# for the C, double precision version say 'send dloess from a'
# to unbundle, sh this file (in an empty directory)
echo README 1>&2
sed >README <<'//GO.SYSIN DD README' 's/^-//'
-Fortran Routines for Locally-Weighted Regression       31 Aug 1990
-William S. Cleveland
-Eric Grosse
-Locally-weighted regression, or loess, is a procedure for estimating a
-regression surface by a multivariate smoothing procedure: fitting a
-linear or quadratic function of the independent variables in a moving
-fashion that is analogous to how a moving average is computed for a
-time series. Compared to classical approaches  - fitting global
-parametric functions - loess substantially increases the domain of
-surfaces that can be estimated without distortion. Also, a pleasant
-fact about loess is that analogues of the statistical procedures used
-in parametric function fitting - for example, ANOVA and t intervals -
-involve statistics whose distributions are well approximated by
-familiar distributions.
-The file sample.f is an example main program which reads one line
-	n p alpha totaldeg fcell
-and then n lines of p+1 numbers (x,y).  The paramater alpha controls
-the amount of smoothing;  a typical starting value might be .5;
-totaldeg is the degree polynomials to use, either 1 or 2;  fcell is
-a stopping criterion, typically set to alpha/5 or alpha/10.
-For more detail on calling sequences of the Fortran routines, see
-the file "internal".
-Both single precision and double precision versions are available;
-double is preferred when you use quadratic fitting on 32-bit machines
-like IEEE standard, IBM, and VAX.
-For the version distributed by electronic mail from netlib, subroutines
-from linpack have been omitted.  If those are not already on your system,
-   mail netlib@netlib.bell-labs.com
-   send r1mach snrm2 ssvdc sqrdc sdot sqrsl isamax from linpack core
-if you are using the single precision version;  for double precision,
-   send d1mach dnrm2 dsvdc dqrdc ddot dqrsl idamax from linpack core.
-When installing, don't forget to uncomment the appropriate DATA statements
-in r1mach or d1mach, as described by the comments in those functions.
-Bug reports are appreciated.  Send electronic mail to
-	ehg@netlib.bell-labs.com
-including the words "this is not spam" in the Subject line
-or send paper mail to
-	Eric Grosse
-	Bell Labs 2T-502
-	Murray Hill NJ 07974
-Remember that this is experimental software distributed free of charge
-and comes with no warranty!  Exercise professional caution.
-Happy Smoothing!
echo internal 1>&2
sed >internal <<'//GO.SYSIN DD internal' 's/^-//'
-* LOESS   smoothing scattered data in one or more variables   *
-*         documentation of Fortran routines                   *
-*         Cleveland, Devlin, Grosse, Shyu                     *
-1. The typical program would call lowesd, set tolerances in iv,v if
-   desired, then call lowesb and lowese.
-2. To save the k-d tree, call lowesd, lowesb and then losave; subsequent
-   programs would call lohead, set liv and lv, then call loread and lowese.
-3. For statistics, get diagL and then call lowesa or get the full hat
-   matrix and call lowesc.  Robustness iterations can take advantage of
-   lowesw and lowesp.
-lowesd(106,iv,liv,lv,v,d,n,f,tdeg,nvmax,setLf)	setup workspace
-lowesf(x,y,w,iv,liv,lv,v,m,z,L,hat,s)		slow smooth at z
-lowesb(x,y,w,diagL,infl,iv,liv,lv,v)		build k-d tree
-lowesr(y,iv,liv,lv,v)				rebuild with new data values
-						(does not change y)
-lowese(iv,liv,lv,v,m,z,  s)			evaluate smooth at z
-lowesl(iv,liv,lv,v,m,z,  L)			explicit hat matrix,
-						which maps from y to z
-lofort(iunit,iv,liv,lv,v)			save k-d tree as Fortran
-losave(iunit,iv,liv,lv,v)			save k-d tree in file
-lohead(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv)			read d,vc,nc,nv from file
-	liv = 50+(vc+3)*nc			determine space
-	lv = 50+(2*d+1)*nv+nc				requirements
-loread(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,iv,liv,lv,v)		finish reading k-d tree,
-							ready for lowese
-lowesa(trL,n,d,tau,nsing,  del1,del2)		approximate delta
-lowesc(n,L,LL,  trL,del1,del2)			exact delta
-lowesp(n,y,yhat,w,rw,  pi,ytilde)		pseudo-values
-lowesw(res,n,  rw,pi)				robustness weights
-=== arguments ===
-d	number of independent variables [integer]  (called "p" elsewhere)
-del1,del2	delta1, delta2
-diagL	diagonal of hat matrix, only set if infl=.true.    (n)
-f	fraction of points to use in local smooth  (called "alpha" elsewhere)
-fc	don't refine cells with less than fc*n points;   ordinarily=.05
-hat	is hat matrix desired?  [integer]
-	0 = none
-	1 = diagonal only
-	2 = full matrix
-infl	is diagonal of hat matrix desired?	[logical]
-iunit	Fortran unit number for i/o
-iv	workspace  (liv)
-L	hat matrix (m,n)   [real]
-	in lowesf, only computed if hat nonzero;  if hat=1 only size (n)
-LL	workspace (n,n)
-liv	50+(2^d+4)*nvmax+2*n
-	if setLf, add nf*nvmax
-lv	50+(3*d+3)*nvmax+n+(tau0+2)*nf
-	if setLf, add (d+1)*nf*nvmax
-m	number of points to smooth at;   ordinarily=n
-n	number of observations
-nf	min(n,floor(n*f))
-nsing	if 0, print warning in lowesa when trL<tau;  typically nsing=iv(30)
-nvmax	limit on number of vertices for kd-tree; e.g. max(200,n)
-pi	workspace (n)  [integer]
-res	residual  yhat-y  (n)
-rw	robustness weights  (n)
-s	smoothed values at z  (m)
-setLf	in lowesb, save matrix factorizations  [logical]
-	(needed for lowesr and lowesl)
-tau	dimension of local model = iv(DIM);
-	=d+1 for linear, (d+2)(d+1)/2 for quadratic
-		reduced if dropping squares
-tau0	=d+1 for linear, (d+2)(d+1)/2 for quadratic
-tdeg    polynomials to fit;  0=constants, 1=linear, 2=quadratics
-trL	trace L = sum diagL
-v	workspace  (lv)
-w	weights  (n)    local regression: min sum wi * (f(xi)-yi)^2
-x	sample locations  (n,d)
-y	observations  (n)
-yhat	smoothed y  (n)
-ytilde	pseudo y  (n)
-z	locations where smooth is desired  (m,d)
-If using the double precision version, [real] above should be understood
-as Fortran "double precision".
-The first argument to lowesd is a version number, updated when calling
-sequences change.
-If you peek inside the fortran, you will quickly notice that it
-was machine generated;  the typeset original (in the language "pine")
-is much easier to read.
-=== iv indices ===
-1	INFO	return code (not currently used)
-2	D	number of independent variables
-3	N	number of observations
-4	VC	2^d  (number of vertices of a cell)
-5	NC	number of k-d cells
-6	NV	number of k-d vertices
-7	A1	starting index in iv of a
-8	C1	starting index in iv of c
-9	HI1	starting index in iv of hi
-10	LO1	starting index in iv of lo
-11	V1	starting index in v of vertices
-12	XI1	starting index in v of cut values
-13	VV1	starting index in v of vertex values
-14	NVMAX	maximum allowed value of nv
-15	WORK1	starting index in v of workspace
-16	WORK2	starting index in v of workspace
-17	NCMAX	maximum allowed value of nc
-18	WORK3	starting index in v of workspace
-19	NF	floor(n*f) (number of points used as neighborhood)
-20	KERNEL	1=tricube, 2=unif
-21	KIND	1=k-d,cubic blend, (not implemented:2=quadtree,3=triangulation)
-22	PI1	starting index in iv of tree permutation
-23	VH	starting index in iv of vhit
-24	VV2	starting index in v of work vval used in trL computation
-25	LQ	starting index in iv of Lq
-26	WORK4	starting index in v of workspace
-27	PSI1	starting index in iv of workspace permutation
-28	SEQ	sequence number, to check if routines called out of order
-		takes on values:
-		171	after lowesd
-		172	after lowesf
-		173	after lowesb
-29	DIM	dimension of local regression
-		1		constant
-		d+1		linear   (default)
-		(d+2)(d+1)/2	quadratic
-		Modified by ehg127 if cdeg<tdeg.
-30	SING	number of times singular tolerance was met in l2fit, l2tr
-31	PRINT	verbose output?
-32	DEG	total degree (of polynomial for local model)
-33	NDIST	dd = variables 1:dd enter into distance calculation
-34	LF	starting index in v of Lf
-35..40		reserved for future use
-41..49	CDEG	componentwise degree
-iv(A1)	a	coordinate of cut; 0 for leaf  (nc)
-iv(C1)	c	pointers to corners (index into vertex array v)  (vc,nc)
-iv(HI1)	hi	right subcell  (nc)
-iv(LO1)	lo	left subcell  (nc)
-		Leaf cell j encloses points x(pi(i),), lo(j)<=i<=hi(j).
-		Also, iv(C1),...,iv(PI1-1) is used as workspace (t) by l2fit
-------------------------eval only needs workspace up to here
-iv(PI1)	pi	permutation of 1:n for listing points in cells
-iv(VH)	vhit	cell whose subdivision creates vertex (nv)
-		0 if vertex is corner of original bounding box.
-iv(LQ)	Lq	active point indices for block of Lf    (nvmax*nf)
-iv(PSI1) psi	workspace permutation of 1:n for sorting distances
-=== v indices ===
-1	F	fraction of n to be used as neighborhood.   See also iv(19).
-2	FCELL	no refinement if #points <= fcell * n
-		default .05
-3	FDIAM	no refinement if diameter is fdiam * overall bounding box
-		default 0;    Warning: reset to 0 by ehg142 when nsteps>0.
-4	RCOND	reciprocal condition number
-... 49		reserved for future use
-iv(V1)	v	vertices  (nv,d)
-iv(VV1)	vval	vertex values  (0:d,nv)
-iv(XI1)	xi	cut values  (nc)
-------------------------eval only needs workspace up to here
-iv(WORK1)	workspace  (n)  l2fit:dist
-iv(WORK2)	workspace  (nf) l2fit:eta
-iv(WORK3)	workspace  (dim,nf)   l2fit:X
-iv(VV2)	vval2	workspace  ((d+1)*nv)  pseudo-vval for trL computation
-iv(LF) 	Lf	hat matrix (data to vertex)   ((d+1)*nvmax*nf)
-iv(WORK4)	workspace  (nf) l2fit:w
-Internal routine names have been hidden as follows:
-ehg106  select q-th smallest by partial sorting
-ehg124  rbuild
-ehg125  cpvert
-ehg126  bbox
-ehg127  l2fit,l2tr computational kernel
-ehg128  eval
-ehg129  spread
-ehg131  lowesb after workspace expansion
-ehg133  lowese after workspace expansion
-ehg134  abort by calling S Recover function
-ehg136  l2fit with hat matrix L
-ehg137  vleaf
-ehg138  descend
-ehg139  l2tr
-ehg140(w,i,j)   w(i)=j   used when w is declared real, but should store an int
-ehg141  delta1,2 from trL
-ehg142  robust iteration
-ehg144  now called lowesc
-ehg152  like ehg142, but for lowesf
-ehg167  kernel for losave
-ehg168  kernel for loread
-ehg169  compute derived k-d tree information
-ehg170  generate Fortran
-ehg176,ehg177,ehg178,ehg179,ehg180,ehg181  loeval for delta
-ehg182  ehgdie(i)
-ehg183	warning(message,i,n,inc)
-ehg184	warning(message,x,n,inc)
-ehg190  now called lowesa, with slight change in calling sequence
-ehg191  lowesl after workspace expansion
-ehg192  lowesr after workspace expansion
-ehg196(tau,d,f,trl)	trL approximation
-ehg197    for deg=1,2
-m9rwt	now called lowesw
-pseudo	now called lowesp
//GO.SYSIN DD internal
echo changes 1>&2
sed >changes <<'//GO.SYSIN DD changes' 's/^-//'
-1) more vertices in k-d tree for dimension > 2, to get continuity.
-2) triangulation based method.
-19 Nov 1987 	workspace not big enough for degree=2
-22 Jan 1988	switched from depth first to breadth first tree build
-14 Mar 1988	lostt.3   extra space needed if (method mod 1000 = 0),
-		not the documented (method/1000=0)
-28 Apr 1988	l2tr.g 	vval2 needed to be initialized to 0
-		galaxy smooth needs double precision on vax
-26 May 1988	bbox.g    add 10% margin to allow limited extrapolation
-6 June 1988	loess/lostt.f	trL wasn't set if method/1000==0
-10 June 1988	losave, loread
-		v(RCOND)  1 / max condition number
-12 June 1988	lofort
-21 June 1988	additional workspace for explicit L
-27 June 1988	workspace checking in lowesf was slightly pessimistic
-30 June 1988	Changed default fdiam to 0.
