#!/bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #!/bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files: # README # bird1.desc # bird1.ver1.clauses # bird1.ver1.in # bird1.ver1.out # bird2.desc # bird2.ver1.clauses # bird2.ver1.in # bird2.ver1.out # bird4.desc # bird4.ver1.clauses # bird4.ver1.in # bird4.ver1.out # bird4.ver2.clauses # bird4.ver2.in # bird4.ver2.out # bird5.desc # bird5.ver1.clauses # bird5.ver1.in # bird5.ver1.out # bird6.desc # bird6.ver1.clauses # bird6.ver1.in # bird6.ver1.out # bird7.desc # bird7.ver1.clauses # bird7.ver1.in # bird7.ver1.out # bird8.desc # bird8.ver1.clauses # bird8.ver1.in # bird8.ver1.out # This archive created: Tue Aug 16 11:22:14 1988 export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH if test -f 'README' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'README'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'README' problem-set/puzzles/birds/README created: 07/26/88 revised: 07/26/88 Contents of 'birds' : --------------------- These files that begin with 'bird' are the input files used by the OTTER program to solve the problems in chapter 9 of TO MOCK A MOCKING BIRD by Raymond Smullyan. The number following the word 'bird' is the problem number. Above each clause in the files is an informal derivation. The following symbols are used: FA - for all TE - there exists - - not | - or and - and Main File Headings ---------------------------------------------------------------------- README : You are currently here; a description of all the files in the directory problem-set/puzzles/birds. bird1 : 'The Significance of the Mockingbird'. Hypothesis: Every bird is fond of at least one other bird. bird2 : 'Egocentric?'. Hypothesis: There exists a bird x that is fond of itself. bird4 : 'A Question on Agreeable Birds'. Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. bird5 : 'An Exercise in Composition'. Hypothesis: For all birds x, y, and z, there exists a bird u such that for all w, uw = x(y(zw)). bird6 : 'Compatible Birds'. Hypothesis: Any two birds are compatible. bird7 : 'Happy Birds'. Hypothesis: Any bird that is fond of at least one bird must be happy. bird8 : 'Normal Birds'. Hypothesis: If there exists a happy bird then there exists a normal bird. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For each problem, there are several standard files, which include one probname.desc file and at least one of each of probname.ver#, probname.ver#.clauses, and probname.ver#.out. These contain the following: probname.desc : contains the Natural Language Description of the problem, where available, as well as complete details on each formulation and each version. probname.ver#.in : contains the problem specification, input clauses, and strategy for OTTER; this file is ready to run. probname.ver#.clauses : contains the description, commentary, and the actual clauses (including the denial of the conclusion) used for probname.ver#, without any strategy; note that comments always are on lines beginning with a % and that clauses terminate with periods. probname.ver#.out : contains the output from running probname.ver# through OTTER, with proof if one is found, and with statistics on the clauses generated and CPU time used. HOW TO RUN : ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Invoke OTTER by using the following command : otter < probname.ver# [ > outfile ] [ & ] NOTE : '> outfile' may be used to send all output to a file named outfile; '&' may be used to run the program in the background. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird1.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird1.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird1.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird1.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'The Significance of the Mockingbird'. There exists a mocking bird (Mock). For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. Hypothesis: Every bird is fond of at least one other bird. Versions: bird1.ver1 : uses paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird1.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird1.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird1.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird1.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 1, % 'The Significance of the Mockingbird'. % representation: % % There exists a mocking bird (Mock). % Finding clause: % TEx FAy [response(x,y) = response(y,y)]. % Letting Mock = x, % response(Mock,y) = response(y,y). % Clause: EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Hypothesis: Every bird is fond of at least one other bird. % Finding clause: % -FAx TEy [response(x,y) = y]. % TEx FAy -[response(x,y) = y]. % Letting A = x, % -[response(A,y) = y]. % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(A,y),y). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird1.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird1.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird1.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird1.