#!/bin/sh ----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----- # This is a shell archive. # Run the following text with /bin/sh to extract. YASASTART=`pwd` echo yasa: extracting Makefile cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > Makefile SUBS = dcfcr.o dcfcr1.o dcpmut.o dcrtz.o dctsx.o ddcom.o ddiag.o\ dftkf.o dgcv.o dgcv1.o dgemv.o dmakek.o dmaket.o dpdcr.o\ dpmse.o dpred.o dprmut.o dptpss.o dreps.o drsap.o dset.o\ dsetup.o dsgdc.o dsgdc1.o dsnsm.o dsuy.o dtpss.o dtsvdc.o\ duni.o dvl.o dvlop.o dvmin.o dzdc.o fact.o mkpoly.o prmut.o SRCS = dcfcr.f dcfcr1.f dcpmut.f dcrtz.f dctsx.f ddcom.f ddiag.f\ dftkf.f dgcv.f dgcv1.f dgemv.f dmakek.f dmaket.f dpdcr.f\ dpmse.f dpred.f dprmut.f dptpss.f dreps.f drsap.f dset.f\ dsetup.f dsgdc.f dsgdc1.f dsnsm.f dsuy.f dtpss.f dtsvdc.f\ duni.f dvl.f dvlop.f dvmin.f dzdc.f fact.f mkpoly.f prmut.f testtpss : testtpss.o ${SUBS} f77 -o testtpss testtpss.o ${SUBS} -llinpack testptpss : testptpss.o ${SUBS} f77 -o testptpss testptpss.o ${SUBS} -llinpack inteqn : inteqn.o mktpar.o mkxys.o ${SUBS} f77 -o inteqn inteqn.o mktpar.o mkxys.o ${SUBS} -llinpack Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dcfcr.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dcfcr.f subroutine dcfcr (fg,ldfg,nnull,qr,ldqr,npar,pmh,qraux, * sgpvt,capz,ldcapz,svals,npsing,v,ldv,nlamht,w1,z,coef,penlty, * work,info) integer ldfg,nnull,ldqr,npar,pmh,sgpvt(npar),ldcapz,npsing,ldv, * info double precision fg(ldfg,nnull),qr(ldqr,pmh), * qraux(pmh),capz(ldcapz,*),svals(npsing),v(ldv,npsing),nlamht, * w1(nnull),z(npsing),coef(npar),penlty,work(nnull) c c Purpose: determine the coefficients for a given value of nlamht c and vectors z and w1. c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,nnull) information on the Householder transformations c that define f and g c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared in the c calling program c nnull number of columns in g c qr(ldqr,pmh) information on the Householder transformations c that define q and r c ldqr leading dimension of qr as declared c in the calling program c npar number of rows in q c pmh number of columns in r c qraux(pmh) auxiliary information on the c qr Householder transformations c sgpvt(npar) permuted indices from the pivoted Cholesky c decomposition of the matrix which defines the c semi-norm c capz(ldcapz,pmh) first part of the rotated design matrix c ldcapz leading dimension of capz as declared c in the calling program c svals(npsing) singular values c npsing number of positive singular values c v(ldv,npsing) right singular vectors corresponding to svals c ldv leading dimension of v as declared c in the calling program c nlamht nobs*lambda hat c w1(nnull) leading part of rotated response vector c z(npsing) u'w2 c c On Exit: c z(npsing) g = [(D**2 +nlamht)**-1]Dz c coef(npar) estimated coefficients c penlty smoothness penalty which equals gamma'gamma c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : error in dtrco, g is singular c 2 : error in dtrsl, r is singular c Work arrays c work(nnull) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl dtrsl dtrco c Blas - ddot dgemv c Other - dprmut c c $Header: dcfcr.f,v 86/10/07 12:47:09 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i double precision dummy(1),machpr,one,rcond double precision ddot c info = 0 one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 c form gamma-hat and penlty do 20 i = 1,npsing z(i) = z(i)*svals(i)/(svals(i)**2 + nlamht) 20 continue call dgemv('N',pmh,npsing,1.0d0,v,ldv,z,1,0.0d0,coef,1) penlty = ddot(pmh,coef,1,coef,1) c form delta call dcopy(nnull,w1,1,coef(pmh+1),1) call dgemv('N',nnull,pmh,-1.0d0,capz,ldcapz,coef,1,1.0d0, * coef(pmh+1),1) c check condition number of g if (nnull .ne. 0) then call dtrco(fg,ldfg,nnull,rcond,work,1) if (rcond .le. machpr*100) then info = 1 return endif call dtrsl (fg,ldfg,nnull,coef(pmh+1),01,info) endif c form theta from gamma and delta call dtrsl (qr,ldqr,pmh,coef,11,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = 2 return endif call dqrsl (qr,ldqr,npar,pmh,qraux,coef,coef,dummy,dummy,dummy, * dummy,10000,info) call dprmut (coef,npar,sgpvt,1) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dcfcr1.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dcfcr1.f subroutine dcfcr1(fg,ldfg,ncts1,fgaux,u,ldu,f1kf2,ldfkf,nuobs, * svals,npsing,nlamht,w1,z,coef,penlty,work,info) integer ldfg,ldfkf,ncts1,ldu,nuobs,npsing,info double precision fg(ldfg,ncts1),fgaux(ncts1),u(ldu,*), * f1kf2(ldfkf,*),svals(npsing),nlamht,w1(ncts1),z(npsing),coef(*), * penlty,work(*) c c Purpose: determine the coefficients for a given value of nlamht c and vectors z and w1. c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,ncts1) information on the Householder transformations c that define f and g c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared in the c calling program c ncts1 number of columns in g c fgaux(ncts1) auxiliary information on the fg Householder c transformations c u(ldu,npsing) left singular vectors corresponding to svals c ldu leading dimension of u as declared in the c calling program c f1kf2(ldfkf,nuobs-ncts1) f1 k f2 c ldfkf leading dimension of f1kf2 as declared c in the calling program c nuobs number of rows in fg c svals(npsing) singular values of f2'k f2 c npsing number of positive singular c nlamht nobs*(lambda hat) c w1(ncts1) leading part of rotated response vector c z(npsing) u'w2 c c On Exit: c z(npsing) g = [ (D**2 +nlamht)**-1 ] D z c coef(nuobs+ncts1) estimated coefficients c penlty smoothness penalty which equals gamma'gamma c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : error in dtrco, g is singular c c Work Arrays: c work(nuobs-ncts1) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Used: c Linpack - dqrsl dtrsl c Blas - ddot dcopy dgemv c c $Header: dcfcr1.f,v 86/10/07 12:47:31 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,nmnct,nctp1,locinf double precision dummy,machpr,one,rcond double precision ddot c info = 0 one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 c nmnct = nuobs - ncts1 nctp1 = ncts1 + 1 c form g and penalty do 20 j = 1,npsing z(j) = z(j)*svals(j)/(svals(j)**2 + nlamht) 20 continue penlty = ddot(npsing,z,1,z,1) c z now contains g c compute xi do 30 i = 1,npsing coef(i) = z(i)/svals(i) 30 continue call dgemv('N',nmnct,npsing,1.0d0,u,ldu,coef,1,0.0d0, * work,1) do 40 j = 1,ncts1 coef(ncts1+j) = 0.0d0 40 continue call dcopy(nmnct,work,1,coef(2*ncts1+1),1) call dqrsl(fg,ldfg,nuobs,ncts1,fgaux,coef(nctp1),coef(nctp1), * dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,10000,locinf) c compute beta call dcopy(ncts1,w1,1,coef,1) call dgemv('N',ncts1,nmnct,-1.0d0,f1kf2,ldfkf,work,1,1.0d0, * coef,1) c check condition number of g call dtrco(fg,ldfg,ncts1,rcond,work,1) if (rcond .le. machpr*100) then info = 1 return endif call dtrsl (fg,ldfg,ncts1,coef,01,info) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dcpmut.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dcpmut.f subroutine dcpmut (x,ldx,nobs,npar,jpvt,job) integer ldx,nobs,npar,jpvt(npar),job double precision x(ldx,npar) c c Purpose: permute the columns of the matrix x according to the index c vector jpvt (either forward or backward permutation). c c On Entry: c x(ldx,npar) matrix whose columns are to be permuted c ldx leading dimension of x as declared c in the calling program c nobs number of rows of x used c npar number of columns of x c jpvt(npar) indices of the permutation c job indicator of forward or backward permutation c if job = 0 forward permutation c x(jpvt(i)) moved to x(i) c else backward permutation c x(i) moved to x(jpvt(i)) c On Exit: c x(ldx,npar) matrix with columns permuted c c Subprograms Called Directly c Blas - dswap c c Written: Yin Ling U. of Maryland, August,1978 c c $Header: dcpmut.f,v 86/10/07 12:47:45 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k c if (npar .le. 1) then return endif do 10 j = 1,npar jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) 10 continue if (job .eq. 0) then c forward permutation do 30 i = 1,npar if (jpvt(i) .gt. 0) then goto 30 endif j = i jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) k = jpvt(j) c while 20 if (jpvt(k) .lt. 0) then call dswap (nobs,x(1,j),1,x(1,k),1) jpvt(k) = -jpvt(k) j = k k = jpvt(k) goto 20 c endwhile endif 30 continue endif if (job .ne. 0) then c backward permutation do 50 i = 1,npar if (jpvt(i) .gt. 0) then goto 50 endif jpvt(i) = -jpvt(i) j = jpvt(i) c while 40 if (j .ne. i) then call dswap (nobs,x(1,i),1,x(1,j),1) jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) j = jpvt(j) goto 40 c endwhile endif 50 continue endif return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dcrtz.