Tue May 27 17:53:27 EDT 1997 Fix glitch (in lancelot.c) that caused "lancelot" to look in environment variable lance_options rather than lancelot_options for options, and caused "lancelot -?" to show solver name "lance". Wed Jun 4 11:45:18 EDT 1997 Fix bug in Hessian computations when several constraints share the same linear transformation to local coordinates. The fix uses new field col of struct psb_elem in psinfo.h. Add #ifdef KR_headers stuff to lancelot.c. Wed Jun 11 21:01:15 EDT 1997 README: omit incorrect statement (a dreg from another README) about LANCELOT keyword phrases with underscores. lancelot.c: add "imeth" keyword to specify how to solve the linear system (for the step computation); see "lancelot -=" for the choices. Wed Aug 13 12:47:06 EDT 1997 When there is no objective, say so in the solution message, rather than trying to print the objective value that LANCELOT returns (which can be NaN). Thu Aug 14 14:08:32 EDT 1997 Fix glitch with the constant objective 0 (as in "minimize f: 0;"). Other constant objectives were OK. Tue Sep 23 11:07:42 EDT 1997 Adjust comments for firstc and firstg produced by "lancelot -=". Tue Dec 2 23:21:40 EST 1997 Add -t command-line option and timing keyword. Thu Apr 2 17:05:15 EST 1998 lancelot.c: updated to return solve_result_num to AMPL. makefile: omit $S/funcadd0.o; on most systems, $S/amplsolver.a now provides a recommended default funcadd: see ampl/solvers/funclink/README for details. Tue Jul 28 22:25:17 EDT 1998 lancelot.c: fix some glitches in the solve_result_num assignments. README: add table of possible solve_result_num values. Fri Aug 28 05:53:07 EDT 1998 lancelot.c: return the solution when the "step got too small"; fix problems with "constant" terms like cos(x-x). Fri Oct 30 12:19:10 EST 1998 makefile: add system-dependent comments about -ldld or -ldl. Thu May 13 11:59:20 EDT 1999 lancelot.c makefile version.c0: add "version" keyword. Thu Jul 29 15:49:50 EDT 1999 lancelot.c: assign errno = 0 before function evaluations (in case something elsewhere, such as file operations, set made it nonzero). This sometimes matters under MS Windows. Mon Jan 15 17:21:20 EST 2001 lancelot.c: fix Hessian bug in handling unary(unary(terms(x)) where terms(x) is the sum of two or more terms involving different subsets of the variables x. Example: var x{1..2} := .5; minimize zot: sin(-(x[1] + x[2])); The bug fix relies on today's changes to pfgh_read() -- be sure to bring your amplsolver.a (or amplsolv.lib) up to date before linking. Thu Jun 7 17:42:32 EDT 2001 lancelot.c: modify pfgh_read invocation to accord with today's changes to pfgh_read and asl.h. 20020506 version.c omitted; lancelot.c updated accordingly; makefile renamed makefile.u