subroutine newnot ( break, coef, l, k, brknew, lnew, coefg ) c from * a practical guide to splines * by c. de boor c this is a fake version of n e w n o t , of use in example 3 of c chapter xiv . c returns lnew+1 knots in brknew which are equidistributed on (a,b) c = (break(1),break(l+1)) . c integer k,l,lnew, i real break(1),brknew(1),coef(k,l),coefg(2,l), step c****** i n p u t ****** c break, coef, l, k.....contains the pp-representation of a certain c function f of order k . specifically, c d**(k-1)f(x) = coef(k,i) for break(i).le. x .lt.break(i+1) c lnew.....number of intervals into which the interval (a,b) is to be c sectioned by the new breakpoint sequence brknew . c c****** o u t p u t ****** c brknew.....array of length lnew+1 containing the new breakpoint se- c quence c coefg.....the coefficient part of the pp-repr. break, coefg, l, 2 c for the monotone p.linear function g wrto which brknew will c be equidistributed. c brknew(1) = break(1) brknew(lnew+1) = break(l+1) step = (break(l+1) - break(1))/float(lnew) do 93 i=2,lnew 93 brknew(i) = break(1) + float(i-1)*step return end