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 1, % 'The Significance of the Mockingbird'. % There exists a mocking bird (Mock). For all birds x and y, there exists % a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. % Hypothesis: Every bird is fond of at least one other bird. % representation: % set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % There exists a mocking bird (Mock). % Finding clause: % TEx FAy [response(x,y) = response(y,y)]. % Letting Mock = x, % response(Mock,y) = response(y,y). % Clause: EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: Every bird is fond of at least one other bird. % Finding clause: % -FAx TEy [response(x,y) = y]. % TEx FAy -[response(x,y) = y]. % Letting A = x, % -[response(A,y) = y]. % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(A,y),y). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird1.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird1.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird1.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird1.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). 2 EQUAL(x,x). 3 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). 4 -EQUAL(response(A,y),y). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 1 EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). 2 EQUAL(x,x). 3 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 4 -EQUAL(response(A,y),y). 5 (3,4) -EQUAL(response(comp(A,x),y),response(x,y)). 8 (1,5) -EQUAL(response(Mock,comp(A,x)),response(x,comp(A,x))). 13 (8,2) . --------------- options --------------- set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(UR_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 4 clauses given 3 clauses generated 11 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 2 (clauses subsumed by sos) 0 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 9 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 0 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.29 input time 0.08 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.00 para_into time 0.02 para_from time 0.00 pre_process time 0.07 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.00 for_sub time 0.00 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.01 back_sub time 0.00 conflict time 0.01 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.03 IS build time 0.01 print_cl time 0.05 cl integrate time 0.01 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird2.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird2.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird2.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird2.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'Egocentric?'. There exists a mocking bird (Mock). For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. Hypothesis: There exists a bird x that is fond of itself. Versions: bird2.ver1 : uses paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird2.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird2.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird2.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird2.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 2, % 'Egocentric?'. % representation: % % There exists a mocking bird (Mock). % Finding clause: % TEx FAy [response(x,y) = response(y,y)]. % Letting Mock = x, % response(Mock,y) = response(y,y). % Clause: EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Hypothesis: There exists a bird x that is fond of itself. % Finding clause: % -TEx [response(x,x) = x]. % FAx -[response(x,x) = x]. % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(x,x),x) | $ans(x). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird2.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird2.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird2.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird2.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 2, % 'Egocentric?'. % There exists a mocking bird (Mock). For all birds x and y, there exists % a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. % Hypothesis: There exists a bird x that is fond of itself. % representation: % set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % There exists a mocking bird (Mock). % Finding clause: % TEx FAy [response(x,y) = response(y,y)]. % Letting Mock = x, % response(Mock,y) = response(y,y). % Clause: EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: There exists a bird x that is fond of itself. % Finding clause: % -TEx [response(x,x) = x]. % FAx -[response(x,x) = x]. % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(x,x),x) | $ans(x). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird2.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird2.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird2.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird2.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). 2 EQUAL(x,x). 3 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). 4 -EQUAL(response(x,x),x) | $ans(x). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 1 EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). 2 EQUAL(x,x). 3 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 4 -EQUAL(response(x,x),x) | $ans(x). 7 (1,4) -EQUAL(response(Mock,x),x) | $ans(x). 8 (3,7) -EQUAL(response(comp(Mock,x),y),response(x,y)) | $ans(response(x,y)). 10 (1,8) -EQUAL(response(Mock,comp(Mock,x)),response(x,comp(Mock,x))) | $ans(response(x,comp(Mock,x))). 