Subject: publishing your files by anonymous ftp

To help us mirror your files accurately, please create a list of checksums.

[Step 1] Retrieve and compile the checksum procedure by email:
	send lsr.c crc.c makefile nightly from crc,
then typing "make lsr crc" and moving lsr and crc to your bin directory.

[alternative Step 1, for those who wish to use incremental checksums]
	send lsr.c crc.c makefile nightly from crc
	send masterslave.c util.c zopen.c from crc,
"make lsr crc masterslave", and move the executables to your bin.

[Step 2] Edit the shell script "nightly" as indicated in the comments.
Mark this script executable (by "chmod 755 nightly") and move it to your
bin.  Try running it and see that it indeed creates crc.gz.

[Step 3] Arrange to have "nightly" run automatically at suitable intervals.
For example, if "crontab -l" prints your current cron jobs, the type
"crontab", snarf and paste the existing lines, and add a line like
	25 1 * * * /usr/ehg/bin/nightly
to run "nightly" at 1:25am every day.  Ask your system administrator for
help if "crontab -l" doesn't work.

[Step 4] Let me know at what times crc.gz will be updated.

[Troubleshooting]  If anything goes wrong, send me mail so I can improve
these instructions.  Old (not standard conforming) C compilers may choke
on lsr.c;  ask netlib to "send oldlsr.c from crc".  (Or even better, get
a new C compiler!)  The rationale behind "lsr|crc" may be found in, and man pages are in

Eric Grosse          <>
AT&T Bell Labs 2T504
Murray Hill NJ 07974-0636 USA
phone: 908-582-5828       fax: 908-582-7415