We have divided this book into five main chapters.
gives the motivation for this book
and the use of templates.
stationary and nonstationary iterative methods. In
this chapter we present both historical development and
state-of-the-art methods for solving some of the most challenging
computational problems facing researchers.
focuses on preconditioners. Many
iterative methods depend in part on preconditioners to improve
performance and ensure fast convergence.
provides a glimpse of issues related
to the use of iterative methods.
This chapter, like the preceding, is
especially recommended for the experienced user who wishes to have
further guidelines for tailoring a specific code to a particular
It includes information on complex systems, stopping criteria,
data storage formats, and parallelism.
includes overviews of related
topics such as
the close connection between the Lanczos algorithm and the Conjugate
Gradient algorithm, block iterative methods,
red/black orderings,
domain decomposition methods,
multigrid-like methods, and
row-projection schemes.
The Appendices contain information on how the templates and BLAS software can be obtained. A glossary of important terms used in the book is also provided.
The field of iterative methods for solving systems of linear equations is in constant flux, with new methods and approaches continually being created, modified, tuned, and some eventually discarded. We expect the material in this book to undergo changes from time to time as some of these new approaches mature and become the state-of-the-art. Therefore, we plan to update the material included in this book periodically for future editions. We welcome your comments and criticisms of this work to help us in that updating process. Please send your comments and questions by email to templates@cs.utk.edu.
Below are short descriptions of each of the methods to be discussed, along with brief notes on the classification of the methods in terms of the class of matrices for which they are most appropriate. In later sections of this chapter more detailed descriptions of these methods are given.
The Jacobi method is based on solving for every variable locally with respect to the other variables; one iteration of the method corresponds to solving for every variable once. The resulting method is easy to understand and implement, but convergence is slow.
The Gauss-Seidel method is like the Jacobi method, except that it uses updated values as soon as they are available. In general, if the Jacobi method converges, the Gauss-Seidel method will converge faster than the Jacobi method, though still relatively slowly.
Successive Overrelaxation (SOR) can be derived from the Gauss-Seidel
method by introducing an extrapolation parameter
. For the
optimal choice of
, SOR may converge faster than Gauss-Seidel by
an order of magnitude.
Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation (SSOR) has no advantage over SOR as a stand-alone iterative method; however, it is useful as a preconditioner for nonstationary methods.
The conjugate gradient method derives its name from the fact that it generates a sequence of conjugate (or orthogonal) vectors. These vectors are the residuals of the iterates. They are also the gradients of a quadratic functional, the minimization of which is equivalent to solving the linear system. CG is an extremely effective method when the coefficient matrix is symmetric positive definite, since storage for only a limited number of vectors is required.
These methods are computational alternatives for CG for coefficient matrices that are symmetric but possibly indefinite. SYMMLQ will generate the same solution iterates as CG if the coefficient matrix is symmetric positive definite.
These methods are based on the application of the CG method to one of
two forms of the normal equations
. CGNE solves the system
and then
computes the solution
. CGNR solves
for the solution vector
. When the
coefficient matrix
is nonsymmetric and nonsingular, the normal
equations matrices
will be symmetric and positive
definite, and hence CG can be applied. The convergence may be slow,
since the spectrum of the normal equations matrices will be less
favorable than the spectrum of
The Generalized Minimal Residual method computes a sequence of orthogonal vectors (like MINRES), and combines these through a least-squares solve and update. However, unlike MINRES (and CG) it requires storing the whole sequence, so that a large amount of storage is needed. For this reason, restarted versions of this method are used. In restarted versions, computation and storage costs are limited by specifying a fixed number of vectors to be generated. This method is useful for general nonsymmetric matrices.
The Biconjugate Gradient method generates two CG-like sequences of
vectors, one based on a system with the original coefficient
, and one on
. Instead of orthogonalizing each
sequence, they are made mutually orthogonal, or
``bi-orthogonal''. This method, like CG, uses
limited storage. It is useful when the matrix is nonsymmetric and
nonsingular; however, convergence may be irregular, and there is a
possibility that the method will break down. BiCG requires a
multiplication with the coefficient matrix and with its transpose at
each iteration.
The Quasi-Minimal Residual method applies a least-squares solve and update to the BiCG residuals, thereby smoothing out the irregular convergence behavior of BiCG, which may lead to more reliable approximations. In full glory, it has a look ahead strategy built in that avoids the BiCG breakdown. Even without look ahead, QMR largely avoids the breakdown that can occur in BiCG. On the other hand, it does not effect a true minimization of either the error or the residual, and while it converges smoothly, it often does not improve on the BiCG in terms of the number of iteration steps.
The Conjugate Gradient Squared method is a variant of BiCG that
applies the updating operations for the
-sequence and the
-sequences both to the same vectors. Ideally, this would double
the convergence rate, but in practice convergence may be much more
irregular than for BiCG,
which may sometimes lead to unreliable results. A practical
advantage is that the method does not need the multiplications with
the transpose of the coefficient matrix.
The Biconjugate Gradient Stabilized method is a variant of BiCG, like
CGS, but using different updates for the
-sequence in order to
obtain smoother convergence than CGS.
The Chebyshev Iteration recursively determines polynomials with coefficients chosen to minimize the norm of the residual in a min-max sense. The coefficient matrix must be positive definite and knowledge of the extremal eigenvalues is required. This method has the advantage of requiring no inner products.
Efficient preconditioners for iterative methods can be found by
performing an incomplete factorization of the coefficient matrix. In
this section, we discuss the incomplete factorization of an
stored in the CRS format,
and routines to solve a system with such a factorization. At first we
only consider a factorization of the
type, that is,
the simplest type of factorization in which no ``fill'' is
allowed, even if the matrix has a nonzero in the fill position (see
). Later we will consider factorizations that
allow higher levels of fill. Such factorizations considerably more
complicated to code, but they are essential for complicated
differential equations. The solution routines are applicable in
both cases.
For iterative methods, such as
, that involve a transpose matrix
vector product we need to consider solving a system with the transpose
of as factorization as well.
In this subsection we will consider
a matrix split as
in diagonal, lower and upper
triangular part, and an incomplete factorization preconditioner of the form
. In this way, we only need to store a
diagonal matrix
containing the pivots of the factorization.
Hence,it suffices to allocate for the preconditioner only
a pivot array of length
In fact, we will store the inverses of the pivots
rather than the pivots themselves. This implies that during
the system solution no divisions have to be performed.
Additionally, we assume that an extra integer array
has been allocated that contains the column (or row) indices of the
diagonal elements in each row, that is,
The factorization begins by copying the matrix diagonal
for i = 1, n pivots(i) = val(diag_ptr(i)) end;Each elimination step starts by inverting the pivot
for i = 1, n pivots(i) = 1 / pivots(i)For all nonzero elements
for j = diag_ptr(i)+1, row_ptr(i+1)-1 found = FALSE for k = row_ptr(col_ind(j)), diag_ptr(col_ind(j))-1 if(col_ind(k) = i) then found = TRUE element = val(k) endif end;If so, we update
if (found = TRUE) pivots(col_ind(j)) = pivots(col_ind(j)) - element * pivots(i) * val(j) end; end;
The system
can be solved in the usual manner by introducing a
temporary vector
We have a choice between several equivalent ways of solving the system:
The first and fourth formulae are not suitable since they require
both multiplication and division with
; the difference between the
second and third is only one of ease of coding. In this section we use
the third formula; in the next section we will use the
second for the transpose system solution.
Both halves of the solution have largely the same structure as the matrix vector multiplication.
for i = 1, n sum = 0 for j = row_ptr(i), diag_ptr(i)-1 sum = sum + val(j) * z(col_ind(j)) end; z(i) = pivots(i) * (x(i)-sum) end; for i = n, 1, (step -1) sum = 0 for j = diag(i)+1, row_ptr(i+1)-1 sum = sum + val(j) * y(col_ind(j)) y(i) = z(i) - pivots(i) * sum end; end;The temporary vector z can be eliminated by reusing the space for y; algorithmically, z can even overwrite x, but overwriting input data is in general not recommended .
Solving the transpose system
is slightly more involved. In the usual
formulation we traverse rows when solving a factored system, but here
we can only access columns of the matrices
(at less
than prohibitive cost). The key idea is to distribute
each newly computed component of a triangular solve immediately over
the remaining right-hand-side.
For instance, if we write a lower triangular matrix as
, then the system
can be written as
. Hence, after computing
we modify
, and so on. Upper triangular systems are
treated in a similar manner.
With this algorithm we only access columns of the triangular systems.
Solving a transpose system with a matrix stored in CRS format
essentially means that we access rows of
The algorithm now becomes
for i = 1, n x_tmp(i) = x(i) end; for i = 1, n z(i) = x_tmp(i) tmp = pivots(i) * z(i) for j = diag_ptr(i)+1, row_ptr(i+1)-1 x_tmp(col_ind(j)) = x_tmp(col_ind(j)) - tmp * val(j) end; end; for i = n, 1 (step -1) y(i) = pivots(i) * z(i) for j = row_ptr(i), diag_ptr(i)-1 z(col_ind(j)) = z(col_ind(j)) - val(j) * y(i) end; end;The extra temporary x_tmp is used only for clarity, and can be overlapped with z. Both x_tmp and z can be considered to be equivalent to y. Overall, a CRS-based preconditioner solve uses short vector lengths, indirect addressing, and has essentially the same memory traffic patterns as that of the matrix-vector product.
Incomplete factorizations with several levels of fill allowed are more
accurate than the
factorization described above. On the
other hand, they require more storage, and are considerably harder to
implement (much of this section is based on algorithms for a full
factorization of a sparse matrix as found in Duff, Erisman and
As a preliminary, we need an algorithm for adding two vectors
, both stored in sparse storage. Let lx be the number
of nonzero components in
, let
be stored in x, and let
xind be an integer array such that
is stored as ly, y, yind.
We now add
by first copying y into
a full vector w then adding w to x. The total number
of operations will be
% copy y into w for i=1,ly w( yind(i) ) = y(i) % add w to x wherever x is already nonzero for i=1,lx if w( xind(i) ) <> 0 x(i) = x(i) + w( xind(i) ) w( xind(i) ) = 0 % add w to x by creating new components % wherever x is still zero for i=1,ly if w( yind(i) ) <> 0 then lx = lx+1 xind(lx) = yind(i) x(lx) = w( yind(i) ) endifIn order to add a sequence of vectors
For a slight refinement of the above algorithm, we will add levels to the nonzero components: we assume integer vectors xlev and ylev of length lx and ly respectively, and a full length level vector wlev corresponding to w. The addition algorithm then becomes:
% copy y into w for i=1,ly w( yind(i) ) = y(i) wlev( yind(i) ) = ylev(i) % add w to x wherever x is already nonzero; % don't change the levels for i=1,lx if w( xind(i) ) <> 0 x(i) = x(i) + w( xind(i) ) w( xind(i) ) = 0 % add w to x by creating new components % wherever x is still zero; % carry over levels for i=1,ly if w( yind(i) ) <> 0 then lx = lx+1 x(lx) = w( yind(i) ) xind(lx) = yind(i) xlev(lx) = wlev( yind(i) ) endif
We can now describe the
factorization. The algorithm starts
out with the matrix A, and gradually builds up
a factorization M of the form
, where
, and
are stored in the lower triangle, diagonal and
upper triangle of the array M respectively. The particular form
of the factorization is chosen to minimize the number of times that
the full vector w is copied back to sparse form.
Specifically, we use a sparse form of the following factorization scheme:
for k=1,n for j=1,k-1 for i=j+1,n a(k,i) = a(k,i) - a(k,j)*a(j,i) for j=k+1,n a(k,j) = a(k,j)/a(k,k)This is a row-oriented version of the traditional `left-looking' factorization algorithm.
We will describe an incomplete factorization that controls fill-in
through levels (see equation (
)). Alternatively we
could use a drop tolerance (section
), but this is less
attractive from a point of implementation. With fill levels we can
perform the factorization symbolically at first, determining storage
demands and reusing this information through a number of linear
systems of the same sparsity structure. Such preprocessing and reuse
of information is not possible with fill controlled by a drop
tolerance criterion.
The matrix arrays A and M are assumed to be in compressed row storage, with no particular ordering of the elements inside each row, but arrays adiag and mdiag point to the locations of the diagonal elements.
for row=1,n % go through elements A(row,col) with col<row COPY ROW row OF A() INTO DENSE VECTOR w for col=aptr(row),aptr(row+1)-1 if aind(col) < row then acol = aind(col) MULTIPLY ROW acol OF M() BY A(col) SUBTRACT THE RESULT FROM w ALLOWING FILL-IN UP TO LEVEL k endif INSERT w IN ROW row OF M() % invert the pivot M(mdiag(row)) = 1/M(mdiag(row)) % normalize the row of U for col=mptr(row),mptr(row+1)-1 if mind(col) > row M(col) = M(col) * M(mdiag(row))
The structure of a particular sparse matrix is likely to apply to a sequence of problems, for instance on different time-steps, or during a Newton iteration. Thus it may pay off to perform the above incomplete factorization first symbolically to determine the amount and location of fill-in and use this structure for the numerically different but structurally identical matrices. In this case, the array for the numerical values can be used to store the levels during the symbolic factorization phase.
Pipelining: See: Vector computer. Vector computer: Computer that is able to process consecutive identical operations (typically additions or multiplications) several times faster than intermixed operations of different types. Processing identical operations this way is called `pipelining' the operations. Shared memory: See: Parallel computer. Distributed memory: See: Parallel computer. Message passing: See: Parallel computer. Parallel computer: Computer with multiple independent processing units. If the processors have immediate access to the same memory, the memory is said to be shared; if processors have private memory that is not immediately visible to other processors, the memory is said to be distributed. In that case, processors communicate by message passing.
In this section we discuss aspects of parallelism in the iterative methods discussed in this book.
Since the iterative methods share most of their computational kernels we will discuss these independent of the method. The basic time-consuming kernels of iterative schemes are:
We will examine each of these in turn. We will conclude this section by discussing two particular issues, namely computational wavefronts in the SOR method, and block operations in the GMRES method.
The computation of an inner product of two vectors can be easily parallelized; each processor computes the inner product of corresponding segments of each vector (local inner products or LIPs). On distributed-memory machines the LIPs then have to be sent to other processors to be combined for the global inner product. This can be done either with an all-to-all send where every processor performs the summation of the LIPs, or by a global accumulation in one processor, followed by a broadcast of the final result. Clearly, this step requires communication.
For shared-memory machines, the accumulation of LIPs can be implemented as a critical section where all processors add their local result in turn to the global result, or as a piece of serial code, where one processor performs the summations.
Clearly, in the usual formulation of conjugate gradient-type methods
the inner products induce a synchronization of the
processors, since they cannot progress until the final result has been
can only begin after
completing the inner product for
. Since on a
distributed-memory machine communication is needed for the inner product, we
cannot overlap this communication with useful computation.
The same observation applies to updating
, which can only begin
after completing the inner product for
shows a variant of CG, in which all
communication time may be overlapped with useful computations. This
is just a reorganized version of the original CG scheme, and is
therefore precisely as stable. Another advantage over other
approaches (see below) is that no additional operations are required.
This rearrangement is based on two tricks. The first is that updating
the iterate is delayed to mask the communication stage of the
inner product. The second trick relies on splitting the
(symmetric) preconditioner as
, so one first computes
, after which the inner product
can be computed as
. The
computation of
will then mask the communication stage of the
inner product.
Figure: A rearrangement of Conjugate Gradient for parallelism
Under the assumptions that we have made, CG can be efficiently parallelized as follows:
Several authors have found ways to eliminate some of the synchronization points induced by the inner products in methods such as CG. One strategy has been to replace one of the two inner products typically present in conjugate gradient-like methods by one or two others in such a way that all inner products can be performed simultaneously. The global communication can then be packaged. A first such method was proposed by Saad [182] with a modification to improve its stability suggested by Meurant [156]. Recently, related methods have been proposed by Chronopoulos and Gear [55], D'Azevedo and Romine [62], and Eijkhout [88]. These schemes can also be applied to nonsymmetric methods such as BiCG. The stability of such methods is discussed by D'Azevedo, Eijkhout and Romine [61].
Another approach is to generate a number of
successive Krylov vectors (see §
) and
orthogonalize these as a block (see
Van Rosendale
[210], and Chronopoulos and
Vector updates are trivially parallelizable: each processor updates its own segment.
Iterative methods that can be expressed in the simple form
(where neither
depend upon the iteration count
) are
called stationary iterative methods.
In this section, we present the four main stationary iterative
methods: the Jacobi
method, the Gauss-Seidel
method, the Successive
(SOR) method and
the Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation
(SSOR) method.
In each case,
we summarize their convergence behavior and their effectiveness, and
discuss how and when they should be used. Finally,
in §
, we give some historical background and
further notes and references.
The matrix-vector products are often easily parallelized on shared-memory
machines by splitting the matrix in strips corresponding to the vector
segments. Each processor then computes the matrix-vector product of one
For distributed-memory machines, there may be a problem if each processor
has only a segment of the vector in its memory. Depending on the bandwidth
of the matrix, we may need communication for other elements of the vector,
which may lead to communication bottlenecks. However, many sparse
matrix problems arise from a network in which only nearby nodes are
connected. For example, matrices stemming
from finite difference or finite element problems typically involve
only local connections: matrix element
is nonzero
only if variables
are physically close.
In such a case, it seems natural to subdivide the network, or
grid, into suitable blocks and to distribute them over the processors.
When computing
, each processor requires the values of
some nodes in neighboring blocks. If the number of connections to these
neighboring blocks is small compared to the number of internal nodes,
then the communication time can be overlapped with computational work.
