cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc cc cc cc mnpasu : parsur test program cc cc cc cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real u(21),v(11),f(693),tu(27),tv(17),c(900),wrk(2000),z(693), * wk(128) integer iwrk(80),iw(32),ipar(2) real ai,fp,s integer kwrk,lwrk,m,mu,mv,j0,j1,j2,j3,nc,nu,nuest,nv,nvest, * i,idim,ier,is,iopt,j,l c we generate the u-coordinates of the grid. mu = 21 do 10 i=1,mu u(i) = i-1 10 continue c we generate the v-coordinates of the grid. mv = 11 do 20 i=1,mv v(i) = u(2*i-1) 20 continue c the dimension of the surface idim = 3 c we fetch and print the surface co-ordinates at the grid points write(6,900) write(6,905) (v(i),i=1,mv) write(6,910) m = mu*mv j0 = 0 do 40 i=1,mu write(6,915) u(i) j1 = j0 do 30 l=1,idim j2 = j1+1 j3 = j1+mv read(5,920) (f(j),j=j2,j3) write(6,925) (f(j),j=j2,j3) j1 = j1+m 30 continue j0 = j0+mv 40 continue c we set up the dimension information nuest = 27 nvest = 17 lwrk = 2000 kwrk = 80 c main loop for the different spline approximations do 300 is=1,4 go to (110,120,130,140),is c a smoothing surface with no periodicity conditions 110 iopt = 0 s = 0.07 ipar(1) = 0 ipar(2) = 0 go to 200 c a smoothing surface periodic in the v-variable 120 ipar(2) = 1 go to 200 c a smoothing surface periodic in both variables 130 ipar(1) = 1 go to 200 c finally we also calculate a least-squares spline surface c with specified knots. 140 iopt = -1 nu = 11 nv = 11 j = 5 do 150 i=1,3 ai = 5*i tu(j) = ai tv(j) = tu(j) j = j+1 150 continue c determination of the spline surface. 200 call parsur(iopt,ipar,idim,mu,u,mv,v,f,s,nuest, * nvest,nu,tu,nv,tv,c,fp,wrk,lwrk,iwrk,kwrk,ier) c printing of the fitting results. if( go to 210 write(6,935) ipar(1),ipar(2) go to 220 210 write(6,940) ipar(1),ipar(2) write(6,945) s 220 write(6,950) fp,ier write(6,955) nu write(6,960) write(6,965) (tu(i),i=1,nu) write(6,970) nv write(6,960) write(6,965) (tv(i),i=1,nv) nc = (nu-4)*(nv-4) write(6,975) j1 = 0 do 230 l=1,idim j0 = j1+1 j1 = j1+nc write(6,980) (c(j),j=j0,j1) 230 continue c evaluation of the spline surface. call surev(idim,tu,nu,tv,nv,c,u,mu,v,mv,z,693, * wk,128,iw,32,ier) write(6,985) write(6,905) (v(i),i=1,mv,2) write(6,910) j0 = 0 do 250 i=1,mu,4 write(6,915) u(i) j1 = j0 do 240 l=1,idim j2 = j1+1 j3 = j1+mv write(6,925) (z(j),j=j2,j3,2) j1 = j1+m 240 continue j0 = j0+mv*4 250 continue 300 continue stop c format statements. 900 format(15h1the input data) 905 format(1h0,2x,1hv,11(3x,f4.1)) 910 format(1h ,1x,1hu) 915 format(1h ,f4.1) 920 format(11f7.3) 925 format(5x,11f7.3) 935 format(37h0least-squares surface of periodicity,2i3) 940 format(33h0smoothing surface of periodicity,2i3) 945 format(20h smoothing factor s=,f8.2) 950 format(1x,23hsum squared residuals =,e15.6,5x,11herror flag=,i3) 955 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the u-direction =,i3) 960 format(1x,22hposition of the knots ) 965 format(5x,10f6.2) 970 format(1x,42htotal number of knots in the v-direction =,i3) 975 format(23h0b-spline coefficients ) 980 format(5x,8f9.4) 985 format(1h0,37hspline values at selected grid points) end