The format of this column has remained essentially constant since Dave
Dodson and I resurrected it in 1981.  During that time our underlying
computer support changed enormously, from typewriters to primitive
PC text editors on pre-DOS microcomputers to \TeX\ on powerful
workstations.  These changes reflect the more general changes in how
we as a community publish.  It has been several years since we last
worried whether the hard-copy mockup sheets would successfully cross
the Atlantic to Norway, and then again back to New York.  Electronic
publishing and document interchange are the norm, thank goodness.

But this format and this column have been able to respond to these
changes only in superficial ways.  It is clear that this service will
remain valuable only if it goes ``on-line'', if it is much more
current, more flexible and searchable.  Those changes are sufficiently
far from my usual duties to make it clear that others could carry this
effort on more effectively than can I.

It is with pleasure then that I welcome Tom Rowan, from the University
of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as the new
Institutional Reports editor.  Tom is heavily involved with
Netlib/NSHE, which puts him and SIGNUM in a wonderful position to
capitalize on a great wealth of experience in electronic distribution
and collaboration.  He will have direct support from several other
people from Netlib/NSHE, and I presume, from all the readers of this
current column.  I look forward to dramatic changes in this column in
the near future.  Any of you who care to participate in setting these
new directions should forward your ideas to Tom via email:

As my last words as editor, I want to thank Boeing for providing me
with lots of secretarial support and release time.  It has been a
pleasure to have had an unbroken series of managers who shared a
serious sense of corporate responsibility to our professional


Please note:  Reports can be obtained by writing to the person or
address given for the publishing institution.  We recommend requesting
reports by author, title and number, since the information listed in
this column has been transcribed at least once from the original
     Mathematics and Engineering Analysis
     Research and Technology Division
     Mail Stop 7L-22
     The Boeing Company
     P.O. Box 3707
     Seattle, WA 98124-2207
     Attn: Doss Cook

R. Hammond, Modeling and simulation tools for development of an
integrated HSCT propulsion control/flight control system,
BCSTECH-95-007, Apr. 1995.


   Cornell University
   Advanced Computing Research Institute
   Cornell Theory Center
   725 Engineering and Theory Center Building
   Ithaca, New York 14853-3801


T. A. Driscoll, Eigenmodes of isospectral drums, CTC95TR209, May 1995.

F. Santosa, Applications of electrical impedance tomography to
non-destructive evaluation, CTC95TR210, May 1995.

F. Santosa, A level-set approach for inverse problems involving
obstacles, CTC95TR211, May 1995.

C. Sun, Parallel solution of sparse linear least squares problems on
distributed- memory multiprocessors, CTC95TR212, May 1995.

S. Gupta & K. Pingali, Fast compiled logic simulation using linear
BDDs, CTC95TR214, June 1995.

A. Liao, Automatic optimization, CTC95TR215, July 1995.

M.A. Branch, T.F. Coleman & Y. Li, A subspace, interior and conjugate
gradient method for large-scale bound-constrained minimization
problems, CTC95TR217, July 1995.


	Seminar fur Angewandte Mathematik 
	CH-8092 Zurich

M.D. Buhmann, F. Derrien & A. Le Mehaute, Spectral properties and
knot removal for interpolation by pure radial sums, 95-02.

K. Nipp & D. Stoffer, Invariant manifolds and global error estimates
of numerical integration schemes applied to stiff systems of singular
perturbation type - Part II: linear multistep methods, 95-03

R. Bodenmann & H.J. Schroll, Compact difference methods applied to
initial--boundary value problems for mixed systems, 95-04

M. Fey & A.-T. Morel, Multidimensional Method of transport for the
shallow water equations, 95-05


     NASA Langley Research Center
     Hampton, VA  23665
     Attn: Ms. Barbara Kraft

     Technical Reports (Blue Series)

Anon., Cumulative reports and publications through December 31, 1994,
NASA Contractor Report 195043, Mar. 1995.

P. Wesseling, Introduction to multigrid methods, #95-11, Feb. 1995.

J. Geer & N.S. Banerjee, Exponentially accurate approximations to
piece-wise smooth periodic functions, #95-17, Mar. 1995.