For more detailed discussions on implementation aspects for distributed
memory systems, see De Sturler
[63] and
Preconditioning is often the most problematic part of parallelizing an iterative method. We will mention a number of approaches to obtaining parallelism in preconditioning.
Certain preconditioners were not developed with parallelism in mind,
but they can be executed in parallel. Some examples are domain
decomposition methods (see §
), which
provide a high degree of coarse grained parallelism,
and polynomial preconditioners
(see §
), which have the same parallelism as
the matrix-vector product.
Incomplete factorization preconditioners are usually much harder to parallelize: using wavefronts of independent computations (see for instance Paolini and Radicati di Brozolo [170]) a modest amount of parallelism can be attained, but the implementation is complicated. For instance, a central difference discretization on regular grids gives wavefronts that are hyperplanes (see Van der Vorst [205] [203]).
Variants of existing sequential incomplete factorization preconditioners with a higher degree of parallelism have been devised, though they are perhaps less efficient in purely scalar terms than their ancestors. Some examples are: reorderings of the variables (see Duff and Meurant [79] and Eijkhout [85]), expansion of the factors in a truncated Neumann series (see Van der Vorst [201]), various block factorization methods (see Axelsson and Eijkhout [15] and Axelsson and Polman [21]), and multicolor preconditioners.
Multicolor preconditioners have optimal parallelism among incomplete factorization methods, since the minimal number of sequential steps equals the color number of the matrix graphs. For theory and applications to parallelism see Jones and Plassman [128] [127].
If all processors execute their part of the preconditioner solve
without further communication, the overall method is technically a
block Jacobi preconditioner (see §
While their parallel execution is very efficient, they
may not be as effective as more complicated, less parallel
preconditioners, since improvement in the number of iterations
may be only modest.
To get a bigger improvement while retaining the efficient parallel
Radicati di Brozolo and Robert
[178] suggest that one construct
incomplete decompositions on slightly overlapping domains. This requires
communication similar to that for matrix-vector products.
At first sight, the Gauss-Seidel method (and the SOR method which has the same basic structure) seems to be a fully sequential method. A more careful analysis, however, reveals a high degree of parallelism if the method is applied to sparse matrices such as those arising from discretized partial differential equations.
We start by partitioning the unknowns in wavefronts. The first
wavefront contains those unknowns that (in the directed graph of
) have no predecessor; subsequent wavefronts are then sets (this
definition is not necessarily unique) of successors of elements of the
previous wavefront(s), such that no successor/predecessor relations hold
among the elements of this set. It is clear that all elements of a
wavefront can be processed simultaneously, so the sequential time of
solving a system with
can be reduced to the number of
Next, we observe that the unknowns in a wavefront can be computed as soon as all wavefronts containing its predecessors have been computed. Thus we can, in the absence of tests for convergence, have components from several iterations being computed simultaneously. Adams and Jordan [2] observe that in this way the natural ordering of unknowns gives an iterative method that is mathematically equivalent to a multi-color ordering.
In the multi-color ordering, all wavefronts of the same color are
processed simultaneously. This reduces the number of sequential steps
for solving the Gauss-Seidel matrix to the number of colors, which is
the smallest number
such that wavefront
contains no
elements that are a predecessor of an element in wavefront
As demonstrated by O'Leary [164], SOR theory still holds in an approximate sense for multi-colored matrices. The above observation that the Gauss-Seidel method with the natural ordering is equivalent to a multicoloring cannot be extended to the SSOR method or wavefront-based incomplete factorization preconditioners for the Conjugate Gradient method. In fact, tests by Duff and Meurant [79] and an analysis by Eijkhout [85] show that multicolor incomplete factorization preconditioners in general may take a considerably larger number of iterations to converge than preconditioners based on the natural ordering. Whether this is offset by the increased parallelism depends on the application and the computer architecture.
In addition to the usual matrix-vector product, inner products and
vector updates, the preconditioned GMRES method
(see §
) has a kernel where one new vector,
, is orthogonalized against the previously built
orthogonal set {
In our version, this is
done using Level 1 BLAS, which may be quite inefficient. To
incorporate Level 2 BLAS we can apply either Householder
orthogonalization or classical Gram-Schmidt twice (which mitigates
classical Gram-Schmidt's potential instability; see
[185]). Both
approaches significantly increase the computational work, but using
classical Gram-Schmidt has the advantage that all inner products can
be performed simultaneously; that is, their communication can be
packaged. This may increase the efficiency of the computation
Another way to obtain more parallelism and
data locality is to generate a basis
, ...,
} for the Krylov subspace first,
and to orthogonalize this set afterwards; this is called
-step GMRES(
) (see Kim and Chronopoulos
(Compare this to the GMRES method in §
, where each
new vector is immediately orthogonalized to all previous vectors.)
This approach does not
increase the computational work and, in contrast to CG, the numerical
instability due to generating a possibly near-dependent set is not
necessarily a drawback.
As discussed by Paige and Saunders in [168] and by Golub and Van Loan in [109], it is straightforward to derive the conjugate gradient method for solving symmetric positive definite linear systems from the Lanczos algorithm for solving symmetric eigensystems and vice versa. As an example, let us consider how one can derive the Lanczos process for symmetric eigensystems from the (unpreconditioned) conjugate gradient method.
Suppose we define the
and the
upper bidiagonal matrix
where the sequences
are defined by the standard
conjugate gradient algorithm discussed in §
From the equations
, we have
, where
Assuming the elements of the sequence
it follows that
is a tridiagonal matrix since
Since span{
} =
} and since the elements of
are mutually orthogonal, it can be shown that the columns of
form an orthonormal basis
for the subspace
, where
is a diagonal matrix whose
th diagonal element is
. The columns of the matrix
are the Lanczos vectors (see
[171]) whose associated projection of
the tridiagonal matrix
The extremal eigenvalues of
approximate those of the
. Hence,
the diagonal and subdiagonal elements of
), which are readily available during iterations of the
conjugate gradient algorithm (§
can be used to construct
CG iterations. This
allows us to obtain good approximations to the extremal eigenvalues
(and hence the condition number) of the matrix
while we are generating
, to the solution of the linear system
For a nonsymmetric matrix
, an equivalent nonsymmetric Lanczos
algorithm (see Lanczos
[142]) would produce a
nonsymmetric matrix
in (
) whose extremal eigenvalues
(which may include complex-conjugate pairs) approximate those of
The nonsymmetric Lanczos method is equivalent to the BiCG method
discussed in §
The methods discussed so far are all subspace methods, that is, in every iteration they extend the dimension of the subspace generated. In fact, they generate an orthogonal basis for this subspace, by orthogonalizing the newly generated vector with respect to the previous basis vectors.
However, in the case of nonsymmetric coefficient matrices the newly generated vector may be almost linearly dependent on the existing basis. To prevent break-down or severe numerical error in such instances, methods have been proposed that perform a look-ahead step (see Freund, Gutknecht and Nachtigal [101], Parlett, Taylor and Liu [172], and Freund and Nachtigal [102]).
Several new, unorthogonalized, basis vectors are generated and are then orthogonalized with respect to the subspace already generated. Instead of generating a basis, such a method generates a series of low-dimensional orthogonal subspaces.
-step iterative methods of Chronopoulos and
[55] use this strategy of generating
unorthogonalized vectors and processing them as a block to reduce
computational overhead and improve processor cache behavior.
If conjugate gradient methods are considered to generate a factorization of a tridiagonal reduction of the original matrix, then look-ahead methods generate a block factorization of a block tridiagonal reduction of the matrix.
A block tridiagonal reduction is also effected by the
Block Lanczos algorithm and the Block Conjugate Gradient
(see O'Leary
Such methods operate on multiple linear systems with the same
coefficient matrix simultaneously, for instance with multiple right hand
sides, or the same right hand side but with different initial guesses.
Since these block methods use multiple search directions in each step,
their convergence behavior is better than for ordinary methods. In fact,
one can show that the spectrum of the matrix is effectively
reduced by the
smallest eigenvalues, where
is the block
The Jacobi method is easily derived by examining each of
equations in the linear system
in isolation. If in
th equation
we solve for the value of
while assuming the other entries
remain fixed, we obtain
This suggests an iterative method defined by
which is the Jacobi method. Note that the order in which the equations are examined is irrelevant, since the Jacobi method treats them independently. For this reason, the Jacobi method is also known as the method of simultaneous displacements, since the updates could in principle be done simultaneously.
Simultaneous displacements, method of: Jacobi method.
In matrix terms, the definition of the Jacobi method
in (
) can be expressed as
where the matrices
represent the diagonal, the
strictly lower-triangular, and the strictly upper-triangular parts of
The pseudocode for the Jacobi method is given in Figure
Note that an auxiliary storage vector,
is used in the
algorithm. It is not possible to update the vector
in place,
since values from
are needed throughout the
computation of
Reduced system: Linear system obtained by eliminating certain variables from another linear system. Although the number of variables is smaller than for the original system, the matrix of a reduced system generally has more nonzero entries. If the original matrix was symmetric and positive definite, then the reduced system has a smaller condition number.
As we have seen earlier, a suitable preconditioner for CG is a
such that the system
requires fewer iterations to solve than
does, and for which
can be solved efficiently. The first property is
independent of the machine used, while the second is highly machine
dependent. Choosing the best preconditioner involves balancing those
two criteria in a way that minimizes the overall computation time.
One balancing approach used for matrices
arising from
finite difference discretization of second order elliptic partial
differential equations (PDEs) with Dirichlet boundary conditions
involves solving a reduced system. Specifically, for an
grid, we can use a point red-black ordering of the nodes to
are diagonal, and
is a well-structured
sparse matrix with
nonzero diagonals if
is even and
nonzero diagonals if
is odd. Applying one step
of block Gaussian elimination (or computing the
Schur complement; see Golub and Van Loan
[109]) we have
which reduces to
With proper scaling (left and right multiplication by
we obtain from the second block equation the reduced system
, and
. The linear system (
) is of
for even
and of order
for odd
. Once
is determined, the solution
is easily retrieved from
. The
values on the black points are those that would be obtained from a
red/black ordered SSOR preconditioner on the full system, so we expect
faster convergence.
The number of nonzero coefficients is reduced, although the
coefficient matrix in (
) has nine nonzero diagonals.
Therefore it has higher density and offers more data locality.
Meier and Sameh
[150] demonstrate that the reduced system
approach on hierarchical memory
machines such as the Alliant FX/8 is over
times faster than unpreconditioned CG for Poisson's equation on
grids with
-dimensional elliptic PDEs, the reduced system approach yields
a block tridiagonal matrix
in (
) having diagonal
blocks of the structure of
from the
-dimensional case and
off-diagonal blocks that are diagonal matrices. Computing the reduced
system explicitly leads to an unreasonable increase in the
computational complexity of solving
. The matrix products
required to solve (
) would therefore be performed implicitly
which could significantly decrease performance. However, as Meier and
Sameh show
[150], the reduced system approach can still be about
times as fast as the conjugate gradient method with Jacobi
preconditioning for
-dimensional problems.
Domain decomposition method: Solution method for
linear systems based on a partitioning of the physical domain
of the differential equation. Domain decomposition methods typically
involve (repeated) independent system solution on the subdomains,
and some way of combining data from the subdomains on the separator
part of the domain.
In recent years, much attention has been given to domain decomposition methods for linear elliptic problems that are based on a partitioning of the domain of the physical problem. Since the subdomains can be handled independently, such methods are very attractive for coarse-grain parallel computers. On the other hand, it should be stressed that they can be very effective even on sequential computers.
In this brief survey, we shall restrict ourselves to the standard second order self-adjoint scalar elliptic problems in two dimensions of the form:
is a positive function on the domain
, on whose
boundary the value of
is prescribed (the Dirichlet problem). For
more general problems, and a good set of references, the reader is
referred to the series of
and the surveys
For the discretization of (
), we shall assume for
simplicity that
is triangulated by a set
of nonoverlapping
coarse triangles (subdomains)
vertices. The
's are in turn
further refined into a set of smaller triangles
internal vertices in total.
denote the coarse and fine mesh size respectively.
By a standard Ritz-Galerkin method using piecewise linear triangular
basis elements on (
), we obtain an
symmetric positive definite linear system
Generally, there are two kinds of approaches depending on whether the subdomains overlap with one another (Schwarz methods ) or are separated from one another by interfaces (Schur Complement methods , iterative substructuring).
We shall present domain decomposition methods as preconditioners
for the linear system
a reduced (Schur Complement) system
defined on the interfaces in the non-overlapping formulation.
When used with the standard Krylov subspace methods discussed
elsewhere in this book, the user has to supply a procedure
for computing
and the algorithms to be described
herein computes
The computation of
is a simple sparse matrix-vector
multiply, but
may require subdomain solves, as will be described later.
In this approach, each substructure
is extended to a
larger substructure
internal vertices and all the
, within a distance
, where
refers to the amount of overlap.
denote the the discretizations
of (
) on the subdomain
and the coarse triangulation
denote the extension operator which extends (by zero) a
function on
the corresponding pointwise restriction operator.
Similarly, let
denote the interpolation operator
which maps a function on the coarse grid
onto the fine
by piecewise linear interpolation
the corresponding weighted restriction operator.
With these notations, the Additive Schwarz Preconditioner
the system
can be compactly described as:
Note that the right hand side can be computed using
subdomain solves using the
's, plus a coarse grid solve using
, all of which can be computed in parallel. Each term
should be evaluated in three steps: (1) Restriction:
, (2) Subdomain solves for
, (3) Interpolation:
. The coarse grid solve is handled in the same manner.
The theory of Dryja and Widlund [76] shows that the condition number of
is bounded independently of both the coarse grid size
and the fine grid size
, provided there is ``sufficient'' overlap between
(essentially it means that the ratio
of the distance
of the boundary
should be uniformly bounded from below as
.) If the coarse grid solve term is left out, then the condition number grows as
, reflecting the lack of global coupling provided by the coarse grid.
For the purpose of implementations, it is often useful to interpret the definition of
in matrix notation. Thus the decomposition of
's corresponds to partitioning of the components of the vector
overlapping groups of index sets
's, each with
components. The
is simply a principal submatrix of
corresponding to the index set
is a
matrix defined by its action on a vector
defined on
but is zero otherwise. Similarly, the action of its transpose
forms an
-vector by picking off the components of
corresponding to
. Analogously,
is an
matrix with entries corresponding to piecewise linear interpolation and its transpose can be interpreted as a weighted restriction matrix. If
is obtained from
by nested refinement, the action of
can be efficiently computed as in a standard multigrid algorithm. Note that the matrices
are defined by their actions and need not be stored explicitly.
We also note that in this algebraic formulation, the preconditioner
can be extended to any matrix
, not necessarily one arising from a discretization of an elliptic problem. Once we have the partitioning index sets
's, the matrices
are defined. Furthermore, if
is positive definite, then
is guaranteed to be nonsingular. The difficulty is in defining the ``coarse grid'' matrices
, which inherently depends on knowledge of the grid structure. This part of the preconditioner can be left out, at the expense of a deteriorating convergence rate as
increases. Radicati and Robert [178] have experimented with such an algebraic overlapping block Jacobi preconditioner.
The easiest way to describe this approach is through
matrix notation.
The set of vertices of
can be divided into two groups.
The set of interior vertices
and the set of vertices
which lies on the boundaries
of the coarse triangles
We shall re-order
corresponding to this partition.
In this ordering, equation (
) can be written
as follows:
We note that since the subdomains are uncoupled by the boundary vertices,
is block-diagonal
with each block
being the stiffness matrix corresponding
to the unknowns belonging to the interior
vertices of subdomain
By a block LU-factorization of
, the system in (
can be written as:
is the Schur complement of
By eliminating
in (
), we arrive at
the following equation for
We note the following properties of this Schur Complement system:
inherits the symmetric positive definiteness of
is dense in general and computing it explicitly requires as many solves on each subdomain as there are points on each of its edges.
, an improvement over the
growth for
defined on the boundary vertices
, the matrix-vector product
can be computed according to
independent subdomain solves using
can also be computed using
independent subdomain solves.
We shall first describe the Bramble-Pasciak-Schatz preconditioner [36]. For this, we need to further decompose
into two non-overlapping index sets:
denote the set of nodes corresponding to the vertices
's of
, and
denote the set of nodes on the edges
's of the coarse triangles in
, excluding the vertices belonging to
In addition to the coarse grid interpolation and restriction operators
defined before, we shall also need a new set of interpolation and restriction operators for the edges
's. Let
be the pointwise restriction operator (an
matrix, where
is the number of vertices on the edge
) onto the edge
defined by its action
but is zero otherwise. The action of its transpose extends by zero a function defined on
to one defined on
Corresponding to this partition of
can be written in the block form:
The block
can again be block partitioned, with most of the subblocks being zero. The diagonal blocks
are the principal submatrices of
corresponding to
. Each
represents the coupling of nodes on interface
separating two neighboring subdomains.
In defining the preconditioner, the action of
is needed. However, as noted before, in general
is a dense matrix which is also expensive to compute, and even if we had it, it would be expensive to compute its action (we would need to compute its inverse or a Cholesky factorization). Fortunately, many efficiently invertible approximations to
have been proposed in the literature (see Keyes and Gropp [136]) and we shall use these so-called interface preconditioners for
instead. We mention one specific preconditioner:
is an
one dimensional Laplacian matrix, namely a tridiagonal matrix with
's down the main diagonal and
's down the two off-diagonals, and
is taken to be some average of the coefficient
. We note that since the eigen-decomposition of
is known and computable by the Fast Sine Transform, the action of
can be efficiently computed.
With these notations, the Bramble-Pasciak-Schatz preconditioner is defined by its action on a vector
defined on
as follows:
Analogous to the additive Schwarz preconditioner, the computation of each term consists of the three steps of restriction-inversion-interpolation and is independent of the others and thus can be carried out in parallel.
