---------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME spline - interpolate using splines under tension SYNOPSIS spline [file] [options] DESCRIPTION Without options, SPLINE reads pairs of numbers (x- and y-values) from the standard input (or the given file), generates a smooth curve through the points, and writes to the standard output points from the smooth curve. The curve is a spline under tension (see references), which is somewhat "tighter" than a cubic spline, and less likely to have spurious inflection points. As with GRAPH, each pair of points may optionally be followed by a comment. If the comment is surrounded by quotes "...", the comment may contain spaces. The given points, and their comments if any, will be included in the output. The interpolation may optionally be restarted after each label, so that a family of curves may be processed together (see the -b switch). Input lines starting with ";" are copied to the beginning of the output file but are otherwise ignored. Blank lines are ignored. If the -c switch is not used, the input points must be from a function - that is, the x values must be strictly increasing. The output points will also be from a function. (If the -b switch is used, this restriction applies only within each segment.) If the -c switch is used (indicating a general curve), the input points need not be from a function, but each pair of points must be separated from the previous pair by a finite distance. (If the -b switch is used, this restriction applies only within each segment.) options are: -a [step [start]] Input data contains only y values - generate automatic abscissas at intervals of step (default 1) starting at start (default 0). -b break the interpolation at each label. That is, the input curve is divided into sections with the last point in each section marked by a label (which may be empty: ""). A separate interpolating curve is to be found for each section. In this case, the requirements on the number of intervals (specified by the -n switch or defaulted) and the interpolation range (specified by the -x switch) are applied to each section independently. -c general curve rather than function. In this case, the curve is parameterized on the polygonal arclength from the first to the last given point, with the whole length scaled to be 1. Thus, the values min and max for the -x switch should satisfy 0 <= min < max <= 1. The -s and -c switches cannot be used together. -n num interpolate over num intervals (default is 100) -q Quadruple: increase the number of intervals fourfold. -s [num [num]] Specify slopes at beginning and end of curve. Slopes not given are assumed to be zero. Without the -s switch, slopes are determined from other information. The -s and -c switches cannot be used together. -t num Specify tension in interpolating curve. Tension of 50 gives almost polygonal line, tension of .01 gives almost cubic spline. Tension must be positive. Default is 1. -x [min [max]] Interpolate from min to max only. min and max should be in the range of the given x values, except that if the -c switch is used they should satisfy 0 <= min < max <= 1. -xl take log of x values before interpolating, take exponential afterwards (probably necessary if -xl switch is needed for GRAPH) -yl take log of y values before interpolating, take exponential afterwards (probably necessary if -yl switch is needed for GRAPH) NOTES Similar to the Unix routine, except using splines under tension, passing labels through, performing multiple interpolations from one file and allowing general curves. REFERENCES A. K. Cline, "Scalar- and Planar- Valued Curve Fitting Using Splines Under Tension", Communications of the ACM v 17 n 4 p 218-223 (Apr 74). Schweikert, D. G. "An interpolation curve using a spline in tension", J. Math. and Physics v 45 p 312-317 (1966). AUTHOR Copyright (c) 1985 James R. Van Zandt Resale forbidden, copying for personal use encouraged. -__-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* spline - interpolate points in a