ( maxobs = 200 , maxtbl = 200, maxnul = 10, * maxuni = 150 ,maxpar = maxuni+maxnul, * lwa = maxnul*(maxobs+maxuni+1)+maxpar*(maxobs+maxpar)+ * maxpar*(maxpar+2+maxobs)+maxpar+maxobs, * liwa = 3*maxobs ) c integer nobs,i,j,info,ntbl,ncov1,ncov2,job,m,dim, * iwork(liwa),iout(4) double precision s(maxobs,1),s2(maxobs,1),lamlim(2), * des(maxobs,4),des2(maxobs,4),y(maxobs),adiag(maxobs), * ytrue(maxobs),tbl(maxtbl,3),coef(maxpar),auxtbl(3,3), * svals(maxobs),dout(4),pred(maxobs),work(lwa),pderr,r,trA,diag c double precision dasum c write(*,*) 'Enter nobs, dim, ncov1, ncov2, m, ntbl, job' read(*,*) nobs read(*,*) dim read(*,*) ncov1 read(*,*) ncov2 read(*,*) m read(*,*) ntbl read(*,*) job if (mod(job/10,10) .ne. 0) read(*,*) lamlim(1), lamlim(2) write(*,*) 'nobs =', nobs, 'dim =',dim,'ncov1 =',ncov1, * 'ncov2 =',ncov2,'m =', m, 'ntbl =',ntbl,'job =',job if (mod(job/10,10) .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'lamlim =',lamlim(1), lamlim(2) endif if (nobs .gt. maxobs) then write(*,*) 'nobs cannot exceed the maxobs of', maxobs goto 999 endif if (ntbl .gt. maxtbl) then write(*,*) 'ntbl cannot exceed the maxtbl of', maxtbl goto 999 endif do 10 i=1,nobs read(*,*) (des(i,j),j=1,dim),(s(i,j),j=1,ncov1+ncov2) read(*,*) ytrue(i),y(i) 10 continue do 20 i = 1,dim call dcopy(nobs,des(1,i),1,des2(1,i),1) 20 continue do 30 i = 1,ncov1+ncov2 call dcopy(nobs,s(1,i),1,s2(1,i),1) 30 continue call dcopy(nobs,ytrue,1,adiag,1) call dptpss(des,maxobs,nobs,dim,m,s,maxobs,ncov1,ncov2,y,ntbl, * adiag,lamlim,dout,iout,coef,svals,tbl,maxtbl,auxtbl, * work,lwa,iwork,liwa,job,info) if (info .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'dptpss info',info call dpred(des2,maxobs,nobs,dim,m,des,maxobs,iout(4),s2,maxobs, * ncov1,0,coef,iout(2),pred,work,lwa,iwork,info) if (info .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'dpred info',info write(*,*) 'lamlim = ',lamlim(1),lamlim(2) write(*,*) 'dout:' write(*,*) ' lamhat ',dout(1) write(*,*) ' penlty ',dout(2) write(*,*) ' rss ',dout(3) write(*,*) ' sqrt(rss/nobs) ',sqrt(dout(3)/nobs) write(*,*) ' tr(I-A) ',dout(4) write(*,*) 'iout:' write(*,*) ' npsing ',iout(1) write(*,*) ' npar ',iout(2) write(*,*) ' nnull ',iout(3) write(*,*) ' nuobs ',iout(4) write(*,*) 'auxtbl' do 40 i = 1,3 write(*,*) (auxtbl(i,j),j=1,3) 40 continue write(*,*) 'Coefficient estimates',(coef(i),i=1,iout(2)) write(*,*) 'Singular values' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (svals(i), i = 1, iout(1)) R=0.0d0 do 50 i=1,nobs R=R+dble((ytrue(i)-y(i))**2) pderr = pred(i)-y(i) 50 continue R=R/dble(nobs) diag=dasum(nobs,adiag,1) trA=dble(nobs)-dout(4) if (abs(trA-diag) .gt. 1.0d-8) write(*,*) 'trA',trA,'diag',diag if (abs(R - auxtbl(1,3)) .gt. 1.0d-8) then write(*,*) 'R=',R,'auxtblR=',auxtbl(1,3) endif if (abs(pderr) .gt. 1.0d-8) write(*,*) 'pderr = ',pderr stop 999 continue end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting testptpss.in cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > testptpss.in 50 #nobs 2 #dim 1 #ncov1 0 #ncov2 2 #m 200 #ntbl 101 #job -0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1554483570e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1576312613e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1867397827e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1849722168e+02 0.e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1966086310e+02 0.e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1980231311e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1859838649e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1851904737e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1586842815e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1603913832e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1092383867e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1114066546e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1481392847e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1482830425e+02 0.e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1656449698e+02 0.e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1644307297e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1490792284e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1505653924e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1091956264e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1094227538e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9614920104e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9646480938e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1403133439e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1403122345e+02 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1591550715e+02 0.1577400253e+02 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1591550715e+02 0.1600412514e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1399627680e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1402826553e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9557001644e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9584670472e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1120625177e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1108651907e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1483723493e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1499369172e+02 