-		Added warning messages for memory limits and pseudoinverse.
-4 Aug 1988	bbox.g  changed margin from 10% to 0.5%.
-24 Aug 1988	loser documentation should have specified workspace
-		of size ...+m*n, not ...+m**2.
-Sep 1988
-	loess-based approximations of delta1,2.
-	pseudo-values, so statistics are available with robustness iterations.
-	reorganize error messages to better fit into S.
-	sample driver program.
-	somewhat shorter code generated by ehg170.
-20 Dec 1988
-	workspace in loser
-27 Jan 1989
-	workspace checking in lostt was a bit pessimistic.
-3 Feb 1989
-	l2fit, l2tr: error message should contain sqrt(rho)
-18 Dec 1989
-	ehg141, ehg179-ehg181:   new delta approximations
-24 Jan 1990
-	master copy moved from Sun3/180 to SGI 4D/240S
-	(no intentional changes)
-25 Jan 1990
-	(many routines touched; ehg127 added)   cleaned up computational
-	kernel, added provision for only first dd<=d variables to enter
-	the distance calculation ("conditionally parametric variables"),
-	added independent bounds on total and componentwise degree for
-	local polynomial model,  made extrapolation warning message print
-	a bit more detail.
-14 Mar 1990
-	added setLf argument to lowesd; added lowesr, lowesl for resmoothing.
-Converting to the new version of loess
-5 April 1990
-Over the past few months, a number of changes have been made to the
-loess package, to provide more control over the local model, to allow
-conditionally parametric variables, and to return exact statistical
-quantities for the blending method.  Unlike earlier internal
-algorithmic improvements, this round of changes added some extra
-arguments in the Fortran calling sequences.  The purpose of this note
-is to assist in converting programs that called the old version.
-An explicit argument setLf has been added to lowesd(), since it affects
-the partitioning of the workspace.  To help protect against inadvertent
-version mismatches, the version number that lowesd() checks has also
-been changed.  The componentwise degree and the specification of
-conditionally nonparametric variables can be changed from the default
-by modifying iv(CDEG) and iv(NDIST).
-The influence matrix L for blending is now explicitly available by
-calling a new subroutine lowesl(),  but this loses the speed
-advantage of blending.  A faster, sometimes equivalent method is
-to use the influence matrix that carries data values to coefficients
-at the vertices of the k-d tree.  This information is saved in iv(iv(Lq))
-and v(iv(Lf)), for the afficionado.
-The new subroutine lowesr() takes advantage of Lq and Lf to allow rapid
-resmoothing for applications when only y, not x, is subject to change.
-7 May 1990
-	new delta approximations.
-	added prior weights to input format for sample driver.
-29 May 1990
-	loess,lostt,loser,pseudo moved from Fortran to S.
-11 Jul 1990
-	column equilibration, so pseudoinverse is needed less often.
-27 May 1991
-lowesd	version 105;  increased nvmax,ncmax to max(200,n).
-l2fit	added ihat=1 (diagL only).
-ehg133,lowese	removed unused arguments dist,eta.
-ehg190,ehg141	changed name to lowesa, slight change to calling sequence.
-ehg144	changed name to lowesc
-m9rwt	changed name to lowesw
-pseudo	changed name to lowesp
-22 Jul 1991    IMPORTANT BUG FIX!
-ehg131	vval2 should be dimensioned 0:d, not 0:8
-26 Jul 1991
-lowesd	change calling sequence to provide tighter memory allocation
-diff old/internal new/internal
-< lowesd(105,iv,liv,lv,v,d,n,f,tdeg,setLf)	setup workspace
-> lowesd(106,iv,liv,lv,v,d,n,f,tdeg,nvmax,setLf)	setup workspace
-< liv	50+(2^d+6)*max(200,n)
-< 	if setLf, add nf*max(200,n)
-< lv	50+(3*d+4)*max(200,n)+(tau+2)*nf
-< 	if setLf, add (d+1)*nf*max(200,n)
-> liv	50+(2^d+6)*nvmax
-> 	if setLf, add nf*nvmax
-> lv	50+(3*d+4)*nvmax+(tau+2)*nf
-> 	if setLf, add (d+1)*nf*nvmax
-> nvmax	limit on number of vertices for kd-tree; e.g. max(200,n)
-20 Sep 1991
-sample.f   brought in sync with recent loess changes.
-24 Dec 1991
-l2fit.f    fixed comment in single precision version
-10 Jan 1992
-ehg197.f   new formula for approximating trL, valid for small f
-15 May 1992
-netlib/a/dloess   now includes C drivers (written by William Shyu,
-	adapted from code used inside the S system)
-22 Jun 1992
-ehg191.f     Loop 11 ran too far, picking up one more value than necessary.
-	The value was not used, so the loess computation itself is unaffected,
-	but on some systems the old code could conceivably cause a reference
-	to an invalid memory address and abort with a segmentation fault
-	message.
-23 Jun 1992
-S.h	#include <math.h>,  since loessc.c calls floor() and pow().
-25 Mar 1996
-update email address
-4 Jul 2006
-	bug fix   ehg127() when k=1 and od>1
//GO.SYSIN DD changes
echo depend.ps 1>&2
sed >depend.ps <<'//GO.SYSIN DD depend.ps' 's/^-//'
-/Courier-Bold findfont 10 scalefont setfont
-%draw a box
-%x y width height box
-/box { newpath
-	/height exch def
-	/width exch def
-	/y exch def
-	/x exch def
-	x width 2 div sub
-	y height 2 div sub moveto
-	width 0 rlineto
-	0 height rlineto
-	width neg 0 rlineto
-	closepath } def
-%draw a circle
-%x y radius circle
-/circle { newpath 0 360 arc } def
-%draw an ellipse
-%x y width height ellipse
-/ellipse { gsave
-	/height exch def
-	/width exch def
-	1 height width div scale
-	width height div mul
-	width 2 div
-	circle stroke
-	grestore } def
-%draw a centered label
-%x y str
-/label {
-	/str exch def
-	/y exch def
-	/x exch def
-	str stringwidth
-	pop /width exch def
-	x width 2 div sub
-	y 10 3 div sub moveto str show
- } def
-%draw a line
-%x1 y1 x2 y2 drawline
-/drawline { 4 -2 roll moveto lineto stroke } def
-277 684 42 14 box stroke
-277 684 (lowesd) label
-349 630 42 14 box stroke
-349 630 (lowesf) label
-205 630 42 14 box stroke
-205 630 (lowesb) label
-155 565 42 14 box stroke
-155 565 (lowesr) label
-146 427 42 14 box stroke
-146 427 (lowese) label
-277 576 42 14 box stroke
-277 576 (lowesl) label
-203 464 42 14 box stroke
-203 464 (lofort) label
-81 576 42 14 box stroke
-81 576 (losave) label
-81 522 42 14 box stroke
-81 522 (lohead) label
-81 468 42 14 box stroke
-81 468 (loread) label
-405 540 42 14 box stroke
-405 540 (lowesa) label
-342 539 42 14 box stroke
-342 539 (lowesc) label
-92 461 134 434 drawline
-124.266363 435.502104 134.000000 434.000000 drawline
-134.000000 434.000000 128.592424 442.231532 drawline
-81 515 81 475 drawline
-77.000000 484.000000 81.000000 475.000000 drawline
-81.000000 475.000000 85.000000 484.000000 drawline
-81 569 81 529 drawline
-77.000000 538.000000 81.000000 529.000000 drawline
-81.000000 529.000000 85.000000 538.000000 drawline
-289 569 329 546 drawline
-319.203959 547.018615 329.000000 546.000000 drawline
-329.000000 546.000000 323.191728 553.953865 drawline
-154 558 146 434 drawline
-142.587739 443.238857 146.000000 434.000000 drawline
-146.000000 434.000000 150.571142 442.723799 drawline
-188 623 97 583 drawline
-103.629564 590.283466 97.000000 583.000000 drawline
-97.000000 583.000000 106.848776 582.959760 drawline
-204 623 203 471 drawline
-199.059296 480.026120 203.000000 471.000000 drawline
-203.000000 471.000000 207.059123 479.973490 drawline
-214 623 267 583 drawline
-257.406670 585.228906 267.000000 583.000000 drawline
-267.000000 583.000000 262.225925 591.614419 drawline
-199 623 160 572 drawline
-162.289620 581.579021 160.000000 572.000000 drawline
-160.000000 572.000000 168.644482 576.719420 drawline
-220 623 389 547 drawline
-379.151237 547.043173 389.000000 547.000000 drawline
-389.000000 547.000000 382.432359 554.339352 drawline
-202 623 148 434 drawline
-146.626394 443.752600 148.000000 434.000000 drawline
-148.000000 434.000000 154.318586 441.554831 drawline
-348 623 342 546 drawline
-338.711268 555.283547 342.000000 546.000000 drawline
-342.000000 546.000000 346.687091 554.662054 drawline
-353 623 400 547 drawline
-391.864262 552.550655 400.000000 547.000000 drawline
-400.000000 547.000000 398.668290 556.758409 drawline
-267 677 214 637 drawline
-218.774075 645.614419 214.000000 637.000000 drawline
-214.000000 637.000000 223.593330 639.228906 drawline
-286 677 339 637 drawline
-329.406670 639.228906 339.000000 637.000000 drawline
-339.000000 637.000000 334.225925 645.614419 drawline
//GO.SYSIN DD depend.ps
echo sample.in 1>&2
sed >sample.in <<'//GO.SYSIN DD sample.in' 's/^-//'
-88 2 .6 2 .05
-12. 0.907 3.741 1
-12. 0.761 2.295 1
-12. 1.108 1.498 1
-12. 1.016 2.881 1
-12. 1.189 0.76 1
-9. 1.001 3.12 1
-9. 1.231 0.638 1
-9. 1.123 1.17 1
-12. 1.042 2.358 1
-12. 1.215 0.606 1
-12. 0.930 3.669 1
-12. 1.152 1.00 1
-15. 1.138 0.981 1
-18. 0.601 1.192 1
-7.5 0.696 0.926 1
-12. 0.686 1.59 1
-12. 1.072 1.806 1
-15. 1.074 1.962 1
-15. 0.934 4.028 1
-9. 0.808 3.148 1
-9. 1.071 1.836 1
-7.5 1.009 2.845 1
-7.5 1.142 1.013 1
-18. 1.229 0.414 1
-18. 1.175 0.812 1
-15. 0.568 0.374 1
-15. 0.977 3.623 1
-7.5 0.767 1.869 1
-7.5 1.006 2.836 1
-9. 0.893 3.567 1
-15. 1.152 0.866 1
-15. 0.693 1.369 1
-15. 1.232 0.542 1
-15. 1.036 2.739 1
-15. 1.125 1.20 1
-9. 1.081 1.719 1
-9. 0.868 3.423 1
-7.5 0.762 1.634 1
-7.5 1.144 1.021 1
-7.5 1.045 2.157 1
-18. 0.797 3.361 1
-18. 1.115 1.39 1
-18. 1.070 1.947 1
-18. 1.219 0.962 1
-9. 0.637 0.571 1
-9. 0.733 2.219 1
-9. 0.715 1.419 1
-9. 0.872 3.519 1
-7.5 0.765 1.732 1
-7.5 0.878 3.206 1
-7.5 0.811 2.471 1
-15. 0.676 1.777 1
-18. 1.045 2.571 1
-18. 0.968 3.952 1
-15. 0.846 3.931 1
-15. 0.684 1.587 1
-7.5 0.729 1.397 1
-7.5 0.911 3.536 1
-7.5 0.808 2.202 1
-7.5 1.168 0.756 1
-7.5 0.749 1.62 1
-7.5 0.892 3.656 1
-7.5 1.002 2.964 1
-18. 0.812 3.76 1
-18. 1.230 0.672 1
-18. 0.804 3.677 1
-12. 0.813 3.517 1
-12. 1.002 3.29 1
-9. 0.696 1.139 1
-9. 1.199 0.727 1
-9. 1.030 2.581 1
-15. 0.602 0.923 1
-15. 0.694 1.527 1
-15. 0.816 3.388 1
-15. 1.037 2.085 1
-15. 1.181 0.966 1
-7.5 0.899 3.488 1
-7.5 1.227 0.754 1
-9. 1.180 0.797 1
-7.5 0.795 2.064 1
-18. 0.990 3.732 1
-18. 1.201 0.586 1
-7.5 0.629 0.561 1
-9. 0.608 0.563 1
-12. 0.584 0.678 1
-15. 0.562 0.37 1
-18. 0.535 0.53 1
-18. 0.655 1.90 1
//GO.SYSIN DD sample.in
echo sample.f 1>&2
sed >sample.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD sample.f' 's/^-//'
-      integer d,i,tdeg,k,liv,lv,n,nvmax,tau0,nf,livm,ivm,nm
-      parameter (nm=1000)
-      parameter (livm=10000)
-      parameter (ivm=20000)
-      integer iwork(livm)
-      real alpha,fcell
-      real s(nm),w(nm),work(ivm),xx(nm,8),yy(nm)
-      integer ifloor
-      external ifloor
-      read(5,*)n,d,alpha,tdeg,fcell
-      nf=min(n,ifloor(n*alpha))
-      nvmax=max(200,n)
-      tau0=d+1
-      if(tdeg.eq.2) tau0=((d+2)*(d+1))/2
-      liv=50+(2**d+4)*nvmax+2*n
-      lv =50+(3*d+3)*nvmax+n+(tau0+2)*nf
-      if(nm.lt.n .or. livm.lt.liv .or. ivm.lt.lv)then
-         print *, 'sample program needs more workspace'
-      else
-         call getxy(n,d,xx,yy,w)
-         call lowesd(106,iwork,liv,lv,work,d,n,alpha,
-     $       tdeg,nvmax,.false.)
