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6 Performance Modelling


We model only the inner loop of the IFS code which takes the major part of the runtime for large examples. We consider a 2D partitioning of the 3D spaces where a structure of tex2html_wrap_inline1870 processes of nearly identical size is produced. The current partitioning of the RAPS-2.0 code is roughly described in section 4 (cf. [3]).

We consider only those cases where the number of computing nodes of the cluster equals the number of processes ( tex2html_wrap_inline1996 ). The inner loop consists of six computational steps separated by transpositions of the space. The transpositions are required to provide just that dimension of the space unsplit which is entirely requested for the current computational step. These transpositions mainly consist of data exchange where all processes of a row or column of our 2D process structure send a message to all other processes of the same row or column respectively. Since some of the exchange phases are very short when containing intra-system transfer only and because of data dependences, we can observe a series-parallel behaviour. As a consequence, we can model the total runtime of the inner loop approximately by a sum of runtimes of subsequent calculation or communication phases:


where tex2html_wrap_inline1998 represents the computing time and tex2html_wrap_inline2000 the transposition time. These functions are approximately determined by



where tex2html_wrap_inline2002 is the calculation time of process (i,k), tex2html_wrap_inline2006 is the maximum time cost needed by one of the Hippi channels for all related messages, and tex2html_wrap_inline2008 is the time cost of a processor for all messages of process (i,k) that are transported via the Hippi channel during transposition l ( tex2html_wrap_inline2014 ). The time cost for buffering data before or after the transfer and the intra-system communication has for simplicity been suppressed in our description. These time costs had been considered in the actual modelling additionally. But they turned out to be so small that they could not be shown in the graphical representation of results. For the model evaluation, we used a special tool [6].

To calculate tex2html_wrap_inline2016 , we used the Hippi transfer parameters (0.02 ms/kbyte and 0.46 ms/start) and the actual message numbers and sizes from corresponding IFS runs.

tex2html_wrap_inline2018 is calculated considering the messages of single processes using the parameters 0.07 ms/kbyte and 1.46 ms/start.

To estimate tex2html_wrap_inline1998 , we assume that processes of the parallel IFS show nearly the same computational work if they are identical in size and shape. The sequential IFS and the parallel message passing version of IFS were measured on a single C90 system using resolutions up to tex2html_wrap_inline2022 . We used the standard timing values produced by the considered code. These are mainly total time, Legendre transform, inverse Legendre transform, Fourier space calculations together with FFT and inverse FFT, and spectral space calculations.

We developed approximative complexity formulas for four different computational parts: grid point space calculations, FFT, Legendre transform, and spectral space calculations. The grid point space calculations represent the most important part of the computational work. For the majority of calculations it is in principle possible to integrate all grid points of a single level in one vector operation [3]. This way of vectorisation is considered a best case model. It is used to obtain our main result. For more details we refer to [7].

Based on 45 sets of measurements on 1 to 8 processors, we determined the following approximative expression for the computational work tex2html_wrap_inline2024 :


where tex2html_wrap_inline2040 , tex2html_wrap_inline2042 , tex2html_wrap_inline2044 , and tex2html_wrap_inline2046 represent calculations in the grid point space, during FFT, during Legendre transform, or in the spectral space respectively. In relation to the problem size TM Lz, the variables are defined by tex2html_wrap_inline1908 , tex2html_wrap_inline1910 , x'=M+1, tex2html_wrap_inline2058 , and y'=x'+1. All parameters are in ms. The start-up time of the vector unit is modelled by terms showing 128 as denominator. The deviation of the estimated values from measurements was in general less than 10%.



As an alternative worst case model, we also used vectorisation in direction of longitudes or latitudes only from one boundary to the opposite boundary. Since the C90 hardware does not allow to start vector operations for more than 128 elements at once, there is no big difference between our models in the case of large examples. For small examples, however, or in the case of very fine partitioning to many parallel processes, the worst case model delivered runtime values which were higher than those of the best case model by 10 to 20%. Since this effect is observed for 16 processors of a single system as well as for the 32 or 64 processors of a cluster, there was no big difference in terms of cluster efficiency. Therefore, we decided to discuss the best case model only throughout this paper.

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Tue May 28 14:38:25 PST 1996