15 (10,2) $ans(response(Mock,comp(Mock,Mock))). --------------- options --------------- set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(UR_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 4 clauses given 3 clauses generated 15 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 4 (clauses subsumed by sos) 0 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 11 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 7 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.38 input time 0.08 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.00 para_into time 0.03 para_from time 0.00 pre_process time 0.12 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.00 for_sub time 0.01 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.02 back_sub time 0.00 conflict time 0.01 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.03 IS build time 0.01 print_cl time 0.09 cl integrate time 0.02 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'A Question on Agreeable Birds'. For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. Versions: bird4.ver1 : uses paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 bird4.ver2 : uses UR resolution and paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 4, % 'A Question on Agreeable Birds'. % representation: % % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z,j % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. % Finding clause: % -[ If FAx TEy (response(C,y) = response(x,y)), % then FAw TEv (response(A,v) = response(w,v)) ]. % -[ TEx FAy -(response(C,y) = response(x,y)) | % FAw TEv (response(A,v) = response(w,v)) ]. % FAx TEy (response(C,y) = response(x,y)) and % TEw FAv -(response(A,v) = response(w,v). % Letting common_bird(x) = y and odd_bird = w, % response(C,commom_bird(x)) = response(x,common_bird(x)) and % -(response(A,v) = response(odd_bird,v)). % Denial clause: EQUAL(response(C,common_bird(x)),response(x,common_bird(x))). -EQUAL(response(A,v),response(odd_bird,v)). % C composes A with B. % Clause: EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 4, % 'A Question on Agreeable Birds'. % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all % birds w. % Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. % representation: % set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z,j % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. % Finding clause: % -[ If FAx TEy (response(C,y) = response(x,y)), % then FAw TEv (response(A,v) = response(w,v)) ]. % -[ TEx FAy -(response(C,y) = response(x,y)) | % FAw TEv (response(A,v) = response(w,v)) ]. % FAx TEy (response(C,y) = response(x,y)) and % TEw FAv -(response(A,v) = response(w,v). % Letting common_bird(x) = y and odd_bird = w, % response(C,commom_bird(x)) = response(x,common_bird(x)) and % -(response(A,v) = response(odd_bird,v)). % Denial clause: EQUAL(response(C,common_bird(x)),response(x,common_bird(x))). -EQUAL(response(A,v),response(odd_bird,v)). % C composes A with B. % Clause: EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(x,x). 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). 3 EQUAL(response(C,common_bird(x)),response(x,common_bird(x))). 4 -EQUAL(response(A,v),response(odd_bird,v)). 5 EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 3 EQUAL(response(C,common_bird(x)),response(x,common_bird(x))). 4 -EQUAL(response(A,v),response(odd_bird,v)). 5 EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). 6 (5,2) EQUAL(response(C,x),response(A,response(B,x))). 8 (2,4) -EQUAL(response(A,response(x,y)),response(comp(odd_bird,x),y)). 20 (6,3) EQUAL(response(A,response(B,common_bird(x))),response(x,common_bird(x))). 25 (20,8) . --------------- options --------------- set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(UR_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 5 clauses given 4 clauses generated 41 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 21 (clauses subsumed by sos) 3 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 20 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 6 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.56 input time 0.09 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.00 para_into time 0.03 para_from time 0.04 pre_process time 0.21 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.01 for_sub time 0.03 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.05 back_sub time 0.02 conflict time 0.02 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.05 IS build time 0.02 print_cl time 0.11 cl integrate time 0.03 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.ver2.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.ver2.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.ver2.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.ver2.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 4, % 'A Question on Agreeable Birds'. % representation: % % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z,j % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Definition of agreeable: A bird x is agreeable if and only if % for all birds y there exists a bird z such that xz = yz. % Finding clause: % 1) If agreeable(x) then FAy TEz [response(x,z) = response(y,z)] and % 2) if TEx FAy TEz [response(x,z) = response(y,z)] then agreeable(x). % 1) Letting commom_bird(y) = z, % -agreeable(x) | % response(x,common_bird(y)) = response(y,common_bird(y)). % 2) FAx TEy FAz -[response(x,z) = response(y,z)] | agreeable(x). % Letting compatible(x) = y, % -[response(x,z) = response(compatible(x),z)] | agreeable(x). % Clause 1: -agreeable(x) | EQUAL(response(x,common_bird(y)),response(y,common_bird(y))). % Clause 2: -EQUAL(response(x,z),response(compatible(x),z)) | agreeable(x). % Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. % Finding clause: % - [ If agreeable(C) then agreeable(A) ]. % - [ -agreeable(C) | agreeable(A) ]. % agreeable(C) and -agreeable(A). % Denial clause: agreeable(C). -agreeable(A). % C composes A with B. % Clause: EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.ver2.