-         work(2)=fcell
-         call lowesb(xx,yy,w,xx,.false.,iwork,liv,lv,work)
-         call lowese(iwork,liv,lv,work,n,xx,s)
-         do 4 i=1,n
-            print *, s(i)
-    4    continue
-      end if
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD sample.f
echo getxy.f 1>&2
sed >getxy.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD getxy.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine getxy(n,d,x,y,w)
-      integer n, d, i, j
-      real x(n,d), y(n), w(n)
-      do 100 i=1,n
-         read(5,*,end=110) (x(i,j),j=1,d),y(i),w(i)
-100   continue
-      return
-110   print *, 'unexpected eof  i=',i,' n=',n
-      stop
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD getxy.f
echo bbox.f 1>&2
sed >bbox.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD bbox.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg126(d,n,vc,x,v,nvmax)
-      integer d,execnt,i,j,k,n,nv,nvmax,vc
-      real machin,alpha,beta,mu,t
-      real v(nvmax,d),x(n,d)
-      real r1mach
-      external r1mach
-      save machin,execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     MachInf -> machin
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(execnt.eq.1)then
-         machin=r1mach(2)
-      end if
-c     fill in vertices for bounding box of $x$
-c     lower left, upper right
-      do 3 k=1,d
-         alpha=machin
-         beta=-machin
-         do 4 i=1,n
-            t=x(i,k)
-            alpha=min(alpha,t)
-            beta=max(beta,t)
-    4    continue
-c        expand the box a little
-         mu=0.005*max(beta-alpha,1.e-10*max(abs(alpha),abs(beta))+1.e-30
-     $)
-         alpha=alpha-mu
-         beta=beta+mu
-         v(1,k)=alpha
-         v(vc,k)=beta
-    3 continue
-c     remaining vertices
-      do 5 i=2,vc-1
-         j=i-1
-         do 6 k=1,d
-            v(i,k)=v(1+mod(j,2)*(vc-1),k)
-            j=float(j)/2.
-    6    continue
-    5 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD bbox.f
echo cpvert.f 1>&2
sed >cpvert.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD cpvert.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg125(p,nv,v,vhit,nvmax,d,k,t,r,s,f,l,u)
-      logical i1,i2,match
-      integer d,execnt,h,i,i3,j,k,m,mm,nv,nvmax,p,r,s
-      integer f(r,0:1,s),l(r,0:1,s),u(r,0:1,s),vhit(nvmax)
-      real t
-      real v(nvmax,d)
-      external ehg182
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      h=nv
-      do 3 i=1,r
-         do 4 j=1,s
-            h=h+1
-            do 5 i3=1,d
-               v(h,i3)=v(f(i,0,j),i3)
-    5       continue
-            v(h,k)=t
-c           check for redundant vertex
-            match=.false.
-            m=1
-c           top of while loop
-    6       if(.not.match)then
-               i1=(m.le.nv)
-            else
-               i1=.false.
-            end if
-            if(.not.(i1))goto 7
-               match=(v(m,1).eq.v(h,1))
-               mm=2
-c              top of while loop
-    8          if(match)then
-                  i2=(mm.le.d)
-               else
-                  i2=.false.
-               end if
-               if(.not.(i2))goto 9
-                  match=(v(m,mm).eq.v(h,mm))
-                  mm=mm+1
-                  goto 8
-c              bottom of while loop
-    9          m=m+1
-               goto 6
-c           bottom of while loop
-    7       m=m-1
-            if(match)then
-               h=h-1
-            else
-               m=h
-               if(vhit(1).ge.0)then
-                  vhit(m)=p
-               end if
-            end if
-            l(i,0,j)=f(i,0,j)
-            l(i,1,j)=m
-            u(i,0,j)=m
-            u(i,1,j)=f(i,1,j)
-    4    continue
-    3 continue
-      nv=h
-      if(.not.(nv.le.nvmax))then
-         call ehg182(180)
-      end if
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD cpvert.f
echo descend.f 1>&2
sed >descend.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD descend.f' 's/^-//'
-      integer function ehg138(i,z,a,xi,lo,hi,ncmax)
-      logical i1
-      integer d,execnt,i,j,nc,ncmax
-      integer a(ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax)
-      real xi(ncmax),z(8)
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     descend tree until leaf or ambiguous
-      j=i
-c     top of while loop
-    3 if(a(j).ne.0)then
-         i1=(z(a(j)).ne.xi(j))
-      else
-         i1=.false.
-      end if
-      if(.not.(i1))goto 4
-         if(z(a(j)).le.xi(j))then
-            j=lo(j)
-         else
-            j=hi(j)
-         end if
-         goto 3
-c     bottom of while loop
-    4 ehg138=j
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD descend.f
echo ehg131.f 1>&2
sed >ehg131.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg131.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg131(x,y,rw,trl,diagl,kernel,k,n,d,nc,ncmax,vc,nv,nvm
-     $ax,nf,f,a,c,hi,lo,pi,psi,v,vhit,vval,xi,dist,eta,b,ntol,fd,w,vval2
-     $,rcond,sing,dd,tdeg,cdeg,lq,lf,setlf)
-      logical setlf
-      integer identi,d,dd,execnt,i1,i2,j,k,kernel,n,nc,ncmax,nf,ntol,nv,
-     $nvmax,sing,tdeg,vc
-      integer lq(nvmax,nf),a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),cdeg(8),hi(ncmax),lo(ncm
-     $ax),pi(n),psi(n),vhit(nvmax)
-      real f,fd,rcond,trl
-      real lf(0:d,nvmax,nf),b(*),delta(8),diagl(n),dist(n),eta(nf),rw(n)
-     $,v(nvmax,d),vval(0:d,nvmax),vval2(0:d,nvmax),w(nf),x(n,d),xi(ncmax
-     $),y(n)
-      external ehg126,ehg182,ehg139,ehg124
-      real snrm2
-      external snrm2
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     Identity -> identi
-c     X -> b
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(.not.(d.le.8))then
-         call ehg182(101)
-      end if
-c     build $k$-d tree
-      call ehg126(d,n,vc,x,v,nvmax)
-      nv=vc
-      nc=1
-      do 3 j=1,vc
-         c(j,nc)=j
-         vhit(j)=0
-    3 continue
-      do 4 i1=1,d
-         delta(i1)=v(vc,i1)-v(1,i1)
-    4 continue
-      fd=fd*snrm2(d,delta,1)
-      do 5 identi=1,n
-         pi(identi)=identi
-    5 continue
-      call ehg124(1,n,d,n,nv,nc,ncmax,vc,x,pi,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,vhit,nvmax,
-     $ntol,fd,dd)
-c     smooth
-      if(trl.ne.0)then
-         do 6 i2=1,nv
-            do 7 i1=0,d
-               vval2(i1,i2)=0
-    7       continue
-    6    continue
-      end if
-      call ehg139(v,nvmax,nv,n,d,nf,f,x,pi,psi,y,rw,trl,kernel,k,dist,di
-     $st,eta,b,d,w,diagl,vval2,nc,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,vhit,rcond,sing,dd,tde
-     $g,cdeg,lq,lf,setlf,vval)
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg131.f
echo ehg133.f 1>&2
sed >ehg133.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg133.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg133(n,d,vc,nvmax,nc,ncmax,a,c,hi,lo,v,vval,xi,m,z,s)
-      integer d,execnt,i,i1,m,nc,ncmax,nv,nvmax,vc
-      integer a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax)
-      real delta(8),s(m),v(nvmax,d),vval(0:d,nvmax),xi(ncmax),z(m,d)
-      real ehg128
-      external ehg128
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      do 3 i=1,m
-         do 4 i1=1,d
-            delta(i1)=z(i,i1)
-    4    continue
-         s(i)=ehg128(delta,d,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nvmax,vval)
-    3 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg133.f
echo eval.f 1>&2
sed >eval.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD eval.f' 's/^-//'
-      real function ehg128(z,d,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nvmax,vval)
-      logical i10,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9
-      integer d,execnt,i,i1,i11,i12,ig,ii,j,lg,ll,m,nc,ncmax,nt,nv,nvmax
-     $,ur,vc
-      integer a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax),t(20)
-      real ge,gn,gs,gw,gpe,gpn,gps,gpw,h,phi0,phi1,psi0,psi1,s,sew,sns,v
-     $0,v1,xibar
-      real g(0:8,256),g0(0:8),g1(0:8),v(nvmax,d),vval(0:d,nvmax),xi(ncma
-     $x),z(d)
-      external ehg182,ehg184
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     locate enclosing cell
-      nt=1
-      t(nt)=1
-      j=1
-c     top of while loop
-    3 if(.not.(a(j).ne.0))goto 4
-         nt=nt+1
-c     bug fix 2006-07-18 (thanks, btyner@gmail.com)
-         if(z(a(j)).le.xi(j))then
-            i1=lo(j)
-         else
-            i1=hi(j)
-         end if
-         t(nt)=i1
-         if(.not.(nt.lt.20))then
-            call ehg182(181)
-         end if
-         j=t(nt)
-         goto 3
-c     bottom of while loop
-    4 continue
-c     tensor
-      do 5 i12=1,vc
-         do 6 i11=0,d
-            g(i11,i12)=vval(i11,c(i12,j))
-    6    continue
-    5 continue
-      lg=vc
-      ll=c(1,j)
-      ur=c(vc,j)
-      do 7 i=d,1,-1
-         h=(z(i)-v(ll,i))/(v(ur,i)-v(ll,i))
-         if(h.lt.-.001)then
-            call ehg184('eval ',z,d,1)
-            call ehg184('lowerlimit ',v(ll,1),d,nvmax)
-         else
-            if(1.001.lt.h)then
-               call ehg184('eval ',z,d,1)
-               call ehg184('upperlimit ',v(ur,1),d,nvmax)
-            end if
-         end if
-         if(-.001.le.h)then
-            i2=(h.le.1.001)
-         else
-            i2=.false.
-         end if
-         if(.not.i2)then
-            call ehg182(122)
-         end if
-         lg=float(lg)/2.
-         do 8 ig=1,lg
-c           Hermite basis
-            phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-            phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-            psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-            psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-            g(0,ig)=phi0*g(0,ig)+phi1*g(0,ig+lg)+(psi0*g(i,ig)+psi1*g(i,
-     $ig+lg))*(v(ur,i)-v(ll,i))
-            do 9 ii=1,i-1
-               g(ii,ig)=phi0*g(ii,ig)+phi1*g(ii,ig+lg)
-    9       continue
-    8    continue
-    7 continue
-      s=g(0,1)
-c     blending
-      if(d.eq.2)then
-c        ----- North -----
-         v0=v(ll,1)
-         v1=v(ur,1)
-         do 10 i11=0,d
-            g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(3,j))
-   10    continue
-         do 11 i11=0,d
-            g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(4,j))
-   11    continue
-         xibar=v(ur,2)
-         m=nt-1
-c        top of while loop
-   12    if(m.eq.0)then
-            i4=.true.
-         else
-            if(a(t(m)).eq.2)then
-               i3=(xi(t(m)).eq.xibar)
-            else
-               i3=.false.
-            end if
-            i4=i3
-         end if
-         if(.not.(.not.i4))goto 13
-            m=m-1
-c           voidp junk
-            goto 12
-c        bottom of while loop
-   13    if(m.ge.1)then
-            m=hi(t(m))
-c           top of while loop
-   14       if(.not.(a(m).ne.0))goto 15
-               if(z(a(m)).le.xi(m))then
-                  m=lo(m)
-               else
-                  m=hi(m)
-               end if
-               goto 14
-c           bottom of while loop
-   15       if(v0.lt.v(c(1,m),1))then
-               v0=v(c(1,m),1)
-               do 16 i11=0,d
-                  g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(1,m))
-   16          continue
-            end if
-            if(v(c(2,m),1).lt.v1)then
-               v1=v(c(2,m),1)
-               do 17 i11=0,d
-                  g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(2,m))
-   17          continue
-            end if
-         end if
-         h=(z(1)-v0)/(v1-v0)
-c        Hermite basis
-         phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-         phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-         psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-         psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-         gn=phi0*g0(0)+phi1*g1(0)+(psi0*g0(1)+psi1*g1(1))*(v1-v0)
-         gpn=phi0*g0(2)+phi1*g1(2)
-c        ----- South -----
-         v0=v(ll,1)
-         v1=v(ur,1)
-         do 18 i11=0,d
-            g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(1,j))
-   18    continue
-         do 19 i11=0,d
-            g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(2,j))
-   19    continue
-         xibar=v(ll,2)
-         m=nt-1
-c        top of while loop
-   20    if(m.eq.0)then
-            i6=.true.