Bramble, Pasciak and Schatz [36] prove that the condition number of
is bounded by
. In practice, there is a slight growth in the number of iterations as
becomes small (i.e., as the fine grid is refined) or as
becomes large (i.e., as the coarse grid becomes coarser).
growth is due to the coupling of the unknowns on the edges incident on a common vertex
, which is not accounted for in
. Smith [191] proposed a vertex space modification to
which explicitly accounts for this coupling and therefore eliminates the dependence on
. The idea is to introduce further subsets of
called vertex spaces
consisting of a small set of vertices on the edges incident on the vertex
and adjacent to it. Note that
overlaps with
. Let
be the principal submatrix of
corresponding to
, and
be the corresponding restriction (pointwise) and extension (by zero) matrices. As before,
is dense and expensive to compute and factor/solve but efficiently invertible approximations (some using variants of the
operator defined before) have been developed in the literature (see Chan, Mathew and Shao [52]). We shall let
be such a preconditioner for
. Then Smith's Vertex Space preconditioner is defined by:
Smith [191] proved that the condition number of
is bounded independent of
, provided there is sufficient overlap of
As mentioned before, the Additive Schwarz preconditioner can be viewed as an overlapping block Jacobi preconditioner. Analogously, one can define a multiplicative Schwarz preconditioner which corresponds to a symmetric block Gauss-Seidel version. That is, the solves on each subdomain are performed sequentially, using the most current iterates as boundary conditions from neighboring subdomains. Even without conjugate gradient acceleration, the multiplicative method can take many fewer iterations than the additive version. However, the multiplicative version is not as parallelizable, although the degree of parallelism can be increased by trading off the convergence rate through multi-coloring the subdomains. The theory can be found in Bramble, et al. [37].
The exact solves involving
can be replaced by inexact solves
which can be standard elliptic preconditioners themselves
(e.g. multigrid, ILU, SSOR, etc.).
For the Schwarz methods, the modification is straightforward and the Inexact Solve Additive Schwarz Preconditioner is simply:
The Schur Complement methods require more changes to accommodate inexact solves. By replacing
in the definitions of
, we can easily obtain inexact preconditioners
. The main difficulty is, however, that the evaluation of the product
requires exact subdomain solves in
. One way to get around this is to use an inner iteration using
as a preconditioner for
in order to compute the action of
An alternative is to perform the iteration on the larger system
) and construct a preconditioner from the
factorization in (
) by replacing the terms
respectively, where
can be either
. Care must be taken to scale
so that they are as close to
as possible respectively - it is not sufficient that the condition number of
be close to unity, because the scaling of the coupling matrix
may be wrong.
The preconditioners given above extend naturally to nonsymmetric
's (e.g., convection-diffusion problems), at least when the
nonsymmetric part is not too large. The nice theoretical convergence
rates can be retained provided that the coarse grid size
is chosen
small enough (depending on the size of the nonsymmetric part of
(see Cai and Widlund
Practical implementations (especially for parallelism) of nonsymmetric
domain decomposition methods are discussed
, it has been observed empirically (see Gropp and
[111]) that there often exists an optimal value of
which minimizes the total computational time for solving the problem.
A small
provides a better, but more expensive, coarse grid
approximation, and requires solving more, but smaller, subdomain
solves. A large
has the opposite effect. For model problems, the
can be determined for both sequential and parallel
implementations (see Chan and Shao
[53]). In
practice, it may pay to determine a near optimal value of
empirically if the preconditioner is to be re-used many times.
However, there
may also be geometric constraints on the range of values that
Multigrid method: Solution method for linear systems based on restricting and extrapolating solutions between a series of nested grids.
Simple iterative methods (such as the Jacobi
method) tend to damp out high frequency components of the error
fastest (see §
). This has led people to
develop methods based on the following heuristic:
The method outlined above is said to be a ``V-cycle'' method, since it descends through a sequence of subsequently coarser grids, and then ascends this sequence in reverse order. A ``W-cycle'' method results from visiting the coarse grid twice, with possibly some smoothing steps in between.
An analysis of multigrid methods is relatively straightforward in the case of simple differential operators such as the Poisson operator on tensor product grids. In that case, each next coarse grid is taken to have the double grid spacing of the previous grid. In two dimensions, a coarse grid will have one quarter of the number of points of the corresponding fine grid. Since the coarse grid is again a tensor product grid, a Fourier analysis (see for instance Briggs [42]) can be used. For the more general case of self-adjoint elliptic operators on arbitrary domains a more sophisticated analysis is needed (see Hackbusch [117], McCormick [148]). Many multigrid methods can be shown to have an (almost) optimal number of operations, that is, the work involved is proportional to the number of variables.
From the above description it is clear that iterative methods play a
role in multigrid theory as smoothers (see
[133]). Conversely, multigrid-like
methods can be used as preconditioners in iterative methods. The basic
idea here is to partition the matrix on a given grid to a
with the variables in the second block row corresponding to the coarse grid nodes. The matrix on the next grid is then an incomplete version of the Schur complement
The coarse grid is typically formed based on a red-black or cyclic reduction ordering; see for instance Rodrigue and Wolitzer [180], and Elman [93].
Some multigrid preconditioners try to obtain optimality results similar to those for the full multigrid method. Here we will merely supply some pointers to the literature: Axelsson and Eijkhout [16], Axelsson and Vassilevski [22] [23], Braess [35], Maitre and Musy [145], McCormick and Thomas [149], Yserentant [218] and Wesseling [215].
Iterative methods are often used for solving discretized partial differential equations. In that context a rigorous analysis of the convergence of simple methods such as the Jacobi method can be given.
As an example, consider the boundary value problem
discretized by
The eigenfunctions of the
operator are the same:
the function
is an
eigenfunction corresponding to
. The
eigenvalues of the Jacobi iteration matrix
are then
From this it is easy to see that the high frequency modes (i.e.,
large) are damped quickly, whereas the
damping factor for modes with
small is close to
. The spectral
radius of the Jacobi iteration matrix is
, and it is attained for the eigenfunction
Spectral radius: The spectral radius of a matrix
Spectrum: The set of all eigenvalues of a matrix.
The type of analysis applied to this example can be generalized to
higher dimensions and other stationary iterative methods. For both the
Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel method
(below) the spectral radius is found to be
is the
discretization mesh width, i.e.,
is the
number of variables and
is the number of space dimensions.
Most iterative methods depend on spectral properties of the coefficient matrix, for instance some require the eigenvalues to be in the right half plane. A class of methods without this limitation is that of row projection methods (see Björck and Elfving [34], and Bramley and Sameh [38]). They are based on a block row partitioning of the coefficient matrix
and iterative application of orthogonal projectors
These methods have good parallel properties and seem to be robust in handling nonsymmetric and indefinite problems.
Row projection methods can be used as
preconditioners in the conjugate gradient method. In that case, there
is a theoretical connection with the conjugate gradient method on the
normal equations (see §
A large body of numerical software is freely available 24 hours a day via an electronic service called Netlib. In addition to the template material, there are dozens of other libraries, technical reports on various parallel computers and software, test data, facilities to automatically translate FORTRAN programs to C, bibliographies, names and addresses of scientists and mathematicians, and so on. One can communicate with Netlib in one of a number of ways: by email, through anonymous ftp (netlib2.cs.utk.edu) or (much more easily) via the World Wide Web through some web browser like Netscape or Mosaic. The url for the Templates work is: http://www.netlib.org/templates/ . The html version of this book can be found in: http://www.netlib.org/templates/Templates.html .
To get started using netlib, one sends a message of the form send index to netlib@ornl.gov. A description of the entire library should be sent to you within minutes (providing all the intervening networks as well as the netlib server are up).
FORTRAN and C versions of the templates for each method described in this book are available from Netlib. A user sends a request by electronic mail as follows:
mail netlib@ornl.govOn the subject line or in the body, single or multiple requests (one per line) may be made as follows:
send index from templates send sftemplates.shar from templatesThe first request results in a return e-mail message containing the index from the library templates, along with brief descriptions of its contents. The second request results in a return e-mail message consisting of a shar file containing the single precision FORTRAN routines and a README file. The versions of the templates that are available are listed in the table below:
Save the mail message to a file called templates.shar. Edit the mail header from this file and delete the lines down to and including << Cut Here >>. In the directory containing the shar file, type
sh templates.sharNo subdirectory will be created. The unpacked files will stay in the current directory. Each method is written as a separate subroutine in its own file, named after the method (e.g., CG.f, BiCGSTAB.f, GMRES.f). The argument parameters are the same for each, with the exception of the required matrix-vector products and preconditioner solvers (some require the transpose matrix). Also, the amount of workspace needed varies. The details are documented in each routine.
Note that the matrix-vector operations are accomplished using the BLAS [144] (many manufacturers have assembly coded these kernels for maximum performance), although a mask file is provided to link to user defined routines.
The README file gives more details, along with instructions for a test routine.
The BLAS give us a standardized set of basic codes for performing operations on vectors and matrices. BLAS take advantage of the Fortran storage structure and the structure of the mathematical system wherever possible. Additionally, many computers have the BLAS library optimized to their system. Here we use five routines:
The prefix ``S'' denotes single precision. This prefix may be changed to ``D'', ``C'', or ``Z'', giving the routine double, complex, or double complex precision. (Of course, the declarations would also have to be changed.) It is important to note that putting double precision into single variables works, but single into double will cause errors.
If we define
a(i,j) and
= x(i), we can see what the
code is doing:
ALPHA = SDOT( N, X, 1, Y, 1 )
computes the inner product of two
vectors The corresponding Fortran segment is
multiplies a
vector The corresponding Fortran segment is
DO I = 1, N Y(I) = ALPHA*X(I) + Y(I) ENDDO
CALL SGEMV( 'N', M, N, ONE, A, LDA, X, 1, ONE, B, 1 )
computes the matrix-vector product plus vector The corresponding Fortran segment:
DO J = 1, N DO I = 1, M B(I) = A(I,J)*X(J) + B(I) ENDDO ENDDO
This illustrates a feature of the BLAS that often requires close
attention. For example, we will use this routine to compute the residual
, where
is our current approximation to the
(merely change the fourth argument to -1.0E0). Vector
will be overwritten with the residual vector; thus, if we need it later, we
will first copy it to temporary storage.
CALL STRMV( 'U', 'N', 'N', N, A, LDA, X, 1 )
computes the
matrix-vector product The corresponding Fortran segment is
DO J = 1, N TEMP = X(J) DO I = 1, J X(I) = X(I) + TEMP*A(I,J) ENDDO ENDDO
Note that the parameters in single quotes are for descriptions
such as 'U'
for `No Transpose'. This
feature will be used extensively, resulting in storage savings
(among other advantages).
The variable LDA
is critical for addressing the array
correctly. LDA
is the leading dimension of the two-dimensional
array A
that is, LDA
is the declared (or allocated) number
of rows of the two-dimensional array
denote the largest and
smallest eigenvalues, respectively. For linear systems derived from
partial differential equations in 2D, the condition number is
proportional to the number of unknowns.
In this section, we present some of the notation we use throughout the book. We have tried to use standard notation that would be found in any current publication on the subjects covered.
Throughout, we follow several conventions:
We define matrix
of dimension
and block dimension
as follows:
We define vector
of dimension
as follows:
Other notation is as follows:
=0pt plus 40pt
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems:
Building Blocks for Iterative Methods
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The translation was initiated by Jack Dongarra on Mon Nov 20 08:52:54 EST 1995
Consider again the linear equations in (
). If
we proceed as with the Jacobi method, but now assume
that the equations are examined one at a time in sequence, and that
previously computed results are used as soon as they are available, we
obtain the Gauss-Seidel method:
Two important facts about the Gauss-Seidel method should be noted.
First, the computations in (
) appear
to be serial. Since each component of the new iterate depends upon
all previously computed components, the updates cannot be done
simultaneously as in the Jacobi method. Second, the new iterate
depends upon the order in which the equations are examined.
The Gauss-Seidel method is sometimes called the method of
successive displacements to indicate the dependence of the
iterates on the ordering. If this ordering is changed, the components of the new iterate (and not just their order) will
also change.
Successive displacements, method of: Gauss-Seidel method.
These two points are important because if
is sparse, the
dependency of each component of the new iterate on previous components
is not absolute. The presence of zeros in the matrix may remove the
influence of some of the previous components. Using a judicious
ordering of the equations, it may be possible to reduce such
dependence, thus restoring the ability to make updates to groups of
components in parallel. However, reordering the equations can affect
the rate at which the Gauss-Seidel
converges. A poor choice of ordering can degrade the rate of
convergence; a good choice can enhance the rate of convergence. For a
practical discussion of this tradeoff (parallelism versus convergence
rate) and some standard reorderings, the reader is referred to
and §
In matrix terms, the definition of the
Gauss-Seidel method
in (
) can be expressed as
As before,
represent the diagonal, lower-triangular,
and upper-triangular parts of
, respectively.
The pseudocode for the Gauss-Seidel algorithm is given in Figure
Figure: The Gauss-Seidel Method
The Successive Overrelaxation Method, or SOR, is devised by applying extrapolation to the Gauss-Seidel method. This extrapolation takes the form of a weighted average between the previous iterate and the computed Gauss-Seidel iterate successively for each component:
denotes a Gauss-Seidel iterate, and
is the
extrapolation factor). The
idea is to choose a value for
that will accelerate the rate
of convergence of the iterates to the solution.
In matrix terms, the SOR algorithm can be written as follows:
The pseudocode for the SOR algorithm is given in Figure
, the SOR method simplifies
to the Gauss-Seidel method. A theorem due to
[130] shows that SOR fails to
converge if
is outside the interval
. Though
technically the term underrelaxation
should be used when
, for convenience the term
is now used for any value
In general, it is not possible to compute in advance the value
that is optimal with respect to the rate of convergence of
SOR. Even when it is possible to compute the optimal value
, the expense of such computation is usually prohibitive.
Frequently, some heuristic estimate is used, such as
is the mesh spacing of the discretization of the
underlying physical domain.
If the coefficient matrix
is symmetric and positive definite, the
SOR iteration is guaranteed to converge for any
value of
between 0 and 2, though the choice of
significantly affect the rate at which the SOR iteration
converges. Sophisticated implementations of the SOR
algorithm (such as that found in ITPACK
[140]) employ adaptive
parameter estimation schemes to try to home in on the appropriate
value of
by estimating the rate at which the iteration is
Adaptive methods: Iterative methods that collect information
about the coefficient matrix during the iteration process, and use
this to speed up convergence.
Symmetric matrix: See: Matrix properties.
Diagonally dominant matrix: See: Matrix properties
-Matrix: See: Matrix properties.
Positive definite matrix: See: Matrix properties.
Matrix properties: We call a square matrix
For coefficient matrices of a special class called consistently
ordered with property A (see
[217]), which includes certain orderings of matrices
arising from the discretization of elliptic PDEs, there is a direct
relationship between the spectra of the Jacobi
and SOR iteration matrices. In principle, given the
spectral radius
of the
Jacobi iteration matrix, one can determine a priori the theoretically optimal value of
for SOR:
This is seldom done, since calculating the spectral radius of the
Jacobi matrix requires an impractical amount of computation. However,
relatively inexpensive rough estimates of
(for example, from
the power method, see Golub and Van Loan [p. 351]GoVL:matcomp)
can yield reasonable estimates for the optimal value of
If we assume that the coefficient matrix
is symmetric, then the
Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation method, or SSOR, combines two SOR
sweeps together in such a way that the resulting iteration matrix is
similar to a symmetric matrix. Specifically, the
first SOR sweep is carried out as
in (
), but in the second sweep the unknowns are
updated in the reverse order. That is, SSOR is a forward
SOR sweep followed by a
backward SOR sweep. The
similarity of the SSOR iteration matrix to a symmetric
matrix permits the application of SSOR as a preconditioner
for other iterative schemes for symmetric matrices. Indeed, this is
the primary motivation for SSOR since its convergence
, with an optimal value of
, is
usually slower than the convergence rate of SOR with
(see Young [page 462]Yo:book). For details on
using SSOR as a preconditioner, see
In matrix terms, the SSOR iteration can be expressed as follows:
Note that
is simply the iteration matrix for SOR
from (
), and that
is the same, but with the
roles of
The pseudocode for the SSOR algorithm is given in
The modern treatment of iterative methods dates back to the relaxation method of Southwell [193]. This was the precursor to the SOR method, though the order in which approximations to the unknowns were relaxed varied during the computation. Specifically, the next unknown was chosen based upon estimates of the location of the largest error in the current approximation. Because of this, Southwell's relaxation method was considered impractical for automated computing. It is interesting to note that the introduction of multiple-instruction, multiple data-stream (MIMD) parallel computers has rekindled an interest in so-called asynchronous , or chaotic iterative methods (see Chazan and Miranker [54], Baudet [30], and Elkin [92]), which are closely related to Southwell's original relaxation method. In chaotic methods, the order of relaxation is unconstrained, thereby eliminating costly synchronization of the processors, though the effect on convergence is difficult to predict.
The notion of accelerating the convergence of an iterative method by
extrapolation predates the development of SOR. Indeed, Southwell used
overrelaxation to accelerate the convergence of
his original relaxation method
. More
recently, the ad hoc SOR
method, in
which a different relaxation factor
is used for updating each
variable, has given impressive results for some classes of
problems (see Ehrlich
The three main references for the theory of stationary iterative methods are Varga [211], Young [217] and Hageman and Young [120]. The reader is referred to these books (and the references therein) for further details concerning the methods described in this section.
Nonstationary methods differ from stationary methods in that the computations involve information that changes at each iteration. Typically, constants are computed by taking inner products of residuals or other vectors arising from the iterative method.