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dcrtz.f subroutine dcrtz (x,ldx,nobs,npar,pmh,qr,ldqr,qraux,sgpvt,work, * info) integer ldx,nobs,npar,pmh,ldqr,sgpvt(npar),info double precision x(ldx,npar),qr(ldqr,pmh),qraux(pmh),work(npar) c c Purpose: create z from x using permutations and householder c transformation from sigma c c On Entry: c x(ldx,npar) design matrix c ldx leading dimension of x as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of observations c npar number of parameters c pmh npar minus the dimension of the null space of c the semi-norm c qr(ldqr,pmh) information on the qr decomposition of the c Cholesky factor of the semi-norm c ldqr leading dimension of qr as declared in the c calling program c qraux(pmh) auxiliary information on the qr decomposition c of the factor of the semi-norm c sgpvt(npar) permuted indices from the pivoted Cholesky c decomposition of the semi-norm matrix c c On Exit: c x(ldx,npar) z (x after householder transformation) c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : error in dtrsl, r is singular c c Work Arrays: c work(npar) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl dtrsl c Blas - dcopy c Other - dcpmut c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Blas - dswap c c $Header: dcrtz.f,v 86/10/07 12:47:59 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision dummy integer i,locinf c info = 0 c permute columns of x according to sgpvt call dcpmut (x,ldx,nobs,npar,sgpvt,0) c apply Householder transformations to rows of c permuted x to generate z1 and z2 do 20 i = 1,nobs call dcopy (npar,x(i,1),ldx,work,1) call dqrsl (qr,ldqr,npar,pmh,qraux,work,dummy,work,dummy,dummy, * dummy,01000,locinf) call dtrsl (qr,ldqr,pmh,work,01,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = 1 return endif call dcopy (npar,work,1,x(i,1),ldx) 20 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dctsx.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dctsx.f subroutine dctsx(ts1,ldts1,ncts1,s2,lds2,ncov2,nobs,tbsb1,ldtbsb, * nb,sigma,ldsigm,x,ldx,npar,fgaux,work) integer ldts1,ncts1,lds2,ncov2,nobs,ldtbsb,nb,ldsigm,ldx,npar double precision ts1(ldts1,ncts1),s2(lds2,*),tbsb1(ldtbsb,ncts1), * sigma(ldsigm,*),x(ldx,*),fgaux(ncts1),work(nb) c c Purpose: compute x and sigma from t,s and k. c c On Entry: c ts1(nobs,ncts1) [t:s1] c ldts1 leading dimension of ts1 as declared in the c calling program c ncts1 number of columns in [t:s1] c s2(lds2,ncov2) columns contain the covariates which do not c duplicate the replication pattern of des c lds2 leading dimension of s2 as declared in the c calling program c ncov2 number of columns in s2 c nobs number of observations c tbsb1(ldtbsb,ncts1) unique rows of t and s1 (or [t:s1] created from c basis functions) c ldtbsb leading dimension of tbsb1 as declared in c calling program c nb number of basis functions c sigma ku (ku must start in the ncov2+1 row and c the ncov2+1 column) c ldsigm leading dimension of sigma as c declared in the calling program c x(ldx,npar) k (k must start in the 1st row and column) c ldx leading dimension of x as c declared in the calling program c c On Exit: c tbsb1(ldtbsb,ncts1) qr decomposition of tbsb1 c sigma(ldsigm,npar) symmetric matrix that defines the semi-norm c [0: 0 ] c [0:f2'ku f2] c x(ldx,npar) design matrix [t:s1:s2:kf2] c npar number of parameters (nb+ncov2) c fgaux(ncts1) auxiliary vector for qr decomposition of tbsb1 c c Work Arrays: c work(nb) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly c Linpack - dqrdc dqrsl c Blas - dcopy c Other - dset dftkf c c Subprograms Called Indirectly c Linpack - dqrsl c Blas - dcopy c c $Header: dctsx.f,v 86/10/07 12:48:06 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision dummy integer i,locinf c npar = nb + ncov2 call dqrdc(tbsb1,ldtbsb,nb,ncts1,fgaux,0,0.0d0,0) c calculate k f2 put in last nb -ncts1 columns c of x do 10 i=1,nobs call dcopy(nb,x(i,1),ldx,work,1) call dqrsl(tbsb1,ldtbsb,nb,ncts1,fgaux,work,dummy,work,dummy, * dummy,dummy,01000,locinf) call dcopy(nb-ncts1,work(ncts1+1),1,x(i,ncov2+ncts1+1),ldx) 10 continue c copy [t:s1] into first ncts1 columns of x do 20 i=1,ncts1 call dcopy(nobs,ts1(1,i),1,x(1,i),1) 20 continue c copy s2 into next ncov2 columns of x do 30 i=1,ncov2 call dcopy(nobs,s2(1,i),1,x(1,ncts1+i),1) 30 continue c calculate sigma call dftkf(tbsb1,ldtbsb,nb,ncts1,fgaux,sigma(ncov2+1,ncov2+1), * ldsigm,work) do 40 i = 1,ncts1+ncov2 call dset(npar,0.0d0,sigma(1,i),1) 40 continue do 50 i = ncts1+ncov2+1,npar call dset(ncts1+ncov2,0.0d0,sigma(1,i),1) 50 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting ddcom.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > ddcom.f subroutine ddcom (x,ldx,sigma,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,tau, * npsing,svals,sgpvt,dcaux,ldcaux,normk,work,lwa,iwork,liwa, * job,info) integer ldx,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,npsing,sgpvt(npar), * ldcaux,lwa,liwa,iwork(liwa),job,info double precision x(ldx,npar),sigma(ldsigm,npar),tau,svals(*), * dcaux(ldcaux),normk,work(lwa) c c Purpose: decompose sigma and the design matrix. c c On Entry: c x(ldx,npar) design matrix c ldx leading dimension of x as declared in the c calling program. Must be at least max(npar,nobs) c sigma(ldsigm,npar) symmetric matrix that defines the semi-norm c ldsigm leading dimension of sigma as c declared in the calling program c nobs number of observations c npar number of parameters c nnull dimension of the null space of sigma c tau multiplier controlling the amount of truncation c if truncation is requested c ldcaux length of auxiliary vector as declared in the c calling program. c Must be at least (npar-nnull)**2+2*npar-nnull c job job nonzero use truncation c job = 0 no truncation c c On Exit: c x(ldx,npar) overwritten with many intermediate results c must be passed to dgcv intact c sigma(ldsigm,npar) overwritten with the qr decomposition of the c Cholesky factor of sigma c must be passed intact to dgcv c nnull if input nnull is too small it is replaced by c larger value such that sigma has rank npar-nnull c npsing number of singular values calculated if info = 0 c otherwise npsing contains nonzero info from c dsvdc. c svals(npar-nnull) singular values of the matrix j2 if info = 0 c if info from dsvdc is nonzero then svals c is as it was returned from dsvdc. c sgpvt(npar) permuted indices from the Cholesky decomposition c with pivots of sigma c must be passed intact to dgcv c dcaux(ldcaux) auxiliary vector, must be passed intact to dgcv c normk frobenius norm of the k by k lower right sub c matrix of j2 c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -3 : nnull is too small (not fatal) c 1 : dimension error or tau < 0 c 2 : ldcaux (length of dcaux) is too small c 3 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 4 : liwa (length of iwork) is too small c 10 < info < 20 : 10 + nonzero info returned c from dsgdc c 20 < info < 30 : 20 + nonzero info returned c from dcrtz c 30 < info < 40 : 30 + nonzero info returned c from dzdc c c Work Arrays: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program Must be at least c (npar-nnull)*(nobs-nnull+1)+nobs c iwork(liwa) integer work vector c liwa length of iwork as declared in the calling c program c must be at least npar-nnull c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dsgdc dcrtz dzdc c Blas - dcopy c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvpack - dtsvdc c Linpack - dtrco dchdc dqrdc dqrsl dtrsl dsvdc c Blas - dcopy dswap ddot c Other - dprmut dcpmut dset c c $Header: ddcom.f,v 86/10/07 12:48:26 lindstrom Exp $ c integer pmh,pp1,pmhp1,wsize,nmh,sinfo c sinfo = 0 info = 0 c check dimensions nmh = nobs - nnull pmh = npar - nnull pmhp1 = pmh + 1 pp1 = npar + 1 if ((nobs .le. 0) .or. (npar .le. 0) .or. (nnull .lt. 0) * .or. (pmh .le. 0) .or. (ldx .lt. nobs).or. (ldx .lt. npar) * .or. (tau .lt. 0)) then info = 1 return endif wsize = pmh**2 + 2*npar -nnull if (ldcaux .lt. wsize) then info = 2 return endif wsize = pmh*nmh + pmh + nobs if (lwa .lt. wsize) then info = 3 return endif if (liwa .lt. pmh) then info = 4 return endif c decompose sigma call dsgdc (sigma,ldsigm,npar,nnull,dcaux,sgpvt,info) if (info.gt. 0) then info = info + 10 return endif if (info .lt. 0) then sinfo = info pmh = npar - nnull pmhp1 = pmh + 1 endif c create z call dcrtz(x,ldx,nobs,npar,pmh,sigma,ldsigm,dcaux,sgpvt,work,info) if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 20 return endif c create j and decompose j2 call dzdc(x,ldx,nobs,npar,pmh,tau,dcaux(pmhp1),dcaux(pp1), * npsing,dcaux(npar+pmhp1),pmh,normk,work,lwa,iwork,liwa,job,info) c copy svals call dcopy(pmh,dcaux(pp1),1,svals,1) if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 30 return endif if (sinfo .lt. 0) info = sinfo return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting ddiag.