% /u/ftp/pub/bibnet/tools/examples/index, Sat May 20 17:13:18 1995 % Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe 00dir.cmd -- FTP command file in alphabetical order 00dir.lst -- verbose alphabetical directory listing 00tdir.cmd -- FTP command file in reverse-time order 00tdir.lst -- verbose reverse-time order directory listing bibmods.sty -- LaTeX style file with modifications to improve spacing bibnames.sty -- TeX and LaTeX style file with standard definitions of TeX-related proper names (needs texnames.sty; see below) bibtex-doc.bib -- sample BibTeX bibliography bibtex-doc.ltx -- LaTeX wrapper for printing the bibnet-doc.bib bibliography bibtex-doc.twx -- cross-reference of title words in bibtex-doc.bib fmtwords.awk -- awk program to format the output of keywords.awk index -- this file index.html -- HTML version of index file is-abbrv.bst -- modified BibTeX alpha style to show ISBN and ISSN numbers, and support @Periodical is-alpha.bst -- modified BibTeX alpha style to show ISBN and ISSN numbers, and support @Periodical is-plain.bst -- modified BibTeX plain style to show ISBN and ISSN numbers, and support @Periodical is-unsrt.bst -- modified BibTeX unsrt style to show ISBN and ISSN numbers, and support @Periodical keywords.awk -- awk program to extract words from entry titles makefile -- UNIX makefile to format the bibliographies Makefile -- should be identical to makefile path.sty -- AmSTeX, LaTeX, TeX style file for typesetting path names showtags.sty -- LaTeX style file to produce a bibliography with highlighted tags (handy for making printed reference bibliographies) template.bib -- sample empty BibTeX templates, plus one real example of each entry type template.ltx -- LaTeX wrapper for printing the template.bib bibliography template.twx -- cross-reference of title words in template.bib texnames.sty -- standard macro names for TeXware