D.A. Kopriva & J.H. Kolias, A conservative staggered-grid Chebyshev
multidomain method for compressible flows, #95-18, Mar. 1995.

A. Iollo & M.D. Salas, Contribution to the optimal shape design of
two-dimensional internal flows with embedded shocks, #95-20,
Mar. 1995.

Z. Haras & S. Ta'asan, The large discretization step method for
time-dependent partial differential equations, #95-25, Apr. 1995.

D.J. Mavriplis, Unstructured mesh generation and adaptivity, #95-26,
Apr. 1995.

D.J. Mavriplis, Multigrid techniques for unstructured meshes, #95-27,
Apr. 1995.

V. Venkatakrishnan, Implicit schemes and parallel computing in
unstructured grid CFD, #95-28, Apr. 1995.

D.J. Mavriplis & V. Venkatakrishnan, A 3D agglomeration multigrid
solver for the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations on
unstructured meshes, #95-30, Apr. 1995.

S. Ta'asan, Pseudo-time methods for constrained optimization problems
governed by PDE, #95-32, May 1995. 

E. Morano, D.J. Mavriplis & V. Venkatakrishnan, Coarsening strategies
for unstructured multigrid techniques with application to anisotropic
problems, #95-34, May 1995.

M.H. Carpenter & D. Gottlieb, Spectral methods on arbitrary grids,
#95-37, May 1995.

A. Fiterman, E. Turkel & V. Vatsa, Pressure updating methods for the
steady-state fluid equations, # 95-40, May 1995.

H.T. Banks, R.C. Smith, D.E. Brown, R.J. Silcox & V.L. Metcalf,
Experimental confirmation of a PDE-based approach to design of
feedback controls, #95-42, May 1995.
H.S. Ribner, An extension of the Lighthill theory of jet noise to
encompass refraction and shielding, NASA technical memorandum 110163,
May 1995.

Anon., Semiannual report, Oct. 1, 1994 through March 31, 1995, NASA
contractor report 198172, June 1995.

     Interim Reports (Green Series)

Y. Zhou, Classical closure theory and lam's imterpretation of
$\epsilon$-RNG, #95-19, Mar. 1995.

A. Dando & P. Hall, Wavenumber selection for small-wavelength
Gortler vortices in curved channel flows, #95-21, Apr. 1995.

J.R. Ristorcelli, A pseudo-sound constitutive relationship for the
dilatational covariances in compressible turbulence: An analytical
theory, #95-22, Mar. 1995.

T.A. Shortis & P. Hall, On the nonlinear stability of the unsteady,
viscous flow of an incompressible fluid in a curved pipe,
#95-23, Apr. 1995.

S.S. Girimaji, The first ICASE/LARC industry roundtable: Session
proceedings, #95-26, Feb. 1995.

P. Hall & D.T. Papgeorgiou, On the modulational instability of large
amplitude waves in supersonic boundary layers, #95-29, Apr. 1995.

D. D'Ambrosio & R. Marsilio, A numerical method for solving the
three-dimensional parabolized Navier-Stokes equations, #95-38, May

F. Bauer, L. Maestrello, L. Ting, Acoustic field in unsteady moving
media, #95-39, May 1995.

A. Bayliss, L. Maestrello, J.L. McGreevy & C.C. Fenno, Jr., Response
of multi-panel assembly to noise from a jet in forward motion,
#95-41, May, 1995.

Y. Zhou, A phenomenological treatment of rotating turbulence, #95-43,
May, 1995.

S.S. Girimaji & Y. Zhou, Analysis and modeling of subgrid scalar
mixing using numerical data, #95-44.

     Computer Science Reports (Yellow Series)

X-H. Sun & J. Zhu, Performance prediction: A case study using a
multi-ring KSR-1 machine, #95-24, Apr. 1995.

D. Middleton, An executable specification for the message processor in
a simple combining network, #95-47, June 1995.

T.W. Crockett, Parallel rendering, #95-31, Apr. 1995.


