CURRENT INSTITUTIONAL REPORTS Please note: Reports can be obtained by writing to the person or address given for the publishing institution. We recommend requesting reports by author, title, and number, since the information listed in this column has been transcribed at least once from the original sources. URLs included in the contact's address point to reports that are available online. SIGNUM Newsletter Institutional Reports columns are available online at BELL LABS URL: M. Malhotra, R. W. Freund, and P. M. Pinsky, Iterative solution of multiple radiation and scattering problems in structural acoustics using a block quasi-minimal residual algorithm, 96-11. R. W. Freund and P. Feldmann, Reduced-Order Modeling of Large Passive Linear Circuits by Means of the SyPVL Algorithm, 96-13. R. W. Freund, F. Jarre, and S. Mizuno, Convergence of a Class of Inexact Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear Programs, 96-16. J. I. Aliaga, D. L. Boley, R. W. Freund, and V. Hernandez, A Lanczos-Type Method for Multiple Starting Vectors, 96-18. R. W. Freund, Circuit Simulation Techniques Based on Lanczos-Type Algorithms, 96-19. CAMBRIDGE Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics University of Cambridge Silver Street Cambridge CB3 9EW England 0223 337900 email: URL: Yunkang Liu, On a functional Riccati equation, NA1996/19. CERFACS Centre Europe en de Recherche et de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique 42, Avenue Gustave-Coriolis 31057 Toulouse Cedex, France Attn. Librarian: 010 33 61193131 email: URL: B. Hamma, S. Viitanen, and A. Torn, Parallel Continuous Simulated annealing for Global Optimization, TR/PA/96/44. B. Hamma, Parallel Optimization of Interplanetary Trajectories, TR/PA/96/45. T. Braconnier and F. Chaitin-Chatelin, Choatic behavior for eigensolvers applied on highly nonnormal matrices in finite precision, TR/PA/96/50. COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS LABORATORY (CML) Rice University P. O. Box 1892 Houston, TX 77251 email: URL: P. N. Heller, and R. O. Wells, Jr., Sobolev Regularity for Rank M Wavelets, CML TR96-08. CORNELL UNIVERSITY Cornell University Advanced Computing Research Institute Cornell Theory Center 725 Frank H.T. Rhodes Hall Ithaca, New York 14853-3801 email: URL: J. C. Wohlever, Symmetry, Nonlinear Bifurcation Analysis, and Parallel Computation, CTC96TR264, October 1996. Scott A. Mitchell and Steve A. Vavasis, Quality Mesh Generation in Higher Dimensions, CTC96TR266, December 1996. UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM Department of Mathematical Sciences University of Durham South Road Durham DH1 3LE: 091 374 2349 URL: A. F. Ware, Fast approximate Fourier transforms for irregularly spaced data, NA-96/04. EIDGENOSSICHE TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE SEMINAR FUR ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK Seminar fur Angewandte Mathematik ETH-Zentrum CH-8092 Zurich URL: K. Gerdes, Solution of the 3D-Helmholtz equation in exterior domains of arbitrary shape using HP-finite infinite elements, 96-21. A. -T. Morel and R. Bodenmann, Stability analysis for the method of transport, 96-22. R. Sperb, Extension of two inequalities of Payne, 97-01. INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED COMPUTER STUDIES (UMIACS) Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 email: URL: G. W. Stewart, On the Weighting Method for Least Squares Problems with Linear Equality Constraints, UMIACS-TR-96-79, November 1996. Howard C. Elman, Preconditioning for the Steady-State Navier-Stokes Equations with Low Viscosity, UMIACS-TR-96-83, November 1996. Tamara G. Kolda and Dianne P. O'Leary, Large Latent Semantic Indexing via a Semi-Discrete Matrix Decomposition, UMIACS-TR-96-92, December 1996. Wayne A Kelly, Optimization within a Unified Transformation Framework, UMIACS-TR-96-93, August 1996. Andrew D. Back, Ah Chung Tsoi, Bill G. Horne, and C. Lee Giles, Alternative Discrete-Time Operators and Their Application to Nonlinear Models, UMIACS-TR-97-03, January 1997. INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ICASE) NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665 Attn: Ms. Barbara Kraft URL: J. R. Ristorcelli, Toward a Turbulence Constitutive Relation for Rotating Flows, NASA CR-201621 ICASE Report No. 96-66, November 1996. Paul Fischer and David Gottlieb, On the Optimal Number of Subdomains for Hyperbolic Problems on Parallel Computers, NASA CR-201625 ICASE Report No. 96-68, December 1996. Thomas H. Cormen and David M. Nicol, Performing Out-of-Core FFTs on Parallel Disk Systems, NASA CR-201627 ICASE Report No. 96-70, December 1996. Robert Michael Lewis and Virginia Torczon, Rank Ordering and Positive Bases in Pattern Search Algorithms, NASA CR-201628 ICASE Report No. 96-71, December 1996. UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER (UMIST) Department of Mathematics University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester, M13 9PL, England Attn: Technical Report Secretary: 061 275 5800 email: URL: Desmond J. Higham and Nicholas J. Higham, Structured Backward Error and Condition of Generalized Eigenvalue Problems, 297, November 1996. Nicholas J. Higham, Factorizing Complex Symmetric Matrices with Positive Definite Real and Imaginary Parts, 298, November 1996. Anila Usman and George Hall, Equilibrium States for Predictor-Corrector Methods, 300, December 1996. MINNESOTA SUPERCOMPUTER INSTITUTE University of Minnesota 1200 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55415 or fax (612)624-8861 URL: H. W. Stech and W. Xin, Traveling Wave Front Solutions for Delay-Diffusion Differential Equations, UMSI 96/213, October 1996. T. F. Chan, E. Chow, Y. Saad, and M.C. Yeung, Preserving Symmetry in Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods, UMSI 96/220, November 1996. OXFORD Numerical Analysis Group Oxford University Computing Laboratory Wolfson Building Parks Road Oxford OX1 3QD, England 0865 273885 email: URL: M. Drexler, I. Sobey, and C. Bracher, Fractal Characteristics of Newton's Method on Polynomials, NA-96/14. RUTHERFORD Atlas Centre Attn. L. Miles Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Didcot Oxon OX11 0QX England: 0235 445790 URL: Iain. S. Duff, Sparse numerical linear algebra: direct methods and preconditioning, RAL-TR-96-047. UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE Department of Mathematics Livingstone Tower 26 Richmond Street Glasgow G1 1XH: 041 552 4400 URL: D. J. Higham and N. J. Higham, Structured Backward Error and Condition of Generalized Eigenvalue Problems, 1996/34. D. J. Higham, Regular Runge-Kutta Pairs, 1996/36. J. A. Mackenzie, Uniform Convergence Analysis of an Upwind Finite Difference Approximation of a Convection-diffusion Boundary Value Problem on an Adaptive Grid, 1996/41. Y. Qiu, D. M. Sloan, and T. Tang, Convergence Analysis for an Adaptive Finite Difference Solution of a Variable Coefficient Singular Perturbation Problem, 1996/42. UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE Computer Science Department University of Tennessee 107 Ayres Hall Knoxville, TN 37996-1301 Attn: Librarian e-mail: URL: Henri Casanova, Jack Dongarra, and Keith Seymour, Client User's Guide to NetSolve, CS-96-343, December 1996.