The Conjugate Gradient method is an effective method for symmetric positive definite systems. It is the oldest and best known of the nonstationary methods discussed here. The method proceeds by generating vector sequences of iterates (i.e., successive approximations to the solution), residuals corresponding to the iterates, and search directions used in updating the iterates and residuals. Although the length of these sequences can become large, only a small number of vectors needs to be kept in memory. In every iteration of the method, two inner products are performed in order to compute update scalars that are defined to make the sequences satisfy certain orthogonality conditions. On a symmetric positive definite linear system these conditions imply that the distance to the true solution is minimized in some norm.
The iterates
are updated in each iteration by a multiple
of the
search direction vector
Correspondingly the residuals
are updated as
The choice
over all possible choices for
equation (
The search directions are updated using the residuals
where the choice
- or equivalently,
- are orthogonal
. In fact, one can
show that this choice of
orthogonal to
all previous
The pseudocode for the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method is
given in Figure
. It uses a preconditioner
one obtains the unpreconditioned version of the Conjugate Gradient
Algorithm. In that case the algorithm may be further simplified by skipping
the ``solve'' line, and replacing
Figure: The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method
The unpreconditioned conjugate gradient method constructs the
as an element of
so that
is minimized
, where
is the exact solution of
. This minimum is guaranteed
to exist in general only if
is symmetric positive definite. The
preconditioned version of the method uses a different subspace for
constructing the iterates, but it satisfies the same minimization
property, although over this different subspace. It requires in
addition that the preconditioner
is symmetric and positive
The above minimization of the error is equivalent to the residuals
orthogonal (that is,
). Since for symmetric
an orthogonal basis for the Krylov subspace
can be
constructed with only three-term recurrences
, such a recurrence also
suffices for generating the residuals. In the Conjugate
Gradient method two coupled two-term recurrences are used; one that
updates residuals using a search direction vector, and one updating
the search direction
with a newly computed residual.
This makes the
Conjugate Gradient Method quite attractive computationally.
Krylov sequence: For a given matrix
and vector
, the
sequence of vectors
, or a finite initial part
of this sequence.
Krylov subspace: The subspace spanned by a Krylov sequence.
There is a close relationship between the Conjugate Gradient method
and the Lanczos method
for determining eigensystems, since both are
based on the construction of an orthogonal basis for the Krylov
subspace, and a similarity transformation of the coefficient matrix to
tridiagonal form. The coefficients computed during
the CG iteration then arise from the
factorization of this
tridiagonal matrix.
From the CG iteration one can reconstruct the Lanczos process, and vice versa;
see Paige and Saunders
and Golub and Van Loan [.2.6]GoVL:matcomp.
This relationship can be exploited to obtain relevant information
about the eigensystem of the (preconditioned) matrix
see §
Accurate predictions of the convergence of iterative methods are
difficult to make, but useful bounds can often be obtained. For the
Conjugate Gradient method, the error can be
bounded in terms of the spectral condition number
of the
. (Recall that if
are the largest and smallest eigenvalues of a
symmetric positive definite matrix
, then the spectral condition
number of
. If
is the exact solution of the linear system
with symmetric positive definite matrix
, then for CG
symmetric positive definite preconditioner
, it can be shown that
(see Golub and Van Loan
[][.2.8]GoVL:matcomp, and
[131]), and
. From this
relation we see that the number of iterations to reach a relative
reduction of
in the error is proportional
In some cases, practical application of the above error bound is
straightforward. For example, elliptic second order partial
differential equations typically give rise to coefficient matrices
is the discretization mesh
width), independent of the order of the finite elements or differences
used, and of the number of space dimensions of the problem (see for
instance Axelsson and Barker [.5]AxBa:febook). Thus,
without preconditioning, we expect a number of iterations proportional
for the Conjugate Gradient method.
Other results concerning the behavior of the Conjugate Gradient
algorithm have been obtained. If the extremal eigenvalues of the
are well separated, then one often observes so-called
(see Concus, Golub and
[58]); that is, convergence at a
rate that increases per iteration.
This phenomenon is explained by
the fact that CG tends to eliminate components of the error in the
direction of eigenvectors associated with extremal eigenvalues first.
After these have been eliminated, the method proceeds as if these
eigenvalues did not exist in the given system, i.e., the
convergence rate depends on a reduced system with a (much) smaller
condition number (for an analysis of this, see Van der Sluis and
Van der Vorst
[199]). The effectiveness of
the preconditioner in reducing the condition number and in separating
extremal eigenvalues can be deduced by studying the approximated
eigenvalues of the related Lanczos process.
The Conjugate Gradient method involves one matrix-vector product, three
vector updates, and two inner products per iteration. Some slight
computational variants exist that have the same
structure (see Reid
[179]). Variants that cluster the inner products
, a favorable property on
parallel machines, are discussed in §
For a discussion of the Conjugate Gradient method on vector and shared memory computers, see Dongarra, et al. [166] [71]. For discussions of the method for more general parallel architectures see Demmel, Heath and Van der Vorst [67] and Ortega [166], and the references therein.
A more formal presentation of CG, as well as many theoretical properties, can be found in the textbook by Hackbusch [118]. Shorter presentations are given in Axelsson and Barker [14] and Golub and Van Loan [109]. An overview of papers published in the first 25 years of existence of the method is given in Golub and O'Leary [108].
The Conjugate Gradient method can be viewed as a special variant of
the Lanczos method
(see §
) for positive definite
symmetric systems. The MINRES
methods are variants that can
be applied to symmetric indefinite systems.
The vector sequences in the Conjugate Gradient method
correspond to a
factorization of a tridiagonal matrix similar to the coefficient
matrix. Therefore, a breakdown
of the algorithm can occur
corresponding to a zero pivot if the matrix is indefinite.
Furthermore, for indefinite matrices the minimization property of the
Conjugate Gradient method
is no longer well-defined. The
methods are variants of the CG method that avoid the
-factorization and do not suffer from breakdown. MINRES
the residual in the
. SYMMLQ solves the projected
system, but
does not minimize anything (it keeps the residual orthogonal to all
previous ones
). The convergence
behavior of Conjugate Gradients and MINRES
for indefinite systems was
analyzed by Paige, Parlett, and Van der Vorst
Breakdown: The occurrence of a zero coefficient that is to be used as a divisor in an iterative method.
is not positive definite, but symmetric, we can still
construct an orthogonal basis for the Krylov subspace
by three term recurrence relations.
Eliminating the
search directions
in equations (
and (
) gives a recurrence
which can be written in matrix form as
is an
tridiagonal matrix
In this case we have the problem that
longer defines an inner product. However we can still try to minimize
the residual in the
-norm by obtaining
that minimizes
Now we exploit the fact that if
, then
is an orthonormal transformation with respect to
the current Krylov subspace:
and this final expression can simply be seen as a minimum norm least squares problem.
The element in the
position of
can be
annihilated by a simple Givens rotation and the resulting upper
bidiagonal system (the other subdiagonal elements having been removed
in previous iteration steps) can simply be solved, which leads to the
MINRES method (see Paige and Saunders
Another possibility is to solve the system
, as in the CG method (
is the upper
part of
). Other than in CG we cannot rely on
the existence of a Cholesky decomposition
is not positive
definite). An alternative is then to decompose
by an
-decomposition. This again leads to simple recurrences and the
resulting method is known as SYMMLQ (see Paige and Saunders
The CGNE and CGNR methods are the simplest methods for nonsymmetric or indefinite systems. Since other methods for such systems are in general rather more complicated than the Conjugate Gradient method, transforming the system to a symmetric definite one and then applying the Conjugate Gradient method is attractive for its coding simplicity.
If a system of linear equations
has a nonsymmetric, possibly
indefinite (but nonsingular), coefficient matrix, one obvious attempt
at a solution is to apply Conjugate Gradient to a related symmetric positive definite system,
. While
this approach is easy to understand and code, the convergence speed of
the Conjugate Gradient method now depends on the square of the
condition number of the original coefficient matrix. Thus the
rate of convergence of the CG procedure on the normal equations
may be slow.
Several proposals have been made to improve the numerical stability of this method. The best known is by Paige and Saunders [169] and is based upon applying the Lanczos method to the auxiliary system
A clever execution of this scheme delivers the factors
of the
-decomposition of the tridiagonal matrix that would
have been computed by carrying out the Lanczos procedure with
Another means for improving the numerical stability of this normal
equations approach is suggested by Björck and Elfving in
The observation that the matrix
is used in the construction of
the iteration coefficients through an inner product like
leads to the suggestion that such an inner product
be replaced by
The Generalized Minimal Residual method [189] is an extension of MINRES (which is only applicable to symmetric systems) to unsymmetric systems. Like MINRES, it generates a sequence of orthogonal vectors, but in the absence of symmetry this can no longer be done with short recurrences; instead, all previously computed vectors in the orthogonal sequence have to be retained. For this reason, ``restarted '' versions of the method are used.
In the Conjugate Gradient method, the residuals form an orthogonal
for the space
. In GMRES, this
basis is formed explicitly:
The reader may recognize this as a modified Gram-Schmidt
Applied to the Krylov
this orthogonalization
is called the ``Arnoldi method''
The inner product coefficients
are stored in an upper Hessenberg matrix.
The GMRES iterates are constructed as
where the coefficients
have been chosen to minimize the residual
. The GMRES algorithm has the property that this
residual norm can be computed without the iterate having been formed.
Thus, the expensive action of forming the iterate can be postponed
until the residual norm is deemed small enough.
The pseudocode for the restarted
) algorithm with preconditioner
is given in
Figure: The Preconditioned GMRES
The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of many people who commented on preliminary drafts of this book. In particular, we thank Loyce Adams, Bill Coughran, Matthew Fishler, Peter Forsyth, Roland Freund, Gene Golub, Eric Grosse, Mark Jones, David Kincaid, Steve Lee, Tarek Mathew, Noël Nachtigal, Jim Ortega, and David Young for their insightful comments. We also thank Geoffrey Fox for initial discussions on the concept of templates, and Karin Remington for designing the front cover.
This work was supported in part by DARPA and ARO under contract number DAAL03-91-C-0047, the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center Cooperative Agreement No. CCR-8809615, the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC05-84OR21400, and the Stichting Nationale Computer Faciliteit (NCF) by Grant CRG 92.03.
The Generalized Minimum Residual (GMRES) method is designed to solve nonsymmetric linear systems (see Saad and Schultz [189]). The most popular form of GMRES is based on the modified Gram-Schmidt procedure, and uses restarts to control storage requirements.
If no restarts are used, GMRES
(like any orthogonalizing Krylov-subspace method) will
converge in no more than
steps (assuming exact arithmetic). Of
course this is of no practical value when
is large; moreover, the
storage and computational requirements in the absence of restarts are
prohibitive. Indeed, the crucial element for successful application
) revolves around the decision of when to restart; that
is, the choice of
. Unfortunately, there exist examples for which
the method stagnates
and convergence takes place only
at the
th step. For such systems, any choice of
less than
fails to converge.
Saad and Schultz
[189] have proven several useful results.
In particular, they show that if the coefficient matrix
is real
and nearly positive definite, then a ``reasonable'' value for
may be selected. Implications of the choice of
are discussed
A common implementation of GMRES is suggested by Saad and Schultz in [189] and relies on using modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Householder transformations, which are relatively costly but stable, have also been proposed. The Householder approach results in a three-fold increase in work associated with inner products and vector updates (not with matrix vector products); however, convergence may be better, especially for ill-conditioned systems (see Walker [214]). From the point of view of parallelism , Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization may be preferred, giving up some stability for better parallelization properties (see Demmel, Heath and Van der Vorst [67]). Here we adopt the Modified Gram-Schmidt approach.
The major drawback to GMRES is that the amount of work and storage
required per iteration rises linearly with the iteration count.
Unless one is fortunate enough to obtain extremely fast convergence,
the cost will rapidly become prohibitive. The usual way to overcome
this limitation is by restarting
the iteration. After a chosen number
) of iterations, the accumulated data are cleared and the
intermediate results are used as the initial data for the next
iterations. This procedure is repeated until convergence is
achieved. The difficulty is in choosing an appropriate value for
is ``too small'', GMRES(
) may be slow to converge, or fail
to converge entirely. A value of
that is larger than necessary
involves excessive work (and uses more storage). Unfortunately, there
are no definite rules governing the choice of
-choosing when to
restart is a matter of experience.
For a discussion of GMRES for vector and shared memory computers see Dongarra et al. [71]; for more general architectures, see Demmel, Heath and Van der Vorst [67] .
The Conjugate Gradient method is not suitable for nonsymmetric systems because the residual vectors cannot be made orthogonal with short recurrences (for proof of this see Voevodin [213] or Faber and Manteuffel [96]). The GMRES method retains orthogonality of the residuals by using long recurrences, at the cost of a larger storage demand. The BiConjugate Gradient method takes another approach, replacing the orthogonal sequence of residuals by two mutually orthogonal sequences, at the price of no longer providing a minimization.
The update relations for residuals in the Conjugate Gradient method
are augmented in the BiConjugate Gradient method by relations
that are similar
but based on
instead of
. Thus we update two sequences of
and two sequences of search directions
The choices
ensure the bi-orthogonality relations
The pseudocode for the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient
Method with preconditioner
is given in Figure
Figure: The Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Method
Few theoretical results are known about the convergence of BiCG. For
symmetric positive definite systems the method delivers the same
results as CG, but at twice the cost per iteration. For nonsymmetric
matrices it has been shown that in phases of the process where there
is significant reduction of the norm of the residual, the method is
more or less comparable to full GMRES
(in terms of numbers of
iterations) (see Freund and Nachtigal
[102]). In practice
this is often confirmed, but
it is also observed that the convergence behavior may be quite
, and the method may even break
. The breakdown
situation due to the possible event that
can be circumvented by so-called
look-ahead strategies
(see Parlett, Taylor and Liu
[172]). This
leads to
complicated codes and is beyond the scope of this book. The other
occurs when the
-decomposition fails (see the theory subsection
of §
), and can be repaired by
using another decomposition. This is done in the version of QMR
that we adopted
(see §
Sometimes, breakdown or near-breakdown situations can be satisfactorily avoided by a restart at the iteration step immediately before the (near-) breakdown step. Another possibility is to switch to a more robust (but possibly more expensive) method, like GMRES.
BiCG requires computing a matrix-vector product
and a
transpose product
. In some applications the
latter product may be impossible to perform, for instance if the
matrix is not formed explicitly
and the regular product is only given in operation form, for instance
as a function call evaluation.
In a parallel environment
, the two matrix-vector products can
theoretically be performed simultaneously; however,
in a distributed-memory environment, there will be extra communication
costs associated with one of the two matrix-vector products, depending
upon the storage scheme for
A duplicate copy of the
matrix will alleviate this problem, at the cost of doubling the
storage requirements for the matrix.
Care must also be exercised in choosing the preconditioner, since similar problems arise during the two solves involving the preconditioning matrix.
It is difficult to make a fair comparison between GMRES and BiCG. GMRES really minimizes a residual, but at the cost of increasing work for keeping all residuals orthogonal and increasing demands for memory space. BiCG does not minimize a residual, but often its accuracy is comparable to GMRES, at the cost of twice the amount of matrix vector products per iteration step. However, the generation of the basis vectors is relatively cheap and the memory requirements are modest. Several variants of BiCG have been proposed that increase the effectiveness of this class of methods in certain circumstances. These variants (CGS and Bi-CGSTAB) will be discussed in coming subsections.
The BiConjugate Gradient method often displays rather irregular
behavior. Moreover, the implicit
decomposition of the
reduced tridiagonal system may not exist, resulting in breakdown
of the algorithm. A related algorithm, the
Quasi-Minimal Residual method of Freund and
attempts to overcome
these problems. The main idea behind this algorithm is to solve the
reduced tridiagonal system in a least squares sense, similar to the
approach followed in GMRES.
Since the constructed basis for the
Krylov subspace
is bi-orthogonal
, rather than orthogonal as in GMRES,
the obtained solution is viewed as a quasi-minimal residual solution,
which explains the name. Additionally, QMR uses look-ahead techniques
to avoid breakdowns in the underlying Lanczos process, which makes it
more robust than BiCG.
Figure: The Preconditioned Quasi Minimal Residual Method
without Look-ahead
The convergence behavior of QMR
is typically much smoother than for BiCG.
Freund and Nachtigal
[102] present quite general error
bounds which show that
QMR may be expected to converge about as fast as GMRES. From a relation
between the residuals in BiCG and QMR
(Freund and Nachtigal [relation (5.10)]FrNa:qmr) one may deduce
that at phases in the
iteration process where BiCG makes significant progress, QMR has arrived
at about the same approximation for
On the other hand, when BiCG makes
no progress at all
, QMR may still show slow convergence.
The look-ahead steps in the version of the QMR method discussed in [102] prevents breakdown in all cases but the so-called ``incurable breakdown'', where no practical number of look-ahead steps would yield a next iterate.
The pseudocode for the Preconditioned Quasi Minimal Residual
Method, with preconditioner
is given in Figure
This algorithm follows the two term recurrence
without look-ahead, presented by Freund and
[103] as Algorithm 7.1.
This version of QMR is simpler to implement than the full QMR method
with look-ahead, but it is susceptible to breakdown of the underlying
Lanczos process. (Other implementational variations are whether to
scale Lanczos vectors or not, or to use three-term recurrences instead
of coupled two-term recurrences. Such decisions usually have implications
for the stability and the efficiency of the algorithm.)
A professional implementation of QMR
with look-ahead is given in Freund and Nachtigal's QMRPACK, which
is available through netlib; see Appendix
We have modified Algorithm 7.1 in [103] to include a relatively inexpensive recurrence relation for the computation of the residual vector. This requires a few extra vectors of storage and vector update operations per iteration, but it avoids expending a matrix-vector product on the residual calculation. Also, the algorithm has been modified so that only two full preconditioning steps are required instead of three.
