Updating a bibliography

Because of the natural evolution of bibliographic information, the
BibNet bibliography collection will be constantly updated.
Standardized file headers are incorporated into each bibliography
file, recording (among other things) the following information:

  - contributor/author information,
  - the version and date of the last update,
  - a short summary describing the contents, and
  - a CRC-16 checksum that can be used to check for corruption.

Further details are given in Appendices B and D.

Updated versions of existing bibliographies will ONLY be accepted in
BibTeX format.  We recommend that contributors download the latest
version of a bibliography from the BibNet collection before updating

Updated versions of existing bibliographies should be sent to:


In the message body, you only need to specify the field with your key


but you may update other fields if they have changed.

The bibliography file follows the above material, in the same message.