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Key Concepts For Parallel Out-Of-Core LU Factorization

Jack J. Dongarra tex2html_wrap_inline1373 gif - Sven Hammarling tex2html_wrap_inline1375 gif - David W. Walkergif

March 28, 1996


This paper considers key ideas in the design of out-of-core dense LU factorization routines. A left-looking variant of the LU factorization algorithm is shown to require less I/O to disk than the right-looking variant, and is used to develop a parallel, out-of-core implementation. This implementation makes use of a small library of parallel I/O routines, together with ScaLAPACK and PBLAS routines. Results for runs on an Intel Paragon are presented and interpreted using a simple performance model.

Jack Dongarra
Thu Apr 18 21:51:24 EDT 1996