cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mnpola : polar test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real x(200),y(200),z(200),w(200),u(200),v(200),tu(30),tv(30), * c(300),exact(200),f(200),wrk1(15000),wrk2(5700) integer iopt(3),iwrk(500) integer i,is,ier,kwrk,l,lwrk1,lwrk2,l1,l2,m,m1,m2,nc,nu,nv, * nuest,nvest real s,fp,eps,sum,ermax,error,ai real abs,rad1,rad2,testpo,evapol external rad1,rad2 c we fetch the number of data points. m1 = 200 m2 = 90 c we fetch and print the coordinates and function values of the data. write(6,900) write(6,905) l2 = 0 do 10 i=1,50 l1 = l2+1 l2 = l2+4 read(5,910) (x(l),y(l),z(l),l=l1,l2) 10 continue write(6,915)(x(l),y(l),z(l),l=1,m1) c we calculate the exact function values and set up the weights w(i)= c (0.01)**(-1) (0.01 is an estimate for the standard deviation of the c error in z(i)). at the same time we calculate the mean and maximum c errors for the data values. sum = 0. ermax = 0. do 20 i=1,m1 w(i) = 0.1e03 exact(i) = testpo(x(i),y(i)) error = abs(z(i)-exact(i)) sum = sum+error if( ermax = error 20 continue ai = m1 sum = sum/ai write(6,920) sum,ermax c we set up the dimension information nuest = 15 nvest = 19 lwrk1 = 15000 lwrk2 = 5700 kwrk = 500 c we choose a value for eps eps = 0.1e-05 c main loop for the different spline approximations do 400 is=1,5 go to (110,120,130,140,160),is c we determine a number of smoothing spline approximations on the unit c disk x**2+y**2 <= 1. c all the data points are considered. 110 m = m1 c we set up the smoothing factor. s = 1500. c the approximations are not restricted at the boundaries of the disk iopt(3) = 0 c we request c2-continuity at the origin. iopt(2) = 2 c at the first call of polar iopt(1) must be zero. iopt(1) = 0 go to 200 c iopt(1) = 1 from the second call on 120 iopt(1) = 1 s = 200. go to 200 130 s = 170. go to 200 c we determine a smoothing spline approximation on the ellips c 3*x**2+3*y**2-4*x*y<=1. c we only consider the data points inside this domain. 140 m = m2 ai = m c the given function has a constant value 0.4 at the boundary of the c ellips. we calculate new data values by substracting this constant c from the old ones. do 150 i=1,m z(i) = z(i)-0.4 150 continue c given these data we will then determine approximations which are c identically zero at the boundary of the ellips. iopt(3) = 1 c we still request c2-continuity at the origin. iopt(2) = 2 c reinitialization for the knots. iopt(1) = 0 c we set up the smoothing factor. s = 90. go to 250 c at the last call we will determine the least-squares spline c approximation corresponding to the current set of knots 160 iopt(1) = -1 go to 250 c determination of the spline approximation on the disk 200 call polar(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,rad1,s,nuest,nvest,eps,nu,tu, * nv,tv,u,v,c,fp,wrk1,lwrk1,wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ier) nc = (nu-4)*(nv-4) c we calculate the function values at the different points. do 220 i=1,m f(i) = evapol(tu,nu,tv,nv,c,rad1,x(i),y(i)) 220 continue write(6,925) s go to 300 c determination of the spline approximation on the ellips. 250 call polar(iopt,m,x,y,z,w,rad2,s,nuest,nvest,eps,nu,tu, * nv,tv,u,v,c,fp,wrk1,lwrk1,wrk2,lwrk2,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c we determine the b-spline coefficients for the spline approximations c of the given function. nc = (nu-4)*(nv-4) do 260 i=1,nc c(i) = c(i)+0.4 260 continue c we calculate the function values at the different points. do 270 i=1,m f(i) = evapol(tu,nu,tv,nv,c,rad2,x(i),y(i)) 270 continue if(iopt(1).lt.0) go to 280 write(6,930) s go to 300 280 write(6,935) 300 write(6,940) fp,ier write(6,945) nu write(6,950) write(6,955) (tu(i),i=1,nu) write(6,960) nv write(6,950) write(6,955) (tv(i),i=1,nv) write(6,965) write(6,970) (c(i),i=1,nc) c we determine mean and maximum errors. sum = 0. ermax = 0. do 350 i=1,m error = abs(f(i)-exact(i)) sum = sum+error if( ermax = error 350 continue sum = sum/ai write(6,975) write(6,980) write(6,915)(x(l),y(l),f(l),l=2,m,3) write(6,920) sum,ermax 400 continue stop c format statements 900 format(15h1the input data) 905 format(1h0,3(3x,1hx,6x,1hy,6x,1hz,5x)) 910 format(12f6.3) 915 format(1h ,3(3f7.3,2x)) 920 format(14h0mean error = ,f7.4,5x,13hmax. error = ,f7.4) 925 format(38h0smoothing spline on the disk with s =,f5.0) 930 format(40h0smoothing spline on the ellips with s =,f5.0) 935 format(35h0least-squares spline on the ellips) 940 format(27h0sum of squared residuals =,e15.6,5x,12herror flag =,i5) 945 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the u-direction =,i3) 950 format(1x,22hposition of the knots ) 955 format(5x,8f8.4) 960 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the v-direction =,i3) 965 format(23h0b-spline coefficients ) 970 format(5x,8f9.4) 975 format(33h0spline values at selected points) 980 format(1h0,3(3x,1hx,6x,1hy,6x,1hf,5x)) end real function rad1(v) c function program rad1 defines in polar coordinates, the boundary of c the approximation domain x**2+y**2<=1. real v rad1 = 1. return end real function rad2(v) c function program rad2 defines in polar coordinates, the boundary of c the approximation domain 3*x**2+3*y**2-4*x*y<=1. real sqrt,sin,v rad2 = 1./sqrt(3.-2.*sin(v+v)) return end real function testpo(x,y) c function program testpo evaluates the test function for the polar c package. real x,y testpo=(x**2+y**2)/((x+y)**2+0.5) return end