     514 Vincent Hall
     206 Church St. S.E.
     University of Minnesota
     Minneapolis, MN  55455

You can send email requests (a limit of 5) to:

T. Aktosun, M. Klaus & C. van der Mee, Recovery of discontinuities in
a nonhomogeneous medium, #1310, 1995.

V. Bondarevsky, On the global regularity problem for 3-dimensional
Navier-Stokes equations, #1311, 1995.

M. Cheney & D. Isaacson, Inverse problems for a perturbed dissipative
half-space, #1312, 1995.

B. Cockburn, D.A. Jones & E.S. Titi, Determining degrees of freedom
for nonlinear dissipative equations, #1313, 1995.

B. Engquist & E. Luo, Convergence of a multigrid method for elliptic
equations with highly oscillatory coefficients, #1314, 1995.

L. Pastur & M. Shcherbina, Universality of the local eigenvalue
statistics for a class of unitary invariant random matrix ensembles ,
#1315, 1995.

V. Jaksic, S. Molchanov & L. Pastur, On the propagation
properties of surface waves, #1316, 1995.

J. Necas, M. Ruzicka & V. Sverak, On self-similar
solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations, #1317, 1995.

S. Stojanovic, Remarks on $W^{2,p}$-solutions of bilateral obstacle
problems, #1318, 1995.

E. Luo & H-O. Kreiss, Pseudospectral vs. finite difference methods
for initial value problems with discontinuous coefficients, #1319,

V.E. Grikurov, Soliton's rebuilding in one-dimensional Schrodinger
model with polynomial nonlinearity, #1320, 1995.

J.M. Harrison & R.J. Williams, A multiclass closed queueing network
with unconventional heavy traffic behavior, #1321, 1995.

M.E. Taylor, Microlocal analysis on Morrey spaces, #1322,

C. Huang, Homogenization of biharmonic equations in domains perforated
with tiny holes, #1323, 1995.

C. Liu, An inverse obstacle problem: A uniqueness theorem for spheres
, #1324, 1995.

M. Luskin, Approximation of a laminated microstructure for a
rotationally invariant, double well energy density, #1325,

Rakesh & P. Sacks, Impedance inversion from transmission data for the
wave equation, #1326, 1995.

O. Lafitte, Diffraction for a Neumann boundary condition, #1327,

E. Sobel, K. Lange, J.R. O'Connell & D.E. Weeks, Haplotyping
algorithms, #1328, 1995.

B. Cockburn, D.A. Jones & E.S. Titi, Estimating the number of
asymptotic degrees of freedom for nonlinear dissipative systems,
#1329, 1995.

T. Aktosun, Inverse Schrodinger scattering on the line with partial
knowledge of the potential, #1330, 1995.

T. Aktosun & C. van der Mee, Partition of the potential of the
one-dimensional Schrodinger equation, #1331, 1995.

B. Engquist & E. Luo, Convergence of the multigrid method with a
wavelet coarse grid operator, #1332, 1995.

V. Jaksic & C.-A. Pillet, Ergodic properties of the Spin-Boson
system, #1333, 1995.

S.K. Patch, Recursive solution for diffuse tomographic systems of
arbitrary size, #1334, 1995.


	Department of Mathematics
	Lexington, Kentucky

A. Bai, D. Day & Q. Ye, ABLE: an adaptive block Lanczos method for
non-hermitian eigenvalue problems, 95-04, May 1995.


     Department of Mathematics
     Linkoping University
     S-581 83 Linkoping, SWEDEN}

P.K. Lamm & L. Elden, Numerical solution of first-kind Volterra
equations by sequential Tikhonov regularization, LiTH-MAT-R-95-05,
Feb. 1995.

L. Elden & H. Park, Perturbation and error analyses for block
downdating of a Cholesky decomposition, LiTH-MAT-R-95-11, Feb. 1995.

L. Elden & E. Sjostrom, Fast computation of the principal
singular vectors of a Toeplitz matrix, LiTH-MAT-R-95-14, Mar.  1995.

H. Park & L. Elden, Stability analysis and fast algorithms for
triangularization of Toeplitz matrices, LiTH-MAT-R-95-16, Apr.  1995.