tabulated function Usage... spline [file][options] options are: -a [step [start]] automatic abscissas -b break interpolation after each label -c general curve -n num interpolate over num intervals -q increase intervals fourfold -t num tension in interpolating curve -x [min [max]] interpolate from min to max -xl take logs of x values before interpolating -yl take logs of y values before interpolating Notes... This program fits a smooth curve through a given set of points, using the splines under tension introduced by Schweikert [J. Math. and Physics v 45 pp 312-317 (1966)]. They are similar to cubic splines, but are less likely to introduce spurious inflection points. History... 3 Jun 86 -s switch allows specified slopes at ends. 2 Jun 86 Ver 1.3: Fixed several embarrassing bugs in -b option. -q switch quadruples number of intervals. 6 Apr 86 -b switch breaks interpolation at labels. 21 Sep 85 Added -xl and -yl switches for taking logs 23 Nov 85 Passing lines starting with ';' unchanged, otherwise ignoring them. 22 Jan 90 added missing * in FILE *file; (suggested by Jean-Marie de Montarby) Author... Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 James R. Van Zandt (jrv@mbunix.mitre.org) All rights reserved. This program may be copied for personal, non-profit use only. Based on algorithms by A. K. Cline [Communications of the ACM v 17 n 4 pp 218-223 (Apr 74)]. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #define VERSION "1.3" char *RIGHT= "Copyright (c) 1985, 1986 James R. Van Zandt"; #define ENTRIES 200 #define MAXLABELS 50 double *x, *y, *temp, *xp, *yp, *path; double slp1=0.,slpn=0.,sigma=1.; double abscissa=0.; double abscissa_step=1.; double slope1=0.,slopen=0.; /* slopes supplied by user */ double xmin=0.; double xmax=0.; double curv2(), mylog(); int xlog=0; /* nonzero if taking log of x values */ int ylog=0; /* nonzero if taking log of y values */ int debugging=0; int breaking=0; /* nonzero if breaking at labels */ int labels=0; /* number of labels in input data */ int quadruple=0; /* nonzero if user asking for 4 times the resolution */ int automatic_abscissas=0; int slopes=0; /* nonzero if slopes supplied by user */ int abscissa_arguments=0; int curve=0; /* nonzero if general curve permitted */ int x_arguments=0; int n; /* number of entries in x, y, yp, and temp */ int index_array[MAXLABELS]; /* indexes into x and y */ int *p_data=index_array; int total=100; FILE *file; char *label_array[MAXLABELS]; char **p_text=label_array; main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int nn,origin; read_data(argc,argv); if(breaking && labels) {origin=0; while(labels--) {p_data[0] -= origin; nn=p_data[0]+1; if(quadruple) total=nn*4-3; if(nn) curv0(nn,total); origin += nn; path += nn; x += nn; y += nn; p_data++; p_text++; } } else {if(quadruple) total=n*4-3; curv0(n,total); } } curv0(n,requested) int n,requested; { int i, j, each, stop, seg=0, regressing=0; double s,ds,xx,yy; for(i=1; i<n; i++) if(path[i]<=path[i-1]) regressing++; if (regressing) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: independent variable not strictly increasing\n"); return; } if (curve && (xmin<0. || xmax>1.)) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: independent variable not in range 0 to 1\n"); return; } if(curve) {curv1(path,x,xp,n); curv1(path,y,yp,n);} else {slp1=slope1; slpn=slopen; curv1(x,y,yp,n);} s=path[0]; seg=0; if(requested<n) requested=n; if(x_arguments==2) /* specific range was requested */ {ds=(xmax-xmin)/requested; if(curve) {ds*=(path[n-1]-path[0]); s=xmin*(path[n-1]-path[0])+path[0]; } else s=xmin; for(i=requested+1; i; i--) {value(s,&xx,&yy,n); printf("%g %g ",xx,yy); if(j==p_data[seg]) puts(p_text[seg++]); putchar('\n'); s+=ds; } } else /* spline for entire curve was requested */ {for (i=j=0; j<n-1; j++) {stop=requested*(j+1)/(n-1); ds=(path[j+1]-path[j])/(stop-i); for ( ; i<stop; i++) {value(s,&xx,&yy,n); printf("%g %g ",xx,yy); if(j==p_data[seg]) puts(p_text[seg++]); putchar('\n'); s+=ds; } } xx=x[n-1]; if(xlog) xx=exp(xx); yy=y[n-1]; if(ylog) yy=exp(yy); printf("%g %g ",xx,yy); if(j==p_data[seg]) puts(p_text[seg++]); putchar('\n'); } } value(s,q,r,n) double s,*q,*r; int n; { if(curve) {*q=curv2(path,x,xp,s,n); *r=curv2(path,y,yp,s,n); } else {*q=s; *r=curv2(x,y,yp,s,n); } if(xlog) *q=exp(*q); if(ylog) *r=exp(*r); } read_data(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int i,j,length; double xx,yy,d,*pd,sum; char *s,*t; #define BUFSIZE 200 static char buf[BUFSIZE]; x=path=malloc(ENTRIES*sizeof(double)); y=malloc(ENTRIES*sizeof(double)); if(x==0 || y==0) {fprintf(stderr,"can\'t allocate buffer"); exit();} if(argc>1 && streq(argv[1],"?")) help(); if(argc<=1 || *argv[1]=='-') file=stdin; else {if(argc>1) {file=fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(file==0) {printf("file %s not found\n",argv[1]); exit();} argc--; argv++; } else help(); } argc--; argv++; while(argc>0) {i=get_parameter(argc,argv); argv=argv+i; argc=argc-i; } if(sigma<=0.) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: tension must be positive\n"); exit(1); } if(slopes && curve) {fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: slopes can\'t be specified for general curve\n"); exit(1); } sigma *= -1.; if(xlog && !curve) {if(x_arguments>1) xmax=mylog(xmax); if(x_arguments>=1) xmin=mylog(xmin); } if(automatic_abscissas && abscissa_arguments<2 && x_arguments>=1) abscissa=xmin; p_data[0]=-1; i=0; while(i<ENTRIES) {if(fgets(buf,BUFSIZE,file)==0)break; t=buf; while(*t && isspace(*t)) t++; if(*t == 0) continue; /* skip blank lines */ buf[strlen(buf)-1]=0; /* zero out the line feed */ if(buf[0]==';') {printf("%s\n",buf); continue;} /* skip comment */ if(automatic_abscissas) {x[i]=abscissa; abscissa+=abscissa_step; sscanf(buf,"%F",&y[i]); if(ylog) y[i]=mylog(y[i]); } else {sscanf(buf,"%F %F",&x[i],&y[i]); if(xlog) x[i]=mylog(x[i]); if(ylog) y[i]=mylog(y[i]); } s=buf; /* start looking for label */ while(*s==' ')s++; /* skip first number */ while(*s && (*s!=' '))s++; if(!automatic_abscissas) /* skip second number */ {while(*s==' ')s++; while(*s && (*s!=' '))s++; } while(*s==' ')s++; if((length=strlen(s))&&(labels<MAXLABELS)) {if(*s=='\"') /* label in quotes */ {t=s+1; while(*t && (*t!='\"')) t++; t++; } else /* label without quotes */ {t=s; while(*t && (*t!=' '))t++; } *t=0; length=t-s; p_data[labels]=i; p_text[labels]=malloc(length+1); if(p_text[labels]) strcpy(p_text[labels++],s); } i++; } n=i; if(breaking && (!labels || p_data[labels-1]!=n-1)) {p_data[labels]=i-1; if(p_text[labels]=malloc(1)) *p_text[labels++]=0; } yp=malloc(n*sizeof(double)); temp=malloc(n*sizeof(double)); if(temp==0 || yp==0) {fprintf(stderr,"can\'t allocate buffer"); exit();} if(curve) {xp=malloc(n*sizeof(double)); path=malloc(n*sizeof(double)); if(xp==0|| path==0) {fprintf(stderr,"can\'t allocate buffer"); exit();} path[0]=sum=0.; for (i=1; i<n; i++) {xx=x[i]-x[i-1]; yy=y[i]-y[i-1]; path[i]=(sum+=sqrt(xx*xx + yy*yy)); } /* for(i=0; i<n; i++) printf("path[%d]=%g x[%d]=%g \n",i,path[i],i,x[i]); */ } } /* get_parameter - process one command line option (return # parameters used) */ get_parameter(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int i; if(streq(*argv,"-a")) {i=get_double(argc,argv,2,&abscissa_step,&abscissa,&abscissa); abscissa_arguments=i-1; automatic_abscissas=1; return i; } else if(streq(*argv,"-b")) {breaking=1; return 1;} else if(streq(*argv,"-c")) {curve=1; return 1;} else if(streq(*argv,"-d")) {debugging=1; return 1;} else if(streq(*argv,"-n")) {if((argc>1) && numeric(argv[1])) total=atoi(argv[1]); return 2; } else if(streq(*argv,"-q")) {quadruple=1; return 1;} else if(streq(*argv,"-t")) {return(get_double(argc,argv,1,&sigma,&abscissa,&abscissa)); } else if(streq(*argv,"-s")) {slopes++; return(get_double(argc,argv,2,&slope1,&slopen,&slopen)); } else if(streq(*argv,"-x")) {i=get_double(argc,argv,2,&xmin,&xmax,&xmax); x_arguments=i-1; return i; } else if(streq(*argv,"-xl")) {xlog++; return 1;} else if(streq(*argv,"-yl")) {ylog++; return 1;} else gripe(argv); } get_double(argc,argv,permitted,a,b,c) int argc,permitted; char **argv; double *a,*b,*c; { int i=1; if((permitted--)>0 && (argc>i) && numeric(argv[i])) *a=atof(argv[i++]); if((permitted--)>0 && (argc>i) && numeric(argv[i])) *b=atof(argv[i++]); if((permitted--)>0 && (argc>i) && numeric(argv[i])) *c=atof(argv[i++]); return i; } int streq(a,b) char *a,*b; { while(*a) {if(*a!