Computation of the residual is done for the convergence test.
If one uses right (or post) preconditioning, that is
, then a
cheap upper bound for
can be computed in each iteration,
avoiding the recursions for
. For details,
see Freund and Nachtigal [proposition 4.1]FrNa:qmr. This upper
bound may be
pessimistic by a factor of at most
QMR has roughly the same problems with respect to vector and parallel implementation as BiCG. The scalar overhead per iteration is slightly more than for BiCG. In all cases where the slightly cheaper BiCG method converges irregularly (but fast enough), QMR may be preferred for stability reasons.
In BiCG, the residual vector
can be regarded as
the product
and an
th degree polynomial in
, that is
This same polynomial satisfies
so that
This suggests that if
to a smaller
, then it might be advantageous to apply this
``contraction'' operator twice, and compute
Equation (
) shows that the iteration coefficients can
still be recovered from these vectors, and it turns out to be easy to
find the corresponding approximations for
. This
approach leads to the Conjugate Gradient Squared method (see
Figure: The Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Squared Method
Often one observes a speed of convergence for CGS that is about twice
as fast as for BiCG, which is in agreement with the observation that
the same ``contraction'' operator is applied twice. However, there is
no reason that the ``contraction'' operator, even if it really reduces
the initial residual
, should also reduce the once reduced
. This is evidenced by the often
highly irregular convergence behavior of CGS
. One should be aware of
the fact that local corrections to the current solution may be so
large that cancelation effects occur. This may lead to a less
accurate solution than suggested by the updated residual
(see Van der Vorst
The method tends to diverge if the starting guess is close to the solution.
CGS requires about the same number of
operations per iteration as
BiCG, but does not involve computations with
. Hence, in
circumstances where computation with
is impractical, CGS may be
The pseudocode for the Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Squared
Method with preconditioner
is given in Figure
The BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized method (Bi-CGSTAB) was developed to
solve nonsymmetric linear systems while avoiding the often irregular
patterns of the Conjugate
Gradient Squared
method (see Van der Vorst
[207]). Instead of computing
the CGS sequence
, Bi-CGSTAB computes
is an
th degree polynomial describing a steepest
descent update.
Figure: The Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized Method
Bi-CGSTAB often converges about as fast as CGS,
sometimes faster and
sometimes not. CGS can be viewed as a method in which the BiCG
``contraction'' operator is applied twice. Bi-CGSTAB can be
interpreted as the product of BiCG and repeatedly applied GMRES(1). At
least locally, a residual vector is minimized
, which leads to a
considerably smoother
convergence behavior. On the
other hand, if the
local GMRES(1) step stagnates, then the Krylov subspace
is not
expanded, and Bi-CGSTAB will break down
. This is a breakdown situation
that can occur in addition to the other breakdown possibilities in the
underlying BiCG algorithm. This type of breakdown may be avoided by
combining BiCG with other methods, i.e., by selecting other
values for
(see the algorithm). One such alternative is
(see Gutknecht
[115]); more general
approaches are suggested by Sleijpen and Fokkema in
Note that Bi-CGSTAB has two stopping tests: if the method has already
converged at the first test on the norm of
, the subsequent update
would be numerically questionable. Additionally, stopping on the first
test saves a few unnecessary operations, but this is of minor importance.
Bi-CGSTAB requires two matrix-vector products and four inner products, i.e., two inner products more than BiCG and CGS.
The pseudocode for the Preconditioned BiConjugate Gradient Stabilized
Method with preconditioner
is given in Figure
Chebyshev Iteration is another method for solving
problems (see Golub and
Van Loan [.1.5]GoVL:matcomp and
Varga [Chapter 5]Va:book).
Chebyshev Iteration avoids the computation of inner products
as is
necessary for the other nonstationary methods.
For some distributed memory architectures
these inner products are a bottleneck
with respect to efficiency. The
price one pays for avoiding inner products is that the method requires
enough knowledge about the spectrum of the coefficient matrix
an ellipse enveloping the spectrum can be identified
however this
difficulty can be overcome via an adaptive construction
developed by
[146], and implemented by Ashby
Chebyshev iteration is suitable for any nonsymmetric linear system for
which the enveloping ellipse does not include the origin.
Comparing the pseudocode for Chebyshev Iteration with the pseudocode for the Conjugate Gradient method shows a high degree of similarity, except that no inner products are computed in Chebyshev Iteration .
must be selected so that they define a family of
with common center
and foci
which contain the
ellipse that encloses the spectrum (or more general, field of values)
and for which the rate
convergence is minimal:
is the length of the
-axis of the ellipse.
We provide code in which it is assumed that
the ellipse degenerate to the interval
that is all eigenvalues are real.
For code including the adaptive determination of the iteration
the reader is referred
to Ashby
The Chebyshev
method has the advantage over GMRES that only short recurrences are
used. On the other hand, GMRES is guaranteed to generate the smallest
residual over the current search space. The BiCG methods, which also
use short recurrences, do not minimize the residual in a suitable
norm; however, unlike Chebyshev iteration, they do not require
estimation of parameters (the spectrum of
). Finally, GMRES and
BiCG may be more effective in practice, because of superlinear
convergence behavior
, which cannot be expected for
For symmetric positive definite systems the ``ellipse'' enveloping the
spectrum degenerates to the interval
on the positive
-axis, where
are the smallest and largest eigenvalues of
. In circumstances where the computation of inner products
is a bottleneck
, it may be advantageous to start
with CG, compute
estimates of the extremal eigenvalues from the CG coefficients, and
then after sufficient convergence of these approximations switch to
Chebyshev Iteration
. A similar strategy
may be adopted for a switch from GMRES, or BiCG-type methods, to
Chebyshev Iteration.
In the symmetric case (where
and the preconditioner
are both
symmetric) for the Chebyshev Iteration we have the same upper
bound as for the Conjugate Gradient
method, provided
are computed from
(the extremal eigenvalues of the preconditioned
There is a severe penalty for overestimating
or underestimating the field of values. For example, if in the
symmetric case
is underestimated, then the method may
diverge; if it is overestimated then the result may be very slow
convergence. Similar statements can be made for the nonsymmetric case.
This implies that one needs fairly accurate bounds on the
spectrum of
for the method to be effective (in comparison
with CG or GMRES).
In Chebyshev Iteration the iteration parameters
are known as soon
as one knows the ellipse containing the eigenvalues (or rather, the
field of values) of the operator. Therefore the computation of
inner products, as is necessary in methods like GMRES or CG,
is avoided
This avoids the synchronization points required of CG-type methods, so
machines with hierarchical or distributed memory may achieve higher
performance (it also suggests strong parallelization properties
; for a
discussion of this see Saad
[185], and Dongarra, et
Specifically, as soon as some segment of
is computed, we may begin
computing, in sequence, corresponding segments of
, and
Figure: The Preconditioned Chebyshev Method
The pseudocode for the Preconditioned Chebyshev
Method with preconditioner
is given in Figure
It handles the case of a symmetric
positive definite coefficient matrix
. The
eigenvalues of
are assumed to be all real and in the
, which does not include
Efficient solution of a linear system is largely a function of the
proper choice of iterative method. However,
to obtain good performance, consideration must also be given to the
computational kernels of the method and how efficiently they can be
executed on the target architecture. This point is of particular
importance on parallel architectures; see §
Iterative methods are very different from direct methods in this respect. The performance of direct methods, both for dense and sparse systems, is largely that of the factorization of the matrix. This operation is absent in iterative methods (although preconditioners may require a setup phase), and with it, iterative methods lack dense matrix suboperations. Since such operations can be executed at very high efficiency on most current computer architectures, we expect a lower flop rate for iterative than for direct methods. (Dongarra and Van der Vorst [74] give some experimental results about this, and provide a benchmark code for iterative solvers.) Furthermore, the basic operations in iterative methods often use indirect addressing, depending on the data structure. Such operations also have a relatively low efficiency of execution.
However, this lower efficiency of execution does not imply anything about the total solution time for a given system. Furthermore, iterative methods are usually simpler to implement than direct methods, and since no full factorization has to be stored, they can handle much larger systems than direct methods.
In this section we summarize for each method
Table: Summary of Operations for Iteration
``a/b'' means ``a'' multiplications with the matrix and ``b'' with
its transpose.
lists the storage required for each method
(without preconditioning). Note that we are not including the storage
for the original
and we ignore scalar storage.
Table: Storage Requirements for the Methods in iteration
denotes the order of the matrix.
Selecting the ``best'' method for a given class of problems is largely
a matter of trial and error. It also depends on how much storage one
has available (GMRES), on the availability of
(BiCG and QMR),
and on how expensive the matrix vector products (and Solve steps with
) are in comparison to SAXPYs and inner products. If these matrix
vector products are relatively expensive, and if sufficient storage is
available then it may be attractive to use GMRES and delay restarting
as much as possible.
shows the type of operations performed per
iteration. Based on the particular problem or data structure, the
user may observe that a particular operation could be performed more
Methods based on orthogonalization were developed by a number of authors in the early '50s. Lanczos' method [142] was based on two mutually orthogonal vector sequences, and his motivation came from eigenvalue problems. In that context, the most prominent feature of the method is that it reduces the original matrix to tridiagonal form. Lanczos later applied his method to solving linear systems, in particular symmetric ones [143]. An important property for proving convergence of the method when solving linear systems is that the iterates are related to the initial residual by multiplication with a polynomial in the coefficient matrix.
The joint paper by Hestenes and Stiefel [122], after their independent discovery of the same method, is the classical description of the conjugate gradient method for solving linear systems. Although error-reduction properties are proved, and experiments showing premature convergence are reported, the conjugate gradient method is presented here as a direct method, rather than an iterative method.
This Hestenes/Stiefel method is closely related to a reduction of the Lanczos method to symmetric matrices, reducing the two mutually orthogonal sequences to one orthogonal sequence, but there is an important algorithmic difference. Whereas Lanczos used three-term recurrences, the method by Hestenes and Stiefel uses coupled two-term recurrences. By combining the two two-term recurrences (eliminating the ``search directions'') the Lanczos method is obtained.
A paper by Arnoldi [6] further discusses the Lanczos biorthogonalization method, but it also presents a new method, combining features of the Lanczos and Hestenes/Stiefel methods. Like the Lanczos method it is applied to nonsymmetric systems, and it does not use search directions. Like the Hestenes/Stiefel method, it generates only one, self-orthogonal sequence. This last fact, combined with the asymmetry of the coefficient matrix means that the method no longer effects a reduction to tridiagonal form, but instead one to upper Hessenberg form. Presented as ``minimized iterations in the Galerkin method'' this algorithm has become known as the Arnoldi algorithm.
The conjugate gradient method received little attention as a practical method for some time, partly because of a misperceived importance of the finite termination property. Reid [179] pointed out that the most important application area lay in sparse definite systems, and this renewed the interest in the method.
Several methods have been developed in later years that employ, most often implicitly, the upper Hessenberg matrix of the Arnoldi method. For an overview and characterization of these orthogonal projection methods for nonsymmetric systems see Ashby, Manteuffel and Saylor [10], Saad and Schultz [188], and Jea and Young [125].
Fletcher [98] proposed an implementation of the Lanczos method, similar to the Conjugate Gradient method, with two coupled two-term recurrences, which he named the bi-conjugate gradient method (BiCG).
Research into the design of Krylov subspace methods for solving nonsymmetric linear systems is an active field of research and new methods are still emerging. In this book, we have included only the best known and most popular methods, and in particular those for which extensive computational experience has been gathered. In this section, we shall briefly highlight some of the recent developments and other methods not treated here. A survey of methods up to about 1991 can be found in Freund, Golub and Nachtigal [106]. Two more recent reports by Meier-Yang [151] and Tong [197] have extensive numerical comparisons among various methods, including several more recent ones that have not been discussed in detail in this book.
Several suggestions have been made to reduce the increase in memory
and computational costs in GMRES. An obvious one is to restart (this one is included
in §
). Another approach is to restrict
the GMRES search to a suitable subspace of some higher-dimensional
Krylov subspace. Methods based on this idea can be viewed as
preconditioned GMRES methods. The simplest ones exploit a fixed
polynomial preconditioner (see Johnson, Micchelli and
[183], and Nachtigal,
Reichel and Trefethen
In more sophisticated approaches, the
polynomial preconditioner is adapted to the iterations
[187]), or the preconditioner may even be some other
(iterative) method of choice (Van der Vorst and
[209], Axelsson and
[24]). Stagnation is prevented in the GMRESR
method (Van der Vorst and Vuik
[209]) by including
LSQR steps in some phases of the process. In De Sturler and
[64], part of the optimality of GMRES is
maintained in the hybrid method GCRO, in which the iterations of the
preconditioning method are kept orthogonal to the iterations of the
underlying GCR method. All these approaches have advantages for some
problems, but it is far from clear a priori which strategy is
preferable in any given case.
Recent work has focused on endowing
the BiCG method with several desirable properties:
(1) avoiding breakdown;
(2) avoiding use of the transpose;
(3) efficient use of matrix-vector products;
(4) smooth convergence; and
(5) exploiting the work expended in forming the Krylov space with
for further reduction of the residual.
As discussed before, the BiCG method can have two kinds
of breakdown: Lanczos breakdown (the underlying Lanczos
process breaks down), and pivot breakdown (the
tridiagonal matrix
implicitly generated in the
underlying Lanczos process encounters a zero pivot when
Gaussian elimination without pivoting is used to factor it).
Although such exact breakdowns are very rare in practice, near
breakdowns can cause severe numerical stability problems.
The pivot breakdown is the easier one to overcome and there have been several approaches proposed in the literature. It should be noted that for symmetric matrices, Lanczos breakdown cannot occur and the only possible breakdown is pivot breakdown. The SYMMLQ and QMR methods discussed in this book circumvent pivot breakdown by solving least squares systems. Other methods tackling this problem can be found in Fletcher [98], Saad [181], Gutknecht [113], and Bank and Chan [29] [28].
Lanczos breakdown is much more difficult to eliminate. Recently, considerable attention has been given to analyzing the nature of the Lanczos breakdown (see Parlett [172], and Gutknecht [114] [116]), as well as various look-ahead techniques for remedying it (see Brezinski and Sadok [39], Brezinski, Zaglia and Sadok [41] [40], Freund and Nachtigal [102], Parlett [172], Nachtigal [160], Freund, Gutknecht and Nachtigal [101], Joubert [129], Freund, Golub and Nachtigal [106], and Gutknecht [114] [116]). However, the resulting algorithms are usually too complicated to give in template form (some codes of Freund and Nachtigal are available on netlib.) Moreover, it is still not possible to eliminate breakdowns that require look-ahead steps of arbitrary size (incurable breakdowns). So far, these methods have not yet received much practical use but some form of look-ahead may prove to be a crucial component in future methods.
In the BiCG method, the need for matrix-vector multiplies with
can be inconvenient as well as doubling the number of matrix-vector
multiplies compared with CG for each increase in the degree of the
underlying Krylov subspace.
Several recent methods have been proposed to overcome this drawback.
The most notable of these is the ingenious CGS method
by Sonneveld
discussed earlier, which computes the square of the
BiCG polynomial without requiring
- thus obviating the need for
When BiCG converges, CGS is often an attractive,
faster converging alternative.
However, CGS also inherits (and often magnifies) the breakdown
conditions and the irregular convergence of
BiCG (see Van der Vorst
CGS also generated interest in the possibility of product
methods, which generate iterates corresponding to a product of the
BiCG polynomial with another polynomial of the same degree,
chosen to have certain desirable properties but
computable without recourse to
. The
Bi-CGSTAB method of Van der Vorst
[207] is such an
example, in which the auxiliary polynomial is defined by a local
minimization chosen to smooth the convergence behavior.
[115] noted that Bi-CGSTAB could be viewed as a
product of BiCG and GMRES(1), and he suggested combining BiCG with
GMRES(2) for the even numbered iteration steps. This was anticipated
to lead to better convergence for the case where the eigenvalues of
are complex. A more efficient and more robust variant of this
approach has been suggested by Sleijpen and Fokkema
[190], where they describe how to easily combine
BiCG with any GMRES(
), for modest
Many other basic methods can also be squared. For example, by squaring the Lanczos procedure, Chan, de Pillis and Van der Vorst [45] obtained transpose-free implementations of BiCG and QMR. By squaring the QMR method, Freund and Szeto [104] derived a transpose-free QMR squared method which is quite competitive with CGS but with much smoother convergence. Unfortunately, these methods require an extra matrix-vector product per step (three instead of two) which makes them less efficient.
In addition to Bi-CGSTAB, several recent product methods have been designed to smooth the convergence of CGS. One idea is to use the quasi-minimal residual (QMR) principle to obtain smoothed iterates from the Krylov subspace generated by other product methods. Freund [105] proposed such a QMR version of CGS, which he called TFQMR. Numerical experiments show that TFQMR in most cases retains the desirable convergence features of CGS while correcting its erratic behavior. The transpose free nature of TFQMR, its low computational cost and its smooth convergence behavior make it an attractive alternative to CGS. On the other hand, since the BiCG polynomial is still used, TFQMR breaks down whenever CGS does. One possible remedy would be to combine TFQMR with a look-ahead Lanczos technique but this appears to be quite complicated and no methods of this kind have yet appeared in the literature. Recently, Chan et. al. [46] derived a similar QMR version of Van der Vorst's Bi-CGSTAB method, which is called QMRCGSTAB. These methods offer smoother convergence over CGS and Bi-CGSTAB with little additional cost.
