/* MatVec.f -- translated by f2c (version of 20 August 1993 13:15:44). You must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lf2c -lm (in that order) */ #include "f2c.h" /* Common Block Declarations */ struct { doublereal a[40000], m[200]; } system_; #define system_1 system_ struct { integer n, lda; } matdim_; #define matdim_1 matdim_ /* Table of constant values */ static integer c__1 = 1; int matvec_(alpha, x, beta, y) doublereal *alpha, *x, *beta, *y; { extern int dgemv_(); /* This MatVec routine assumes the matrix is in dense format, */ /* and uses the BLAS DGEMV. */ /* .. Common Blocks .. */ /* MAXDIM2 = MAXDIM*MAXDIM. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --y; --x; /* Executable Statements */ dgemv_("NOTRANSPOSE", &matdim_1.n, &matdim_1.n, alpha, system_1.a, & matdim_1.lda, &x[1], &c__1, beta, &y[1], &c__1, 11L); return 0; } /* matvec_ */ /* ================================================= */ int matvectrans_(alpha, x, beta, y) doublereal *alpha, *x, *beta, *y; { extern int dgemv_(); /* This MatVec routine assumes the matrix is in dense format, */ /* and uses the BLAS DGEMV. */ /* .. Common Blocks .. */ /* MAXDIM2 = MAXDIM*MAXDIM. */ /* Parameter adjustments */ --y; --x; /* Function Body */ dgemv_("TRANSPOSE", &matdim_1.n, &matdim_1.n, alpha, system_1.a, & matdim_1.lda, &x[1], &c__1, beta, &y[1], &c__1, 9L); return 0; }