Here is an example of testing an M-cleanup routine, insisting that M is a run-time argument:
make mmutstcase mmrout=../CASES/ATL_mm1x1x1.c pre=d M=17 N=40 K=40 \ mb=0 nb=40 kb=40
Here is timing the same routine, but insisting that the M-loop is fixed at compile time:
make ummcase mmrout=../CASES/ATL_mm1x1x1.c pre=d M=17 N=40 K=40 \ mb=17 nb=40 kb=40
Here's testing a K-cleanup routine, taking run-time K and leading dimensions:
make mmutstcase mmrout=../CASES/ATL_mm1x1x1.c pre=d M=40 N=40 K=27 \ mb=40 nb=40 kb=0 lda=0 ldb=0
The same test taking compile-time K and leading dimensions:
make mmutstcase mmrout=../CASES/ATL_mm1x1x1.c pre=d M=40 N=40 K=27 \ mb=40 nb=40 kb=27 lda=27 ldb=27