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.ver2.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.ver2.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.ver2.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 4, % 'A Question on Agreeable Birds'. % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all % birds w. % Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. % representation: % set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z,j % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Definition of agreeable: A bird x is agreeable if and only if % for all birds y there exists a bird z such that xz = yz. % Finding clause: % 1) If agreeable(x) then FAy TEz [response(x,z) = response(y,z)] and % 2) if TEx FAy TEz [response(x,z) = response(y,z)] then agreeable(x). % 1) Letting commom_bird(y) = z, % -agreeable(x) | % response(x,common_bird(y)) = response(y,common_bird(y)). % 2) FAx TEy FAz -[response(x,z) = response(y,z)] | agreeable(x). % Letting compatible(x) = y, % -[response(x,z) = response(compatible(x),z)] | agreeable(x). % Clause 1: -agreeable(x) | EQUAL(response(x,common_bird(y)),response(y,common_bird(y))). % Clause 2: -EQUAL(response(x,z),response(compatible(x),z)) | agreeable(x). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: If C is agreeable then A is agreeable. % Finding clause: % - [ If agreeable(C) then agreeable(A) ]. % - [ -agreeable(C) | agreeable(A) ]. % agreeable(C) and -agreeable(A). % Denial clause: agreeable(C). -agreeable(A). % C composes A with B. % Clause: EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird4.ver2.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird4.ver2.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird4.ver2.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird4.ver2.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(x,x). 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 3 -agreeable(x) | EQUAL(response(x,common_bird(y)),response(y,common_bird(y))). 4 -EQUAL(response(x,z),response(compatible(x),z)) | agreeable(x). end_of_list. list(sos). 5 agreeable(C). 6 -agreeable(A). 7 EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 3 -agreeable(x) | EQUAL(response(x,common_bird(y)),response(y,common_bird(y))). 4 -EQUAL(response(x,z),response(compatible(x),z)) | agreeable(x). 5 agreeable(C). 6 -agreeable(A). 7 EQUAL(C,comp(A,B)). 8 (5,3) EQUAL(response(C,common_bird(x)),response(x,common_bird(x))). 9 (6,4) -EQUAL(response(A,x),response(compatible(A),x)). 11 (7,2) EQUAL(response(C,x),response(A,response(B,x))). 17 (2,9) -EQUAL(response(A,response(x,y)),response(comp(compatible(A),x),y)). 35 (11,8) EQUAL(response(A,response(B,common_bird(x))),response(x,common_bird(x))). 40 (35,17) . --------------- options --------------- set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 7 clauses given 7 clauses generated 71 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 38 (clauses subsumed by sos) 9 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 33 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 6 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.86 input time 0.12 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.01 para_into time 0.05 para_from time 0.05 pre_process time 0.36 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.01 for_sub time 0.07 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.08 back_sub time 0.03 conflict time 0.04 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.08 IS build time 0.03 print_cl time 0.17 cl integrate time 0.04 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird5.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird5.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird5.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird5.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'An Exercise in Composition'. For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. Hypothesis: For all birds x, y, and z, there exists a bird u such that for all w, uw = x(y(zw)). Versions: bird5.ver1 : uses paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird5.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird5.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird5.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird5.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 5, % 'An Exercise in Composition'. % representation: % % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Hypothesis: For all birds x, y, and z, there exists a bird u such % that for all w, uw = x(y(zw)). % Finding clause (using xy to replace response(x,y) for compactness): % - (FAx FAy FAz TEu FAw (uw = x(y(zw)))). % TEx TEy TEz FAu TEw -(uw = x(y(zw))). % Letting w = f(u), x = A, y = B, and z = C, % -[(u)f(u) = A(B((C)f(u)))]. % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(u,f(u)),response(A,response(B,response(C,f(u))))) | $ans(u). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird5.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird5.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird5.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird5.