There is no clear best Krylov subspace method at this time, and there will never be a best overall Krylov subspace method. Each of the methods is a winner in a specific problem class, and the main problem is to identify these classes and to construct new methods for uncovered classes. The paper by Nachtigal, Reddy and Trefethen [158] shows that for any of a group of methods (CG, BiCG, GMRES, CGNE, and CGS), there is a class of problems for which a given method is the winner and another one is the loser. This shows clearly that there will be no ultimate method. The best we can hope for is some expert system that guides the user in his/her choice. Hence, iterative methods will never reach the robustness of direct methods, nor will they beat direct methods for all problems. For some problems, iterative schemes will be most attractive, and for others, direct methods (or multigrid). We hope to find suitable methods (and preconditioners) for classes of very large problems that we are yet unable to solve by any known method, because of CPU-restrictions, memory, convergence problems, ill-conditioning, et cetera.
The convergence rate of iterative methods depends on spectral properties of the coefficient matrix. Hence one may attempt to transform the linear system into one that is equivalent in the sense that it has the same solution, but that has more favorable spectral properties. A preconditioner is a matrix that effects such a transformation.
For instance, if a matrix
approximates the coefficient matrix
in some way, the transformed system
has the same solution as the original system
, but the spectral
properties of its coefficient matrix
may be more favorable.
In devising a preconditioner, we are faced with a choice between finding
a matrix
that approximates
, and for which solving a system is
easier than solving one with
, or finding a matrix
, so that only multiplication by
is needed.
The majority of preconditioners falls in the first category; a notable
example of the second category will be discussed in §
Since using a preconditioner in an iterative method incurs some extra cost, both initially for the setup, and per iteration for applying it, there is a trade-off between the cost of constructing and applying the preconditioner, and the gain in convergence speed. Certain preconditioners need little or no construction phase at all (for instance the SSOR preconditioner), but for others, such as incomplete factorizations, there can be substantial work involved. Although the work in scalar terms may be comparable to a single iteration, the construction of the preconditioner may not be vectorizable/parallelizable even if application of the preconditioner is. In that case, the initial cost has to be amortized over the iterations, or over repeated use of the same preconditioner in multiple linear systems.
Most preconditioners take in their application an amount of work proportional to the number of variables. This implies that they multiply the work per iteration by a constant factor. On the other hand, the number of iterations as a function of the matrix size is usually only improved by a constant. Certain preconditioners are able to improve on this situation, most notably the modified incomplete factorizations and preconditioners based on multigrid techniques.
On parallel machines there is a further trade-off between the efficacy of a preconditioner in the classical sense, and its parallel efficiency. Many of the traditional preconditioners have a large sequential component.
The above transformation of the linear system
is often not what is used in practice. For instance, the matrix
not symmetric, so, even if
are, the conjugate gradients
method is not immediately applicable to this system. The method as
described in figure
remedies this by employing the
-inner product for orthogonalization of the residuals. The
theory of the cg method is then applicable again.
All cg-type methods in this book, with the exception of QMR, have been derived with such a combination of preconditioned iteration matrix and correspondingly changed inner product.
Another way of deriving the preconditioned conjugate gradients method
would be to split the preconditioner as
to transform the system as
is symmetric and
, it is obvious that we now have a
method with a symmetric iteration matrix, hence the conjugate
gradients method can be applied.
Remarkably, the splitting of
is in practice not needed.
By rewriting the steps of the method (see for
instance Axelsson and
Barker [pgs. 16,29]AxBa:febook or Golub and
Van Loan [.3]GoVL:matcomp) it
is usually possible to reintroduce a computational step
that is, a step that applies the preconditioner in its entirety.
There is a different approach to preconditioning, which is much easier to derive. Consider again the system.
The matrices
are called the left-
and right preconditioners
, respectively, and we can simply apply an
unpreconditioned iterative method to this system. Only two additional
before the iterative process and
after are necessary.
Thus we arrive at the following schematic for deriving a left/right preconditioned iterative method from any of the symmetrically preconditioned methods in this book.
is the final calculated solution.
The simplest preconditioner consists of just the diagonal of the matrix:
This is known as the (point) Jacobi preconditioner.
It is possible to use this preconditioner without using any extra storage beyond that of the matrix itself. However, division operations are usually quite costly, so in practice storage is allocated for the reciprocals of the matrix diagonal. This strategy applies to many preconditioners below.
Block versions of the Jacobi preconditioner can be derived by a
partitioning of the variables. If the index set
is partitioned as
with the sets
disjoint, then
The preconditioner is now a block-diagonal matrix.
Often, natural choices for the partitioning suggest themselves:
Jacobi preconditioners need very little storage, even in the block case, and they are easy to implement. Additionally, on parallel computers they don't present any particular problems.
On the other hand, more sophisticated preconditioners usually yield
a larger improvement.
The SSOR preconditioner
like the Jacobi preconditioner, can be derived from the coefficient
matrix without any work.
If the original, symmetric, matrix is decomposed as
in its diagonal, lower, and upper triangular part, the SSOR matrix is defined as
or, parameterized by
The optimal value of the
parameter, like the
parameter in the SOR method, will reduce the number
of iterations to a lower order.
Specifically, for second order elliptic problems a spectral
condition number
is attainable
(see Axelsson and Barker [.4]AxBa:febook). In practice,
however, the spectral
information needed to calculate the optimal
is prohibitively
expensive to compute.
The SSOR matrix is given in factored form, so this preconditioner shares many properties of other factorization-based methods (see below). For instance, its suitability for vector processors or parallel architectures depends strongly on the ordering of the variables. On the other hand, since this factorization is given a priori, there is no possibility of breakdown as in the construction phase of incomplete factorization methods.
A broad class of preconditioners is based on incomplete factorizations
of the coefficient matrix. We call a factorization incomplete if
during the factorization process certain fill elements,
nonzero elements in the factorization in positions where the original
matrix had a zero, have been
ignored. Such a preconditioner is then given in factored form
lower and
upper triangular. The efficacy of the
preconditioner depends on how well
Which of the following statements is true?
Traditionally, users have asked for and been provided with black box software in the form of mathematical libraries such as LAPACK , LINPACK , NAG , and IMSL . More recently, the high-performance community has discovered that they must write custom software for their problem. Their reasons include inadequate functionality of existing software libraries, data structures that are not natural or convenient for a particular problem, and overly general software that sacrifices too much performance when applied to a special case of interest.
Can we meet the needs of both groups of users? We believe we can. Accordingly, in this book, we introduce the use of templates Template: Description of an algorithm, abstracting away from implementational details. A template is a description of a general algorithm rather than the executable object code or the source code more commonly found in a conventional software library. Nevertheless, although templates are general descriptions of key algorithms, they offer whatever degree of customization the user may desire. For example, they can be configured for the specific data structure of a problem or for the specific computing system on which the problem is to run.
We focus on the use of iterative methods for solving large sparse systems of linear equations.Iterative method: An algorithm that produces a sequence of approximations to the solution of a linear system of equations; the length of the sequence is not given a priori by the size of the system. Usually, the longer one iterates, the closer one is able to get to the true solution. See: Direct method.Direct method: An algorithm that produces the solution to a system of linear equations in a number of operations that is determined a priori by the size of the system. In exact arithmetic, a direct method yields the true solution to the system. See: Iterative method.
Many methods exist for solving such problems. The trick is to find the most effective method for the problem at hand. Unfortunately, a method that works well for one problem type may not work as well for another. Indeed, it may not work at all.
Thus, besides providing templates, we suggest how to choose and
implement an effective method, and how to specialize a method to
specific matrix types. We restrict ourselves to iterative
methods, which work by repeatedly improving an approximate solution
until it is accurate enough. These methods access the coefficient
of the linear system only via the
matrix-vector product
). Thus the user need only supply a subroutine
for computing
(and perhaps
) given
, which permits full
exploitation of the sparsity or other special structure of
We believe that after reading this book, applications developers will be able to use templates to get their program running on a parallel machine quickly. Nonspecialists will know how to choose and implement an approach to solve a particular problem. Specialists will be able to assemble and modify their codes-without having to make the huge investment that has, up to now, been required to tune large-scale applications for each particular machine. Finally, we hope that all users will gain a better understanding of the algorithms employed. While education has not been one of the traditional goals of mathematical software, we believe that our approach will go a long way in providing such a valuable service.
Incomplete factorizations are the first preconditioners we have encountered so far for which there is a non-trivial creation stage. Incomplete factorizations may break down (attempted division by zero pivot) or result in indefinite matrices (negative pivots) even if the full factorization of the same matrix is guaranteed to exist and yield a positive definite matrix.
An incomplete factorization is guaranteed to exist for many
factorization strategies if the original matrix is an
This was originally proved by Meijerink and
Van der Vorst
[152]; see
further Beauwens and Quenon
[147], and
Van der Vorst
In cases where pivots are zero or negative, strategies have been
proposed such as substituting an arbitrary positive
number (see Kershaw
[132]), or restarting the factorization
for some positive value of
An important consideration for incomplete factorization preconditioners is the cost of the factorization process. Even if the incomplete factorization exists, the number of operations involved in creating it is at least as much as for solving a system with such a coefficient matrix, so the cost may equal that of one or more iterations of the iterative method. On parallel computers this problem is aggravated by the generally poor parallel efficiency of the factorization.
Such factorization costs can be amortized if the iterative method takes many iterations, or if the same preconditioner will be used for several linear systems, for instance in successive time steps or Newton iterations.
Incomplete factorizations can be given in various forms. If
nonsingular triangular matrices),
solving a system proceeds in the usual way
Figure: Preconditioner solve of a system
, with
but often incomplete factorizations are given as
diagonal, and
now strictly triangular matrices, determined through
the factorization process).
In that case, one could use either of the following equivalent
formulations for
In either case, the diagonal elements are used twice (not three times
as the formula for
would lead one to expect), and since only
divisions with
are performed, storing
explicitly is the
practical thing to do.
Figure: Preconditioner solve of a system
At the cost of some extra storage, one could store
, thereby saving some computation.
Solving a system using the first formulation is
outlined in figure
. The second formulation is
slightly harder to implement.
The most common type of incomplete factorization is based on taking a
of matrix positions, and keeping all positions outside this
set equal to zero during the factorization. The resulting
factorization is incomplete in the sense that fill is suppressed.
The set
is usually chosen to encompass all positions
. A position that is zero in
but not so in an
exact factorization
is called a fill position, and if it is
, the fill there is said to be ``discarded''.
is chosen to coincide with the set of nonzero positions
, discarding all fill. This factorization type is called
factorization: the Incomplete
factorization of
level zero
We can describe an incomplete factorization formally as
Meijerink and Van der Vorst
[152] proved that, if
-matrix, such a factorization exists for any choice of
, and
gives a symmetric positive definite matrix if
is symmetric
positive definite. Guidelines for allowing levels of fill were given
by Meijerink and Van der Vorst in
There are two major strategies for accepting or discarding fill-in,
one structural, and one numerical. The structural strategy is that of
accepting fill-in only to a certain level. As was already pointed out above,
any zero location
filling in (say in step
is assigned a fill level value
was already nonzero, the level value is not changed.
The numerical fill strategy is that of `drop tolerances': fill is ignored if it is too small, for a suitable definition of `small'. Although this definition makes more sense mathematically, it is harder to implement in practice, since the amount of storage needed for the factorization is not easy to predict. See [157] [20] for discussions of preconditioners using drop tolerances.
For the
method, the incomplete factorization produces no
nonzero elements beyond the sparsity structure
of the original matrix, so that the preconditioner at worst
takes exactly as much space to store as the original matrix. In a
simplified version of
, called
[174]), even less is needed. If not only we
prohibit fill-in elements, but we also alter only the diagonal
elements (that is, any alterations of off-diagonal elements are
we have the following situation.
Splitting the coefficient matrix into its diagonal, lower
triangular, and upper triangular parts as
, the
preconditioner can be written as
is the
diagonal matrix containing the pivots generated. Generating this
preconditioner is described in figure
Figure: Construction of a
factorization preconditioner, storing the inverses
of the pivots
Since we use the
upper and lower triangle of the matrix unchanged, only storage space
is needed. In fact, in order to avoid division operations
during the preconditioner solve stage we store
rather than
Remark: the resulting lower and upper factors of the preconditioner have
only nonzero elements in the set
, but this fact is in general not
true for the preconditioner
The fact that the
preconditioner contains the off-diagonal
parts of the original matrix was used by
[91] to derive at a more
efficient implementation of preconditioned CG. This new
implementation merges the application of the tridiagonal factors of
the matrix and the preconditioner, thereby saving a substantial number
of operations per iteration.
We will now consider the special case of
a matrix derived from central differences on a Cartesian product grid.
In this case the
factorizations coincide, and,
as remarked above, we only have to calculate the pivots of the
factorization; other elements in the triangular factors are equal to
off-diagonal elements of
In the following we will assume a natural, line-by-line, ordering of the grid points.
be coordinates in a regular 2D grid, it is easy to see
that the pivot on grid point
is only determined by
pivots on points
. If there are
points on
each of
grid lines,
we get the following generating relations for the pivots:
Conversely, we can describe the factorization algorithmically as
In the above we have assumed that the variables in the problem are ordered according to the so-called ``natural ordering'': a sequential numbering of the grid lines and the points within each grid line. Below we will encounter different orderings of the variables.
One modification to the basic idea of incomplete factorizations is as
If the product
is nonzero, and fill is not allowed in position
instead of simply discarding this fill quantity subtract it from
the diagonal element
Such a factorization scheme is usually called a ``modified incomplete
Mathematically this corresponds to forcing the preconditioner to have
the same rowsums as the original matrix.
One reason for considering modified incomplete factorizations is the
behavior of the spectral condition number of the preconditioned
system. It was mentioned above that for second order elliptic
equations the condition number of the
coefficient matrix is
as a function of the discretization
mesh width. This order of magnitude is preserved by simple incomplete
factorizations, although usually a reduction by a large constant
factor is obtained.
Modified factorizations are of interest because, in
combination with small perturbations, the spectral condition number of
the preconditioned system can be of a lower order.
It was first proved by Dupont, Kendall and
[81] that
a modified incomplete factorization of
for the central difference case. More
general proofs are given by Gustafsson
Axelsson and Barker [.2]AxBa:febook, and
Instead of keeping row sums constant, one can also keep column
sums constant.
In computational fluid mechanics this idea is justified with the argument
that the material balance stays constant over all iterates.
(Equivalently, one wishes to avoid `artificial
Appleyard and Cheshire
[4] observed that if
have the same column sums, the choice
that the sum of the elements in
(the material balance error) is
zero, and that all further
have elements summing to zero.
Modified incomplete factorizations can break down, especially when the variables are numbered other than in the natural row-by-row ordering. This was noted by Chan and Kuo [50], and a full analysis was given by Eijkhout [86] and Notay [161].
A slight variant of modified incomplete factorizations consists of the
class of ``relaxed incomplete factorizations''. Here the fill is
multiplied by a parameter
before it is subtracted from
the diagonal; see
Ashcraft and Grimes
Axelsson and Lindskog
[194], and
Van der Vorst
For the dangers of MILU in the presence of rounding error, see
Van der Vorst
At first it may appear that the sequential time of solving a
factorization is of the order of the number of variables, but things
are not quite that bad. Consider the special case of central
differences on a regular domain of
points. The variables
Figure: Wavefront solution of
from a central difference problem
on a domain of
on any diagonal in the domain, that is,
in locations
, depend
only on those on the previous diagonal, that is, with
Therefore it is possible to process the operations on such a diagonal,
or `wavefront'
in parallel (see figure
or have a vector computer pipeline them;
see Van der Vorst
Another way of vectorizing the solution of the triangular factors is
to use some form of expansion of the inverses of the factors.
Consider for a moment a lower triangular matrix, normalized to
the form
is strictly lower triangular). Its
inverse can be given as either of the following two series:
(The first series is called a ``Neumann expansion'', the second an ``Euler expansion''. Both series are finite, but their length prohibits practical use of this fact.) Parallel or vectorizable preconditioners can be derived from an incomplete factorization by taking a small number of terms in either series. Experiments indicate that a small number of terms, while giving high execution rates, yields almost the full precision of the more recursive triangular solution (see Axelsson and Eijkhout [15] and Van der Vorst [201]).
There are some practical considerations in implementing these
expansion algorithms. For instance, because of the normalization the
in equation (
) is not
. Rather, if we
have a preconditioner (as described in section
described by
then we write
Now we can choose whether or not to store the product
Doing so doubles the storage requirements for the matrix, not doing so
means that separate multiplications by
have to be
performed in the expansion.
Figure: Preconditioning step algorithm for
a Neumann expansion
of an incomplete factorization
Suppose then that the products
have been
stored. We then define
and replace solving a system
by computing
This algorithm is given in figure
The algorithms for vectorization outlined above can be used on parallel computers. For instance, variables on a wavefront can be processed in parallel, by dividing the wavefront over processors. More radical approaches for increasing the parallelism in incomplete factorizations are based on a renumbering of the problem variables. For instance, on rectangular domains one could start numbering the variables from all four corners simultaneously, thereby creating four simultaneous wavefronts, and therefore four-fold parallelism (see Dongarra, et al. [71], Van der Vorst [204] [202]) . The most extreme case is the red/black ordering (or for more general matrices the multi-color ordering) which gives the absolute minimum number of sequential steps.
Multi-coloring is also an attractive method for vector computers. Since points of one color are uncoupled, they can be processed as one vector; see Doi [68], Melhem [154], and Poole and Ortega [176].
However, for such ordering strategies there is usually a trade-off between the degree of parallelism and the resulting number of iterations. The reason for this is that a different ordering may give rise to a different error matrix, in particular the norm of the error matrix may vary considerably between orderings. See experimental results by Duff and Meurant [79] and a partial explanation of them by Eijkhout [85].
