# Script to be run periodically to construct checksums, for use
# by remote sites that wish to efficiently and reliably mirror.
# Mail bug reports to ehg@research.att.com

cd /usr/ftp			# your anonymous ftp root directory
DIRS="wondercode"		# whatever you call your masterpiece
PATH=/usr/ehg/bin:$PATH		# so cron can find lsr and crc
export PATH

lsr $DIRS | crc | gzip > crc.gz
chmod a+r crc.gz

# If you don't have gzip or compress, use
#	lsr wondercode | crc > crc

# If there are specific files you don't want mirrored, exclude as in
# lsr $DIRS | grep -v 'Old' | crc | gzip > crc.gz

# If reading all the bytes nightly seems excessive,
# use the following more efficient strategy:
#  lsr -t $DIRS | sort -u > /tmp/crc$$
#  masterslave -i /tmp/crc$$ crc.gz > /tmp/crc || exit 1
#  gzip -f < /tmp/crc > crc.gz && rm /tmp/crc$$ /tmp/crc
#  chmod a+r crc.gz
# If you do this, I recommend "lsr $DIRS | crc | gzip > crc.gz"
# now and every so often (annually?).  Disks do rot.