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 5, % 'An Exercise in Composition'. % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all % birds w. Hypothesis: For all birds x, y, and z, there exists a bird u such % that for all w, uw = x(y(zw)). % representation: % set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: For all birds x, y, and z, there exists a bird u such % that for all w, uw = x(y(zw)). % Finding clause (using xy to replace response(x,y) for compactness): % - (FAx FAy FAz TEu FAw (uw = x(y(zw)))). % TEx TEy TEz FAu TEw -(uw = x(y(zw))). % Letting w = f(u), x = A, y = B, and z = C, % -[(u)f(u) = A(B((C)f(u)))]. % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(u,f(u)),response(A,response(B,response(C,f(u))))) | $ans(u). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird5.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird5.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird5.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird5.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(x,x). 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). 3 -EQUAL(response(u,f(u)),response(A,response(B,response(C,f(u))))) | $ans(u). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 3 -EQUAL(response(u,f(u)),response(A,response(B,response(C,f(u))))) | $ans(u). 4 (2,3) -EQUAL(response(x,response(y,f(comp(x,y)))),response(A,response(B,response(C,f(comp(x,y)))))) | $ans(comp(x,y)). 7 (4,2) $ans(comp(comp(A,B),C)). --------------- options --------------- set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(UR_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 3 clauses given 1 clauses generated 4 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 0 (clauses subsumed by sos) 0 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 4 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 0 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.23 input time 0.07 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.00 para_into time 0.01 para_from time 0.00 pre_process time 0.03 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.00 for_sub time 0.00 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.01 back_sub time 0.00 conflict time 0.00 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.02 IS build time 0.00 print_cl time 0.04 cl integrate time 0.01 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird6.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird6.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird6.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird6.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'Compatible Birds'. There exists a mockingbird (Mock). For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. Hypothesis: Any two birds are compatible. Versions: bird6.ver1 : uses UR resolution and paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird6.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird6.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird6.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird6.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 6, % 'Compatible Birds'. % representation: % % There exists a mockingbird (Mock). % Finding clause: % TEx FAy [response(x,y) = response(y,y)]. % Letting Mock = x, % response(Mock,y) = response(y,y). % Clause: EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Hypothesis: Any two birds are compatible. % Finding clause (using xy to replace response(x,y) for compactness): % -FAx FAy TEw TEz [(xw = z) and (yz = w)]. % TEx TEy FAw FAz -[(xw = z) and (yz = w)]. % Letting A = x, B = y, x = w, and y = z, % -(Ax = y) | -(By = x). % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(A,x),y) | -EQUAL(response(B,y),x). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird6.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird6.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird6.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird6.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 6, % 'Compatible Birds'. % There exists a mockingbird (Mock). For all birds x and y, there exists a % bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. % Hypothesis: Any two birds are compatible. % representation: % set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % There exists a mockingbird (Mock). % Finding clause: % TEx FAy [response(x,y) = response(y,y)]. % Letting Mock = x, % response(Mock,y) = response(y,y). % Clause: EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: Any two birds are compatible. % Finding clause (using xy to replace response(x,y) for compactness): % -FAx FAy TEw TEz [(xw = z) and (yz = w)]. % TEx TEy FAw FAz -[(xw = z) and (yz = w)]. % Letting A = x, B = y, x = w, and y = z, % -(Ax = y) | -(By = x). % Denial clause: -EQUAL(response(A,x),y) | -EQUAL(response(B,y),x). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird6.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird6.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird6.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird6.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). 2 EQUAL(x,x). 3 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). 4 -EQUAL(response(A,x),y) | -EQUAL(response(B,y),x). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 1 EQUAL(response(Mock,y),response(y,y)). 2 EQUAL(x,x). 3 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 4 -EQUAL(response(A,x),y) | -EQUAL(response(B,y),x). 5 (4,2) -EQUAL(response(A,response(B,x)),x). 13 (3,5) -EQUAL(response(comp(A,B),x),x). 18 (3,13) -EQUAL(response(comp(comp(A,B),x),y),response(x,y)). 41 (1,18) -EQUAL(response(Mock,comp(comp(A,B),x)),response(x,comp(comp(A,B),x))). 