
There have been 5555 accesses to this library. (Last updated Fri Aug 26 13:33:57 EDT 1994)



There have been 5555 accesses to this library. (Last updated Fri Aug 26 13:33:57 EDT 1994)



There have been 5555 accesses to this library. (Last updated Fri Aug 26 13:33:57 EDT 1994)

Unstructured Mesh Computation

Parallel Algorithms for Unstructured Mesh Computation

Many scientific and engineering applications demand the solution of problems modeled on complex physical domains. With the advent of massively parallel computation, we have the computational power to solve problems that have been computationally intractable on sequential machines. However, the development of algorithms and software to solve these complex problems has not kept pace with these hardware developments.

To address these concerns we have developed parallel algorithms and software in several areas to help solve problems arising from complex domains.


BlockSolve is a software library for solving large, sparse systems of linear equations on massively parallel computers. The matrices must be symmetric, but may have an arbitrary sparsity structure. BlockSolve is a portable package that is compatible with several different message-passing paradigms.

The BlockSolve project is a collaboration between Mark Jones (CS, Tennessee) and Paul Plassmann (MCS, Argonne).

Mesh Algorithms

Many scientific calculations have the property that the solution changes rapidly in small regions of the total domain being modeled. To efficiently model such problems, one can use an adaptive mesh strategy. With an adaptive mesh, the number of grid points in a region is adjusted so that solution is well approximated in that region. For example, an adaptive strategy may use many grid points in a region where the solution is changing rapidly, and many fewer points in regions where the solution is almost constant. Click on the following image to watch an adaptive mesh being generated to model a Gaussian charge on a circular domain.

In this project we are developing parallel algorithms and software for adaptively refining meshes according to user-specified criterion. The mesh refinement project is a collaboration between Mark Jones (CS, Tennessee), Paul Plassmann (MCS, Argonne), and Lori Freitag (MCS, Argonne).