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > ddiag.f subroutine ddiag(fg,ldfg,nobs,nnull,fgaux,svals,npsing,u,ldu, * nlamht,adiag,work) integer ldfg,nobs,nnull,npsing,ldu double precision fg(ldfg,nnull),fgaux(nnull),svals(npsing), * u(ldu,npsing),nlamht,adiag(nobs),work(*) c c Purpose: determine the diagonal of hat matrix for nobs*lamhat c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,nnull) information on the Householder transformations c that define f and g c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of rows in f c nnull number of columns in g c fgaux(nnull) auxiliary information on the fg Householder c transformations c svals(npsing) singular values c npsing number of positive singular values c u(ldu,npsing) left singular vectors corresponding to svals c ldu leading dimension of u as declared in the c calling program c nlamht nobs*lambda hat c c On Exit: c adiag(nobs) diagonal elements of the hat matrix if requested c c Work Arrays: c work(nobs+npsing) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl c Blas - ddot dgemv c Other - dset c c $Header: ddiag.f,v 86/10/07 13:28:57 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,hp1,locinf,nmh,np1 double precision dummy(1) double precision ddot c np1 = nobs + 1 hp1 = nnull + 1 nmh = nobs - nnull c form adiag do 20 i = 1,nobs call dset(nobs,0.0d0,work,1) work(i)=1.0d0 call dqrsl(fg,ldfg,nobs,nnull,fgaux,work,dummy,work,dummy, * dummy,dummy,01000,locinf) adiag(i)=ddot(nnull,work,1,work,1) call dgemv('T',nmh,npsing,1.0d0,u,ldu,work(hp1),1,0.0d0, * work(np1),1) do 10 j=1,npsing work(nobs+j)=work(nobs+j)*svals(j)/dsqrt(svals(j)**2+nlamht) 10 continue adiag(i)=adiag(i) + ddot(npsing,work(np1),1,work(np1),1) 20 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dftkf.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dftkf.f subroutine dftkf(fg,ldfg,nrf,ncg,fgaux,kk,ldkk,work) integer ldfg,nrf,ncg,ldkk double precision fg(ldfg,ncg),fgaux(ncg),kk(ldkk,nrf),work(nrf) c c Purpose: create f'k f. c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,ncg) qr decomposition of [t:s1] c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared in the c calling program c nrf number of rows in f c ncg number of columns in g c fgaux(ncg) auxiliary information on the qr decomposition c of [t:s1] c kk(ldkk,nrf) k c ldkk leading dimension of kk as declared in the c calling program c c On Exit: c kk(ldkk,nrf) f'k f c c Work Array: c work(nrf) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl c Blas - dcopy c c $Header: dftkf.f,v 86/10/07 12:48:38 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision dummy integer i,locinf c calculate k f, store in kk do 10 i=1,nrf call dcopy(nrf,kk(i,1),ldkk,work,1) call dqrsl(fg,ldfg,nrf,ncg,fgaux,work,dummy,work,dummy,dummy, * dummy,01000,locinf) call dcopy(nrf,work,1,kk(i,1),ldkk) 10 continue c calculate f'k f do 20 i=1,nrf call dqrsl(fg,ldfg,nrf,ncg,fgaux,kk(1,i),dummy,kk(1,i),dummy, * dummy,dummy,01000,locinf) 20 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dgcv.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dgcv.f subroutine dgcv(x,ldx,y,sigma,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,sgpvt,dcaux, * ldcaux,adiag,lamlim,ntbl,dout,coef,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,work,lwa, * job,info) integer ldx,ldsigm,nobs,npar,nnull,sgpvt(npar),ldcaux,ntbl,ldtbl, * lwa,info,job double precision x(ldx,npar),y(nobs),sigma(ldsigm,npar), * dcaux(ldcaux),adiag(nobs),lamlim(2),dout(4),coef(npar), * tbl(ldtbl,3),auxtbl(3,3),work(lwa) c c Purpose: determine the generalized cross validation estimate of the c smoothing parameter and fit model parameters for a penalized c least squares problem with a semi-norm smoothing matrix. c c On Entry: c x(ldx,npar) design matrix as returned by ddcom c ldx leading dimension of x as declared in the c calling program, must be at least max(nobs,npar) c y(nobs) response vector c sigma(ldsigm,npar) Cholesky factor of sigma as returned by ddcom c ldsigm leading dimension of sigma as c declared in the calling program c nobs number of observations c npar number of parameters c nnull dimension of the null space of sigma c sgpvt(npar) permuted indices from the pivoted Cholesky c decomposition of the semi-norm matrix c dcaux(ldcaux) auxiliary vector from ddcom c ldcaux length of ldcaux. Must be at least c (npar-nnull)**2+2*npar-nnull c adiag(nobs) "true" y values on entry if predictive mse if c requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search (in log10(nobs* c lambda) scale) if user input limits are c requested. if lamlim(1) = lamlim(2) then lamhat c is set to (10**lamlim(1))/nobs c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c log10(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial c grid search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c job integer with decimal expansion abc c if a is nonzero then predictive mse is computed c using adiag as true y c if b is nonzero then user input limits on search c for lambda hat are used c if c is nonzero then diagonal of the hat matrix c is calculated c c On Exit: c y(nobs) predicted values c adiag(nobs) diagonal elements of the hat matrix if requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search c (in log10(nobs*lambda) scale) c dout(4) contains: c 1 lamhat generalized cross validation c estimate of the smoothing parameter c 2 penlty smoothing penalty c 3 rss residual sum of squares c 4 tr(I-A) trace of I - A c coef(npar) coefficient estimates c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c 3 R(lambda) if requested c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 1st row contains: c log10(nobs*lamhat), V(lamhat) and c R(lamhat) if requested c where lamhat is the gcv estimate of lambda c 2nd row contains: c 0, V(0) and R(0) if requested c 3rd row contains: c 0, V(infinity) and R(infinity) if requested c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -1 : log10(nobs*lamhat) <= lamlim(1) c (not fatal) c -2 : log10(nobs*lamhat) >= lamlim(2) c (not fatal) c 1 : dimension error c 2 : error in ntbl c 3 : ldcaux (length of dcaux) is too small c 4 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 5 : lamlim(1) > lamlim(2) c 10 < info < 20 : 10 + nonzero info returned c from dvlop c 20 < info < 30 : 20 +nonzero info returned c from dcfcr c c Work Arrays: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program must be at least (npar-nnull)+nobs c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - drsap dvlop dpmse dcfcr dpdcr ddiag c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvpack - dvmin dvl c Linpack - dqrsl dtrsl c Blas - dcopy ddot dgemv c Other - dprmut dset c c $Header: dgcv.f,v 86/10/07 12:49:16 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision addend,nlamht,ssqw2 integer mp1,mnh,pmh,minnp,pp1,pmhp1,wsize,npsing,i,jpmse,jlaml, * jadiag,sinfo c jpmse = job/100 jlaml = mod(job,100)/10 jadiag = mod(job,10) c check dimensions sinfo = 0 info = 0 pmh = npar - nnull if ((nobs .le. 0) .or. (npar .le. 0) .or. (nnull .lt. 0) * .or. (pmh .le. 0)) then info = 1 return endif if ((ntbl .lt. 0) .or. (ntbl .gt. ldtbl)) then info = 2 return endif wsize = pmh**2 + 2*npar - nnull if (ldcaux .lt. wsize) then info = 3 return endif wsize = pmh + nobs if (lwa .lt. wsize) then info = 4 return endif if (jlaml .ne. 0 .and. (lamlim(1) .gt. lamlim(2))) then info = 5 return endif pmhp1 = pmh + 1 pp1 = npar + 1 c calculate npsing minnp = min(nobs-nnull,pmh) do 30 i=1,minnp if (dcaux(npar+i)**2 .gt. 0) npsing = i 30 continue c apply rotations to y mp1 = nnull + 1 mnh = nobs - nnull call drsap (x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nobs,nnull,dcaux(pmhp1),x(mp1,1),ldx, * mnh,npsing,y,ssqw2,addend,work) c minimize V(lambda) call dvlop (y(mp1),dcaux(pp1),nobs,nnull,npsing,addend,ssqw2, * lamlim,ntbl,nlamht,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,dout(3),jlaml,info) dout(1)=nlamht/nobs if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 10 return endif if (info .lt. 0) sinfo = info c calculate predictive mse if (jpmse .ne. 0) then call dpmse(x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nobs,nobs,nnull,dcaux(pmhp1), * dcaux(pp1),npsing,x(mp1,1),ldx,y,y(mp1),ntbl,adiag,tbl,ldtbl, * auxtbl,work) endif c calculate coefficients call dcfcr (x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nnull,sigma,ldsigm,npar, * pmh,dcaux,sgpvt,x,ldx,dcaux(pp1),npsing,dcaux(npar+pmhp1),pmh, * nlamht,y,y(mp1),coef,dout(2),work,info) if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 20 return endif c calculate predicted values call dpdcr (x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nobs,nnull,dcaux(pmhp1),dcaux(pp1), * npsing,x(mp1,1),ldx,nlamht,y,y(mp1),y,work) if (jadiag .ne. 0) then call ddiag (x(1,pmhp1),ldx,nobs,nnull,dcaux(pmhp1), * dcaux(pp1),npsing,x(mp1,1),ldx,nlamht,adiag,work) endif if (sinfo .lt. 0) info = sinfo return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dgcv1.