=*b)return 0; a++; b++; } return 1; } gripe_arg(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"argument missing for switch %s",s); help(); } gripe(argv) char **argv; { fprintf(stderr,*argv); fprintf(stderr," isn\'t a legal argument \n\n"); help(); } help() { fprintf(stderr,"spline version %s",VERSION); fprintf(stderr,"\nusage: spline [file][options]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"options are:\n"); fprintf(stderr," -a [step [start]] automatic abscissas \n"); fprintf(stderr," -b break interpolation after each label \n"); fprintf(stderr," -c general curve \n"); fprintf(stderr," -n num interpolate over num intervals \n"); fprintf(stderr," -q increase intervals fourfold \n"); fprintf(stderr," -s [num [num]] specify slopes at beginning and end \n"); fprintf(stderr," -t num tension in interpolating curve \n"); fprintf(stderr," -x [min [max]] interpolate from min to max \n"); fprintf(stderr," -xl take logs of x values before interpolating \n"); fprintf(stderr," -yl take logs of y values before interpolating \n"); exit(); } numeric(s) char *s; { char c; while(c=*s++) {if((c<='9' && c>='0') || c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='.') continue; return 0; } return 1; } curv1(x,y,yp,n) double *x,*y,*yp; int n; { int i; double c1,c2,c3,deln,delnm1,delnn,dels,delx1,delx2,delx12; double diag1,diag2,diagin,dx1,dx2,exps; double sigmap,sinhs,sinhin,slpp1,slppn,spdiag; delx1=x[1] - x[0]; dx1=(y[1] - y[0])/delx1; if(slopes) {slpp1=slp1; slppn=slpn;} else {if(n!=2) {delx2= x[2] - x[1]; delx12= x[2] - x[0]; c1= -(delx12 + delx1)/delx12/delx1; c2= delx12/delx1/delx2; c3= -delx1/delx12/delx2; slpp1= c1*y[0] + c2*y[1] + c3*y[2]; deln= x[n-1] - x[n-2]; delnm1= x[n-2] - x[n-3]; delnn= x[n-1] - x[n-3]; c1= (delnn + deln)/delnn/deln; c2= -delnn/deln/delnm1; c3= deln/delnn/delnm1; slppn= c3*y[n-3] + c2*y[n-2] + c1*y[n-1]; } else yp[0]=yp[1]=0.; } /* denormalize tension factor */ sigmap=fabs(sigma)*(n-1)/(x[n-1]-x[0]); /* set up right hand side and tridiagonal system for yp and perform forward elimination */ dels=sigmap*delx1; exps=exp(dels); sinhs=.5*(exps-1./exps); sinhin=1./(delx1*sinhs); diag1=sinhin*(dels*.5*(exps+1./exps)-sinhs); diagin=1./diag1; yp[0]=diagin*(dx1-slpp1); spdiag=sinhin*(sinhs-dels); temp[0]=diagin*spdiag; if(n!=2) {for(i=1; i<=n-2; i++) {delx2=x[i+1]-x[i]; dx2=(y[i+1]-y[i])/delx2; dels=sigmap*delx2; exps=exp(dels); sinhs=.5*(exps-1./exps); sinhin=1./(delx2*sinhs); diag2=sinhin*(dels*(.5*(exps+1./exps))-sinhs); diagin=1./(diag1+diag2-spdiag*temp[i-1]); yp[i]=diagin*(dx2-dx1-spdiag*yp[i-1]); spdiag=sinhin*(sinhs-dels); temp[i]=diagin*spdiag; dx1=dx2; diag1=diag2; } } diagin=1./(diag1-spdiag*temp[n-2]); yp[n-1]=diagin*(slppn-dx2-spdiag*yp[n-2]); /* perform back substitution */ for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--) yp[i] -= temp[i]*yp[i+1]; } double curv2(x,y,yp,t,n) double *x,*y,*yp,t; int n; { int i,j; static int i1=1; double del1,del2,dels,exps,exps1,s,sigmap,sinhd1,sinhd2,sinhs; s=x[n-1]-x[0]; sigmap=fabs(sigma)*(n-1)/s; #ifdef WORK for (j=2; j; j--) /* want: x[i-1] <= t < x[i], 0 < i <= n */ {for (i=i1; i<n; i++) {if(x[i]>t) break; } if(i==n) i=n-1; if(x[i-1]<=t || t<=x[0]) break; i1=1; } #endif i=i1; if(i>n) i=1; while(i<n && t>=x[i]) i++; while(i>1 && x[i-1]>t) i--; i1=i; del1=t-x[i-1]; del2=x[i]-t; dels=x[i] - x[i-1]; exps1=exp(sigmap*del1); sinhd1=.5*(exps1-1./exps1); exps= exp(sigmap*del2); sinhd2=.5*(exps-1./exps); exps=exps1*exps; sinhs=.5*(exps-1./exps); return ((yp[i]*sinhd1 + yp[i-1]*sinhd2)/sinhs + ((y[i] - yp[i])*del1 + (y[i-1] - yp[i-1])*del2)/dels); } double mylog(x) double x; { if(x>0.) return log(x); fprintf(stderr,"can%'t take log of nonpositive number"); exit(1); return 0.; }