-         else
-            if(a(t(m)).eq.2)then
-               i5=(xi(t(m)).eq.xibar)
-            else
-               i5=.false.
-            end if
-            i6=i5
-         end if
-         if(.not.(.not.i6))goto 21
-            m=m-1
-c           voidp junk
-            goto 20
-c        bottom of while loop
-   21    if(m.ge.1)then
-            m=lo(t(m))
-c           top of while loop
-   22       if(.not.(a(m).ne.0))goto 23
-               if(z(a(m)).le.xi(m))then
-                  m=lo(m)
-               else
-                  m=hi(m)
-               end if
-               goto 22
-c           bottom of while loop
-   23       if(v0.lt.v(c(3,m),1))then
-               v0=v(c(3,m),1)
-               do 24 i11=0,d
-                  g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(3,m))
-   24          continue
-            end if
-            if(v(c(4,m),1).lt.v1)then
-               v1=v(c(4,m),1)
-               do 25 i11=0,d
-                  g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(4,m))
-   25          continue
-            end if
-         end if
-         h=(z(1)-v0)/(v1-v0)
-c        Hermite basis
-         phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-         phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-         psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-         psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-         gs=phi0*g0(0)+phi1*g1(0)+(psi0*g0(1)+psi1*g1(1))*(v1-v0)
-         gps=phi0*g0(2)+phi1*g1(2)
-c        ----- East -----
-         v0=v(ll,2)
-         v1=v(ur,2)
-         do 26 i11=0,d
-            g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(2,j))
-   26    continue
-         do 27 i11=0,d
-            g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(4,j))
-   27    continue
-         xibar=v(ur,1)
-         m=nt-1
-c        top of while loop
-   28    if(m.eq.0)then
-            i8=.true.
-         else
-            if(a(t(m)).eq.1)then
-               i7=(xi(t(m)).eq.xibar)
-            else
-               i7=.false.
-            end if
-            i8=i7
-         end if
-         if(.not.(.not.i8))goto 29
-            m=m-1
-c           voidp junk
-            goto 28
-c        bottom of while loop
-   29    if(m.ge.1)then
-            m=hi(t(m))
-c           top of while loop
-   30       if(.not.(a(m).ne.0))goto 31
-               if(z(a(m)).le.xi(m))then
-                  m=lo(m)
-               else
-                  m=hi(m)
-               end if
-               goto 30
-c           bottom of while loop
-   31       if(v0.lt.v(c(1,m),2))then
-               v0=v(c(1,m),2)
-               do 32 i11=0,d
-                  g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(1,m))
-   32          continue
-            end if
-            if(v(c(3,m),2).lt.v1)then
-               v1=v(c(3,m),2)
-               do 33 i11=0,d
-                  g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(3,m))
-   33          continue
-            end if
-         end if
-         h=(z(2)-v0)/(v1-v0)
-c        Hermite basis
-         phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-         phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-         psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-         psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-         ge=phi0*g0(0)+phi1*g1(0)+(psi0*g0(2)+psi1*g1(2))*(v1-v0)
-         gpe=phi0*g0(1)+phi1*g1(1)
-c        ----- West -----
-         v0=v(ll,2)
-         v1=v(ur,2)
-         do 34 i11=0,d
-            g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(1,j))
-   34    continue
-         do 35 i11=0,d
-            g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(3,j))
-   35    continue
-         xibar=v(ll,1)
-         m=nt-1
-c        top of while loop
-   36    if(m.eq.0)then
-            i10=.true.
-         else
-            if(a(t(m)).eq.1)then
-               i9=(xi(t(m)).eq.xibar)
-            else
-               i9=.false.
-            end if
-            i10=i9
-         end if
-         if(.not.(.not.i10))goto 37
-            m=m-1
-c           voidp junk
-            goto 36
-c        bottom of while loop
-   37    if(m.ge.1)then
-            m=lo(t(m))
-c           top of while loop
-   38       if(.not.(a(m).ne.0))goto 39
-               if(z(a(m)).le.xi(m))then
-                  m=lo(m)
-               else
-                  m=hi(m)
-               end if
-               goto 38
-c           bottom of while loop
-   39       if(v0.lt.v(c(2,m),2))then
-               v0=v(c(2,m),2)
-               do 40 i11=0,d
-                  g0(i11)=vval(i11,c(2,m))
-   40          continue
-            end if
-            if(v(c(4,m),2).lt.v1)then
-               v1=v(c(4,m),2)
-               do 41 i11=0,d
-                  g1(i11)=vval(i11,c(4,m))
-   41          continue
-            end if
-         end if
-         h=(z(2)-v0)/(v1-v0)
-c        Hermite basis
-         phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-         phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-         psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-         psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-         gw=phi0*g0(0)+phi1*g1(0)+(psi0*g0(2)+psi1*g1(2))*(v1-v0)
-         gpw=phi0*g0(1)+phi1*g1(1)
-c        NS
-         h=(z(2)-v(ll,2))/(v(ur,2)-v(ll,2))
-c        Hermite basis
-         phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-         phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-         psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-         psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-         sns=phi0*gs+phi1*gn+(psi0*gps+psi1*gpn)*(v(ur,2)-v(ll,2))
-c        EW
-         h=(z(1)-v(ll,1))/(v(ur,1)-v(ll,1))
-c        Hermite basis
-         phi0=(1-h)**2*(1+2*h)
-         phi1=h**2*(3-2*h)
-         psi0=h*(1-h)**2
-         psi1=h**2*(h-1)
-         sew=phi0*gw+phi1*ge+(psi0*gpw+psi1*gpe)*(v(ur,1)-v(ll,1))
-         s=(sns+sew)-s
-      end if
-      ehg128=s
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD eval.f
echo f77.f 1>&2
sed >f77.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD f77.f' 's/^-//'
-      integer function ifloor(x)
-      real x
-      ifloor=x
-      if(ifloor.gt.x) ifloor=ifloor-1
-      end
-      real function sign(a1,a2)
-      real a1, a2
-      sign=abs(a1)
-      if(a2.ge.0) sign=-sign
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD f77.f
echo l2fit.f 1>&2
sed >l2fit.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD l2fit.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg136(u,lm,m,n,d,nf,f,x,psi,y,rw,kernel,k,dist,eta,b,o
-     $d,o,ihat,w,rcond,sing,dd,tdeg,cdeg,s)
-      integer identi,d,dd,execnt,i,i1,ihat,info,j,k,kernel,l,lm,m,n,nf,o
-     $d,sing,tdeg
-      integer cdeg(8),psi(n)
-      real f,i2,rcond,scale,tol
-      real o(m,n),sigma(15),e(15,15),g(15,15),b(nf,k),dist(n),eta(nf),ga
-     $mma(15),q(8),qraux(15),rw(n),s(0:od,m),u(lm,d),w(nf),work(15),x(n,
-     $d),y(n)
-      external ehg127,ehg182,sqrsl
-      real sdot
-      external sdot
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     V -> g
-c     U -> e
-c     Identity -> identi
-c     L -> o
-c     X -> b
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(.not.(k.le.nf-1))then
-         call ehg182(104)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(k.le.15))then
-         call ehg182(105)
-      end if
-      do 3 identi=1,n
-         psi(identi)=identi
-    3 continue
-      do 4 l=1,m
-         do 5 i1=1,d
-            q(i1)=u(l,i1)
-    5    continue
-         call ehg127(q,n,d,nf,f,x,psi,y,rw,kernel,k,dist,eta,b,od,w,rcon
-     $d,sing,sigma,e,g,gamma,qraux,work,tol,dd,tdeg,cdeg,s(0,l))
-         if(ihat.eq.1)then
-c           $L sub {l,l} =
-c           V sub {1,:} SIGMA sup {+} U sup T
-c           (Q sup T W e sub i )$
-            if(.not.(m.eq.n))then
-               call ehg182(123)
-            end if
-c           find $i$ such that $l = psi sub i$
-            i=1
-c           top of while loop
-    6       if(.not.(l.ne.psi(i)))goto 7
-               i=i+1
-               if(.not.(i.lt.nf))then
-                  call ehg182(123)
-               end if
-               goto 6
-c           bottom of while loop
-    7       do 8 i1=1,nf
-               eta(i1)=0
-    8       continue
-            eta(i)=w(i)
-c           $eta = Q sup T W e sub i$
-            call sqrsl(b,nf,nf,k,qraux,eta,eta,eta,eta,eta,eta,1000,info
-     $)
-c           $gamma = U sup T eta sub {1:k}$
-            do 9 i1=1,k
-               gamma(i1)=0
-    9       continue
-            do 10 j=1,k
-               i2=eta(j)
-               do 11 i1=1,k
-                  gamma(i1)=gamma(i1)+i2*e(j,i1)
-   11          continue
-   10       continue
-c           $gamma = SIGMA sup {+} gamma$
-            do 12 j=1,k
-               if(tol.lt.sigma(j))then
-                  gamma(j)=gamma(j)/sigma(j)
-               else
-                  gamma(j)=0.
-               end if
-   12       continue
-c           voidp junk
-c           voidp junk
-            o(l,1)=sdot(k,g(1,1),15,gamma,1)
-         else
-            if(ihat.eq.2)then
-c              $L sub {l,:} =
-c              V sub {1,:} SIGMA sup {+}
-c              ( U sup T Q sup T ) W $
-               do 13 i1=1,n
-                  o(l,i1)=0
-   13          continue
-               do 14 j=1,k
-                  do 15 i1=1,nf
-                     eta(i1)=0
-   15             continue
-                  do 16 i1=1,k
-                     eta(i1)=e(i1,j)
-   16             continue
-                  call sqrsl(b,nf,nf,k,qraux,eta,eta,work,work,work,work
-     $,10000,info)
-                  if(tol.lt.sigma(j))then
-                     scale=1./sigma(j)
-                  else
-                     scale=0.
-                  end if
-                  do 17 i1=1,nf
-                     eta(i1)=eta(i1)*(scale*w(i1))
-   17             continue
-                  do 18 i=1,nf
-                     o(l,psi(i))=o(l,psi(i))+g(1,j)*eta(i)
-   18             continue
-   14          continue
-            end if
-         end if
-    4 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD l2fit.f
echo l2tr.f 1>&2
sed >l2tr.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD l2tr.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg139(v,nvmax,nv,n,d,nf,f,x,pi,psi,y,rw,trl,kernel,k,d
-     $ist,phi,eta,b,od,w,diagl,vval2,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,vhit,rcond,si
-     $ng,dd,tdeg,cdeg,lq,lf,setlf,s)
-      logical setlf
-      integer identi,d,dd,execnt,i,i2,i3,i5,i6,ii,ileaf,info,j,k,kernel,
-     $l,n,nc,ncmax,nf,nleaf,nv,nvmax,od,sing,tdeg,vc
-      integer lq(nvmax,nf),a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),cdeg(8),hi(ncmax),leaf(2
-     $56),lo(ncmax),phi(n),pi(n),psi(n),vhit(nvmax)
-      real f,i1,i4,i7,rcond,scale,term,tol,trl
-      real lf(0:d,nvmax,nf),sigma(15),u(15,15),e(15,15),b(nf,k),diagl(n)
-     $,dist(n),eta(nf),gamma(15),q(8),qraux(15),rw(n),s(0:od,nv),v(nvmax
-     $,d),vval2(0:d,nv),w(nf),work(15),x(n,d),xi(ncmax),y(n),z(8)
-      external ehg127,ehg182,sqrsl,ehg137
-      real ehg128
-      external ehg128
-      real sdot
-      external sdot
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     V -> e
-c     Identity -> identi
-c     X -> b
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     l2fit with trace(L)
-      if(.not.(k.le.nf-1))then
-         call ehg182(104)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(k.le.15))then
-         call ehg182(105)
-      end if
-      if(trl.ne.0)then
-         do 3 i5=1,n
-            diagl(i5)=0
-    3    continue
-         do 4 i6=1,nv
-            do 5 i5=0,d
-               vval2(i5,i6)=0
-    5       continue
-    4    continue
-      end if
-      do 6 identi=1,n
-         psi(identi)=identi
-    6 continue
-      do 7 l=1,nv
-         do 8 i5=1,d
-            q(i5)=v(l,i5)
-    8    continue
-         call ehg127(q,n,d,nf,f,x,psi,y,rw,kernel,k,dist,eta,b,od,w,rcon
-     $d,sing,sigma,u,e,gamma,qraux,work,tol,dd,tdeg,cdeg,s(0,l))
-         if(trl.ne.0)then
-c           invert $psi$
-            do 9 i5=1,n
-               phi(i5)=0
-    9       continue
-            do 10 i=1,nf
-               phi(psi(i))=i
-   10       continue
-            do 11 i5=1,d
-               z(i5)=v(l,i5)
-   11       continue
-            call ehg137(z,vhit(l),leaf,nleaf,d,nv,nvmax,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo
-     $,hi,c,v)
-            do 12 ileaf=1,nleaf
-               do 13 ii=lo(leaf(ileaf)),hi(leaf(ileaf))
-                  i=phi(pi(ii))
-                  if(i.ne.0)then
-                     if(.not.(psi(i).eq.pi(ii)))then
-                        call ehg182(194)
-                     end if
-                     do 14 i5=1,nf
-                        eta(i5)=0
-   14                continue
-                     eta(i)=w(i)
-c                    $eta = Q sup T W e sub i$
-                     call sqrsl(b,nf,nf,k,qraux,eta,work,eta,eta,work,wo
-     $rk,1000,info)
-                     do 15 j=1,k
-                        if(tol.lt.sigma(j))then
-                           i4=sdot(k,u(1,j),1,eta,1)/sigma(j)
-                        else
-                           i4=0.