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dgcv1.f subroutine dgcv1(fkf,ldfkf,y,nuobs,nobs,fg,ldfg,ncts1,fgaux,svals, * adiag,lamlim,ssqrep,ntbl,dout,coef,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,work,lwa, * job,info) integer ldfkf,nuobs,nobs,ldfg,ncts1,ntbl,ldtbl,lwa,job,info double precision fkf(ldfkf,nuobs),y(nuobs),fg(ldfg,ncts1), * fgaux(ncts1),svals(*),adiag(nuobs),lamlim(2),ssqrep,dout(4), * coef(*),tbl(ldtbl,3),auxtbl(3,3),work(lwa) c c Purpose: determine the generalized cross validation estimate of the c smoothing parameter and fit model parameters for a semi-norm c thin plate spline model. c c On Entry: c fkf(ldfkf,nuobs) intermediate results as created by dsgdc1 c ldfkf leading dimension of fkf as declared in the c calling program c y(nuobs) B1'y c nuobs number of rows in fg c nobs number of observations c fg(ldfg,ncts1) qr decomposition of [t:s1] c ldfg leading dimension of fg as c declared in the calling program c ncts1 number of columns in [t:s1] c fgaux(ncts1) auxiliary information on the decomposition of c [t:s1] c svals(nuobs-ncts1) positive singular values of the Cholesky factor c of f2'k f2 c adiag(nuobs) B1'(true y) if predictive mse is requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search (in log10(nobs* c lambda) scale) if user input limits are c requested. if lamlim(1) = lamlim(2) then lamhat c is set to (10**lamlim(1))/nobs c ssqrep sum of squares for replication c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c log10(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial c grid search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c job integer with decimal expansion abc c if a is nonzero then predictive mse is computed c using adiag as true y c if b is nonzero then user input limits on search c for lambda hat are used c if c is nonzero then diagonal of the hat matrix c is calculated c c On Exit: c y(nuobs) B1'(predicted values) c adiag(nuobs) diagonal elements of the hat matrix if requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search c (in log10(nobs*lambda) scale) c dout(4) contains: c 1 lamhat generalized cross validation c estimate of the smoothing parameter c 2 penlty smoothing penalty c 3 rss residual sum of squares c 4 tr(I-A) trace of I - A c coef(nuobs+ncts1) estimated coefficients c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c 3 R(lambda) if requested c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 1st row contains: c log10(nobs*lamhat), V(lamhat) and c R(lamhat) if requested c where lamhat is the gcv estimate of lambda c 2nd row contains: c 0, V(0) and R(0) if requested c 3rd row contains: c 0, V(infinity) and R(infinity) if requested c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -1 : log10(nobs*lamhat) <= lamlim(1) c (not fatal) c -2 : log10(nobs*lamhat) >= lamlim(2) c (not fatal) c 1 : dimension error c 2 : error in ntbl c 3 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 4 : lamlim(1) > lamlim(2) c 10 < info < 20 : 10 + nonzero info returned c from dvlop c 20 < info < 30 : 20 + nonzero info returned c from dcfcr1 c c Working Storage: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program c must be at least nuobs-ncts1+nobs c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvlib - drsap dvlop dpmse dcfcr1 dpdcr ddiag c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvlib - dvl vmin c Linpack - dqrsl dtrsl c Blas - ddot dcopy dgemv c c $Header: dgcv1.f,v 86/10/07 12:49:43 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision addend,nlamht,ssqw2 integer npsing,i,jpmse,jlaml,jadiag,nmnct,nctp1,sinfo c c sinfo = 0 info = 0 nmnct = nuobs - ncts1 nctp1=ncts1+1 jpmse = job/100 jlaml = mod(job,100)/10 jadiag = mod(job,10) c check dimensions if ((nuobs.le.0).or.(ncts1 .le. 0).or.(nmnct .le. 0)) then info = 1 return endif if ((ntbl .lt. 0) .or. (ntbl .gt. ldtbl)) then info = 2 return endif if (lwa .lt. nobs+nuobs - nmnct) then info = 3 return endif if (jlaml .ne. 0 .and. (lamlim(1) .gt. lamlim(2))) then info = 4 return endif c calculate npsing do 30 i=1,nmnct if (svals(i)**2 .gt. 0.0d0) npsing = i 30 continue c apply rotations to y call drsap(fg,ldfg,nuobs,ncts1,fgaux,fkf(nctp1,nctp1),ldfkf,nmnct, * npsing,y,ssqw2,addend,work) addend = addend + ssqrep ssqw2 = ssqw2 + ssqrep c minimize V(lambda) call dvlop (y(nctp1),svals,nobs,ncts1,npsing,addend,ssqw2, * lamlim,ntbl,nlamht,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,dout(3),jlaml,info) dout(1)=nlamht/nobs if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 10 return endif if (info .lt. 0) sinfo = info c calculate predictive mse if (jpmse .ne. 0) then call dpmse(fg,ldfg,nuobs,nobs,ncts1,fgaux,svals,npsing, * fkf(nctp1,nctp1),ldfkf,y,y(nctp1),ntbl,adiag,tbl,ldtbl, * auxtbl,work) endif c calculate coefficients call dcfcr1(fg,ldfg,ncts1,fgaux,fkf(nctp1,nctp1),ldfkf, * fkf(1,nctp1),ldfkf,nuobs,svals,npsing,nlamht,y,y(nctp1),coef, * dout(2),work,info) if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 20 return endif call dpdcr (fg,ldfg,nuobs,ncts1,fgaux,svals,npsing, * fkf(nctp1,nctp1),ldfkf,nlamht,y,y(nctp1),y,work) if (jadiag .ne. 0) then call ddiag(fg,ldfg,nuobs,ncts1,fgaux,svals,npsing, * fkf(nctp1,nctp1),ldfkf,nlamht,adiag,work) endif if (sinfo .lt. 0) info = sinfo return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dgemv.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dgemv.f Caveat receptor. (Jack) dongarra@anl-mcs, (Eric Grosse) research!ehg Compliments of netlib Sun Jul 6 09:34:18 CDT 1986 C C*********************************************************************** C C File of the DOUBLE PRECISION Level 2 BLAS routines: C C DGEMV, DGBMV, DSYMV, DSBMV, DSPMV, DTRMV, DTBMV, DTPMV, C DGER , DSYR , DSPR , C DSYR2, DSPR2, C DTRSV, DTBSV, DTPSV. C C See: C C Dongarra J. J., Du Croz J. J., Hammarling S. and Hanson R. J.. C A proposal for an extended set of Fortran Basic Linear Algebra C Subprograms. Technical Memorandum No.41 (revision 1), C Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argone National C Laboratory, 9700 South Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439, C USA or NAG Technical Report TR4/85, Nuemrical Algorithms Group C Inc., 1101 31st Street, Suite 100, Downers Grove, Illinois C 60515-1263, USA. C C*********************************************************************** C SUBROUTINE DGEMV ( TRANS, M, N, ALPHA, A, LDA, X, INCX, $ BETA, Y, INCY ) CHARACTER*1 TRANS INTEGER M, N, LDA, INCX, INCY DOUBLE PRECISION ALPHA, A( LDA, * ), X( * ), BETA, Y( * ) * * Purpose * ======= * * DGEMV performs one of the matrix-vector operations * * y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, or y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y, * * where alpha and beta are scalars, x and y are vectors and A is an * m by n matrix. * * Parameters * ========== * * TRANS - CHARACTER*1. * On entry, TRANS specifies the operation to be performed as * follows: * * TRANS = 'N' or 'n' y := alpha*A*x + beta*y. * * TRANS = 'T' or 't' y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y. * * TRANS = 'C' or 'c' y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y *. * Unchanged on exit. * * M - INTEGER. * On entry, M specifies the number of rows of the matrix A. * M must be at least zero. * Unchanged on exit. * * N - INTEGER. * On entry, N specifies the number of columns of the matrix A. * N must be at least zero. * Unchanged on exit. * * ALPHA - REAL . * On entry, ALPHA specifies the scalar alpha. * Unchanged on exit. * * A - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION ( LDA, n ). * Before entry, the leading m by n part of the array A must * contain the matrix of coefficients. * Unchanged on exit. * * LDA - INTEGER. * On entry, LDA specifies the leading dimension of A as * declared in the calling (sub) program. LDA must be at least * m. * Unchanged on exit. * * X - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION at least * ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n' * and at least * ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCX ) ) otherwise. * Before entry, the incremented array X must contain the * vector x. * Unchanged on exit. * * INCX - INTEGER. * On entry, INCX specifies the increment for the elements of * X. * Unchanged on exit. * * BETA - REAL . * On entry, BETA specifies the scalar beta. When BETA is * supplied as zero then Y need not be set on input. * Unchanged on exit. * * Y - DOUBLE PRECISION array of DIMENSION at least * ( 1 + ( m - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) when TRANS = 'N' or 'n' * and at least * ( 1 + ( n - 1 )*abs( INCY ) ) otherwise. * Before entry with BETA non-zero, the incremented array Y * must contain the vector y. On exit, Y is overwritten by the * updated vector y. * * INCY - INTEGER. * On entry, INCY specifies the increment for the elements of * Y. * Unchanged on exit. * * * Note that TRANS, M, N and LDA must be such that the value of the * LOGICAL variable OK in the following statement is true. * * OK = ( ( TRANS.EQ.'N' ).OR.( TRANS.EQ.'n' ).OR. * $ ( TRANS.EQ.'T' ).OR.( TRANS.EQ.'t' ).OR. * $ ( TRANS.EQ.'C' ).OR.( TRANS.EQ.'c' ) ) * $ .AND. * $ ( M.GE.0 ) * $ .AND. * $ ( N.GE.0 ) * $ .AND. * $ ( LDA.GE.M ) * * * * Level 2 Blas routine. * * -- Written on 30-August-1985. * Sven Hammarling, Nag Central Office. * INTEGER I , IX , IY , J , JX , JY INTEGER KX , KY , LENX , LENY DOUBLE PRECISION ONE , ZERO PARAMETER ( ONE = 1.0D+0, ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) DOUBLE PRECISION TEMP * * Quick return if possible. * IF( ( M.EQ.0 ).OR. $ ( N.EQ.0 ).OR. $ ( ( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ).AND.( BETA.EQ.ONE ) ) ) $ RETURN * * Set LENX and LENY, the lengths of the vectors x and y. * IF( ( TRANS.EQ.'N' ).OR.( TRANS.EQ.'n' ) )THEN LENX = N LENY = M ELSE LENX = M LENY = N END IF * * Start the operations. In this version the elements of A are * accessed sequentially with one pass through A. * * First form y := beta*y and set up the start points in X and Y if * the increments are not both unity. * IF( ( INCX.EQ.1 ).AND.