We can also consider block variants of preconditioners for accelerated methods. Block methods are normally feasible if the problem domain is a Cartesian product grid; in that case a natural division in lines (or planes in the 3-dimensional case), can be used for blocking, though incomplete factorizations are not as effective in the 3-dimensional case; see for instance Kettler [134]. In such a blocking scheme for Cartesian product grids, both the size and number of the blocks increases with the overall problem size.
Templates offer three significant advantages. First, templates are general and reusable. Thus, they can simplify ports to diverse machines. This feature is important given the diversity of parallel architectures.
Second, templates exploit the expertise of two distinct groups. The expert numerical analyst creates a template reflecting in-depth knowledge of a specific numerical technique. The computational scientist then provides ``value-added'' capability to the general template description, customizing it for specific contexts or applications needs.
And third, templates are not language specific. Rather, they are displayed in an Algol-like structure, which is readily translatable into the target language such as FORTRAN (with the use of the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms, or BLAS , whenever possible) and C. By using these familiar styles, we believe that the users will have trust in the algorithms. We also hope that users will gain a better understanding of numerical techniques and parallel programming.
For each template, we provide some or all of the following:
For each of the templates, the following can be obtained via electronic mail.
The starting point for an incomplete block factorization is a
partitioning of the matrix, as mentioned in §
Then an incomplete factorization is performed using the matrix blocks
as basic entities (see Axelsson
[12] and Concus, Golub
and Meurant
[57] as
basic references).
The most important difference with point methods arises in the inversion of the pivot blocks. Whereas inverting a scalar is easily done, in the block case two problems arise. First, inverting the pivot block is likely to be a costly operation. Second, initially the diagonal blocks of the matrix are likely to be be sparse and we would like to maintain this type of structure throughout the factorization. Hence the need for approximations of inverses arises.
Figure: Block version of a
In addition to this, often fill-in in off-diagonal blocks is discarded
altogether. Figure
describes an incomplete block
factorization that is analogous to the
) in that it only updates the diagonal blocks.
As in the case of incomplete point factorizations, the existence of
incomplete block methods is guaranteed if the coefficient
matrix is an
-matrix. For a general proof, see
In block factorizations a pivot block is generally forced to be sparse, typically of banded form, and that we need an approximation to its inverse that has a similar structure. Furthermore, this approximation should be easily computable, so we rule out the option of calculating the full inverse and taking a banded part of it.
The simplest approximation to
is the diagonal matrix
the reciprocals of the diagonal of
Figure: Algorithm for approximating the inverse of a banded matrix
Other possibilities were considered by
Axelsson and Eijkhout
Axelsson and Polman
Concus, Golub and Meurant
Eijkhout and Vassilevski
Kolotilina and Yeremin
and Meurant
[155]. One particular
example is given in figure
. It has the attractive
theoretical property that, if the original matrix is symmetric
positive definite and a factorization with positive diagonal
be made, the approximation to the inverse is again symmetric positive
Banded approximations to the inverse of banded matrices have a
theoretical justification. In the context of partial differential
equations the diagonal blocks of the coefficient matrix are usually
strongly diagonally dominant. For such matrices, the elements of the
inverse have a size that is exponentially decreasing in their distance
from the main diagonal. See Demko, Moss and
[65] for a general
proof, and Eijkhout and Polman
[89] for a more detailed
analysis in the
-matrix case.
In many applications, a block tridiagonal structure can be found in the coefficient matrix. Examples are problems on a 2D regular grid if the blocks correspond to lines of grid points, and problems on a regular 3D grid, if the blocks correspond to planes of grid points. Even if such a block tridiagonal structure does not arise naturally, it can be imposed by renumbering the variables in a Cuthill-McKee ordering [60].
Figure: Incomplete block factorization of a block tridiagonal matrix
Such a matrix has incomplete block factorizations of a particularly
simple nature: since no fill can occur outside the diagonal
all properties follow from our treatment of the pivot blocks. The
generating recurrence for the pivot blocks also takes a simple form,
see figure
. After the factorization we are left
with sequences of
block forming the pivots, and of
approximating their inverses.
One reason that block methods are of interest is that they are potentially more suitable for vector computers and parallel architectures. Consider the block factorization
is the block diagonal matrix of pivot blocks,
are the block lower and upper triangle of the factorization;
they coincide with
in the case of a block tridiagonal
We can turn this into an incomplete factorization by replacing the
block diagonal matrix of pivots
by the block diagonal matrix of
incomplete factorization pivots
, giving
For factorizations of this type (which covers all
methods in Concus, Golub and Meurant
[57] and
Kolotilina and Yeremin
[141]) solving
a linear system means solving
smaller systems with the
Alternatively, we can replace
by a
the inverse of the block diagonal matrix of the
approximations to the inverses of the pivots,
, giving
For this second type (which
was discussed by Meurant
[155], Axelsson and
[21] and Axelsson and
[15]) solving
a system with
entails multiplying by the
Therefore, the second type has a much higher potential for
vectorizability. Unfortunately, such a factorization is theoretically
more troublesome; see the above references or Eijkhout and
If the physical problem has several variables per grid point, that is, if there are several coupled partial differential equations, it is possible to introduce blocking in a natural way.
Blocking of the equations (which gives a small number of very large blocks) was used by Axelsson and Gustafsson [17] for the equations of linear elasticity, and blocking of the variables per node (which gives many very small blocks) was used by Aarden and Karlsson [1] for the semiconductor equations. A systematic comparison of the two approaches was made by Bank, et al. [26].
[184] proposes to construct an incomplete LQ factorization
of a general sparse matrix. The idea is to orthogonalize the rows
of the matrix by a Gram-Schmidt process (note that in sparse matrices,
most rows are typically orthogonal already, so that standard Gram-Schmidt
may be not so bad as in general). Saad suggest dropping strategies for
the fill-in produced in the orthogonalization process. It turns out that
the resulting incomplete L factor can be viewed as the incomplete Cholesky
factor of the matrix
. Experiments show that using
in a CG
process for the normal equations:
is effective for
some relevant problems.
So far, we have described preconditioners in only one of two classes: those that approximate the coefficient matrix, and where linear systems with the preconditioner as coefficient matrix are easier to solve than the original system. Polynomial preconditioners can be considered as members of the second class of preconditioners: direct approximations of the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
Suppose that the coefficient matrix
of the linear system is
normalized to
the form
, and that the spectral radius of
is less than
one. Using the Neumann series, we can write the inverse of
so an approximation may be derived by truncating this infinite series.
Since the iterative methods we are considering are already based on
the idea of applying polynomials in the coefficient matrix to the
initial residual, there are analytic connections between the basic
method and polynomially accelerated one.
Dubois, Greenbaum and Rodrigue
investigated the relationship between a basic method
using a splitting
, and a polynomially preconditioned method
The basic result is that for classical methods,
steps of the polynomially preconditioned method are
exactly equivalent to
steps of the original method; for accelerated
methods, specifically the Chebyshev method, the preconditioned
iteration can improve the number of iterations by at most a factor
Although there is no gain in the number of times the coefficient matrix is applied, polynomial preconditioning does eliminate a large fraction of the inner products and update operations, so there may be an overall increase in efficiency.
Let us define a polynomial preconditioner more abstractly as any
normalized to
. Now the choice of the
best polynomial preconditioner becomes that of choosing the best
polynomial that minimizes
. For the choice of the
infinity norm we thus obtain Chebyshev polynomials, and they require
estimates of both a lower and upper bound on the spectrum of
These estimates may be derived from the conjugate gradient iteration
itself; see §
Since an accurate lower bound on the spectrum of
may be hard to
obtain, Johnson, Micchelli and Paul
and Saad
[183] propose least
squares polynomials based on several weight functions.
These functions only require an upper bound and this is easily
computed, using for instance the ``Gerschgorin bound''
; see [.4]Va:book.
Experiments comparing Chebyshev and least squares polynomials can be
found in Ashby, Manteuffel and Otto
Application of polynomial preconditioning to symmetric indefinite problems is described by Ashby, Manteuffel and Saylor [9]. There the polynomial is chosen so that it transforms the system into a definite one.
A number of preconditioners exist that derive their justification from
properties of the underlying partial differential equation. We will
cover some of them here (see also §
and §
). These preconditioners usually involve more
work than the types discussed above, however, they allow for
specialized faster solution methods.
In §
we pointed out that conjugate
gradient methods for non-selfadjoint systems require the storage of
previously calculated vectors. Therefore it is somewhat remarkable
that preconditioning by the symmetric part
of the coefficient matrix
leads to a method that does not need this extended storage.
Such a method was proposed by Concus and Golub
and Widlund
However, solving a system with the symmetric part of a matrix may be no easier than solving a system with the full matrix. This problem may be tackled by imposing a nested iterative method, where a preconditioner based on the symmetric part is used. Vassilevski [212] proved that the efficiency of this preconditioner for the symmetric part carries over to the outer method.
In many applications, the coefficient matrix is symmetric and positive
definite. The reason for this is usually that the partial differential
operator from which it is derived is self-adjoint, coercive, and bounded
(see Axelsson and Barker [.2]AxBa:febook).
It follows that for the coefficient
the following relation holds for any matrix
from a
similar differential equation:
do not depend on the matrix size. The importance of
this is that the use of
as a preconditioner gives an iterative
method with a number of iterations that does not depend on the matrix size.
Thus we can precondition our original matrix by one derived from a different PDE, if one can be found that has attractive properties as preconditioner. The most common choice is to take a matrix from a separable PDE. A system involving such a matrix can be solved with various so-called ``fast solvers'', such as FFT methods, cyclic reduction, or the generalized marching algorithm (see Dorr [75], Swarztrauber [195], Bank [25] and Bank and Rose [27]).
As a simplest example, any elliptic operator can be preconditioned with the Poisson operator, giving the iterative method
In Concus and Golub [59] a transformation of this method is considered to speed up the convergence. As another example, if the original matrix arises from
the preconditioner can be formed from
An extension to the non-self adjoint case is considered by Elman and Schultz [94].
Fast solvers are attractive in that the number of operations they
require is (slightly higher than) of the order of the number of
variables. Coupled with the fact that the number of iterations in the
resulting preconditioned iterative methods is independent of the
matrix size, such methods are close to optimal. However, fast solvers
are usually only applicable if the physical domain is a rectangle or
other Cartesian product structure. (For a domain consisting of a
number of such pieces, domain decomposition methods can be used;
see §
Many iterative methods have been developed and it is impossible to cover them all. We chose the methods below either because they illustrate the historical development of iterative methods, or because they represent the current state-of-the-art for solving large sparse linear systems. The methods we discuss are:
We do not intend to write a ``cookbook'', and have deliberately avoided the words ``numerical recipes'', because these phrases imply that our algorithms can be used blindly without knowledge of the system of equations. The state of the art in iterative methods does not permit this: some knowledge about the linear system is needed to guarantee convergence of these algorithms, and generally the more that is known the more the algorithm can be tuned. Thus, we have chosen to present an algorithmic outline, with guidelines for choosing a method and implementing it on particular kinds of high-performance machines. We also discuss the use of preconditioners and relevant data storage issues.
The Poisson differential operator can be split in a natural way as the sum of two operators:
Now let
be discretized representations of
. Based on the observation that
, iterative schemes
such as
with suitable choices of
have been proposed.
This alternating direction implicit, or ADI, method was first
proposed as a solution method for parabolic equations. The
are then approximations on subsequent time steps. However, it can also
be used for the steady state, that is, for solving elliptic equations.
In that case, the
become subsequent iterates;
see D'Yakonov
Fairweather, Gourlay and Mitchell
[119], and
Peaceman and Rachford
of this scheme to variable coefficients or fourth order elliptic
problems is relatively straightforward.
The above method is implicit since it requires systems solutions, and it
alternates the
(and if necessary
) directions. It is
attractive from a practical point of view (although mostly on tensor
product grids), since solving a system with, for instance,
a matrix
entails only a number of uncoupled tridiagonal
solutions. These need very little storage over that needed for the
matrix, and they can be executed in parallel
, or one can vectorize
over them.
A theoretical reason that ADI preconditioners are of interest is that they can be shown to be spectrally equivalent to the original coefficient matrix. Hence the number of iterations is bounded independent of the condition number.
However, there is a problem of data distribution. For vector
computers, either the system solution with
or with
involve very large strides: if columns of variables in the grid are
stored contiguously, only the solution with
will involve
contiguous data. For the
the stride equals the number of
variables in a column.
On parallel machines an efficient solution is possible if the
processors are arranged in a
grid. During, e.g., the
solve, every processor row then works independently of other
rows. Inside each row, the processors can work together, for instance
using a Schur complement method. With sufficient network bandwidth
this will essentially reduce the time
to that for solving any of the subdomain
systems plus the time for the interface system. Thus, this method will
be close to optimal.
Conjugate gradient methods for real symmetric systems can be applied
to complex Hermitian systems in a straightforward manner. For
non-Hermitian complex systems we distinguish two cases. In general,
for any coefficient matrix a CGNE method is possible,
that is, a conjugate gradients method on the normal equations
or one can split the system into real and complex parts and use
a method such as GMRES on the resulting real nonsymmetric system.
However, in certain practical situations the complex system is
non-Hermitian but symmetric.
Complex symmetric systems can be solved by a classical conjugate
gradient or Lanczos method, that is, with short recurrences, if the
complex inner product
is replaced by
Like the BiConjugate Gradient method, this method is susceptible to
breakdown, that is, it can happen that
A look-ahead strategy can remedy this in most
cases (see Freund
and Van der Vorst and Melissen
Stopping criterion: Since an iterative method computes successive
approximations to the solution of a linear system, a practical test is needed
to determine when to stop the iteration. Ideally this test would measure
the distance of the last iterate to the true solution, but this is not
possible. Instead, various other metrics are used, typically involving
the residual.
Forward error: The difference between a computed iterate and
the true solution of a linear system, measured in some vector norm.
Backward error: The size of perturbations
the coefficient matrix and
of the right hand side
of a linear system, such that the computed iterate
is the
solution of
An iterative method produces a sequence
of vectors
converging to the vector
satisfying the
To be effective, a method must decide when to stop. A good stopping
criterion should
For the user wishing to read as little as possible,
the following simple stopping criterion will likely be adequate.
The user must supply the quantities
, stop_tol, and preferably also
Here is the algorithm:
Note that if
does not change much from step to step, which occurs
near convergence, then
need not be recomputed.
is not available, the stopping criterion may be replaced with
the generally stricter criterion
In either case, the final error bound is
If an estimate of
is available, one may also use the stopping
which guarantees that the relative error
in the computed solution is bounded by stop_tol.
Ideally we would like to stop when the magnitudes of entries of the error
fall below a user-supplied threshold.
is hard to estimate directly, so
we use the residual
instead, which is
more readily computed. The rest of this section describes how to measure
the sizes of vectors
, and how to bound
in terms of
We will measure errors using vector and matrix norms. The most common vector norms are:
For some algorithms we may also use the norm
, where
is a fixed nonsingular
matrix and
is one of
, or
Corresponding to these vector norms are three matrix norms:
as well as
We may also use the matrix norm
, where
denotes the largest eigenvalue.
will refer to any mutually
consistent pair of the above.
, as well as
, both form
mutually consistent pairs.)
All these norms satisfy the triangle inequality
, as well as
for mutually consistent pairs.
(For more details on the properties of norms, see Golub and
Van Loan
One difference between these norms is their dependence on dimension.
A vector
of length
with entries uniformly distributed between
0 and 1 will satisfy
, but
will grow
will grow like
. Therefore a stopping
criterion based on
) may have to be permitted to
grow proportional to
) in order that it does not become
much harder to satisfy for large
There are two approaches to bounding the
inaccuracy of the computed solution to
which we will call the forward error,
is hard to estimate directly,
we introduce
the backward error, which allows us to bound the forward error.
The normwise backward error is defined as
the smallest possible value of
is the exact solution of
denotes a general matrix, not
; the
same goes for
The backward error may be easily computed from the residual
; we show how below.
Provided one has
some bound on the inverse of
one can bound the forward error in terms of the backward error via
the simple equality
which implies
Therefore, a stopping criterion of the form ``stop when
'' also yields an upper bound on the forward error
. (Sometimes we may prefer to
use the stricter but harder to estimate bound
; see §
. Here
is the matrix or vector of absolute values of components of
The backward error also has a direct interpretation as a stopping
criterion, in addition to supplying a bound on the forward error.
Recall that the backward error is the smallest change
to the problem
that makes
an exact solution of
. If the original data
errors from previous computations or measurements,
then it is usually not worth iterating until
are even
smaller than these errors.
For example, if the machine precision is
, it is not
worth making
, because just rounding the entries
to fit in the machine creates errors this large.
Based on this discussion, we will now consider some stopping criteria and their properties. Above we already mentioned
The second stopping criterion we discussed, which does not require
may be much more stringent than Criterion 1:
This criterion yields the forward error bound
If an estimate of
is available, one can also just stop
when the upper bound on the error
falls below
a threshold. This yields the third stopping criterion:
permitting the user to specify the desired relative accuracy stop_tol
in the computed solution
One drawback to Criteria 1 and 2 is that they usually treat backward errors in
each component of
equally, since most
measure each entry of
For example, if
is sparse and
is dense, this loss of
possibly important structure will not be reflected in
In contrast, the following stopping criterion gives one the option of scaling
each component
including the possibility of insisting that some entries be zero.
The cost is an extra matrix-vector multiply:
is the matrix of absolute values of entries of
Finally, we mention one more criterion, not because we recommend it, but because it is widely used. We mention it in order to explain its potential drawbacks:
It is possible to design an iterative algorithm for which
is not directly available,
although this is not the case for any algorithms in this book.
For completeness, however, we discuss stopping criteria in this case.