-                        end if
-                        gamma(j)=i4
-   15                continue
-                     do 16 j=1,d+1
-c                       bug fix 2006-07-15 for k=1, od>1.   (thanks btyner@gmail.com)
-                        if(j.le.k)then
-                           vval2(j-1,l)=sdot(k,e(j,1),15,gamma,1)
-                        else
-                           vval2(j-1,l)=0
-                        end if
-   16                continue
-                     do 17 i5=1,d
-                        z(i5)=x(pi(ii),i5)
-   17                continue
-                     term=ehg128(z,d,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nvmax,vval2
-     $)
-                     diagl(pi(ii))=diagl(pi(ii))+term
-                     do 18 i5=0,d
-                        vval2(i5,l)=0
-   18                continue
-                  end if
-   13          continue
-   12       continue
-         end if
-         if(setlf)then
-c           $Lf sub {:,l,:} = V SIGMA sup {+} U sup T Q sup T W$
-            if(.not.(k.ge.d+1))then
-               call ehg182(196)
-            end if
-            do 19 i5=1,nf
-               lq(l,i5)=psi(i5)
-   19       continue
-            do 20 i6=1,nf
-               do 21 i5=0,d
-                  lf(i5,l,i6)=0
-   21          continue
-   20       continue
-            do 22 j=1,k
-               do 23 i5=1,nf
-                  eta(i5)=0
-   23          continue
-               do 24 i5=1,k
-                  eta(i5)=u(i5,j)
-   24          continue
-               call sqrsl(b,nf,nf,k,qraux,eta,eta,work,work,work,work,10
-     $000,info)
-               if(tol.lt.sigma(j))then
-                  scale=1./sigma(j)
-               else
-                  scale=0.
-               end if
-               do 25 i5=1,nf
-                  eta(i5)=eta(i5)*(scale*w(i5))
-   25          continue
-               do 26 i=1,nf
-                  i7=eta(i)
-                  do 27 i5=0,d
-                     if(i5.lt.k)then
-                        lf(i5,l,i)=lf(i5,l,i)+e(1+i5,j)*i7
-                     else
-                        lf(i5,l,i)=0
-                     end if
-   27             continue
-   26          continue
-   22       continue
-         end if
-    7 continue
-      if(trl.ne.0)then
-         if(n.le.0)then
-            trl=0.
-         else
-            i3=n
-            i1=diagl(i3)
-            do 28 i2=i3-1,1,-1
-               i1=diagl(i2)+i1
-   28       continue
-            trl=i1
-         end if
-      end if
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD l2tr.f
echo lowesb.f 1>&2
sed >lowesb.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesb.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesb(xx,yy,ww,diagl,infl,iv,liv,lv,wv)
-      logical infl,setlf
-      integer execnt
-      integer iv(*)
-      real trl
-      real diagl(*),wv(*),ww(*),xx(*),yy(*)
-      external ehg131,ehg182,ehg183
-      integer ifloor
-      external ifloor
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(.not.(iv(28).ne.173))then
-         call ehg182(174)
-      end if
-      if(iv(28).ne.172)then
-         if(.not.(iv(28).eq.171))then
-            call ehg182(171)
-         end if
-      end if
-      iv(28)=173
-      if(infl)then
-         trl=1.
-      else
-         trl=0.
-      end if
-      setlf=(iv(27).ne.iv(25))
-      call ehg131(xx,yy,ww,trl,diagl,iv(20),iv(29),iv(3),iv(2),iv(5),iv(
-     $17),iv(4),iv(6),iv(14),iv(19),wv(1),iv(iv(7)),iv(iv(8)),iv(iv(9)),
-     $iv(iv(10)),iv(iv(22)),iv(iv(27)),wv(iv(11)),iv(iv(23)),wv(iv(13)),
-     $wv(iv(12)),wv(iv(15)),wv(iv(16)),wv(iv(18)),ifloor(iv(3)*wv(2)),wv
-     $(3),wv(iv(26)),wv(iv(24)),wv(4),iv(30),iv(33),iv(32),iv(41),iv(iv(
-     $25)),wv(iv(34)),setlf)
-      if(iv(14).lt.iv(6)+float(iv(4))/2.)then
-         call ehg183('Warning. k-d tree limited by memory; nvmax=',iv(14
-     $),1,1)
-      else
-         if(iv(17).lt.iv(5)+2)then
-            call ehg183('Warning. k-d tree limited by memory. ncmax=',iv
-     $(17),1,1)
-         end if
-      end if
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesb.f
echo lowesd.f 1>&2
sed >lowesd.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesd.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesd(versio,iv,liv,lv,v,d,n,f,ideg,nvmax,setlf)
-      logical setlf
-      integer bound,d,execnt,i,i1,i2,ideg,j,liv,lv,n,ncmax,nf,nvmax,vc,v
-     $ersio
-      integer iv(liv)
-      real f
-      real v(lv)
-      external ehg182
-      integer ifloor
-      external ifloor
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     version -> versio
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(.not.(versio.eq.106))then
-         call ehg182(100)
-      end if
-      iv(28)=171
-      iv(2)=d
-      iv(3)=n
-      vc=2**d
-      iv(4)=vc
-      if(.not.(0.lt.f))then
-         call ehg182(120)
-      end if
-      nf=min(n,ifloor(n*f))
-      iv(19)=nf
-      iv(20)=1
-      if(ideg.eq.0)then
-         i1=1
-      else
-         if(ideg.eq.1)then
-            i1=d+1
-         else
-            if(ideg.eq.2)then
-               i1=float((d+2)*(d+1))/2.
-            end if
-         end if
-      end if
-      iv(29)=i1
-      iv(21)=1
-      iv(14)=nvmax
-      ncmax=nvmax
-      iv(17)=ncmax
-      iv(30)=0
-      iv(32)=ideg
-      if(.not.(ideg.ge.0))then
-         call ehg182(195)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(ideg.le.2))then
-         call ehg182(195)
-      end if
-      iv(33)=d
-      do 3 i2=41,49
-         iv(i2)=ideg
-    3 continue
-      iv(7)=50
-      iv(8)=iv(7)+ncmax
-      iv(9)=iv(8)+vc*ncmax
-      iv(10)=iv(9)+ncmax
-      iv(22)=iv(10)+ncmax
-c     initialize permutation
-      j=iv(22)-1
-      do 4 i=1,n
-         iv(j+i)=i
-    4 continue
-      iv(23)=iv(22)+n
-      iv(25)=iv(23)+nvmax
-      if(setlf)then
-         iv(27)=iv(25)+nvmax*nf
-      else
-         iv(27)=iv(25)
-      end if
-      bound=iv(27)+n
-      if(.not.(bound-1.le.liv))then
-         call ehg182(102)
-      end if
-      iv(11)=50
-      iv(13)=iv(11)+nvmax*d
-      iv(12)=iv(13)+(d+1)*nvmax
-      iv(15)=iv(12)+ncmax
-      iv(16)=iv(15)+n
-      iv(18)=iv(16)+nf
-      iv(24)=iv(18)+iv(29)*nf
-      iv(34)=iv(24)+(d+1)*nvmax
-      if(setlf)then
-         iv(26)=iv(34)+(d+1)*nvmax*nf
-      else
-         iv(26)=iv(34)
-      end if
-      bound=iv(26)+nf
-      if(.not.(bound-1.le.lv))then
-         call ehg182(103)
-      end if
-      v(1)=f
-      v(2)=0.05
-      v(3)=0.
-      v(4)=1.
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesd.f
echo lowese.f 1>&2
sed >lowese.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowese.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowese(iv,liv,lv,wv,m,z,s)
-      integer execnt,m
-      integer iv(*)
-      real s(m),wv(*),z(m,1)
-      external ehg133,ehg182
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(.not.(iv(28).ne.172))then
-         call ehg182(172)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(iv(28).eq.173))then
-         call ehg182(173)
-      end if
-      call ehg133(iv(3),iv(2),iv(4),iv(14),iv(5),iv(17),iv(iv(7)),iv(iv(
-     $8)),iv(iv(9)),iv(iv(10)),wv(iv(11)),wv(iv(13)),wv(iv(12)),m,z,s)
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowese.f
echo lowesf.f 1>&2
sed >lowesf.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesf.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesf(xx,yy,ww,iv,liv,lv,wv,m,z,l,ihat,s)
-      logical i1
-      integer execnt,ihat,m,n
-      integer iv(*)
-      real l(m,*),s(m),wv(*),ww(*),xx(*),yy(*),z(m,1)
-      external ehg182,ehg136
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(171.le.iv(28))then
-         i1=(iv(28).le.174)
-      else
-         i1=.false.
-      end if
-      if(.not.i1)then
-         call ehg182(171)
-      end if
-      iv(28)=172
-      if(.not.(iv(14).ge.iv(19)))then
-         call ehg182(186)
-      end if
-      call ehg136(z,m,m,iv(3),iv(2),iv(19),wv(1),xx,iv(iv(22)),yy,ww,iv(
-     $20),iv(29),wv(iv(15)),wv(iv(16)),wv(iv(18)),0,l,ihat,wv(iv(26)),wv
-     $(4),iv(30),iv(33),iv(32),iv(41),s)
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesf.f
echo rbuild.f 1>&2
sed >rbuild.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD rbuild.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg124(ll,uu,d,n,nv,nc,ncmax,vc,x,pi,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,vhi
-     $t,nvmax,fc,fd,dd)
-      logical i1,i2,i3,leaf
-      integer d,dd,execnt,fc,i4,inorm2,k,l,ll,m,n,nc,ncmax,nv,nvmax,p,u,
-     $uu,vc,lower,upper,check,offset
-      integer a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax),pi(n),vhit(nvmax)
-      real diam,fd
-      real diag(8),sigma(8),v(nvmax,d),x(n,d),xi(ncmax)
-      external ehg125,ehg106,ehg129
-      integer isamax
-      external isamax
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      p=1
-      l=ll
-      u=uu
-      lo(p)=l
-      hi(p)=u
-c     top of while loop
-    3 if(.not.(p.le.nc))goto 4
-         do 5 i4=1,dd
-            diag(i4)=v(c(vc,p),i4)-v(c(1,p),i4)
-    5    continue
-         diam=0
-         do 6 inorm2=1,dd
-            diam=diam+diag(inorm2)**2
-    6    continue
-         diam=sqrt(diam)
-         if((u-l)+1.le.fc)then
-            i1=.true.
-         else
-            i1=(diam.le.fd)
-         end if
-         if(i1)then
-            leaf=.true.
-         else
-            if(ncmax.lt.nc+2)then
-               i2=.true.
-            else
-               i2=(nvmax.lt.nv+float(vc)/2.)
-            end if
-            leaf=i2
-         end if
-         if(.not.leaf)then
-            call ehg129(l,u,dd,x,pi,n,sigma)
-            k=isamax(dd,sigma,1)
-            m=float(l+u)/2.
-            call ehg106(l,u,m,1,x(1,k),pi,n)
-c bug fix from btyner@gmail.com 2006-07-20
-      offset = 0
-    7 if(((m+offset).ge.u).or.((m+offset).lt.l))then
-         goto 8
-      else
-        if(offset.lt.0)then
-          lower = l
-          check = m + offset
-          upper = check
-        else
-          lower = m + offset + 1
-          check = lower
-          upper = u
-        end if
-        call ehg106(lower,upper,check,1,x(1,k),pi,n)
-        if(x(pi(m + offset),k).eq.x(pi(m+offset+1),k))then
-          offset = (-offset)
-          if(offset.ge.0)then
-            offset = offset + 1
-          end if
-      goto 7
-        else
-          m = m + offset
-          goto 8
-        end if
-      end if
-    8       if(v(c(1,p),k).eq.x(pi(m),k))then
-               leaf=.true.