( INCY.EQ.1 ) )THEN IF( BETA.NE.ONE )THEN IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN DO 10, I = 1, LENY Y( I ) = ZERO 10 CONTINUE ELSE DO 20, I = 1, LENY Y( I ) = BETA*Y( I ) 20 CONTINUE END IF END IF ELSE IF( INCX.GT.0 )THEN KX = 1 ELSE KX = 1 - ( LENX - 1 )*INCX END IF IF( INCY.GT.0 )THEN KY = 1 ELSE KY = 1 - ( LENY - 1 )*INCY END IF IF( BETA.NE.ONE )THEN IY = KY IF( BETA.EQ.ZERO )THEN DO 30, I = 1, LENY Y( IY ) = ZERO IY = IY + INCY 30 CONTINUE ELSE DO 40, I = 1, LENY Y( IY ) = BETA*Y( IY ) IY = IY + INCY 40 CONTINUE END IF END IF END IF IF( ALPHA.EQ.ZERO ) $ RETURN IF( ( TRANS.EQ.'N' ).OR.( TRANS.EQ.'n' ) )THEN * * Form y := alpha*A*x + y. * IF( ( INCX.EQ.1 ).AND.( INCY.EQ.1 ) )THEN DO 60, J = 1, N IF( X( J ).NE.ZERO )THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( J ) DO 50, I = 1, M Y( I ) = Y( I ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) 50 CONTINUE END IF 60 CONTINUE ELSE JX = KX DO 80, J = 1, N IF( X( JX ).NE.ZERO )THEN TEMP = ALPHA*X( JX ) IY = KY DO 70, I = 1, M Y( IY ) = Y( IY ) + TEMP*A( I, J ) IY = IY + INCY 70 CONTINUE END IF JX = JX + INCX 80 CONTINUE END IF ELSE * * Form y := alpha*A'*x + y. * IF( ( INCX.EQ.1 ).AND.( INCY.EQ.1 ) )THEN DO 100, J = 1, N TEMP = ZERO DO 90, I = 1, M TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( I ) 90 CONTINUE Y( J ) = Y( J ) + ALPHA*TEMP 100 CONTINUE ELSE JY = KY DO 120, J = 1, N TEMP = ZERO IX = KX DO 110, I = 1, M TEMP = TEMP + A( I, J )*X( IX ) IX = IX + INCX 110 CONTINUE Y( JY ) = Y( JY ) + ALPHA*TEMP JY = JY + INCY 120 CONTINUE END IF END IF RETURN * * End of DGEMV . * END Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dmakek.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dmakek.f subroutine dmakek(m,n,dim,des,lddes,nb,desb,lddesb,kk,ldkk) integer m,n,dim,lddes,nb,lddesb,ldkk double precision des(lddes,dim),desb(lddesb,dim),kk(ldkk,nb) c c Purpose: create the k matrix. c c On Entry: c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c n number of rows in des c dim dimension of the space to be splined c des(lddes,dim) variables to be splined c lddes leading dimension of des as declared in the c calling program c nb number of rows in desb c desb(lddesb,dim) positions of unique design points or basis c functions c lddesb leading dimension of desb as declared in the c calling program c ldkk leading dimension of kk as declared in the c calling program c On Exit: c kk(ldkk,nb) k matrix c c Subprograms Called: c Other - fact c c $Header: dmakek.f,v 86/10/07 12:50:38 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k,fact double precision tauij,expo,theta,t,pi c c t to be used in computation of theta pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0) t = 2 ** (2*m) * pi**(dim/2.0d0) * fact(m-1) c c exponent for tauij expo = m - (dim / 2.0d0) if (dim .eq. 2*(dim/2)) then c 1+dim odd theta = 1.0 / (0.5 * t * fact (m-dim/2)) if ((2*m+dim) .eq. 4*((2*m+dim)/4)) theta = -theta do 30 i=1,n do 20 j=1,nb tauij = 0 do 10 k=1,dim tauij = tauij + (des(i,k)-desb(j,k))**2 10 continue if (tauij .eq. 0.0d0) then kk(i,j) = 0.0d0 else kk(i,j) = theta*tauij**expo * 0.5 * log(tauij) endif 20 continue 30 continue else c 1+dim even c compute theta c compute gamma(dim/2 - m) j = (1 - (dim-2*m)) / 2 theta = sqrt(pi) do 40 i=1,j theta = -theta / (i - 0.5d0) 40 continue theta = theta / t do 70 i=1,n do 60 j=1,nb tauij = 0 do 50 k=1,dim tauij = tauij + (des(i,k)-desb(j,k))**2 50 continue if (tauij .eq. 0.0d0) then kk(i,j) = 0.0d0 else kk(i,j) = theta*tauij**expo endif 60 continue 70 continue endif end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dmaket.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dmaket.f subroutine dmaket(m,n,dim,des,lddes,s1,lds1,ncov1,npoly,t,ldt, * wptr,info) integer m,n,dim,lddes,lds1,ncov1,npoly,ldt,wptr(dim),info double precision des(lddes,dim),s1(lds1,*),t(ldt,*) c c Purpose: create t matrix and append s1 to it. c c On Entry: c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c n number of rows in des c dim number of columns in des c des(lddes,dim) variables to be splined c lddes leading dimension of des as declared in the c calling program c s1(lds1,ncov1) covariates which duplicate the replication c structure of des c lds1 leading dimension of s1 as declared in the c calling program c ncov1 number of columns in s1 c ldt leading dimension of t as declared in the c calling program c c On Exit: c npoly dimension of polynomial part of spline c t(ldt,npoly+ncov1) [t:s1] c info error indication c 0 : successful completion c 1 : error in creation of t c Work Arrays: c wptr(dim) integer work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Blas - dcopy c Other - mkpoly c c $Header: dmaket.f,v 86/11/21 11:32:19 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k,tt,nt,bptr,eptr integer mkpoly c info = 0 npoly = mkpoly(m,dim) call dset(n,1.0d0,t(1,1),1) nt = 1 if (npoly .gt. 1) then do 10 j=1,dim nt = j + 1 wptr(j) = nt call dcopy(n,des(1,j),1,t(1,nt),1) 10 continue c c get cross products of x's in null space for m>2 c c WARNING: do NOT change next do loop unless you fully understand: c This first gets x1*x1, x1*x2, x1*x3, then c x2*x2, x2*x3, and finally x3*x3 for dim=3,n=3 c wptr(1) is always at the beginning of the current c level of cross products, hence the end of the c previous level which is used for the next. c wptr(j) is at the start of xj * (previous level) c do 50 k=2,m-1 do 40 j=1,dim bptr = wptr(j) wptr(j) = nt + 1 eptr = wptr(1) - 1 do 30 tt=bptr,eptr nt = nt + 1 do 20 i=1,n t(i,nt) = des(i,j) * t(i,tt) 20 continue 30 continue 40 continue 50 continue if (nt .ne. npoly) then info = 1 return endif endif c append s1 to t do 60 i = 1,ncov1 call dcopy(n,s1(1,i),1,t(1,nt+i),1) 60 continue end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dpdcr.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dpdcr.f subroutine dpdcr(fg,ldfg,nobs,nnull,fgaux,svals,npsing,u,ldu, * nlamht,w1,g,pred,work) integer ldfg,nobs,nnull,npsing,ldu double precision fg(ldfg,nnull),fgaux(nnull),svals(npsing), * u(ldu,npsing),nlamht,w1(nnull),g(npsing),pred(nobs), * work(*) c c Purpose: determine the predicted responses for a given value of c nobs*lamhat and vectors g and w1. c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,nnull) information on the Householder transformations c that define f and g c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of rows in f c nnull number of columns in g c fgaux(nnull) auxiliary information on the fg Householder c transformations c svals(npsing) singular values c npsing number of positive singular values c u(ldu,npsing) left singular vectors corresponding to svals c ldu leading dimension of u as declared in the c calling program c nlamht nobs*lambda hat c w1(nnull) leading part of rotated response vector c g(npsing) (D**2 + nlamht*I)*-1 Dz c c On Exit: c pred(nobs) predicted responses c c Work Arrays: c work(nobs+npsing) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl c Blas - dcopy dgemv c c $Header: dpdcr.f,v 86/10/07 12:51:16 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,locinf,nmh,np1 double precision dummy(1) c c np1 = nobs + 1 nmh = nobs - nnull c form the response vector call dcopy (nnull,w1,1,pred,1) call dcopy (npsing,g,1,work(np1),1) do 10 i = 1,npsing work(nobs+i) = work(nobs+i)*svals(i) 10 continue call dgemv('N',nmh,npsing,1.0d0,u,ldu,work(np1),1,0.0d0, * pred(nnull+1),1) call dqrsl (fg,ldfg,nobs,nnull,fgaux,pred,pred,dummy,dummy,dummy, * dummy,10000,locinf) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dpmse.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dpmse.f subroutine dpmse(fg,ldfg,nuobs,nobs,nnull,fgaux,svals,npsing,u, * ldu,w1,z,ntbl,adiag,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,work) integer ldfg,nuobs,nobs,nnull,npsing,ldu,ntbl,ldtbl double precision fg(ldfg,nnull),fgaux(nnull),svals(npsing), * u(ldu,npsing),w1(nnull),z(npsing),adiag(nuobs),tbl(ldtbl,3), * auxtbl(3,3),work(npsing) c c Purpose: determine the predictive mean squared error for each lambda c value in tbl. c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,nnull) information on the Householder transformations c that define f and g c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared c in the calling program c nuobs number of rows in f c nnull number of columns in g c fgaux(nnull) auxiliary information on the fg Householder c transformations c svals(npsing) singular values c npsing number of singular values c u(ldu,npsing) left singular vectors corresponding to svals c ldu leading dimension of u as declared in the c calling program c w1(nnull) leading part of rotated response vector c z(npsing) u'w2 c ntbl number of rows in tbl c adiag(nuobs) "true" y values c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c auxtbl(1,1) contains log10(nobs*lamhat) where c lamhat is the gcv estimate of lambda c c On Exit: c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 3 R(lambda) c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 3rd column contains: c [R(lamhat) , R(0), R(infinity)]' c c Work Arrays: c work(npsing) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl c Blas - ddot dgemv c c $Header: dpmse.f,v 86/10/07 12:51:29 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,nmh,k,locinf double precision dummy,nlam,wrk1,addtru,wrk double precision ddot c nmh = nuobs - nnull addtru = 0.0d0 call dqrsl(fg,ldfg,nuobs,nnull,fgaux,adiag,dummy,adiag,dummy, * dummy,dummy,01000,locinf) c the first nnull positions of adiag now contain c w1 true the last nuobs-nnull positions contain c w2 true do 10 i = 1,nnull addtru=addtru + (w1(i)-adiag(i))**2 10 continue addtru = addtru + ddot(nmh,adiag(nnull+1),1,adiag(nnull+1),1) call dgemv('T',nmh,npsing,1.0d0,u,ldu,adiag(nnull+1),1,0.0d0, * work,1) addtru = addtru - ddot(npsing,work,1,work,1) c addtru contains ||w1 - (w1 true)||**2 + c ||w2 true||**2 - ||z true||**2 c work contains z true c c compute predictive mse for each lambda in tbl do 30 k = 1,ntbl nlam = 10**tbl(k,1) wrk=0.0d0 do 20 i=1,npsing wrk1=(svals(i)**2)/(svals(i)**2+nlam) wrk = wrk + (work(i)-z(i)*wrk1)**2 20 continue tbl(k,3)=(addtru+wrk)/nobs 30 continue c add pred. mse for lambda hat to auxtbl wrk=0.0d0 nlam=10**auxtbl(1,1) do 40 i=1,npsing wrk1=(svals(i)**2)/(svals(i)**2+nlam) wrk = wrk + (work(i)-z(i)*wrk1)**2 40 continue auxtbl(1,3)=(addtru+wrk)/nobs c add pmse for lambda = 0 wrk=0.0d0 do 50 i=1,npsing wrk = wrk + (work(i)-z(i))**2 50 continue auxtbl(2,3)=(addtru+wrk)/nobs c add pmse for lambda = infinity auxtbl(3,3)=(addtru+ddot(npsing,work,1,work,1))/nobs return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dpred.