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V. Bala, J. Bruck, R. Cypher, P. Elustondo, A. Ho, C.-T. Ho, S. Kipnis, and Marc Snir. Ccl: A portable and tunable collective communication library for scalable parallel computers. Technical report, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, 1993. Preprint.

J. Bruck, R. Cypher, P. Elustondo, A. Ho, C.-T. Ho, S. Kipnis, and Marc Snir. Ccl: A portable and tunable collective communication library for scalable parallel computers. Technical report, IBM Almaden Research Center, 1993. Preprint.

J. J. Dongarra, R. Hempel, A. J. G. Hey, and D. W. Walker. A proposal for a user-level, message passing interface in a distributed memory environment. Technical Report TM-12231, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, February 1993.

Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh. CHIMP Concepts, June 1991.

Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, University of Edinburgh. CHIMP Version 1.0 Interface, May 1992.

D. Frye, R. Bryant, H. Ho, R. Lawrence, and M. Snir. An external user interface for scalable parallel systems. Technical report, IBM, May 1992.

R. Hempel. The ANL/GMD macros (PARMACS) in fortran for portable parallel programming using the message passing programming model - users' guide and reference manual. Technical report, GMD, Postfach 1316, D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1, Germany, November 1991.

R. Hempel, H.-C. Hoppe, and A. Supalov. A proposal for a PARMACS library interface. Technical report, GMD, Postfach 1316, D-5205 Sankt Augustin 1, Germany, October 1992.

Ewing Lusk, Ross Overbeek, et al. Portable Programs for Parallel Processors. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1987.

nCUBE Corporation. nCUBE 2 Programmers Guide, r2.0, December 1990.

Parasoft Corporation. Express Version 1.0: A Communication Environment for Parallel Computers, 1988.

Paul Pierce. The NX/2 operating system. In Proceedings of the Third Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers and Applications, pages 384-390. ACM Press, 1988.

A. Skjellum and A. Leung. Zipcode: a portable multicomputer communication library atop the reactive kernel. In D. W. Walker and Q. F. Stout, editors, Proceedings of the Fifth Distributed Memory Concurrent Computing Conference, pages 767-776. IEEE Press, 1990.

A. Skjellum, S. Smith, C. Still, A. Leung, and M. Morari. The Zipcode message passing system. Technical report, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, September 1992.

D. Walker. Standards for message passing in a distributed memory environment. Technical Report TM-12147, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, August 1992.
Tue May 28 14:38:25 PST 1996