
HPL_pdlaswp00T Broadcast a column panel L and swap the row panel U.


#include <hpl.h>

void HPL_pdlaswp00T( HPL_T_panel * PBCST, int * IFLAG, HPL_T_panel * PANEL, const int NN );


HPL_pdlaswp00T applies the NB row interchanges to NN columns of the trailing submatrix and broadcast a column panel. Bi-directional exchange is used to perform the swap :: broadcast of the row panel U at once, resulting in a lower number of messages than usual as well as a lower communication volume. With P process rows and assuming bi-directional links, the running time of this function can be approximated by: log_2(P) * (lat + NB*LocQ(N) / bdwth) where NB is the number of rows of the row panel U, N is the global number of columns being updated, lat and bdwth are the latency and bandwidth of the network for double precision real words. Mono directional links will double this communication cost.


PBCST   (local input/local output)    HPL_T_panel *
        On entry,  PBCST  points to the data structure containing the
        panel (to be broadcast) information.
IFLAG   (local intput/output)         int *
        On entry, IFLAG  indicates  whether or not  the broadcast has
        already been completed.  If not,  probing will occur, and the
        outcome will be contained in IFLAG on exit.
PANEL   (local input/local output)    HPL_T_panel *
        On entry,  PANEL  points to the data structure containing the
        panel (to be broadcast and swapped) information.
NN      (local input)                 const int
        On entry, NN specifies  the  local  number  of columns of the
        trailing  submatrix  to  be swapped and broadcast starting at
        the current position. NN must be at least zero.

See Also

HPL_pdgesv, HPL_pdgesvK2, HPL_pdupdateNT, HPL_pdupdateTT, HPL_pipid, HPL_plindx0, HPL_dlaswp01T, HPL_dlaswp02N, HPL_dlaswp03T, HPL_dlaswp04T, HPL_dlaswp05T