L. Elden, Numerical solution of the sideways heat equation by
difference approximation in time, LiTH-MAT-R-94-40, Dec.  1994.


     University of Minnesota
     1200 Washington Avenue South
     Minneapolis, MN 55415}
	or fax (612)624-8861

E. Chow & Y. Saad, Approximate inverse techniques for
block-partitioned matrices, UMSI 95/13, Jan. 1995.

T.E. Tezduyar, S. Aliabadi, M. Behr, A. Johnson, V. Kalro &
C. Waters, 3-D simulation of flow problems with parallel finite
element computations on the Cray T3D, UMSI 95/18, Feb. 1995.

A. Johnson & T.E. Tezduyar, Mesh generation and update strategies for
parallel computation of 3-D flow problems, UMSI 95/19, Feb. 1995.

X. Jing, N. Troullier, J.R. Chelikowsky, K. Wu & Y. Saad, Vibrational
modes of silicon nanostructures, UMSI 95/22, Feb. 1995.

F.G. Lou, A. Sameh & V. Sarin, An augmentation method for solving
saddle point problems, UMSI 95/29, Mar. 1995.

S.K. Aliabadi, W.L. Garrand, V. Kalro, S. Mittal, T.E. Tezduyar &
K.R. Stein, Parallel finite element computation of the dynamics of
large ram air parachutes, UMSI 95/34, Mar. 1995.

W.L. Garrand, T.E. Tezduyar, S.K. Aliabadi, V. Kalro, J. Luker &
S. Mittal, Inflation analysis of ram air inflated gliding parachutes,
UMSI 95/35, Mar. 1995.

E. Chow & Y. Saad, ILUS: An incomplete LU preconditioner in sparse
skyline format, UMSI 95/78, Apr. 1995.

A. Wissink, A. Lyrintzis & R. Strawn, On the efficient
parallelization of the transonic unsteady rotor Navier-Stokes (Turns)
code, UMSI 95/81, Apr. 1995.

T.E. Tezduyar, M. Behr & T.J.R. Hughes, High performance finite
element computation of fluid dynamics problems, UMSI 95/104, May 1995.

A. Grama, V. Kumar & A. Sameh, Scalable parallel formulations of the
Barnes-Hut method for n-body simulations, UMSI 95/111, May 1995.

A. Grama, V. Kumar & A. Sameh, Parallel matrix-vector product using
approximate hierarchical methods, UMSI 95/112, May 1995.

G. Karypis & V. Kumar, Multilevel graph partitioning schemes, UMSI
95/113, May 1995.


     Atlas Centre
     Attn. L. Miles
     Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
     Oxon OX11 0QX
     England: 0235 445790
     Most available on anonymous ftp from 
     in directory pub/reports.

J.A. Scott, Element resequencing for use with a multiple front
algorithm, RAL-95-029, Mar. 1995.


	Computer Science Department
	University of Tennessee
	107 Ayres Hall
	Knoxville, TN 37996-1301
	Attn: Librarian

M.W. Berry, J.J. Dongarra & Y. Kim, LAPACK working note 68: A
parallel algorithm for the reduction of a nonsymmetric matrix to block
upper-Hessenberg form, CS-94-221, Feb. 1994.

M.T. Jones & D.B. Szyld, Two-stage multisplitting methods with
overlapping blocks, CS-94-224, Mar. 1994.

J.D. Rutter, LAPACK working note 69: A serial implementation of
Cuppen's divide and conquer algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue
problem, CS-94-225, Mar. 1994.

M. Pourzandi & B. Tourancheau, A parallel performance study of
Jacobi-like eigenvalue solution, CS-94-226, Mar. 1994.

J.W. Demmel, I. Dhillon & H. Ren, LAPACK working note 70: On the
correctness of parallel bisection in floating point, CS-94-228,
Mar. 1994.

J.C. Browne, J. Dongarra, S.I. Hyder, K. Moore & P. Newton, Visual
programming and parallel computing, CS-94-229, Apr. 1994.

Anon., Message passing interface forum, MPI: A message-passing
interface standard, CS-94-230, Apr. 1994.