-            else
-               leaf=(v(c(vc,p),k).eq.x(pi(m),k))
-            end if
-         end if
-         if(leaf)then
-            a(p)=0
-         else
-            a(p)=k
-            xi(p)=x(pi(m),k)
-c           left son
-            nc=nc+1
-            lo(p)=nc
-            lo(nc)=l
-            hi(nc)=m
-c           right son
-            nc=nc+1
-            hi(p)=nc
-            lo(nc)=m+1
-            hi(nc)=u
-            call ehg125(p,nv,v,vhit,nvmax,d,k,xi(p),2**(k-1),2**(d-k),c(
-     $1,p),c(1,lo(p)),c(1,hi(p)))
-         end if
-         p=p+1
-         l=lo(p)
-         u=hi(p)
-         goto 3
-c     bottom of while loop
-    4 return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD rbuild.f
echo spread.f 1>&2
sed >spread.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD spread.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg129(l,u,d,x,pi,n,sigma)
-      integer d,execnt,i,k,l,n,u
-      integer pi(n)
-      real machin,alpha,beta,t
-      real sigma(d),x(n,d)
-      real r1mach
-      external r1mach
-      save machin,execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     MachInf -> machin
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(execnt.eq.1)then
-         machin=r1mach(2)
-      end if
-      do 3 k=1,d
-         alpha=machin
-         beta=-machin
-         do 4 i=l,u
-            t=x(pi(i),k)
-            alpha=min(alpha,x(pi(i),k))
-            beta=max(beta,t)
-    4    continue
-         sigma(k)=beta-alpha
-    3 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD spread.f
echo vleaf.f 1>&2
sed >vleaf.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD vleaf.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg137(z,kappa,leaf,nleaf,d,nv,nvmax,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,h
-     $i,c,v)
-      integer d,execnt,nc,ncmax,nleaf,p,stackt
-      integer a(ncmax),hi(ncmax),leaf(256),lo(ncmax),pstack(20)
-      real xi(ncmax),z(d)
-      external ehg182
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     stacktop -> stackt
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     find leaf cells affected by $z$
-      stackt=0
-      p=1
-      nleaf=0
-c     top of while loop
-    3 if(.not.(0.lt.p))goto 4
-         if(a(p).eq.0)then
-c           leaf
-            nleaf=nleaf+1
-            leaf(nleaf)=p
-c           Pop
-            if(stackt.ge.1)then
-               p=pstack(stackt)
-            else
-               p=0
-            end if
-            stackt=max(0,stackt-1)
-         else
-            if(z(a(p)).eq.xi(p))then
-c              Push
-               stackt=stackt+1
-               if(.not.(stackt.le.20))then
-                  call ehg182(187)
-               end if
-               pstack(stackt)=hi(p)
-               p=lo(p)
-            else
-               if(z(a(p)).le.xi(p))then
-                  p=lo(p)
-               else
-                  p=hi(p)
-               end if
-            end if
-         end if
-         goto 3
-c     bottom of while loop
-    4 if(.not.(nleaf.le.256))then
-         call ehg182(185)
-      end if
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD vleaf.f
echo ehg182.f 1>&2
sed >ehg182.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg182.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg182(i)
-      integer i
-      if(i.eq.100) print *,'wrong version number in lowesd.  Probably ty
-     +po in caller.'
-      if(i.eq.101) print *,'d>dMAX in ehg131.  Need to recompile with in
-     +creased dimensions.'
-      if(i.eq.102) print *,'liv too small.   (Discovered by lowesd)'
-      if(i.eq.103) print *,'lv too small.    (Discovered by lowesd)'
-      if(i.eq.104) print *,'alpha too small.  fewer data values than deg
-     +rees of freedom.'
-      if(i.eq.105) print *,'k>d2MAX in ehg136.  Need to recompile with i
-     +ncreased dimensions.'
-      if(i.eq.106) print *,'lwork too small'
-      if(i.eq.107) print *,'invalid value for kernel'
-      if(i.eq.108) print *,'invalid value for ideg'
-      if(i.eq.109) print *,'lowstt only applies when kernel=1.'
-      if(i.eq.110) print *,'not enough extra workspace for robustness ca
-     +lculation'
-      if(i.eq.120) print *,'zero-width neighborhood. make alpha bigger'
-      if(i.eq.121) print *,'all data on boundary of neighborhood. make a
-     +lpha bigger'
-      if(i.eq.122) print *,'extrapolation not allowed with blending'
-      if(i.eq.123) print *,'ihat=1 (diag L) in l2fit only makes sense if
-     + z=x (eval=data).'
-      if(i.eq.171) print *,'lowesd must be called first.'
-      if(i.eq.172) print *,'lowesf must not come between lowesb and lowe
-     +se, lowesr, or lowesl.'
-      if(i.eq.173) print *,'lowesb must come before lowese, lowesr, or l
-     +owesl.'
-      if(i.eq.174) print *,'lowesb need not be called twice.'
-      if(i.eq.180) print *,'nv>nvmax in cpvert.'
-      if(i.eq.181) print *,'nt>20 in eval.'
-      if(i.eq.182) print *,'svddc failed in l2fit.'
-      if(i.eq.183) print *,'didnt find edge in vleaf.'
-      if(i.eq.184) print *,'zero-width cell found in vleaf.'
-      if(i.eq.185) print *,'trouble descending to leaf in vleaf.'
-      if(i.eq.186) print *,'insufficient workspace for lowesf.'
-      if(i.eq.187) print *,'insufficient stack space'
-      if(i.eq.188) print *,'lv too small for computing explicit L'
-      if(i.eq.191) print *,'computed trace L was negative; something is 
-     +wrong!'
-      if(i.eq.192) print *,'computed delta was negative; something is wr
-     +ong!'
-      if(i.eq.193) print *,'workspace in loread appears to be corrupted'
-      if(i.eq.194) print *,'trouble in l2fit/l2tr'
-      if(i.eq.195) print *,'only constant, linear, or quadratic local mo
-     +dels allowed'
-      if(i.eq.196) print *,'degree must be at least 1 for vertex influen
-     +ce matrix'
-      if(i.eq.999) print *,'not yet implemented'
-      print *,'Assert failed, error code ',i
-      stop
-      end
-      subroutine ehg183(s,i,n,inc)
-      character*(*) s
-      integer n, inc, i(inc,n), j
-      print *,s,(i(1,j),j=1,n)
-      end
-      subroutine ehg184(s,x,n,inc)
-      character*(*) s
-      integer n, inc, j
-      real x(inc,n)
-      print *,s,(x(1,j),j=1,n)
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg182.f
echo ehg106.f 1>&2
sed >ehg106.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg106.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg106(il,ir,k,nk,p,pi,n)
-      integer execnt,i,ii,il,ir,j,k,l,n,nk,r
-      integer pi(n)
-      real t
-      real p(nk,n)
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     find the $k$-th smallest of $n$ elements
-c     Floyd+Rivest, CACM Mar '75, Algorithm 489
-      l=il
-      r=ir
-c     top of while loop
-    3 if(.not.(l.lt.r))goto 4
-c        to avoid recursion, sophisticated partition deleted
-c        partition $x sub {l..r}$ about $t$
-         t=p(1,pi(k))
-         i=l
-         j=r
-         ii=pi(l)
-         pi(l)=pi(k)
-         pi(k)=ii
-         if(t.lt.p(1,pi(r)))then
-            ii=pi(l)
-            pi(l)=pi(r)
-            pi(r)=ii
-         end if
-c        top of while loop
-    5    if(.not.(i.lt.j))goto 6
-            ii=pi(i)
-            pi(i)=pi(j)
-            pi(j)=ii
-            i=i+1
-            j=j-1
-c           top of while loop
-    7       if(.not.(p(1,pi(i)).lt.t))goto 8
-               i=i+1
-               goto 7
-c           bottom of while loop
-    8       continue
-c           top of while loop
-    9       if(.not.(t.lt.p(1,pi(j))))goto 10
-               j=j-1
-               goto 9
-c           bottom of while loop
-   10       goto 5
-c        bottom of while loop
-    6    if(p(1,pi(l)).eq.t)then
-            ii=pi(l)
-            pi(l)=pi(j)
-            pi(j)=ii
-         else
-            j=j+1
-            ii=pi(r)
-            pi(r)=pi(j)
-            pi(j)=ii
-         end if
-         if(j.le.k)then
-            l=j+1
-         end if
-         if(k.le.j)then
-            r=j-1
-         end if
-         goto 3
-c     bottom of while loop
-    4 return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg106.f
echo ehg140.f 1>&2
sed >ehg140.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg140.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg140(iw,i,j)
-      integer execnt,i,j
-      integer iw(i)
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      iw(i)=j
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg140.f
echo ehg127.f 1>&2
sed >ehg127.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg127.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg127(q,n,d,nf,f,x,psi,y,rw,kernel,k,dist,eta,b,od,w,r
-     $cond,sing,sigma,u,e,gamma,qraux,work,tol,dd,tdeg,cdeg,s)
-      integer column,d,dd,execnt,i,i3,i9,info,inorm2,j,jj,jpvt,k,kernel,
-     $n,nf,od,sing,tdeg
-      integer cdeg(8),psi(n)
-      real machep,f,i1,i10,i2,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,rcond,rho,scal,tol
-      real g(15),sigma(15),u(15,15),e(15,15),b(nf,k),colnor(15),dist(n),
-     $eta(nf),gamma(15),q(d),qraux(15),rw(n),s(0:od),w(nf),work(15),x(n,
-     $d),y(n)
-      external ehg106,ehg182,ehg184,sqrdc,sqrsl,ssvdc
-      integer isamax
-      external isamax
-      real r1mach
-      external r1mach
-      real sdot
-      external sdot
-      save machep,execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     colnorm -> colnor
-c     E -> g
-c     MachEps -> machep
-c     V -> e
-c     X -> b
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(execnt.eq.1)then
-         machep=r1mach(4)
-      end if
-c     sort by distance
-      do 3 i3=1,n
-         dist(i3)=0
-    3 continue
-      do 4 j=1,dd
-         i4=q(j)
-         do 5 i3=1,n
-            dist(i3)=dist(i3)+(x(i3,j)-i4)**2
-    5    continue
-    4 continue
-      call ehg106(1,n,nf,1,dist,psi,n)
-      rho=dist(psi(nf))*max(1.,f)
-      if(.not.(0.lt.rho))then
-         call ehg182(120)
-      end if
-c     compute neighborhood weights
-      if(kernel.eq.2)then
-         do 6 i=1,nf
-            if(dist(psi(i)).lt.rho)then
-               i1=sqrt(rw(psi(i)))
-            else
-               i1=0
-            end if
-            w(i)=i1
-    6    continue
-      else
-         do 7 i3=1,nf
-            w(i3)=sqrt(dist(psi(i3))/rho)
-    7    continue
-         do 8 i3=1,nf
-            w(i3)=sqrt(rw(psi(i3))*(1-w(i3)**3)**3)
-    8    continue
-      end if
-      if(abs(w(isamax(nf,w,1))).eq.0)then
-         call ehg184('at ',q,dd,1)
-         call ehg184('radius ',rho,1,1)
-         if(.not..false.)then
-            call ehg182(121)
-         end if
-      end if
-c     fill design matrix
-      column=1
-      do 9 i3=1,nf
-         b(i3,column)=w(i3)
-    9 continue
-      if(tdeg.ge.1)then
-         do 10 j=1,d
-            if(cdeg(j).ge.1)then
-               column=column+1
-               i5=q(j)
-               do 11 i3=1,nf
-                  b(i3,column)=w(i3)*(x(psi(i3),j)-i5)
-   11          continue
-            end if
-   10    continue
-      end if
-      if(tdeg.ge.2)then
-         do 12 j=1,d
-            if(cdeg(j).ge.1)then
-               if(cdeg(j).ge.2)then
-                  column=column+1
-                  i6=q(j)
-                  do 13 i3=1,nf
-                     b(i3,column)=w(i3)*(x(psi(i3),j)-i6)**2
-   13             continue
-               end if
-               do 14 jj=j+1,d
-                  if(cdeg(jj).ge.1)then
-                     column=column+1
-                     i7=q(j)
-                     i8=q(jj)
-                     do 15 i3=1,nf
-                        b(i3,column)=w(i3)*(x(psi(i3),j)-i7)*(x(psi(i3),
-     $jj)-i8)
-   15                continue
-                  end if
-   14          continue
-            end if
-   12    continue
-         k=column
-      end if
-      do 16 i3=1,nf
-         eta(i3)=w(i3)*y(psi(i3))
-   16 continue
-c     equilibrate columns
-      do 17 j=1,k
-         scal=0
-         do 18 inorm2=1,nf
-            scal=scal+b(inorm2,j)**2
-   18    continue
-         scal=sqrt(scal)
-         if(0.lt.scal)then
-            do 19 i3=1,nf
-               b(i3,j)=b(i3,j)/scal
-   19       continue
-            colnor(j)=scal
-         else
-            colnor(j)=1
-         end if
-   17 continue
-c     singular value decomposition
-      call sqrdc(b,nf,nf,k,qraux,jpvt,work,0)
-      call sqrsl(b,nf,nf,k,qraux,eta,work,eta,eta,work,work,1000,info)
-      do 20 i9=1,k
-         do 21 i3=1,k
-            u(i3,i9)=0
-   21    continue
-   20 continue
-      do 22 i=1,k
-         do 23 j=i,k
-            u(i,j)=b(i,j)
-   23    continue
-   22 continue
-      call ssvdc(u,15,k,k,sigma,g,u,15,e,15,work,21,info)
-      if(.not.(info.eq.0))then
-         call ehg182(182)
-      end if
-      tol=sigma(1)*(100*machep)
-      rcond=min(rcond,sigma(k)/sigma(1))
-      if(sigma(k).le.tol)then
-         sing=sing+1
-         if(sing.eq.1)then
-            call ehg184('Warning. pseudoinverse used at',q,d,1)
-            call ehg184('neighborhood radius',sqrt(rho),1,1)
-            call ehg184('reciprocal condition number ',rcond,1,1)
-         else
-            if(sing.eq.2)then
-               call ehg184('There are other near singularities as well.'