46 (41,2) . --------------- options --------------- set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 4 clauses given 17 clauses generated 62 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 20 (clauses subsumed by sos) 1 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 42 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 7 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.97 input time 0.09 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.03 para_into time 0.11 para_from time 0.00 pre_process time 0.41 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.02 for_sub time 0.06 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.10 back_sub time 0.04 conflict time 0.05 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.10 IS build time 0.03 print_cl time 0.22 cl integrate time 0.05 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird7.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird7.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird7.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird7.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'Happy Birds'. First part of denial clause: there exists a bird which is fond of some other bird. Hypothesis: Any bird that is fond of at least one bird must be happy. Versions: bird7.ver1 : uses UR resolution and paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird7.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird7.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird7.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird7.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 7, % 'Happy Birds'. % representation: % % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % First part of denial clause: there exists a bird which is fond % of some other bird. EQUAL(response(A,B),B). % Hypothesis: Any bird that is fond of at least one bird must be happy. % Finding clause: % - FAx [If TEy (xy = y) then TEz TEw (xz = w) and (xw = z)]. % TEx -[- TEy (xy = y) | TEz TEw ((xz = w) and (xw = z))]. % TEx [ TEy (xy = y) and - TEz TEw ((xz = w) and (xw = z)) ]. % TEx [ TEy (xy = y) and FAz FAw -((xz = w) and (xw = z)) ]. % Letting A = x, % TEy (Ay = y) and FAz FAw -[(Az = w) and (Aw = z)]. % Letting B = y, % (AB = B) and [-(Az = w) | -(Aw = z)]. % Denial clause: % Placing (AB = B) in the list of axiom, we have: -EQUAL(response(A,z),w) | -EQUAL(response(A,w),z). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird7.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird7.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird7.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird7.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 7, % 'Happy Birds'. % First part of denial clause: there exists a bird which is fond of some other % bird. Hypothesis: Any bird that is fond of at least one bird must be happy. % representation: % set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % First part of denial clause: there exists a bird which is fond % of some other bird. EQUAL(response(A,B),B). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: Any bird that is fond of at least one bird must be happy. % Finding clause: % - FAx [If TEy (xy = y) then TEz TEw (xz = w) and (xw = z)]. % TEx -[- TEy (xy = y) | TEz TEw ((xz = w) and (xw = z))]. % TEx [ TEy (xy = y) and - TEz TEw ((xz = w) and (xw = z)) ]. % TEx [ TEy (xy = y) and FAz FAw -((xz = w) and (xw = z)) ]. % Letting A = x, % TEy (Ay = y) and FAz FAw -[(Az = w) and (Aw = z)]. % Letting B = y, % (AB = B) and [-(Az = w) | -(Aw = z)]. % Denial clause: % Placing (AB = B) in the list of axiom, we have: -EQUAL(response(A,z),w) | -EQUAL(response(A,w),z). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird7.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird7.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird7.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird7.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(x,x). 2 EQUAL(response(A,B),B). end_of_list. list(sos). 3 -EQUAL(response(A,z),w) | -EQUAL(response(A,w),z). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 1 EQUAL(x,x). 2 EQUAL(response(A,B),B). 3 -EQUAL(response(A,z),w) | -EQUAL(response(A,w),z). 5 (2,3) -EQUAL(B,x) | -EQUAL(response(A,x),B). 6 (5,2) -EQUAL(B,B). 7 (6,1) . --------------- options --------------- set(UR_res). set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 3 clauses given 3 clauses generated 10 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 6 (clauses subsumed by sos) 2 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 4 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 0 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.22 input time 0.06 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.01 para_into time 0.00 para_from time 0.00 pre_process time 0.03 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.00 for_sub time 0.01 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.01 back_sub time 0.00 conflict time 0.00 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.01 IS build time 0.00 print_cl time 0.03 cl integrate time 0.00 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird8.desc' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird8.desc'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird8.desc' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird8.desc created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/16/88 Natural Language Description: 