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dpred.f subroutine dpred(pdes,ldpdes,npred,dim,m,desb,lddesb,ndesb,ps, * ldps,ncov1,ncov2,coef,npar,pred,work,lwa,iwork,info) integer ldpdes,npred,dim,m,lddesb,ndesb,ldps,ncov1,ncov2,npar,lwa, * iwork(dim),info double precision pdes(ldpdes,dim),desb(lddesb,dim),ps(ldps,*), * coef(npar),pred(npred),work(lwa) c c Purpose: determine predicted values at the locations in pdes and ps c c On Entry: c pdes(ldpdes,dim) prediction design for splined variables c ldpdes leading dimension of pdes as declared in the c calling program c npred number of rows in pdes c desb(lddesb,dim) locations for the basis functions c (returned from dtpss and dptpss in the c variable des) c lddesb leading dimension of desb as declared in the c calling program c ndesb number of rows in desb c dim number of columns in desb c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c ps(ldps,ncov1+ncov2) prediction covariates corresponding to pdes c ldps leading dimension of ps as declared in the c calling program c ncov1 number of covariates which duplicate the c replication structure of pdes c ncov2 number of covariates which do not duplicate the c replication structure of pdes c coef(npar) coefficient estimates [delta':xi']' c npar ndesb + (m+dim-1 choose dim) + ncov1 + ncov2 c c On Exit: c pred(npred) predicted values c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : dimension error c 2 : error in npar,ncov1,ncov2,m or dim c 3 : lwa too small c 4 : error in dmaket c c c Working Storage: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work vector c must be at least npred*(nct+ndesb) c where nct = (m+dim-1 choose dim) c iwork(dim) integer work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dmaket dmakek c Blas - dgemv c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Blas - dcopy c Other - fact mkpoly c c $Header: dpred.f,v 86/10/07 12:51:40 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision dummy integer nct,p1,p1p1,npoly integer mkpoly c nct = mkpoly(m,dim) if ((ndesb .le. 0) .or. (nct .le. 0) .or. (m .le. 0) .or. * (dim .le. 0) .or. 2*m - dim .le. 0) then info = 1 return endif if (npar .ne. ndesb + nct + ncov1 + ncov2) then info = 2 return endif if (lwa .lt. npred*(nct+ndesb)) then info = 3 return endif c first npred*nct positions of work contain t p1 = npred*nct c next npred*ndesb positions of work contain k p1p1 = p1 + 1 c call dmaket(m,npred,dim,pdes,ldpdes,dummy,1,0,npoly,work(1),npred, * iwork,info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = 4 return endif call dmakek(m,npred,dim,pdes,ldpdes,ndesb,desb,lddesb,work(p1p1), * npred) c compute predicted values call dgemv('N',npred,nct,1.0d0,work,npred,coef,1,0.0d0, * pred,1) call dgemv('N',npred,ncov1+ncov2,1.0d0,ps,ldps,coef(nct+1),1, * 1.0d0,pred,1) call dgemv('N',npred,ndesb,1.0d0,work(p1+1),npred, * coef(nct+ncov1+ncov2+1),1,1.0d0,pred,1) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dprmut.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dprmut.f subroutine dprmut (x,npar,jpvt,job) integer npar,jpvt(npar),job double precision x(npar) c c Purpose: permute the elements of the array x according to the index c vector jpvt (either forward or backward permutation). c c On Entry: c x(npar) array to be permuted c npar size of x (and jpvt) c jpvt indices of the permutation c job indicator of forward or backward permutation c if job = 0 forward permutation c x(jpvt(i)) moved to x(i) c if job is nonzero backward permutation c x(i) moved to x(jpvt(i)) c On Exit: c x(npar) array with permuted entries c c Written: Yin Ling U. of Maryland, August,1978 c c $Header: dprmut.f,v 86/10/07 12:51:58 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,k double precision t c if (npar .le. 1) then return endif do 10 j = 1,npar jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) 10 continue if (job .eq. 0) then c forward permutation do 30 i = 1,npar if (jpvt(i) .gt. 0) then goto 30 endif j = i jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) k = jpvt(j) c while 20 if (jpvt(k) .lt. 0) then t = x(j) x(j) = x(k) x(k) = t jpvt(k) = -jpvt(k) j = k k = jpvt(k) goto 20 c endwhile endif 30 continue endif if (job .ne. 0 ) then c backward permutation do 50 i = 1,npar if (jpvt(i) .gt. 0) then goto 50 endif jpvt(i) = -jpvt(i) j = jpvt(i) c while 40 if (j .ne. i) then t = x(i) x(i) = x(j) x(j) = t jpvt(j) = -jpvt(j) j = jpvt(j) goto 40 c endwhile endif 50 continue endif return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dptpss.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dptpss.f subroutine dptpss(des,lddes,nobs,dim,m,s,lds,ncov1,ncov2,y,ntbl, * adiag,lamlim,dout,iout,coef,svals,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl,work, * lwa,iwork,liwa,job,info) integer lddes,nobs,dim,m,lds,ncov1,ncov2,ntbl,iout(4),ldtbl,lwa, * liwa,iwork(liwa),job,info double precision des(lddes,dim),s(lds,*),y(nobs),adiag(nobs), * lamlim(2),dout(4),coef(*),svals(*),tbl(ldtbl,3), * auxtbl(3,3),work(lwa) c c Purpose: determine the generalized cross validation estimate of the c smoothing parameter and fit model parameters for a partial thin c plate spline model. c c On Entry: c des(lddes,dim) design for the variables to be splined c lddes leading dimension of des as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of observations c dim number of columns in des c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c s(lds,ncov1+ncov2) design for the covariates c first ncov1 columns contain covariates which c duplicate the replication structure of des c next ncov2 columns contain covariates which c do not duplicate the replication structure of c des c lds leading dimension of s as declared in the c calling program c ncov1 number of covariates which duplicate the c replication structure of des c ncov2 number of covariates which do not duplicate the c replication structure of des c y(nobs) response vector c ntbl number of evenly spaced values for c log10(nobs*lambda) to be used in the initial c grid search for lambda hat c if ntbl = 0 only a golden ratio search will be c done and tbl is not referenced, if ntbl > 0 c there will be ntbl rows returned in tbl c adiag(nobs) "true" y values on entry if predictive mse is c requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search (in log10(nobs* c lambda) scale) if user input limits are c requested. if lamlim(1) = lamlim(2) then lamhat c is set to (10**lamlim(1))/nobs c ldtbl leading dimension of tbl as declared in the c calling program c job integer with decimal expansion abc c if a is nonzero then predictive mse is computed c using adiag as true y c if b is nonzero then user input limits on search c for lambda hat are used c if c is nonzero then adiag will be calculated c On Exit: c des(lddes,dim) unique rows of des c y(nobs) predicted values c adiag(nobs) diagonal elements of the hat matrix if requested c lamlim(2) limits on lambda hat search c (in log10(nobs*lambda) scale) c dout(4) contains: c 1 lamhat generalized cross validation c estimate of the smoothing parameter c 2 penlty smoothing penalty c 3 rss residual sum of squares c 4 tr(I-A) trace of I - A c iout(4) contains: c 1 npsing number of positive singular values c if info indicates nonzero info c from dsvdc then npsing contains c info as it was returned from dsvdc c 2 npar number of parameters c (npar = nuobs + nnull) c 3 nnull size of the null space of sigma c (m+dim-1 choose dim)+ncov1+ncov2 c 4 nuobs number of unique rows in des c coef(npar) coefficient estimates [beta':alpha':delta']' c coef must have a dimension of at least c nuobs+nnull c svals(npsing) singular values, svals must have a dimension, c of at least nuobs-nnull. c if info indicates nonzero info in dsvdc then c svals is as returned from dsvdc. c tbl(ldtbl,3) column contains c 1 grid of log10(nobs*lambda) c 2 