-     $,rho,1,1)
-            end if
-         end if
-      end if
-c     compensate for equilibration
-      do 24 j=1,k
-         i10=colnor(j)
-         do 25 i3=1,k
-            e(j,i3)=e(j,i3)/i10
-   25    continue
-   24 continue
-c     solve least squares problem
-      do 26 j=1,k
-         if(tol.lt.sigma(j))then
-            i2=sdot(k,u(1,j),1,eta,1)/sigma(j)
-         else
-            i2=0.
-         end if
-         gamma(j)=i2
-   26 continue
-      do 27 j=0,od
-c        bug fix 2006-07-04 for k=1, od>1.   (thanks btyner@gmail.com)
-         if(j.lt.k)then
-            s(j)=sdot(k,e(j+1,1),15,gamma,1)
-         else
-            s(j)=0.
-         end if
-   27 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg127.f
echo losave.f 1>&2
sed >losave.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD losave.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine losave(iunit,iv,liv,lv,v)
-      integer execnt,iunit,liv,lv
-      integer iv(liv)
-      real v(lv)
-      external ehg167
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      call ehg167(iunit,iv(2),iv(4),iv(5),iv(6),iv(14),v(iv(11)),iv(iv(7
-     $)),v(iv(12)),v(iv(13)))
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD losave.f
echo ehg167.f 1>&2
sed >ehg167.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg167.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg167(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,nvmax,v,a,xi,vval)
-      integer iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,a(nc),magic,i,j
-      real v(nvmax,d),xi(nc),vval(0:d,nv)
-      write(iunit,*)d,nc,nv
-      do 10 i=1,d
-10      write(iunit,*)v(1,i),v(vc,i)
-      j = 0
-      do 20 i=1,nc
-        if(a(i).ne.0)then
-          write(iunit,*)a(i),xi(i)
-        else
-          write(iunit,*)a(i),j
-        end if
-20    continue
-      do 30 i=1,nv
-30      write(iunit,*)(vval(j,i),j=0,d)
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg167.f
echo lohead.f 1>&2
sed >lohead.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lohead.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lohead(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv)
-      integer iunit,d,vc,nc,nv
-      read(iunit,*)d,nc,nv
-      vc = 2**d
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lohead.f
echo loread.f 1>&2
sed >loread.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD loread.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine loread(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,iv,liv,lv,v)
-      integer bound,d,execnt,iunit,liv,lv,nc,nv,vc
-      integer iv(liv)
-      real v(lv)
-      external ehg168,ehg169,ehg182
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      iv(28)=173
-      iv(2)=d
-      iv(4)=vc
-      iv(14)=nv
-      iv(17)=nc
-      iv(7)=50
-      iv(8)=iv(7)+nc
-      iv(9)=iv(8)+vc*nc
-      iv(10)=iv(9)+nc
-      bound=iv(10)+nc
-      if(.not.(bound-1.le.liv))then
-         call ehg182(102)
-      end if
-      iv(11)=50
-      iv(13)=iv(11)+nv*d
-      iv(12)=iv(13)+(d+1)*nv
-      bound=iv(12)+nc
-      if(.not.(bound-1.le.lv))then
-         call ehg182(103)
-      end if
-      call ehg168(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,nv,v(iv(11)),iv(iv(7)),v(iv(12)),v(iv
-     $(13)))
-      call ehg169(d,vc,nc,nc,nv,nv,v(iv(11)),iv(iv(7)),v(iv(12)),iv(iv(8
-     $)),iv(iv(9)),iv(iv(10)))
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD loread.f
echo ehg168.f 1>&2
sed >ehg168.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg168.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg168(iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,nvmax,v,a,xi,vval)
-      integer iunit,d,vc,nc,nv,a(nc),magic,i,j
-      real v(nvmax,d),xi(nc),vval(0:d,nv)
-      do 10 i=1,d
-10      read(iunit,*)v(1,i),v(vc,i)
-      do 20 i=1,nc
-20      read(iunit,*)a(i),xi(i)
-      do 30 i=1,nv
-30      read(iunit,*)(vval(j,i),j=0,d)
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg168.f
echo ehg169.f 1>&2
sed >ehg169.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg169.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg169(d,vc,nc,ncmax,nv,nvmax,v,a,xi,c,hi,lo)
-      integer d,execnt,i,j,k,mc,mv,nc,ncmax,nv,nvmax,p,vc
-      integer a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax),novhit(1)
-      real v(nvmax,d),xi(ncmax)
-      external ehg125,ehg182
-      integer ifloor
-      external ifloor
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     as in bbox
-c     remaining vertices
-      do 3 i=2,vc-1
-         j=i-1
-         do 4 k=1,d
-            v(i,k)=v(1+mod(j,2)*(vc-1),k)
-            j=ifloor(float(j)/2.)
-    4    continue
-    3 continue
-c     as in ehg131
-      mc=1
-      mv=vc
-      novhit(1)=-1
-      do 5 j=1,vc
-         c(j,mc)=j
-    5 continue
-c     as in rbuild
-      p=1
-c     top of while loop
-    6 if(.not.(p.le.nc))goto 7
-         if(a(p).ne.0)then
-            k=a(p)
-c           left son
-            mc=mc+1
-            lo(p)=mc
-c           right son
-            mc=mc+1
-            hi(p)=mc
-            call ehg125(p,mv,v,novhit,nvmax,d,k,xi(p),2**(k-1),2**(d-k),
-     $c(1,p),c(1,lo(p)),c(1,hi(p)))
-         end if
-         p=p+1
-         goto 6
-c     bottom of while loop
-    7 if(.not.(mc.eq.nc))then
-         call ehg182(193)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(mv.eq.nv))then
-         call ehg182(193)
-      end if
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg169.f
echo ehg170.f 1>&2
sed >ehg170.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg170.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg170(k,d,vc,nv,nvmax,nc,ncmax,a,c,hi,lo,v,vval,xi)
-      integer d,execnt,i,j,nc,ncmax,nv,nvmax,vc
-      integer a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax)
-      real v(nvmax,d),vval(0:d,nvmax),xi(ncmax)
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      write(k,*)'      real function loeval(z)'
-      write(k,50)d
-      write(k,*)'      integer d,vc,nv,nc'
-      write(k,51)nc,vc,nc
-      write(k,52)nc,nc
-      write(k,53)nv,d
-      write(k,54)d,nv
-      write(k,55)nc
-      write(k,56)
-      write(k,57)d,vc,nv,nc
-50    format('      real z(',i2,')')
-51    format('      integer a(',i5,'), c(',i3,',',i5,')')
-52    format('      integer hi(',i5,'), lo(',i5,')')
-53    format('      real v(',i5,',',i2,')')
-54    format('      real vval(0:',i2,',',i5,')')
-55    format('      real xi(',i5,')')
-56    format('      real ehg128')
-57    format('      data d,vc,nv,nc /',i2,',',i3,',',i5,',',i5,'/')
-      do 3 i=1,nc
-         write(k,58)i,a(i)
-58       format('      data a(',i5,') /',i5,'/')
-         if(a(i).ne.0)then
-            write(k,59)i,i,i,hi(i),lo(i),xi(i)
-59          format('      data hi(',i5,'),lo(',i5,'),xi(',i5,') /',
-     $          i5,',',i5,',',1pe15.6,'/')
-         end if
-         do 4 j=1,vc
-            write(k,60)j,i,c(j,i)
-60          format('      data c(',i3,',',i5,') /',i5,'/')
-    4    continue
-    3 continue
-      do 5 i=1,nv
-         write(k,61)i,vval(0,i)
-61       format('      data vval(0,',i5,') /',1pe15.6,'/')
-         do 6 j=1,d
-            write(k,62)i,j,v(i,j)
-62          format('      data v(',i5,',',i2,') /',1pe15.6,'/')
-            write(k,63)j,i,vval(j,i)
-63          format('      data vval(',i2,',',i5,') /',1pe15.6,'/')
-    6    continue
-    5 continue
-      write(k,*)'      loeval=ehg128(z,d,nc,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nv,vval)'
-      write(k,*)'      end'
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg170.f
echo lofort.f 1>&2
sed >lofort.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lofort.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lofort(iunit,iv,liv,lv,wv)
-      integer execnt,iunit
-      integer iv(*)
-      real wv(*)
-      external ehg170
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      call ehg170(iunit,iv(2),iv(4),iv(6),iv(14),iv(5),iv(17),iv(iv(7)),
-     $iv(iv(8)),iv(iv(9)),iv(iv(10)),wv(iv(11)),wv(iv(13)),wv(iv(12)))
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lofort.f
echo ehg141.f 1>&2
sed >ehg141.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg141.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg141(trl,n,deg,k,d,nsing,dk,delta1,delta2)
-      integer d,deg,dk,k,n,nsing
-      external ehg176
-      real ehg176
-      real corx,delta1,delta2,trl,z
-      real c(48), c1, c2, c3, c4
-c     coef, d, deg, del
-      data c /
-     $ .2971620,.3802660,.5886043
-     $,.4263766,.3346498,.6271053
-     $,.5241198,.3484836,.6687687
-     $,.6338795,.4076457,.7207693
-     $,.1611761,.3091323,.4401023
-     $,.2939609,.3580278,.5555741
-     $,.3972390,.4171278,.6293196
-     $,.4675173,.4699070,.6674802
-     $,.2848308,.2254512,.2914126
-     $,.5393624,.2517230,.3898970
-     $,.7603231,.2969113,.4740130
-     $,.9664956,.3629838,.5348889
-     $,.2075670,.2822574,.2369957
-     $,.3911566,.2981154,.3623232
-     $,.5508869,.3501989,.4371032
-     $,.7002667,.4291632,.4930370
-     $ /
-      if(deg.eq.0) dk=1
-      if(deg.eq.1) dk=d+1
-      if(deg.eq.2) dk=float((d+2)*(d+1))/2.