0.e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1655494349e+02 0.e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1651294369e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1498448603e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1471816070e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1114575565e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1117168689e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1582595514e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1596022497e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1864014953e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1856095997e+02 0.e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1954375504e+02 0.e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1980902641e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1856884576e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1861010439e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1586586951e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1590136745e+02 Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting testptpss.out cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > testptpss.out Enter nobs, dim, ncov1, ncov2, m, ntbl, job nobs = 50 dim = 2 ncov1 = 1 ncov2 = 0 m = 2 ntbl = 200 job = 101 lamlim = -4.1843433265259 1.6093312869689 dout: lamhat 3.2679884650307d-05 penlty 853.57331502786 rss 0.25791662762274 sqrt(rss/nobs) 7.1821532651809d-02 tr(I-A) 26.775087178935 iout: npsing 21 npar 29 nnull 4 nuobs 25 auxtbl -2.7867494807235 1.7988193836964d-02 5.8882753901201d-03 0. 1.9378305182360d-02 5.8804882675552d-03 0. 4.6729241085750 4.2954700571057 Coefficient estimates 17.624151123995 9.2540344779902d-02 1.0302805621053d-02 6.5633168108272 -11.356469787138 16.508680645501 2.9818553538791 -3.5837240165699 8.2441126928124 -25.483696004923 2.5476735637523 -0.29386952458562 26.760819459264 -48.727114493771 -27.793851311316 41.817471784635 33.017395104093 38.257112513123 -26.476296420657 -28.609071016442 7.1373012868979 8.9368709155005 2.1849847711197 -22.883007849984 -4.0453833228645 8.9634672527690 -2.7571023482932 10.840610441942 -6.1887696887454 Singular values 0.638 0.517 0.312 0.312 0.223 0.223 0.196 0.176 0.162 0.134 0.131 0.131 0.129 0.115 0.115 0.104 0.102 9.972e-02 8.867e-02 8.867e-02 8.088e-02 Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting testtpss.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > testtpss.f c program testtpss c c Purpose: Test the gcvpack driver dtpss.f c c $Header: testtpss.f,v 86/10/30 15:59:54 lindstrom Exp $ c integer maxobs, maxuni, maxpar, maxtbl, mxncts, lwa, liwa parameter ( maxobs = 200 , maxtbl = 200, mxncts = 10, * maxuni = 150 ,maxpar = maxuni+mxncts, * lwa = maxuni*(2+mxncts+maxuni)+maxobs, * liwa = 2*maxobs + maxuni) c integer nobs,i,j,info,ntbl,ncov1,job,m,dim,iwork(liwa),iout(4) double precision s(maxobs,1),s2(maxobs,1),lamlim(2), * des(maxobs,4),des2(maxobs,4),y(maxobs),adiag(maxobs), * ytrue(maxobs),tbl(maxtbl,3),coef(maxpar),auxtbl(3,3), * svals(maxobs),dout(5),pred(maxobs),work(lwa),pderr,r,trA,diag c double precision dasum c write(*,*) 'Enter nobs, dim, ncov1, m, ntbl, job' read(*,*) nobs read(*,*) dim read(*,*) ncov1 read(*,*) m read(*,*) ntbl read(*,*) job if (mod(job/100,10) .ne. 0) read(*,*) lamlim(1), lamlim(2) write(*,*) 'nobs =', nobs, 'dim =',dim,'ncov1 =',ncov1, * 'm =', m, 'ntbl =',ntbl,'job =',job if (mod(job/100,10) .ne. 0) then write(*,*) 'lamlim =',lamlim(1), lamlim(2) endif if (nobs .gt. maxobs) then write(*,*) 'nobs cannot exceed the maxobs of', maxobs goto 999 endif if (ntbl .gt. maxtbl) then write(*,*) 'ntbl cannot exceed the maxtbl of', maxtbl goto 999 endif do 10 i=1,nobs read(*,*) (des(i,j),j=1,dim),(s(i,j),j=1,ncov1) read(*,*) ytrue(i),y(i) 10 continue do 20 i = 1,dim call dcopy(nobs,des(1,i),1,des2(1,i),1) 20 continue do 30 i = 1,ncov1 call dcopy(nobs,s(1,i),1,s2(1,i),1) 30 continue call dcopy(nobs,ytrue,1,adiag,1) call dtpss(des,maxobs,nobs,dim,m,s,maxobs,ncov1,y,ntbl,adiag, * lamlim,dout,iout,coef,svals,tbl,maxtbl,auxtbl,work,lwa,iwork, * liwa,job,info) if (info .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'dtpss info',info call dpred(des2,maxobs,nobs,dim,m,des,maxobs,iout(4),s2,maxobs, * ncov1,0,coef,iout(2),pred,work,lwa,iwork,info) if (info .ne. 0) write(*,*) 'dpred info',info write(*,*) 'lamlim = ',lamlim(1),lamlim(2) write(*,*) 'dout:' write(*,*) ' lamhat ',dout(1) write(*,*) ' penlty ',dout(2) write(*,*) ' rss ',dout(3) write(*,*) ' sqrt(rss/nobs) ',sqrt(dout(3)/nobs) write(*,*) ' tr(I-A) ',dout(4) write(*,*) ' ssqrep ',dout(5) write(*,*) 'iout:' write(*,*) ' npsing ',iout(1) write(*,*) ' npar ',iout(2) write(*,*) ' nnull ',iout(3) write(*,*) ' nuobs ',iout(4) write(*,*) 'auxtbl' do 40 i = 1,3 write(*,*) (auxtbl(i,j),j=1,3) 40 continue write(*,*) 'Coefficient estimates',(coef(i),i=1,iout(2)) write(*,*) 'Singular values' write(*,'(1p,7g11.3)') (svals(i), i = 1, iout(1)) R=0.0d0 do 50 i=1,nobs R=R+dble((ytrue(i)-y(i))**2) pderr = pred(i)-y(i) 50 continue R=R/dble(nobs) diag= dasum(nobs,adiag,1) trA=dble(nobs)-dout(4) if (abs(trA-diag) .gt. 1.0d-8) write(*,*) 'trA',trA,'diag',diag if (abs(R - auxtbl(1,3)) .gt. 1.0d-8) then write(*,*) 'R=',R,'auxtblR=',auxtbl(1,3) endif if (abs(pderr) .gt. 1.0d-8) write(*,*) 'pderr = ',pderr stop 999 continue end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting testtpss.in cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > testtpss.in 50 #nobs 2 #dim 1 #ncov1 2 #m 200 #ntbl 1011 #job -0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1554483570e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1576312613e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1867397827e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1849722168e+02 0.e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1966086310e+02 0.e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1980231311e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1859838649e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1851904737e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1586842815e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1603913832e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1092383867e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1114066546e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1481392847e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1482830425e+02 0.e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1656449698e+02 0.e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1644307297e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1490792284e+02 0.5000000000e+00 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1505653924e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1091956264e+02 0.1000000000e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1094227538e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9614920104e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9646480938e+01 -0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1403133439e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1403122345e+02 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1591550715e+02 0.1577400253e+02 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1591550715e+02 0.1600412514e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1399627680e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.1404538577e+02 0.1402826553e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9557001644e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.e+00 0.e+00 0.9653243053e+01 0.9584670472e+01 -0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1120625177e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1108651907e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1483723493e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1499369172e+02 0.e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1655494349e+02 0.e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1654538577e+02 0.1651294369e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1498448603e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1489500943e+02 0.1471816070e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1114575565e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.5000000000e+00 0.2500000000e+00 0.1101895709e+02 0.1117168689e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1582595514e+02 -0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1596022497e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1864014953e+02 -0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1856095997e+02 0.e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1954375504e+02 0.e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1965324305e+02 0.1980902641e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1856884576e+02 0.5000000000e+00 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1851895709e+02 0.1861010439e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1586586951e+02 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1000000000e+01 0.1585498788e+02 0.1590136745e+02 Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting testtpss.out cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > testtpss.out Enter nobs, dim, ncov1, m, ntbl, job nobs = 50 dim = 2 ncov1 = 1 m = 2 ntbl = 200 job = 1011 lamlim = -4.1843433265259 1.6093312869689 dout: lamhat 3.2679884666661d-05 penlty 853.57331501868 rss 0.25791662763774 sqrt(rss/nobs) 7.1821532653897d-02 tr(I-A) 26.775087179714 ssqrep 0.24222881477953 iout: npsing 21 npar 29 nnull 4 nuobs 25 auxtbl -2.7867494805062 1.7988193836964d-02 5.8882753902953d-03 0. 1.9378305182360d-02 5.8804882675556d-03 0. 4.6729241085750 4.2954700571057 Coefficient estimates 17.624151123986 9.2540344777235d-02 1.0302805622788d-02 6.5633168108123 -11.356469786953 -25.483696004900 -27.793851310920 -28.609071016127 -4.0453833230143 16.508680644902 2.5476735641137 41.817471783039 7.1373012871226 8.9634672524902 2.9818553539789 -0.29386952348460 33.017395104218 8.9368709157430 -2.7571023477229 -3.5837240157703 26.760819457853 38.257112512072 2.1849847715526 10.840610441479 8.2441126918716 -48.727114492199 -26.476296420734 -22.883007849908 -6.1887696887032 Singular values 0.638 0.517 0.312 0.312 0.223 0.223 0.196 0.176 0.162 0.134 0.131 0.131 0.129 0.115 0.115 0.104 0.102 9.972e-02 8.867e-02 8.867e-02 8.088e-02 Funky!Stuff!