'Normal Birds'. For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for all birds w. Hypothesis: If there exists a happy bird then there exists a normal bird. Versions: bird8.ver1 : uses paramodulation with an equality formulation. created by : Shari McRae verified for ITP : untested translated for OTTER by : K.R. verified for OTTER : 06/28/88 SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird8.ver1.clauses' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird8.ver1.clauses'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird8.ver1.clauses' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird8.ver1.clauses % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 8, % 'Normal Birds'. % representation: % % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). % Hypothesis: If there exists a happy bird then there exists % a normal bird. % Finding clause (using xy to replace response(x,y) for compactness): % -[ If TEx TEy TEz (xy = z) and (xz = y) % then TEw TEv (wv = v) ]. % -[ FAx FAy FAz -((xy = z) and (xz = y)) | TEw TEv (wv = v) ]. % TEx TEy TEz [(xy = z) and (xz = y)] and FAw FAv -(wv = v). % Letting A = x, B = y, and C = z, % (AB = C) and (AC = B) and -(wv = v). % Denial clause: EQUAL(response(A,B),C). EQUAL(response(A,C),B). -EQUAL(response(w,v),v). SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird8.ver1.in' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird8.ver1.in'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird8.ver1.in' % problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird8.ver1.in % created : 06/28/88 % revised : 08/11/88 % description: % % This is an input file for Chapter 9 problem 8, % 'Normal Birds'. % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes x with y for % all birds w. % Hypothesis: If there exists a happy bird then there exists a normal bird. % representation: % set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). % x is equal to x. % Clause: EQUAL(x,x). % For all birds x and y, there exists a bird z that composes % x with y for all birds w. % Finding clause: % FAx FAy TEz FAw [response(z,w) = response(x,response(y,w))]. % Letting comp(x,y) = z, % response(comp(x,y),w) = response(x,response(y,w)). % Clause: EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). % Hypothesis: If there exists a happy bird then there exists % a normal bird. % Finding clause (using xy to replace response(x,y) for compactness): % -[ If TEx TEy TEz (xy = z) and (xz = y) % then TEw TEv (wv = v) ]. % -[ FAx FAy FAz -((xy = z) and (xz = y)) | TEw TEv (wv = v) ]. % TEx TEy TEz [(xy = z) and (xz = y)] and FAw FAv -(wv = v). % Letting A = x, B = y, and C = z, % (AB = C) and (AC = B) and -(wv = v). % Denial clause: EQUAL(response(A,B),C). EQUAL(response(A,C),B). -EQUAL(response(w,v),v). end_of_list. SHAR_EOF if test -f 'bird8.ver1.out' then echo shar: over-writing existing file "'bird8.ver1.out'" fi cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bird8.ver1.out' problem-set/puzzles/birds/bird8.ver1.out created : 08/11/88 revised : 08/11/88 OTTER version 0.91, 14 June 1988. set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). list(axioms). 1 EQUAL(x,x). 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). end_of_list. list(sos). 3 EQUAL(response(A,B),C). 4 EQUAL(response(A,C),B). 5 -EQUAL(response(w,v),v). end_of_list. ---------------- PROOF ---------------- 2 EQUAL(response(comp(x,y),w),response(x,response(y,w))). 3 EQUAL(response(A,B),C). 4 EQUAL(response(A,C),B). 5 -EQUAL(response(w,v),v). 9 (4,3) EQUAL(response(A,response(A,C)),C). 13 (2,5) -EQUAL(response(x,response(y,z)),z). 14 (13,9) . --------------- options --------------- set(para_from). set(para_into). set(para_from_left). set(para_from_right). set(demod_hist). set(for_sub). set(print_kept). set(back_sub). set(print_back_sub). set(print_given). set(check_arity). clear(binary_res). clear(hyper_res). clear(UR_res). clear(demod_inf). clear(para_into_vars). clear(para_from_vars). clear(para_all). clear(para_ones_rule). clear(no_para_into_left). clear(no_para_into_right). clear(demod_linear). clear(print_gen). clear(sort_literals). clear(Unit_deletion). clear(factor). clear(print_weight). clear(sos_fifo). clear(bird_print). clear(atom_wt_max_args). clear(print_lists_at_end). clear(free_all_mem). clear(for_sub_fpa). clear(no_fapl). clear(no_fanl). clear(order_eq). assign(report, 0). assign(max_seconds, 0). assign(max_given, 0). assign(max_kept, 0). assign(max_gen, 0). assign(max_mem, 0). assign(max_weight, 0). assign(max_literals, 0). assign(fpa_literals, 3). assign(fpa_terms, 3). assign(demod_limit, 100). assign(max_proofs, 1). assign(neg_weight, 0). -------------- statistics ------------- clauses input 5 clauses given 3 clauses generated 17 demodulation rewrites 0 clauses wt or lit delete 0 tautologies deleted 0 clauses forward subsumed 8 (clauses subsumed by sos) 0 unit deletions 0 clauses kept 9 empty clauses 1 factors generated 0 clauses back subsumed 0 clauses not processed 5 ----------- times (seconds) ----------- run time 0.29 input time 0.08 binary_res time 0.00 hyper_res time 0.00 UR_res time 0.00 para_into time 0.01 para_from time 0.01 pre_process time 0.06 demod time 0.00 weigh time 0.00 for_sub time 0.01 unit_del time 0.00 post_process time 0.02 back_sub time 0.01 conflict time 0.01 factor time 0.00 FPA build time 0.02 IS build time 0.01 print_cl time 0.04 cl integrate time 0.01 window time 0.00 SHAR_EOF # End of shell archive exit 0