For example, if ones ``splits''
to get the iterative
, then the
natural residual to compute is
In other words, the residual
is the same as the residual of the
preconditioned system
. In this case, it is
hard to interpret
as a backward error for the original system
, so we may instead derive a forward error bound
Using this as a stopping criterion requires an estimate of
In the case of methods based on
, we have
Another example is an implementation of the preconditioned conjugate
gradient algorithm which computes
instead of
implementation in this book computes the latter). Such an
implementation could use the stopping criterion
as in Criterion 5. We
may also use it to get the forward error bound
, which could also
be used in a stopping criterion.
Bounds on the error
inevitably rely on bounds for
. There is a large number of problem dependent
ways to estimate
; we mention a few here.
When a splitting
is used to get an iteration
then the matrix whose
inverse norm we need is
. Often, we know how to estimate
if the splitting is a standard one such as Jacobi or SOR,
and the matrix
has special characteristics such as Property A.
Then we may estimate
is symmetric positive definite, and Chebyshev acceleration with
adaptation of parameters is being used, then at each step the algorithm
estimates the largest and smallest eigenvalues
is symmetric positive definite,
This adaptive estimation is often done using the Lanczos algorithm
(see section
which can usually provide good estimates of the
largest (rightmost) and smallest (leftmost) eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix
at the cost of a few matrix-vector multiplies.
For general nonsymmetric
, we may apply
the Lanczos method to
and use the fact that
It is also possible to estimate
provided one is willing
to solve a few systems of linear equations with
as coefficient
matrices. This is often done with dense linear system solvers, because the
extra cost of these systems is
, which is small compared to the cost
of the LU decomposition (see Hager
[124] and Anderson, et al.
This is not the case for iterative solvers, where the cost of these
solves may well be several times as much as the original linear system.
Still, if many linear systems with the same coefficient matrix and
differing right-hand-sides are to be solved, it is a viable method.
The approach in the last paragraph also lets us estimate the alternate
error bound
This may be much smaller than the simpler
in the
case where the rows of
are badly scaled; consider the case of a
diagonal matrix
with widely varying diagonal entries. To
, let
denote the diagonal
matrix with diagonal entries equal to the entries of
; then
(see Arioli, Demmel and Duff
can be estimated using the
technique in the last paragraph since multiplying by
is no harder than multiplying
and also by
, a diagonal matrix.
In addition to limiting the total amount of work by limiting the maximum number of iterations one is willing to do, it is also natural to consider stopping when no apparent progress is being made. Some methods, such as Jacobi and SOR, often exhibit nearly monotone linear convergence, at least after some initial transients, so it is easy to recognize when convergence degrades. Other methods, like the conjugate gradient method, exhibit ``plateaus'' in their convergence, with the residual norm stagnating at a constant value for many iterations before decreasing again; in principle there can be many such plateaus (see Greenbaum and Strakos [110]) depending on the problem. Still other methods, such as CGS, can appear wildly nonconvergent for a large number of steps before the residual begins to decrease; convergence may continue to be erratic from step to step.
In other words, while it is a good idea to have a criterion that stops when progress towards a solution is no longer being made, the form of such a criterion is both method and problem dependent.
The error bounds discussed in this section are subject to floating point errors, most of which are innocuous, but which deserve some discussion.
The infinity norm
requires the fewest
floating point operations to compute, and cannot overflow or cause other
exceptions if the
are themselves finite
. On the other hand, computing
in the most straightforward manner
can easily overflow or lose accuracy to underflow even when the true result
is far from either the overflow or underflow thresholds. For this reason,
a careful implementation for computing
without this danger
is available (subroutine snrm2 in the BLAS
but it is more expensive than computing
Now consider computing the residual
by forming the
matrix-vector product
and then subtracting
, all in floating
point arithmetic with relative precision
. A standard error
analysis shows that the error
in the computed
is bounded by
, where
is typically bounded by
, and
usually closer to
. This is why one should not choose
in Criterion 1, and why Criterion 2 may not
be satisfied by any method.
This uncertainty in the value of
induces an uncertainty in the error
at most
A more refined bound is that the error
in the
th component of
is bounded by
times the
th component of
, or more tersely
This means the uncertainty in
is really bounded by
This last quantity can be estimated inexpensively provided solving systems
as coefficient matrices is inexpensive (see the last
paragraph of §
Both these bounds can be severe overestimates of the uncertainty in
but examples exist where they are attainable.
The efficiency of any of the iterative methods considered in previous sections is determined primarily by the performance of the matrix-vector product and the preconditioner solve, and therefore on the storage scheme used for the matrix and the preconditioner. Since iterative methods are typically used on sparse matrices, we will review here a number of sparse storage formats. Often, the storage scheme used arises naturally from the specific application problem.
Storage scheme: The way elements of a matrix are stored in the memory of a computer. For dense matrices, this can be the decision to store rows or columns consecutively. For sparse matrices, common storage schemes avoid storing zero elements; as a result they involve integer data describing where the stored elements fit into the global matrix.
In this section we will review some of the more popular sparse matrix formats that are used in numerical software packages such as ITPACK [140] and NSPCG [165]. After surveying the various formats, we demonstrate how the matrix-vector product and an incomplete factorization solve are formulated using two of the sparse matrix formats.
The term ``iterative method'' refers to a wide range of techniques that use successive approximations to obtain more accurate solutions to a linear system at each step. In this book we will cover two types of iterative methods. Stationary methods are older, simpler to understand and implement, but usually not as effective. Nonstationary methods are a relatively recent development; their analysis is usually harder to understand, but they can be highly effective. The nonstationary methods we present are based on the idea of sequences of orthogonal vectors. (An exception is the Chebyshev iteration method, which is based on orthogonal polynomials.)
Stationary iterative method: Iterative method that performs in each iteration the same operations on the current iteration vectors. Nonstationary iterative method: Iterative method that has iteration-dependent coefficients. Dense matrix: Matrix for which the number of zero elements is too small to warrant specialized algorithms. Sparse matrix: Matrix for which the number of zero elements is large enough that algorithms avoiding operations on zero elements pay off. Matrices derived from partial differential equations typically have a number of nonzero elements that is proportional to the matrix size, while the total number of matrix elements is the square of the matrix size.
The rate at which an iterative method converges depends greatly on the spectrum of the coefficient matrix. Hence, iterative methods usually involve a second matrix that transforms the coefficient matrix into one with a more favorable spectrum. The transformation matrix is called a preconditioner. A good preconditioner improves the convergence of the iterative method, sufficiently to overcome the extra cost of constructing and applying the preconditioner. Indeed, without a preconditioner the iterative method may even fail to converge.
If the coefficient matrix
is sparse, large-scale linear systems
of the form
can be most
efficiently solved if the
zero elements of
are not stored. Sparse storage schemes allocate
contiguous storage in memory for
the nonzero elements of the matrix, and perhaps a limited number of
zeros. This, of course, requires a scheme for knowing
where the elements fit into the full matrix.
There are many methods for storing the data (see for instance Saad [186] and Eijkhout [87]). Here we will discuss Compressed Row and Column Storage, Block Compressed Row Storage, Diagonal Storage, Jagged Diagonal Storage, and Skyline Storage.
The Compressed Row and Column (in the next section) Storage formats are the most general: they make absolutely no assumptions about the sparsity structure of the matrix, and they don't store any unnecessary elements. On the other hand, they are not very efficient, needing an indirect addressing step for every single scalar operation in a matrix-vector product or preconditioner solve.
The Compressed Row Storage (CRS) format puts the subsequent nonzeros of the
matrix rows in contiguous memory locations.
Assuming we have a nonsymmetric sparse matrix
, we create
one for floating-point numbers (val), and the other two for
integers (col_ind, row_ptr). The val vector
stores the values of the nonzero elements of the
, as they are traversed in a row-wise fashion.
The col_ind vector stores
the column indexes of the elements in the val vector.
That is, if
The row_ptr vector stores
the locations in the val vector that start a row, that is,
By convention, we define
, where
the number of nonzeros in the matrix
. The storage savings for this
approach is significant. Instead of storing
we need only
storage locations.
As an example, consider the nonsymmetric matrix
defined by
The CRS format for this matrix is then specified by the arrays {val, col_ind, row_ptr} given below
If the matrix
is symmetric, we need only store the upper (or
lower) triangular portion of the matrix. The trade-off is
a more complicated algorithm with a somewhat different pattern of data access.
Analogous to Compressed Row Storage there is Compressed Column
Storage (CCS), which is also called the Harwell-Boeing
sparse matrix format
[78]. The CCS format is identical to the
CRS format except that the columns of
are stored (traversed) instead
of the rows. In other words, the CCS format is the CRS format
The CCS format is specified by the
{val, row_ind, col_ptr}, where
row_ind stores the row indices of each nonzero, and col_ptr
stores the index of the elements in val which start a column of
The CCS format for the matrix
in (
) is
given by
If the sparse matrix
is comprised of square
dense blocks of nonzeros in some regular pattern, we can modify
the CRS (or CCS) format to exploit such block patterns. Block
matrices typically arise from the discretization of partial differential
equations in which there are several degrees of freedom associated
with a grid point. We then partition the matrix in small blocks with
a size equal to the number of degrees of freedom, and treat each
block as a dense matrix, even though it may have some zeros.
is the dimension of each block and
is the number of nonzero
blocks in the
, then the total storage
needed is
The block
is then defined by
Similar to the CRS format, we require
arrays for the BCRS format:
a rectangular array for floating-point numbers (
)) which stores the nonzero blocks in
(block) row-wise fashion, an integer array (col_ind(
which stores the actual column indices in the original matrix
the (
) elements of the nonzero blocks, and a pointer
array (row_blk(
)) whose entries point to the beginning of
each block row in val(:,:,:) and col_ind(:). The
savings in storage locations and reduction in indirect addressing for
BCRS over CRS can be significant for matrices with a large
If the matrix
is banded with bandwidth that is fairly constant
from row to row,
then it is worthwhile to take advantage of this
structure in the storage scheme by storing subdiagonals of the matrix
in consecutive locations. Not only can we eliminate the vector
identifying the column and row, we can pack the nonzero elements in such a
way as to make the matrix-vector product more efficient.
This storage scheme is particularly useful if the matrix arises from
a finite element or finite difference discretization on a tensor
product grid.
We say that the matrix
banded if there are nonnegative constants
, called the left and
right halfbandwidth, such
only if
. In this case, we can
allocate for the matrix
an array val(1:n,-p:q).
The declaration with reversed dimensions (-p:q,n) corresponds to the
LINPACK band format
[73], which unlike CDS,
does not allow for an
efficiently vectorizable matrix-vector multiplication if
is small.
Usually, band formats involve storing some zeros. The CDS
format may even contain some array elements that do not
correspond to matrix elements at all.
Consider the nonsymmetric matrix
defined by
Using the CDS format, we
store this matrix
in an array of dimension (6,-1:1) using
the mapping
Hence, the rows of the val(:,:) array are
Notice the two zeros corresponding to non-existing matrix elements.
A generalization of the CDS format more suitable for manipulating
general sparse matrices on vector supercomputers is discussed by
Melhem in
[154]. This variant of CDS uses a stripe data structure to store the matrix
. This structure is
more efficient in storage in the case of varying bandwidth, but it
makes the matrix-vector product slightly more expensive, as it
involves a gather operation.
As defined in
a stripe in the
is a set of positions
, where
is a strictly increasing function.
Specifically, if
are in
When computing the
matrix-vector product
using stripes, each
element of
in stripe
is multiplied
with both
and these products are
accumulated in
, respectively. For
the nonsymmetric matrix
defined by
stripes of the matrix
in the rows of the val(:,:) array would be
The Jagged Diagonal Storage format can be useful for the implementation of iterative methods on parallel and vector processors (see Saad [185]). Like the Compressed Diagonal format, it gives a vector length essentially of the size of the matrix. It is more space-efficient than CDS at the cost of a gather/scatter operation.
A simplified form of JDS, called ITPACK storage or Purdue
storage, can be described as follows. In the matrix
from (
) all elements are shifted left:
after which the columns are stored consecutively. All rows are padded with zeros on the right to give them equal length. Corresponding to the array of matrix elements val(:,:), an array of column indices, col_ind(:,:) is also stored:
It is clear that the padding zeros in this structure may be a disadvantage, especially if the bandwidth of the matrix varies strongly. Therefore, in the CRS format, we reorder the rows of the matrix decreasingly according to the number of nonzeros per row. The compressed and permuted diagonals are then stored in a linear array. The new data structure is called jagged diagonals.
The number of jagged diagonals is equal to
the number of nonzeros in the first row, i.e., the largest
number of nonzeros in any row of
. The data structure to
represent the
therefore consists of a permutation
array (perm(1:n)) which reorders the rows, a floating-point array
(jdiag(:)) containing the jagged diagonals in succession,
an integer array (col_ind(:)) containing the corresponding column
indices, and finally a pointer array (jd_ptr(:)) whose elements
point to the beginning of each jagged diagonal. The advantages
of JDS for matrix multiplications are discussed by Saad in
The JDS format for the above matrix
in using the linear arrays
{perm, jdiag, col_ind, jd_ptr}
is given below (jagged diagonals are separated by semicolons)
The final storage scheme we consider is for skyline matrices, which are also called variable band or profile matrices (see Duff, Erisman and Reid [80]). It is mostly of importance in direct solution methods, but it can be used for handling the diagonal blocks in block matrix factorization methods. A major advantage of solving linear systems having skyline coefficient matrices is that when pivoting is not necessary, the skyline structure is preserved during Gaussian elimination. If the matrix is symmetric, we only store its lower triangular part. A straightforward approach in storing the elements of a skyline matrix is to place all the rows (in order) into a floating-point array (val(:)), and then keep an integer array (row_ptr(:)) whose elements point to the beginning of each row. The column indices of the nonzeros stored in val(:) are easily derived and are not stored.
For a nonsymmetric skyline matrix such as the one illustrated in
, we store the lower
triangular elements in SKS format, and store the upper triangular
elements in a column-oriented SKS format (transpose stored in row-wise
SKS format). These two separated substructures can be linked in
a variety of ways. One approach, discussed by Saad
[186], is to store each row of the lower triangular
part and each column of the upper triangular part contiguously into
the floating-point array (val(:)). An additional pointer is
then needed to determine where the diagonal elements, which separate
the lower triangular elements from the upper triangular elements, are
Figure: Profile of a nonsymmetric skyline or variable-band
In many of the iterative methods discussed earlier, both the product
of a matrix and that of its transpose times a vector are needed, that
is, given an input vector
we want to compute products
We will present
these algorithms for two of the storage formats
from §
: CRS and CDS.
The matrix vector product
using CRS format can be
expressed in the usual way:
since this traverses the rows of the matrix
For an
matrix A, the
matrix-vector multiplication is given by
for i = 1, n y(i) = 0 for j = row_ptr(i), row_ptr(i+1) - 1 y(i) = y(i) + val(j) * x(col_ind(j)) end; end;
Since this method only multiplies nonzero matrix entries, the
operation count is
times the number of nonzero elements in
which is a significant savings over the dense operation requirement
For the transpose product
we cannot use the equation
since this implies traversing columns of the matrix, an extremely inefficient operation for matrices stored in CRS format. Hence, we switch indices to
The matrix-vector multiplication involving
is then given by
for i = 1, n y(i) = 0 end; for j = 1, n for i = row_ptr(j), row_ptr(j+1)-1 y(col_ind(i)) = y(col_ind(i)) + val(i) * x(j) end; end;
Both matrix-vector products above have largely the same structure, and
both use indirect addressing. Hence, their vectorizability properties
are the same on any given computer. However, the first product
) has a more favorable memory access pattern in that (per
iteration of the outer loop) it reads two vectors of data (a row of
and the input vector
) and writes one scalar. The
transpose product (
) on the other hand reads one element of
the input vector, one row of matrix
, and both reads and writes the
result vector
. Unless the machine on which these methods are
implemented has three separate memory paths (e.g., Cray Y-MP), the
memory traffic will then limit the performance. This is an
important consideration for RISC-based architectures.
If the
stored in CDS format, it is still possible to
perform a matrix-vector product
by either rows or columns, but this
does not take advantage of the CDS format. The idea
is to make a change in coordinates in the doubly-nested loop. Replacing
we get
With the index
in the inner loop we see that the
accesses the
th diagonal of the matrix
(where the main diagonal has number 0).
The algorithm will now have a doubly-nested loop with the outer loop
enumerating the diagonals diag=-p,q with
(nonnegative) numbers of diagonals to the left and right of the main
diagonal. The bounds for the inner loop follow from the requirement
The algorithm becomes
for i = 1, n y(i) = 0 end; for diag = -diag_left, diag_right for loc = max(1,1-diag), min(n,n-diag) y(loc) = y(loc) + val(loc,diag) * x(loc+diag) end; end;
The transpose matrix-vector product
is a minor variation of the
algorithm above. Using the update formula
we obtain
for i = 1, n y(i) = 0 end; for diag = -diag_right, diag_left for loc = max(1,1-diag), min(n,n-diag) y(loc) = y(loc) + val(loc+diag, -diag) * x(loc+diag) end; end;The memory access for the CDS-based matrix-vector product
Richard Barrett
,Michael Berry
Tony F. Chan
James Demmel
June M. Donato
Jack Dongarra
Victor Eijkhout ,
Roldan Pozo
Charles Romine ,
Henk Van der Vorst
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A bibtex reference for this book follows:
AUTHOR = {R. Barrett and M. Berry and T. F. Chan and J. Demmel and
J. Donato and J. Dongarra and V. Eijkhout and R. Pozo and
C. Romine, and H. Van der Vorst },
TITLE = {Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems:
Building Blocks for Iterative Methods},
YEAR = {1994},
ADDRESS = {Philadelphia, PA} }