/**************************************************************** Copyright (C) 1997-1998 Lucent Technologies All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that the copyright notice and this permission notice and warranty disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of Lucent or any of its entities not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. LUCENT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL LUCENT OR ANY OF ITS ENTITIES BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************/ /* sample funcadd, K&R syntax */ #undef KR_headers #define KR_headers #include "stdlib.h" /* for atoi */ #include "math.h" /* for sqrt */ #include "funcadd.h" /* includes "stdio1.h" */ static real ginv(al) arglist *al; /* generalized inverse of a single argument */ { real x = al->ra[0]; x = x ? 1./x : 0.; if (al->derivs) { *al->derivs = -x*x; if (al->hes) *al->hes = -2.*x * *al->derivs; } return x; } static char * sginv(al) arglist *al; /* character-valued version of ginv */ { static char buf[32]; AmplExports *ae = al->AE; /* for sprintf */ real x = al->ra[0]; sprintf(buf, "x%.g", x ? 1./x : 0); return buf; } static real myhypot(al) arglist *al; /* myhypot(x,y) = sqrt(x*x + y*y) */ { real *d, *h, rv, x, x0, y, y0; x = x0 = al->ra[0]; y = y0 = al->ra[1]; if (x < 0.) x = -x; if (y < 0.) y = -y; rv = x; if (x < y) { rv = y; y = x; x = rv; } if (rv) { y /= x; rv = x * sqrt(1. + y*y); if (d = al->derivs) { d[0] = x0 / rv; d[1] = y0 / rv; if (h = al->hes) { h[0] = d[1]*d[1] / rv; h[1] = -d[0]*d[1] / rv; h[2] = d[0]*d[0] / rv; } } } else if (d = al->derivs) { d[0] = d[1] = 0; if (h = al->hes) h[0] = h[1] = h[2] = 0; } return rv; } static real ncall() /* returns its invocation count */ { static real x; return ++x; } static real mean(al) arglist *al; /* mean of arbitrarily many arguments */ { real x, z; real *d, *de, *ra; int *at, i, j, n; char *se, *sym; AmplExports *ae = al->AE; /* for fprintf and strtod */ if ((n = al->n) <= 0) return 0; at = al->at; ra = al->ra; d = de = al->derivs; x = 0.; for(i = 0; i < n;) if ((j = at[i++]) >= 0) { x += ra[j]; ++de; } else { x += z = strtod(sym = al->sa[-(j+1)], &se); if (*se) { fprintf(Stderr, "mean treating arg %d = \"%s\" as %.g\n", i, sym, z); /* Stderr may be stdout on some systems, */ /* so flushing it is recommended. */ fflush(Stderr); } } if (d) { z = 1. / n; while(d < de) *d++ = z; /* The Hessian is == 0 and, if needed, has been */ /* initialized to 0. */ } return x / n; } /* Sample function kth optionally prints its arguments using * a variant of stdio.h supplied by funcadd.h. */ static char * kth(al) arglist *al; /* kth(k,a1,a2,...,an) return ak */ { int i, j, k, n; char *comma; static char buf[32]; AmplExports *ae = al->AE; k = al->at[0] ? atoi(al->sa[0]) : (int)al->ra[0]; n = al->n; if (k < 0) { fprintf(Stderr, "kth("); comma = ""; for(i = 0; i < n; i++, comma = ", ") if ((j = al->at[i]) >= 0) fprintf(Stderr, "%s%.g", comma, al->ra[j]); else fprintf(Stderr, "%s%s", comma, al->sa[-(j+1)]); fprintf(Stderr, ")\n"); fflush(Stderr); k = -k; } if (n <= 1 || k <= 0 || k >= n) return ""; if ((j = al->at[k]) >= 0) { sprintf(buf, "%.g", al->ra[j]); return buf; } return al->sa[-(j+1)]; } /* Illustration of at_exit() and at_reset() processing */ typedef struct Aeinfo { AmplExports *ae; int n; } Aeinfo; static Aeinfo AEI[10], *AEInext = AEI, *AEIlast = AEI + 10; static void At_end(v) char *v; { Aeinfo *aei = (Aeinfo *)v; AmplExports *ae = aei->ae; printf("Got to At_end: n = %d\n", aei->n); } static void At_reset(v) char *v; { Aeinfo *aei = (Aeinfo *)v; AmplExports *ae = aei->ae; printf("Got to At_reset: n = %d\n", aei->n); } static real ginvae(al) arglist *al; /* like ginv, but enrolling At_reset and At_exit */ { static int nginv; AmplExports *ae = al->AE; if (AEInext < AEIlast) { AEInext->n = ++nginv; AEInext->ae = ae; at_reset(At_reset, AEInext); at_exit(At_end, AEInext++); } return ginv(al); } void funcadd(ae) AmplExports *ae; { /* Insert calls on addfunc here... */ /* Arg 3, called type, must satisfy 0 <= type <= 6: * type&1 == 0: 0,2,4,6 ==> force all arguments to be numeric. * type&1 == 1: 1,3,5 ==> pass both symbolic and numeric arguments. * type&6 == 0: 0,1 ==> the function is real valued. * type&6 == 2: 2,3 ==> the function is char * valued; static storage suffices: AMPL copies the return value. * type&6 == 4: 4,5 ==> the function is random (real valued). * type&6 == 6: 6 ==> random, real valued, pass nargs real args, * 0 <= nargs <= 2. * * Arg 4, called nargs, is interpretted as follows: * >= 0 ==> the function has exactly nargs arguments * <= -1 ==> the function has >= -(nargs+1) arguments. */ /* Solvers quietly ignore kth, sginv, and rncall, since */ /* kth and sginv are symbolic (i.e., char* valued) and */ /* rncall is specified as random. Thus kth, sginv, and */ /* rncall may not appear nonlinearly in declarations in */ /* an AMPL model. */ addfunc("ginv", (rfunc)ginv, 0, 1, 0); addfunc("sginv", (rfunc)sginv, 2, 1, 0); addfunc("hypot", (rfunc)myhypot, 0, 2, 0); addfunc("ncall", (rfunc)ncall, 0, 0, 0); addfunc("rncall", (rfunc)ncall, 4, 0, 0); /* could change 4 to 6 */ addfunc("mean0", (rfunc)mean, 0, -1, 0); addfunc("mean", (rfunc)mean, 1, -1, 0); addfunc("kth", (rfunc)kth, 3, -2, 0); addfunc("ginvae", (rfunc)ginvae, 0, 1, 0); /* demo at_exit, at_reset */ /* at_end() and at_reset() calls could appear here, too. */ }