
HPL_ptimer_walltime Return the elapsed (wall-clock) time.


#include <hpl.h>

double HPL_ptimer_walltime();


HPL_ptimer_walltime returns the elapsed (wall-clock) time. If HPL_USE_PentiumCPS is defined to be the clock cycle per second on an i[56]86 Intel processor (e.g., HPL_USE_PentiumCPS is defined to be 300 on a 300 Mhz Pentium processor), we read the internal processor counters. If HPL_USE_GETTIMEOFDAY is defined, the gettimeofday() function is used to return the elapsed wallclock time of the system. Otherwise, the MPI_Wtime() function is used (default).

See Also

HPL_ptimer_cputime, HPL_ptimer