TRISTAN - A 3D Relativistic Electromagnetic PIC Code
- url
- author
- Oscar Bunerman
- author
- Oscar Bunerman
- abstract
TRISTAN is a relativistic electromagnetic particle-in-cell(PIC) code,
originally written by the late Oscar Buneman. This package contains two
versions of the TRISTAN PIC code, a vectorized fortran77 version which
runs on Cray vector machines, and an MPL version which runs on MasPars.
The MPL version implements a particle migration strategy in which particles
migrate across the MasPar's processor as the simulation proceeds, in order
to ensure that no global router communications are required.
- description>
- reference
- contact
- Peter MacNeice
- keywords
- particle in cell method; application program
- environment
- Vectorized Fortran77, Cray; MPL, Maspar
- application
- magnetosphere simulations