*DECK SSIEV SUBROUTINE SSIEV (A, LDA, N, E, WORK, JOB, INFO) C***BEGIN PROLOGUE SSIEV C***PURPOSE Compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors C of a real symmetric matrix. C***LIBRARY SLATEC C***CATEGORY D4A1 C***TYPE SINGLE PRECISION (SSIEV-S, CHIEV-C) C***KEYWORDS COMPLEX HERMITIAN, EIGENVALUES, EIGENVECTORS, MATRIX, C SYMMETRIC C***AUTHOR Kahaner, D. K., (NBS) C Moler, C. B., (U. of New Mexico) C Stewart, G. W., (U. of Maryland) C***DESCRIPTION C C Abstract C SSIEV computes the eigenvalues and, optionally, the eigenvectors C of a real symmetric matrix. C C Call Sequence Parameters- C (The values of parameters marked with * (star) will be changed C by SSIEV.) C C A* REAL (LDA,N) C real symmetric input matrix. C Only the diagonal and upper triangle of A must be input, C as SSIEV copies the upper triangle to the lower. C That is, the user must define A(I,J), I=1,..N, and J=I,. C ..,N. C On return from SSIEV, if the user has set JOB C = 0 the lower triangle of A has been altered. C = nonzero the N eigenvectors of A are stored in its C first N columns. See also INFO below. C C LDA INTEGER C set by the user to C the leading dimension of the array A. C C N INTEGER C set by the user to C the order of the matrix A and C the number of elements in E. C C E* REAL (N) C on return from SSIEV, E contains the N C eigenvalues of A. See also INFO below. C C WORK* REAL (2*N) C temporary storage vector. Contents changed by SSIEV. C C JOB INTEGER C set by user on input C = 0 only calculate eigenvalues of A. C = nonzero calculate eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. C C INFO* INTEGER C on return from SSIEV, the value of INFO is C = 0 for normal return. C = K if the eigenvalue iteration fails to converge. C eigenvalues and vectors 1 through K-1 are correct. C C C Error Messages- C No. 1 recoverable N is greater than LDA C No. 2 recoverable N is less than one C C***REFERENCES (NONE) C***ROUTINES CALLED IMTQL2, TQLRAT, TRED1, TRED2, XERMSG C***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) C 800808 DATE WRITTEN C 890831 Modified array declarations. (WRB) C 890831 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 C 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) C 900315 CALLs to XERROR changed to CALLs to XERMSG. (THJ) C 900326 Removed duplicate information from DESCRIPTION section. C (WRB) C***END PROLOGUE SSIEV INTEGER INFO,JOB,LDA,N REAL A(LDA,*),E(*),WORK(*) C***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT SSIEV IF (N .GT. LDA) CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'SSIEV', 'N .GT. LDA.', + 1, 1) IF(N .GT. LDA) RETURN IF (N .LT. 1) CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'SSIEV', 'N .LT. 1', 2, 1) IF(N .LT. 1) RETURN C C CHECK N=1 CASE C E(1) = A(1,1) INFO = 0 IF(N .EQ. 1) RETURN C C COPY UPPER TRIANGLE TO LOWER C DO 10 J=1,N DO 10 I=1,J A(J,I)=A(I,J) 10 CONTINUE C IF(JOB.NE.0) GO TO 20 C C EIGENVALUES ONLY C CALL TRED1(LDA,N,A,E,WORK(1),WORK(N+1)) CALL TQLRAT(N,E,WORK(N+1),INFO) RETURN C C EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS C 20 CALL TRED2(LDA,N,A,E,WORK,A) CALL IMTQL2(LDA,N,E,WORK,A,INFO) RETURN END