
HPL_grid_info Retrieve grid information.


#include <hpl.h>

int HPL_grid_info( const HPL_T_grid * GRID, int * NPROW, int * NPCOL, int * MYROW, int * MYCOL );


HPL_grid_info returns the grid shape and the coordinates in the grid of the calling process. Successful completion is indicated by the returned error code MPI_SUCCESS. Other error codes depend on the MPI implementation.


GRID    (local input)                 const HPL_T_grid *
        On entry,  GRID  points  to the data structure containing the
        process grid information.
NPROW   (global output)               int *
        On exit,   NPROW  specifies the number of process rows in the
        grid. NPROW is at least one.
NPCOL   (global output)               int *
        On exit,   NPCOL  specifies  the number of process columns in
        the grid. NPCOL is at least one.
MYROW   (global output)               int *
        On exit,  MYROW  specifies my  row process  coordinate in the
        grid. MYROW is greater than or equal  to zero  and  less than
MYCOL   (global output)               int *
        On exit,  MYCOL specifies my column process coordinate in the
        grid. MYCOL is greater than or equal  to zero  and  less than

See Also

HPL_pnum, HPL_grid_init, HPL_grid_exit