-      corx=sqrt(k/float(n))
-      z=(sqrt(k/trl)-corx)/(1-corx)
-      if(nsing .eq. 0 .and. 1 .lt. z)
-     $   call ehg184('Chernobyl! trL<k',trl,1,1)
-      if(z .lt. 0) call ehg184('Chernobyl! trL>n',trl,1,1)
-      z=min(1.0,max(0.0,z))
-      c4=exp(ehg176(z))
-      i=1+3*(min(d,4)-1+4*(deg-1))
-      if(d.le.4)then
-         c1=c(i)
-         c2=c(i+1)
-         c3=c(i+2)
-      else
-         c1=c(i)+(d-4)*(c(i)-c(i-3))
-         c2=c(i+1)+(d-4)*(c(i+1)-c(i-2))
-         c3=c(i+2)+(d-4)*(c(i+2)-c(i-1))
-      endif
-      delta1=n-trl*exp(c1*z**c2*(1-z)**c3*c4)
-      i=i+24
-      if(d.le.4)then
-         c1=c(i)
-         c2=c(i+1)
-         c3=c(i+2)
-      else
-         c1=c(i)+(d-4)*(c(i)-c(i-3))
-         c2=c(i+1)+(d-4)*(c(i+1)-c(i-2))
-         c3=c(i+2)+(d-4)*(c(i+2)-c(i-1))
-      endif
-      delta2=n-trl*exp(c1*z**c2*(1-z)**c3*c4)
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg141.f
echo ehg176.f 1>&2
sed >ehg176.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg176.f' 's/^-//'
-       real function ehg176(z)
-       real z(*)
-       integer d,vc,nv,nc
-       integer a(17), c(2,17)
-       integer hi(17), lo(17)
-       real v(10,1)
-       real vval(0:1,10)
-       real xi(17)
-       real ehg128
-       data d,vc,nv,nc /1,2,10,17/
-       data a(1) /1/
-       data hi(1),lo(1),xi(1) /3,2,0.3705/
-       data c(1,1) /1/
-       data c(2,1) /2/
-       data a(2) /1/
-       data hi(2),lo(2),xi(2) /5,4,0.2017/
-       data c(1,2) /1/
-       data c(2,2) /3/
-       data a(3) /1/
-       data hi(3),lo(3),xi(3) /7,6,0.5591/
-       data c(1,3) /3/
-       data c(2,3) /2/
-       data a(4) /1/
-       data hi(4),lo(4),xi(4) /9,8,0.1204/
-       data c(1,4) /1/
-       data c(2,4) /4/
-       data a(5) /1/
-       data hi(5),lo(5),xi(5) /11,10,0.2815/
-       data c(1,5) /4/
-       data c(2,5) /3/
-       data a(6) /1/
-       data hi(6),lo(6),xi(6) /13,12,0.4536/
-       data c(1,6) /3/
-       data c(2,6) /5/
-       data a(7) /1/
-       data hi(7),lo(7),xi(7) /15,14,0.7132/
-       data c(1,7) /5/
-       data c(2,7) /2/
-       data a(8) /0/
-       data c(1,8) /1/
-       data c(2,8) /6/
-       data a(9) /0/
-       data c(1,9) /6/
-       data c(2,9) /4/
-       data a(10) /0/
-       data c(1,10) /4/
-       data c(2,10) /7/
-       data a(11) /0/
-       data c(1,11) /7/
-       data c(2,11) /3/
-       data a(12) /0/
-       data c(1,12) /3/
-       data c(2,12) /8/
-       data a(13) /0/
-       data c(1,13) /8/
-       data c(2,13) /5/
-       data a(14) /0/
-       data c(1,14) /5/
-       data c(2,14) /9/
-       data a(15) /1/
-       data hi(15),lo(15),xi(15) /17,16,0.8751/
-       data c(1,15) /9/
-       data c(2,15) /2/
-       data a(16) /0/
-       data c(1,16) /9/
-       data c(2,16) /10/
-       data a(17) /0/
-       data c(1,17) /10/
-       data c(2,17) /2/
-       data vval(0,1) /-9.0572E-2/
-       data v(1,1) /-5.E-3/
-       data vval(1,1) /4.4844/
-       data vval(0,2) /-1.0856E-2/
-       data v(2,1) /1.005/
-       data vval(1,2) /-0.7736/
-       data vval(0,3) /-5.3718E-2/
-       data v(3,1) /0.3705/
-       data vval(1,3) /-0.3495/
-       data vval(0,4) /2.6152E-2/
-       data v(4,1) /0.2017/
-       data vval(1,4) /-0.7286/
-       data vval(0,5) /-5.8387E-2/
-       data v(5,1) /0.5591/
-       data vval(1,5) /0.1611/
-       data vval(0,6) /9.5807E-2/
-       data v(6,1) /0.1204/
-       data vval(1,6) /-0.7978/
-       data vval(0,7) /-3.1926E-2/
-       data v(7,1) /0.2815/
-       data vval(1,7) /-0.4457/
-       data vval(0,8) /-6.4170E-2/
-       data v(8,1) /0.4536/
-       data vval(1,8) /3.2813E-2/
-       data vval(0,9) /-2.0636E-2/
-       data v(9,1) /0.7132/
-       data vval(1,9) /0.3350/
-       data vval(0,10) /4.0172E-2/
-       data v(10,1) /0.8751/
-       data vval(1,10) /-4.1032E-2/
-       ehg176=ehg128(z,d,nc,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nv,vval)
-       end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg176.f
echo ehg196.f 1>&2
sed >ehg196.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg196.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg196(tau,d,f,trl)
-      integer d,dka,dkb,execnt,tau
-      real alpha,f,trl,trla,trlb
-      external ehg197
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      call ehg197(1,tau,d,f,dka,trla)
-      call ehg197(2,tau,d,f,dkb,trlb)
-      alpha=float(tau-dka)/float(dkb-dka)
-      trl=(1-alpha)*trla+alpha*trlb
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg196.f
echo ehg197.f 1>&2
sed >ehg197.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg197.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg197(deg,tau,d,f,dk,trl)
-      integer d,deg,dk,tau
-      real trl, f
-      dk = 0
-      if(deg.eq.1) dk=d+1
-      if(deg.eq.2) dk=float((d+2)*(d+1))/2.
-      g1 = (-0.08125*d+0.13)*d+1.05
-      trl = dk*(1+max(0.,(g1-f)/f))
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg197.f
echo lowesa.f 1>&2
sed >lowesa.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesa.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesa(trl,n,d,tau,nsing,delta1,delta2)
-      integer d,dka,dkb,execnt,n,nsing,tau
-      real alpha,d1a,d1b,d2a,d2b,delta1,delta2,trl
-      external ehg141
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      call ehg141(trl,n,1,tau,d,nsing,dka,d1a,d2a)
-      call ehg141(trl,n,2,tau,d,nsing,dkb,d1b,d2b)
-      alpha=float(tau-dka)/float(dkb-dka)
-      delta1=(1-alpha)*d1a+alpha*d1b
-      delta2=(1-alpha)*d2a+alpha*d2b
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesa.f
echo lowesc.f 1>&2
sed >lowesc.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesc.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesc(n,l,ll,trl,delta1,delta2)
-      integer execnt,i,j,n
-      real delta1,delta2,trl
-      real l(n,n),ll(n,n)
-      real sdot
-      external sdot
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     compute $LL~=~(I-L)(I-L)'$
-      do 3 i=1,n
-         l(i,i)=l(i,i)-1
-    3 continue
-      do 4 i=1,n
-         do 5 j=1,i
-            ll(i,j)=sdot(n,l(i,1),n,l(j,1),n)
-    5    continue
-    4 continue
-      do 6 i=1,n
-         do 7 j=i+1,n
-            ll(i,j)=ll(j,i)
-    7    continue
-    6 continue
-      do 8 i=1,n
-         l(i,i)=l(i,i)+1
-    8 continue
-c     accumulate first two traces
-      trl=0
-      delta1=0
-      do 9 i=1,n
-         trl=trl+l(i,i)
-         delta1=delta1+ll(i,i)
-    9 continue
-c     $delta sub 2 = "tr" LL sup 2$
-      delta2=0
-      do 10 i=1,n
-         delta2=delta2+sdot(n,ll(i,1),n,ll(1,i),1)
-   10 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesc.f
echo lowesp.f 1>&2
sed >lowesp.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesp.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesp(n,y,yhat,pwgts,rwgts,pi,ytilde)
-      integer identi,execnt,i2,i3,i5,m,n
-      integer pi(n)
-      real c,i1,i4,mad
-      real pwgts(n),rwgts(n),y(n),yhat(n),ytilde(n)
-      external ehg106
-      integer ifloor
-      external ifloor
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     Identity -> identi
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     median absolute deviation
-      do 3 i5=1,n
-         ytilde(i5)=abs(y(i5)-yhat(i5))*sqrt(pwgts(i5))
-    3 continue
-      do 4 identi=1,n
-         pi(identi)=identi
-    4 continue
-      m=ifloor(float(n)/2.)+1
-      call ehg106(1,n,m,1,ytilde,pi,n)
-      if((n-m)+1.lt.m)then
-         call ehg106(1,m-1,m-1,1,ytilde,pi,n)
-         mad=(ytilde(pi(m-1))+ytilde(pi(m)))/2
-      else
-         mad=ytilde(pi(m))
-      end if
-c     magic constant
-      c=(6*mad)**2/5
-      do 5 i5=1,n
-         ytilde(i5)=1-((y(i5)-yhat(i5))**2*pwgts(i5))/c
-    5 continue
-      do 6 i5=1,n
-         ytilde(i5)=ytilde(i5)*sqrt(rwgts(i5))
-    6 continue
-      if(n.le.0)then
-         i4=0.
-      else
-         i3=n
-         i1=ytilde(i3)
-         do 7 i2=i3-1,1,-1
-            i1=ytilde(i2)+i1
-    7    continue
-         i4=i1
-      end if
-      c=n/i4
-c     pseudovalues
-      do 8 i5=1,n
-         ytilde(i5)=yhat(i5)+(c*rwgts(i5))*(y(i5)-yhat(i5))
-    8 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesp.f
echo lowesw.f 1>&2
sed >lowesw.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesw.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesw(res,n,rw,pi)
-      integer identi,execnt,i,i1,n,nh
-      integer pi(n)
-      real cmad,rsmall
-      real res(n),rw(n)
-      external ehg106
-      integer ifloor
-      external ifloor
-      real r1mach
-      external r1mach
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-c     Identity -> identi
-      execnt=execnt+1
-c     tranliterated from Devlin's ratfor
-c     find median of absolute residuals
-      do 3 i1=1,n
-         rw(i1)=abs(res(i1))
-    3 continue
-      do 4 identi=1,n
-         pi(identi)=identi
-    4 continue
-      nh=ifloor(float(n)/2.)+1
-c     partial sort to find 6*mad
-      call ehg106(1,n,nh,1,rw,pi,n)
-      if((n-nh)+1.lt.nh)then
-         call ehg106(1,nh-1,nh-1,1,rw,pi,n)
-         cmad=3*(rw(pi(nh))+rw(pi(nh-1)))
-      else
-         cmad=6*rw(pi(nh))
-      end if
-      rsmall=r1mach(1)
-      if(cmad.lt.rsmall)then
-         do 5 i1=1,n
-            rw(i1)=1
-    5    continue
-      else
-         do 6 i=1,n
-            if(cmad*0.999.lt.rw(i))then
-               rw(i)=0
-            else
-               if(cmad*0.001.lt.rw(i))then
-                  rw(i)=(1-(rw(i)/cmad)**2)**2
-               else
-                  rw(i)=1
-               end if
-            end if
-    6    continue
-      end if
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesw.f
echo lowesl.f 1>&2
sed >lowesl.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lowesl.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine lowesl(iv,liv,lv,wv,m,z,l)
-      integer execnt,m,n
-      integer iv(*)
-      real l(m,*),wv(*),z(m,1)
-      external ehg182,ehg191
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      if(.not.(iv(28).ne.172))then
-         call ehg182(172)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(iv(28).eq.173))then
-         call ehg182(173)
-      end if
-      if(.not.(iv(26).ne.iv(34)))then
-         call ehg182(175)
-      end if
-      call ehg191(m,z,l,iv(2),iv(3),iv(19),iv(6),iv(17),iv(4),iv(iv(7)),
-     $wv(iv(12)),iv(iv(10)),iv(iv(9)),iv(iv(8)),wv(iv(11)),iv(14),wv(iv(
-     $24)),wv(iv(34)),iv(iv(25)))
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD lowesl.f
echo ehg191.f 1>&2
sed >ehg191.f <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ehg191.f' 's/^-//'
-      subroutine ehg191(m,z,l,d,n,nf,nv,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nvmax,vv
-     $al2,lf,lq)
-      integer lq1,d,execnt,i,i1,i2,j,m,n,nc,ncmax,nf,nv,nvmax,p,vc
-      integer lq(nvmax,nf),a(ncmax),c(vc,ncmax),hi(ncmax),lo(ncmax)
-      real l(m,n),lf(0:d,nvmax,nf),v(nvmax,d),vval2(0:d,nvmax),xi(ncmax)
-     $,z(m,d),zi(8)
-      real ehg128
-      external ehg128
-      save execnt
-      data execnt /0/
-      execnt=execnt+1
-      do 3 j=1,n
-         do 4 i2=1,nv
-            do 5 i1=0,d
-               vval2(i1,i2)=0
-    5       continue
-    4    continue
-         do 6 i=1,nv
-c           linear search for i in Lq
-            lq1=lq(i,1)
-            lq(i,1)=j
-            p=nf
-c           top of while loop
-    7       if(.not.(lq(i,p).ne.j))goto 8
-               p=p-1
-               goto 7
-c           bottom of while loop
-    8       lq(i,1)=lq1
-            if(lq(i,p).eq.j)then
-               do 9 i1=0,d
-                  vval2(i1,i)=lf(i1,i,p)
-    9          continue
-            end if
-    6    continue
-         do 10 i=1,m
-            do 11 i1=1,d
-               zi(i1)=z(i,i1)
-   11       continue
-            l(i,j)=ehg128(zi,d,ncmax,vc,a,xi,lo,hi,c,v,nvmax,vval2)
-   10    continue
-    3 continue
-      return
-      end
//GO.SYSIN DD ehg191.f