J. Dongarra & M. Kolatis, LAPACK working note 71: IBM RS/6000-550 &
-590 performance for selected routines in ESSL/LAPACK/NAG/IMSL,
CS-94-231, Apr. 1994.

R.B. Lehoucq, LAPACK working note 72: The computation of elementary
unitary matrices, CS-94-233, May 1994.

R.C. Whaley, LAPACK working note 73: Basic linear algebra
communication subprograms: Analysis and implementation across multiple
parallel architectures, CS-94-234, May 1994.

J. Dongarra, A. Lumsdaine, X. Niu, R. Pozo & K. Remington, LAPACK
working note 74: A sparse matrix library in C++ for high performance
architectures, CS-94-236, July 1994.

B. Kagstrom & P. Poromaa, LAPACK working note 75: LAPACK-style
algorithms and software for solving the generalized Sylvester equation
and estimating the separation between regular matrix pairs, CS-94-237,
July 1994.

R. Barrett, M. Berry, J. Dongarra, V. Eijkhout & C. Romine, LAPACK
working note 76: Algorithmic bombardment for the iterative solution of
linear systems: a poly-iterative approach, CS-94-239,
Aug. 1994.

V. Eijkhout & R. Pozo, LAPACK working note 77: Basic concepts for
distributed sparse linear algebra operation, CS-94-240,
Aug. 1994.

V. Eijkhout, LAPACK working note 78: Computational variants of the CGS
and BiCGstab methods, CS-94-241, Aug. 1994.

G. Henry & R. van de Geijn, LAPACK working note 79: Parallelizing the
QR algorithm for the unsymmetric algebraic eigenvalue problem: myths
and reality, CS-94-244, Aug. 1994.

M.W. Berry, C. Grassl & V.K. Krishna, Blocked data distribution for
the conjugate gradient algorithm on the CRAY T3D, CS-94-245,
Aug. 1994.

J. Choi, J.J. Dongarra, S. Ostrouchov, A. Petitet, D.W. Walker &
R. Whaley, LAPACK working note 80: The design and implementation of
the scaLAPACK LU, QR, and Cholesky factorization routines, CS-94-246,
Sept. 1994.

M.T. Jones & P.E. Plassman, Computational results for parallel
unstructured mesh computations, CS-94-248, Sept. 1994.

R-C. Li, LAPACK working note 83: Relative perturbation bounds for the
unitary polar factor, CS-94-251, Sept. 1994.

R-C. Li, LAPACK working note 84: Relative perturbation theory,
CS-94-252, Sept. 1994.

R-C. Li, LAPACK working note 85: Relative perturbation theory: (II)
Eigenspace variations, CS-94-253, Sept. 1994.

J. Demmel & K. Stanley, LAPACK working note 86: The performance of
finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors of dense symmetric matrices on
distributed memory computers, CS-94-254, Sept. 1994.

B. Kagstrom & P. Poromaa, LAPACK working note 87: Computing
eigenspaces with specified eigenvalues of a regular matrix pair (A,B)
and condition estimation: Theory, algorithms and software, CS-94-255,
Sept. 1994.

M. Gu, J. Demmel & I. Dhillon, LAPACK working note 88: Efficient
computation of the singular value decomposition with applications to
least squares problems, CS-94-257, Oct. 1994.

G.W. O'Brien, Information management tools for updating an SVD-encoded
indexing scheme, CS-94-258, Oct. 1994.

R-C. Li, LAPACK working note 89: Solving secular equations stably and
efficiently, CS-94-260, Nov. 1994.

P. Newton & J. Dongarra, Overview of VPE: A visual environment for
message-passing parallel programming, CS-94-261, Nov. 1994.

S. Browne, J. Dongarra, S. Green, K. Moore, R. Wade, G. Fox &
K. Hawick, Prototype of the national high-performance software
exchange, CS-94-263, Dec. 1994.

J.S. Plank, Y. Kim & J. Dongarra, LAPACK working note 90:
Algorithm-based diskless checkpointing for fault tolerant matrix
operations, CS-94-268, Dec. 1994.

M.W. Berry & S.T. Dumais, Using linear algebra for intelligent
information retrieval, CS-94-270, Dec. 1994.