V(lambda) c 3 R(lambda) if requested c auxtbl(3,3) auxiliary table c 1st row contains: c log10(nobs*lamhat), V(lamhat) and c R(lamhat) if requested c where lamhat is the gcv estimate of lambda c 2nd row contains: c 0, V(0) and R(0) if requested c 3rd row contains: c 0, V(infinity) and R(infinity) if requested c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -1 : log10(nobs*lamhat) <= lamlim(1) c (not fatal) c -2 : log10(nobs*lamhat) >= lamlim(2) c (not fatal) c 1 : dimension error c 2 : error in dreps, the first ncov1 columns c of s do not duplicate the replication c structure of des c 3 : lwa (length of work) is too small c 4 : liwa (length of iwork) is too small c 5 : error in dmaket c 6 : sigma is rank deficient c 1000< info : 1000 + nonzero info returned from c dsnsm c c Working Storage: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program c must be at least lwa1 + lwa2 where c lwa1 = (nnull-ncov2)*(nobs+nuobs+1) c +npar*(nobs+npar) c lwa2 = (npar-nnull)*(npar-2*nnull+2+nobs) c +npar+nobs c c c iwork(liwa) integer work vector c liwa length of the iwork as declared in the calling c program c must be at least 3*nobs - (nnull - ncov2) c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Gcvpack - dreps dmaket duni dmakek dctsx dsnsm c Linpack - dqrdc dqrsl c Blas - dcopy c Other - dprmut dset prmut mkpoly c c Subprograms Called Indirectly: c Gcvpack - dcrtz ddcom dgcv dsgdc dtsvdc drsap ddiag c dvlop dvlop dpmse dcfcr dpdcr dvmin dvl dzdc c Linpack - dchdc dqrdc dqrsl dtrsl dsvdc dtrco c Blas - dcopy ddot dgemv dswap c Other - dcpmut dprmut dset dftkf fact mkpoly c c $Header: dptpss.f,v 86/11/21 12:22:18 lindstrom Exp $ c double precision dummy,dout2(5) integer i,ncts1,jadiag,p1,p1p1,p2,p2p1,p3,p3p1,p4,p4p1,p5,p5p1, * ip1,ip1p1,ip2,ip2p1,nuobs,lwa2,liwa2,npoly,nnull,snnpar,q1, * wsize,lwa1,sinfo,ldx,iout2(4) integer mkpoly c c info = 0 sinfo = 0 ncts1 = mkpoly(m,dim) + ncov1 nnull = ncts1 + ncov2 iout(3) = nnull jadiag = mod(job,10) c check dimensions if((nobs .le. 0) .or. (m .le. 0) .or. (dim .le. 0) .or. * (ntbl .lt. 0) .or. (ntbl .gt. ldtbl) .or. * (2*m - dim .le. 0)) then info = 1 return endif c set up pointers for iwork c first nobs positions of iwork contain order ip1 = nobs c next nobs positions of iwork contain xrep ip1p1 = ip1 + 1 ip2 = ip1 + nobs c rest of iwork is an integer work vector ip2p1 = ip2 + 1 liwa2 = liwa - 2*nobs call dreps(des,lddes,nobs,dim,s,lds,ncov1,ncov2,dummy,iwork,nuobs, * iwork(ip1p1),0,info) iout(2) = nuobs+ncts1+ncov2 iout(4) = nuobs if (info .ne. 0) then info = 2 return endif c undo permutation of des, s and xrep do 10 i = 1,dim call dprmut(des(1,i),nobs,iwork,1) 10 continue do 20 i = 1,ncov1+ncov2 call dprmut(s(1,i),nobs,iwork,1) 20 continue call prmut(iwork(ip1p1),nobs,iwork,1) c c check size of work vectors snnpar = nuobs + ncov2 lwa1 = ncts1*(nobs+nuobs+1)+snnpar*(nobs+snnpar) lwa2 = (snnpar-nnull)*(snnpar-2*nnull+2+nobs)+snnpar+nobs wsize = lwa1+lwa2 if (lwa .lt. wsize) then info = 3 return endif wsize = 3*nobs - ncts1 if (liwa .lt. wsize) then info = 4 return endif c set up pointers for work c c name runs from to c ---- --------- -- c [t:s1] 1 p1 p1 = nobs*ncts1 c [tu:s1u] p1p1 p2 p2 = p1 + nuobs*ncts1 c x p2p1 p3 p3 = p2 + max(nobs,snnpar) c *snnpar c sigma p3p1 p4 p4 = p3 + snnpar**2 c fgaux p4p1 p5 p5 = p4 + ncts1 c working p5p1 p5+(snnpar-nnull)*(snnpar-2+nnull+ c 2+nobs)+snnpar+nobs c c after the call to duni ku runs from q1 to p4 c p1 = nobs*ncts1 p1p1 = p1 + 1 p2 = p1 + nuobs*ncts1 p2p1 = p2 + 1 ldx=max(nobs,snnpar) p3 = p2 + ldx*snnpar p3p1 = p3 + 1 q1 = p3 + ncov2*snnpar+ncov2+1 p4 = p3 + snnpar**2 p4p1 = p4 + 1 p5 = p4 + ncts1 p5p1 = p5 + 1 lwa2 = lwa - ( ncts1*(nobs+nuobs+1) + snnpar*(nobs+snnpar)) c make [t:s1] and k if (m .ne. 1) then call dmaket(m,nobs,dim,des,lddes,s,lds,ncov1,npoly,work,nobs, * iwork(ip2p1),info) if (info .ne. 0) then info = 5 return endif c put unique rows of des into des call duni(des,lddes,nobs,dim,iwork(ip1p1),des,lddes) c put k into x call dmakek(m,nobs,dim,work(1+nobs),nobs,nuobs,des,lddes, * work(p2p1),ldx) else c put unique rows of des in 1st nuobs c positions of work call duni(des,lddes,nobs,dim,iwork(ip1p1),work,1) c put k into x call dmakek(m,nobs,dim,work,nobs,nuobs,des,lddes, * work(p2p1),ldx) c copy unique rows of des from work to des call dcopy(nuobs,work,1,des,1) c set t = 1 call dset(nobs,1.0d0,work,1) endif c put unique rows of k into (ncov2+1,ncov2+1) c position of sigma call duni(work(p2p1),ldx,nobs,nuobs,iwork(ip1p1),work(q1),snnpar) c compute unique rows of [t:s1] call duni(work(1),nobs,nobs,ncts1,iwork(ip1p1),work(p1p1),nuobs) c make x and sigma call dctsx(work(1),nobs,ncts1,s(1,ncov1+1),lds,ncov2,nobs, * work(p1p1),nuobs, nuobs,work(p3p1),snnpar,work(p2p1),ldx,snnpar, * work(p4p1),work(p5p1)) c call dsnsm(work(p2p1),ldx,y,work(p3p1),snnpar,nobs,snnpar,nnull, * adiag,1.0d0,lamlim,ntbl,dout2,iout2,coef,svals,tbl,ldtbl,auxtbl, * iwork(ip2p1),liwa2,work(p5p1),lwa2,job,info) call dcopy(4,dout2,1,dout,1) iout(3) = nnull iout(1) = iout2(1) if (info .eq. -3) then info = 6 return endif if (info .gt. 0) then info = info + 1000 return endif if (info .lt. 0) sinfo = info c form psi = f2 zeta call dset(ncts1,0.0d0,work(p5p1),1) call dcopy(nuobs-ncts1,coef(ncts1+ncov2+1),1,work(p5+ncts1+1),1) call dqrsl(work(p1p1),nuobs,nuobs,ncts1,work(p4p1),work(p5p1), * coef(ncts1+ncov2+1),dummy,dummy,dummy,dummy,10000,info) if (sinfo .lt. 0) info = sinfo return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dreps.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dreps.f subroutine dreps(des,lddes,nobs,dim,s,lds,ncov1,ncov2,c1,order, * nuobs,xrep,job,info) integer lddes,nobs,dim,lds,ncov1,ncov2,order(nobs),nuobs, * xrep(nobs),info,job double precision des(lddes,dim),s(lds,*),c1(*) c c Purpose: sort des and s, compute degrees of freedom for replication c and c1. c c On Entry: c des(lddes,dim) design for the variables to be splined c should be entered in lexicographical order c (smallest to largest) if possible for efficient c computing c lddes leading dimension of des as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of observations c dim number of columns in des c s(lds,ncov1+ncov2) design for the covariates c lds leading dimension of s as declared in the c calling program c ncov1 number of covariates which duplicate the c replication structure of des c ncov2 number of covariates which do not duplicate c replication structure of des c job if job is nonzero then c1 is computed c if job = 0 then c1 is not referenced c c On Exit: c des(lddes,dim) des sorted lexicographically c s(lds,ncov1+ncov2) s, sorted to correspond to des c c1(nuobs) if job is nonzero then c1(i) the square root of c the number of replicates of the ith sorted c design point c order(nobs) order of the sorted des c nuobs number of unique rows in des c xrep(nobs) xrep(i) = 1 if the ith sorted design point is a c replicate, 0 if not c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : ncov1 is incorrect c c c $Header: dreps.f,v 86/10/07 12:55:24 lindstrom Exp $ c integer sw,oldsw,itemp,i,j,k,cont,dfrep double precision temp,diff,one,machpr,denom,wmin,wmax c info = 0 one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 c do 20 i = 1,nobs order(i) = i xrep(i) = 0 20 continue if (job .ne. 0) call dset(nobs,0.0d0,c1,1) c sort des and s sw = nobs - 1 30 if (sw .le. 0) goto 90 oldsw = sw sw = 0 do 80 i = 1,oldsw cont = 1 k = 1 40 if (cont .eq. 0) goto 70 if (k .le. dim) then diff = des(i,k) - des(i+1,k) else diff = s(i,k-dim) - s(i+1,k-dim) endif if (diff .lt. 0.0d0) then if (k .gt. dim) info = 1 cont = 0 else if (diff .gt. 0.0d0) then if (k .gt. dim) info = 1 c switch the order of i and i+1 itemp = order(i) order(i)=order(i+1) order(i+1) = itemp itemp = xrep(i) xrep(i)= xrep(i+1) xrep(i+1)= itemp do 50 j = 1,dim temp = des(i,j) des(i,j) = des(i+1,j) des(i+1,j) = temp 50 continue do 60 j = 1,ncov1+ncov2 temp = s(i,j) s(i,j) = s(i+1,j) s(i+1,j) = temp 60 continue sw = i cont = 0 else if (k .eq. dim + ncov1) then xrep(i + 1) = 1 cont = 0 else k = k + 1 endif goto 40 70 continue 80 continue goto 30 90 continue c compute range of design denom=0.0d0 do 120 j=1,dim wmin = des(1,j) wmax = des(1,j) do 110 i=1,nobs if (des(i,j) .lt. wmin) wmin = des(i,j) if (des(i,j) .gt. wmax) wmax = des(i,j) 110 continue denom = denom + (wmax-wmin)**2 120 continue c check for design points too close together do 140 i=1,nobs-1 if (xrep(i+1) .eq. 0) then diff = 0.0d0 do 130 j=1,dim diff = diff + (des(i,j)-des(i+1,j))**2 130 continue if (abs(diff)/denom .lt. 100*machpr) xrep(i+1)=1 endif 140 continue c compute dfrep and c1 dfrep = 0 j = 0 do 150 i = 1,nobs j = j + 1 - xrep(i) if (job .ne. 0) c1(j) = xrep(i)*c1(j) + 1.0d0 dfrep = dfrep + xrep(i) 150 continue nuobs = nobs - dfrep if (job .eq. 0 ) return do 160 i = 1,nuobs c1(i) = sqrt(c1(i)) 160 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting drsap.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > drsap.f subroutine drsap(fg,ldfg,nobs,nnull,fgaux,u,ldu,nmh,npsing,z, * ssqw2,addend,work) integer ldfg,nobs,nnull,ldu,nmh,npsing double precision fg(ldfg,nnull),fgaux(nnull),u(ldu,npsing), * z(nobs),ssqw2,addend,work(npsing) c c Purpose: apply Householder transformations to a response vector and c collect its inner product with u and the addend which are used c to define the generalized cross validation function with a c semi-norm. c c On Entry: c fg(ldfg,nnull) information on the Householder transformations c that define f and g c ldfg leading dimension of fg as declared in the c calling program c nobs number of rows in fg c nnull number of columns in fg c fgaux(nnull) auxiliary information on the fg Householder c transformations c u(ldu,npsing) left singular vectors c ldu leading dimension of u as declared in the c calling program c nmh number of rows in u. nmh = nobs - nnull c npsing number of columns in u (maximum of npar - nnull) c z(nobs) response vector c c On Exit: c z(nobs) the first nnull positions contain w1 and the c next npsing positions contain u'w2 c ssqw2 the squared length of w2 c addend the squared length of z minus the squared length c of u'w2 c c Work Arrays: c work(npsing) double precision work vector c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dqrsl c Blas - ddot dcopy dgemv c c $Header: drsap.f,v 86/10/07 12:55:34 lindstrom Exp $ c integer locinf,hp1 double precision dummy(1) double precision ddot c apply Householder transformations c which define f call dqrsl (fg,ldfg,nobs,nnull,fgaux,z,dummy,z,dummy,dummy,dummy, * 01000,locinf) c w1 in first nnull positions of z,w2 in c last nmh hp1 = nnull + 1 addend = ddot(nmh,z(hp1),1,z(hp1),1) ssqw2=addend call dgemv('T',nmh,npsing,1.0d0,u,ldu,z(hp1),1,0.0d0,work,1) c u'w2 in positions nnull+1 to c nnull+npsing of z call dcopy (npsing,work,1,z(hp1),1) addend = addend - ddot(npsing,z(hp1),1,z(hp1),1) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dset.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dset.f subroutine dset(n,da,dx,incx) integer n,incx double precision da,dx(*) c c Purpose : set vector dx to constant da. Unrolled loops are used for c increment equal to one. c c On Entry: c n length of dx c da any constant c incx increment for dx c c On Exit: c dx(n) vector with all n entries set to da c c $Header: dset.f,v 86/10/07 12:55:42 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,m,mp1,nincx c if(n.le.0)return if(incx.eq.1)go to 20 c c code for increment not equal to 1 c nincx = n*incx do 10 i = 1,nincx,incx dx(i) = da 10 continue return c c code for increment equal to 1 c c c clean-up loop c 20 m = mod(n,5) if( m .eq. 0 ) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,m dx(i) = da 30 continue if( n .lt. 5 ) return 40 mp1 = m + 1 do 50 i = mp1,n,5 dx(i) = da dx(i + 1) = da dx(i + 2) = da dx(i + 3) = da dx(i + 4) = da 50 continue return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dsetup.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dsetup.f subroutine dsetup(des,lddes,su1,ldsu1,dim,m,ncov1,nuobs,c1, * tusu1,ldtu,ncts1,fgaux,ku,ldku,work,iwork,info) integer lddes,ldsu1,dim,m,ncov1,nuobs,ldtu,ncts1,ldku, * iwork(dim),info double precision des(lddes,dim),su1(ldsu1,*),c1(nuobs), * tusu1(ldtu,ncts1),fgaux(ncts1),ku(ldku,nuobs),work(ncts1) c c Purpose: set up [tu:su1] as f g and ku as f'c1 ku c1'f. c c On Entry: c des(lddes,dim) variables to be splined (unique rows) c lddes leading dimension of des as declared in the c calling program c su1(ldsu1,ncov1) covariates (unique rows) c ldsu1 leading dimension of su1 as declared in the c calling program c dim dimension of the variables to be splined c m order of the derivatives in the penalty c ncov1 number of covariates c nuobs number of unique rows in des c c1(nuobs) c1(i) contains the square root of the number of c replicates of the ith sorted design point c ldtu leading dimension of tusu1 as declared in the c calling program c ldku leading dimension of ku as declared in the c calling program c c On Exit: c tusu1(ldtu,ncts1) the qr decomposition of [tu:su1] c ncts1 number of columns in [tu:su1] = npoly + ncov1 c fgaux(ncts1) the auxiliary info on the qr decomposition of c [tu:su1] c ku(p,p) f'ku f c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : error in dmaket c c Work Arrays: c work(ncts1) double precision work vector c iwork(dim) integer work vector c c Subroutines called directly c Gcvpack - dmaket dmakek c Linpack - dqrdc c Other - dftkf mkpoly c c Subroutines called indirectly c Blas - dcopy c Gcvpack - dqrsl c Other - fact mkpoly c c $Header: dsetup.f,v 86/10/07 12:55:48 lindstrom Exp $ c integer npoly,i,j integer mkpoly c info = 0 npoly=mkpoly(m,dim) ncts1=npoly+ncov1 c make [tu:su1] and ku call dmaket(m,nuobs,dim,des,lddes,su1,ldsu1,ncov1,npoly,tusu1, * ldtu,iwork,info) if (info .ne. 0) then return endif call dmakek(m,nuobs,dim,des,lddes,nuobs,des,lddes,ku,ldku) if (c1(1) .ne. 0) then do 30 i = 1,nuobs do 10 j = 1,npoly+ncov1 tusu1(i,j) = tusu1(i,j) * c1(i) 10 continue do 20 j = 1,nuobs ku(i,j) = ku(i,j) * c1(i) * c1(j) 20 continue 30 continue endif c decompose [tu:su1] into fg call dqrdc(tusu1,ldtu,nuobs,ncts1,fgaux,0,0.0d0,0) c calculate f'ku f call dftkf(tusu1,ldtu,nuobs,ncts1,fgaux,ku,ldku,work) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dsgdc.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dsgdc.f subroutine dsgdc (sigma,ldsigm,npar,nnull,qraux,sgpvt,info) integer ldsigm,npar,nnull,sgpvt(npar),info double precision sigma(ldsigm,npar),qraux(npar) c c Purpose: decompose the semi-norm smoothing matrix into a QR c decomposition of the transpose of the Cholesky factor. c c On Entry: c sigma(ldsigm,npar) symmetric matrix which defines the semi-norm c ldsigm leading dimension of sigma as declared in the c calling program c npar number of parameters c nnull dimension of the null space of sigma c c On Exit: c sigma(ldsigm,npar) overwritten with the QR decomposition c of the Cholesky factor of sigma c nnull if input nnull is too small it is replaced by c larger value such that sigma has rank npar-nnull c qraux(npar) auxiliary information for the QR decomposition c sgpvt(npar) permuted indices from the Cholesky decomposition c with pivots of sigma c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c -3 : nnull is too small (not fatal) c 1 : nnull is too large c c Subprograms Called Directly: c Linpack - dchdc dqrdc c Blas - dcopy c Other - dset c c $Header: dsgdc.f,v 86/10/07 12:56:05 lindstrom Exp $ c integer locinf,i,j,nsm,idummy double precision dummy,machpr,one c c info = 0 one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 c locinf = 0 c Cholesky decomposition of sigma do 20 j = 1,npar sgpvt(j) = 0 20 continue call dchdc (sigma,ldsigm,npar,qraux,sgpvt,1,locinf) do 30 i=1,locinf if (((sigma(i,i)/sigma(1,1))**2) .gt. machpr) nsm = i 30 continue if (nsm .gt. npar - nnull) then info = 1 return endif if (nsm .lt. npar - nnull) then nnull = npar - nsm info = -3 endif c copy transpose of Cholesky factor to sigma do 40 i = 1,nsm call dcopy (npar,sigma(i,1),ldsigm,sigma(1,i),1) j = i - 1 call dset (j,0.0d0,sigma(1,i),1) 40 continue c QR decomposition of Cholesky transpose call dqrdc (sigma,ldsigm,npar,nsm,qraux,idummy,dummy,0) return end Funky!Stuff! echo yasa: extracting dsgdc1.f cat - << \Funky!Stuff! > dsgdc1.f subroutine dsgdc1(f2kf2,ldfkf,p,svals,iwork,work,lwa,info) integer ldfkf,p,iwork(p),lwa,info double precision f2kf2(ldfkf,p),svals(*),work(lwa) c c Purpose: form the singular value decomposition of the Cholesky factor c of f2'k f2. c c On Entry: c f2kf2(ldfkf,p) f2'k f2 c ldfkf leading dimension of f2'k f2 as declared in the c calling program c p number of rows and columns in f2'k f2 c c On Exit: c f2kf2(p,p) overwritten with singular value decomposition c of Cholesky factor of f2'k f2 c svals(p) the singular values of the Cholesky factor of c f2'k f2 if info = 0. c if info = 3 then svals is as it was returned c from dsvdc. c info error indicator c 0 : successful completion c 1 : lwa too small c 2 : f2'k f2 is not of full rank c 3 : error in dsvdc c p if info = 3 p contains info as it was returned c from dsvdc (otherwise unchanged) c c Work Arrays: c work(lwa) double precision work vector c lwa length of work as declared in the calling c program c must be at least 2*p c iwork(p) integer work vector c c Subprograms Called: c Linpack - dchdc dsvdc c Blas - dcopy c Other - dset dprmut c c $Header: dsgdc1.f,v 86/10/07 12:56:12 lindstrom Exp $ c integer i,j,pp1,locinf,k double precision dummy,one,machpr c info = 0 if (lwa .lt. 2*p) then info = 1 return endif pp1 = p + 1 call dset(p,0.0d0,svals,1) c one = 1.0d0 machpr = 1.0d0 10 machpr = machpr/2.0d0 if (one .lt. 1.0d0 + machpr) goto 10 machpr = machpr*2.0d0 c Cholesky decomposition of f2'k f2 do 20 j = 1,p iwork(j) = 0 20 continue call dchdc (f2kf2,ldfkf,p,work,iwork,1,locinf) do 30 i=1,locinf if ((f2kf2(i,i)/f2kf2(1,1))**2 .gt. machpr) k = i 30 continue if (k .lt. p) then info = 2 return endif c copy f2kf2' into f2kf2 c svd of f2 k f2' = udv' return only u do 40 j = 1,p call dcopy(1+p-j,f2kf2(j,j),ldfkf,f2kf2(j,j),1) call dset(j-1,0.0d0,f2kf2(1,j),1) 40 continue call dsvdc(f2kf2,ldfkf,p,p,svals,work,f2kf2,ldfkf,dummy,1, * work(pp1),20,info) if (info .ne. 0) then p = info info = 3 return endif do 50 j=1,p call dprmut(f2kf2(1,j),p,iwork,1) 50 continue return end Funky!Stuff!